Research Article
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Morphostructure of Moehringia hypanica Gryn & Klokov in the Buzky Gard National Nature Park, Ukraine

Year 2024, , 29 - 40, 15.04.2024


The ecological-edaphic and morphological features and the state of populations of the endemic species Moehringia hypanica Gryn & Klokov within the steppe zone of Ukraine were investigated. According to the results of laboratory studies, the humus content of the soil where M. hypanica grows is high, amounting to 7.35-8.23%. According to the results of our research, the availability of soil mobile nutrients showed that the concentrations of Mg, and P₂O₅ were very high, and 8.5-15.0 mg/kg, 129.6-164.5 mg/kg, respectively, and Ca concentration was high and very high, which corresponds to 12.5-27.5 mg/kg. The N concentration of the substrate increased in the samples (256.2-268.8 mg/kg), and the S concentration varied between very low and low (1.3-4.8 mg/kg). This indicated high concentrations of Mg, P₂O₅, and Ca in the substrate and as a limiting factor for the successful growth of the studied plants. The analysis of the cationic and anionic composition of the water extract showed that the soil was classified as non-saline (the sum of salts did not exceed 0.1%). The content of all salts did not exceed the toxicity thresholds. It has been established that in order to preserve the populations of this endemic plant, it is necessary to maintain a stable chemical composition of the substrate and prevent human intervention. During the expeditionary research, we noted that the populations are dominated by young generative and medium generative plants, with a small number of old generative and virgin individuals.

Ethical Statement

Since the article does not contain any studies with human or animal subject, its approval to the ethics committee was not required.


  • 1. Akimov, I.A. 2009. Red Book of Ukraine. Flora of Ukraine. 2009. Globalconsulting, Kyiv, 900 pp.
  • 2. Anderson, S. 2002. Identifying Important Plant Areas: a site selection manual for Europe, and a basis for developing guidelines for other regions of the world. Summerfield Books, London, 52 pp.
  • 3. Artamonov, V. & Kolomiets, G. 2017. NATURE 2000 network as an innovative system for the protection of rare species and habitats in Ukraine, 15-17. Paper presented at the Materials of the scientific and practical seminar. Series: Conservation Biology in Ukraine, 15 February 2017, Kyiv-Ukraine.
  • 4. Artamonov, V., Biatov, A., Kolomiets, G., Kuzemko, A. & Shiryaeva, D. 2018. Rare species and habitats of the Buzky Gard NNP and its adjacent areas threatened with extinction under the condition of raising the level of the Oleksandrivka reservoir to the NRH of 20.7 m, 159-161. Paper presented at the Materials of the V International Conference: Flora in the Red Data Book of Ukraine: Implementation of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation, 25-28 June, Kherson-Ukraine.
  • 5. Artyushenko, Z. & Fedorov, A. 1986. Atlas of descriptive morphology of higher plants. Fruits. Nauka, Leningrad, 392 pp.
  • 6. Baranovsky, B. & Loza, I. 2005. Delphinium Sergii Wissjul. (Ranunculaceae) - a new species for the Right-Bank Ukraine. Ukrainian Botanical Journal, 62(6): 833-836.
  • 7. Boychenko, S., Movchan, Y. & Tyshchenko, O. 2017. Modern tendencies of climate, water resources and ecosystems changes in the Middle-Lower part of southern Bug river, Ukraine. Proceedings of the National Aviation University. 3(72): 78-89.
  • 8. Burda, R. & Ignatyuk, O. 2011. Methodology for studying the adaptive strategy of alien plant species in urbanised environments. NCEBM NAS of Ukraine, CJSC “Vipol”, Kyiv, 112 pp.
  • 9. Chychkaliuk, T. 2007. Establishment of the Nature Reserve Fund of Mykolaiv Region as a Major Factor in the Development of Tourist Infrastructure. Economy and management, 4-5: 41-45.
  • 10. Derkach, O. 1990. Additions to the flora of the Right Bank Steppe of Ukraine. Ukrainian Botanical Journal, 47(6): 84-85.
  • 11. Derkach, O., Tarashchuk, S. & Kholypenko, V. 1994. Scientific substantiation of the necessity to create a regional landscape park "Granitostepove Pobuzhzhia". Optimisation of the Nature Reserve Fund of Ukraine, 1: 80-87.
  • 12. Drabyniuk, H. 2012. Buzky Gard National Park. pp. 49-60. In: Onyshchenko, V. & Andrienko, T. (eds). Phytodiversity of reserves and national nature parks of Ukraine. Vol. 2. National natural parks. Phytosociological Centre, Kyiv, 580 pp.
  • 13. DSTU 7863: 2015. 2019. Soil quality. Determination of easily hydrolysed nitrogen by the Kornfield method. Kyiv: UkrNDNC. 9 p.
  • 14. Fedoronchuk, M. & Didukh, Y. 2002. Ecoflora of Ukraine. 3. Phytosociological Centre, Kyiv, 496 pp.
  • 15. Fedoronchuk, M. 2009. Analysis of the endemism of Caryophyllaceae Juss. in the flora of Ukraine. Ukrainian Botanical Journal, 66(4): 541-549.
  • 16. Fitsailo, T. 2007. Synphyto-indicative characteristics of shrubby vegetation of the class Rhamno-Prunetea Rivas Godey et Carb. 1961 of Ukraine. Ukrainian Botanical Journal, 64(1): 88-98.
  • 17. Gatsuk, L. Smirnova, O., Vorontzova L., Zaugolnova, L. & Zhukova, L. 1980. Age states of plants of various growth forms: a review. Journal of Ecology, 68: 675-696.
  • 18. Goryshina, T. 1979. Ecology of plants: a textbook. Vysshaya shkola, Moscow, 368 pp.
  • 19. GOST 26205-91. 1996. Soils. Determination of mobile phosphorus and potassium compounds by the Machigin method in the CINAO modification. Resolution of the Committee for Standardisation and Metrology of the USSR, 3 p.
  • 20. GOST 26213-84. 1984. Soils. Methods for determining the humus content by the Turin method in the CINAO modification. Moscow: Izd-vo standardov, 8 p.
  • 21. GOST 26423-85-26428-85. 1985. Soils. Methods for determining the cationic and anionic composition of water extract: a collection of documents. Moscow: Izd-vo standardov, 39 p.
  • 22. GOST 26487-85. 1986. Soils. Determination of exchangeable calcium and exchangeable (mobile) magnesium by CINAO methods. Moscow: Gosstandart, 15 p.
  • 23. GOST 26490-85. 1985. Soils. Determination of mobile sulphur by the CINAO method. Moscow: Izd-vo standardov, 8 p.
  • 24. Green, F. & Klokov, M. 1950. A new species of Meringia from the granites of the Southern Bug River. Botanical Journal of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 7(4): 55-60.
  • 25. Grevtsova, G. 2003. Cotoneaster of the granite-steppe Pobuzhye. Collection of scientific works of Poltava Pedagogical University, 4(31): 54-61.
  • 26. Klokov, М. 1953. New species of the genus Onosma L. Botanical Materials of the herbarium of the V.L. Komarov Botanical Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Moscow-Leningrad, XV(229): 246-247.
  • 27. Krytska, L. & Novosad, V. 2001. Florsozological peculiarities of steppe floras of the Western Black Sea region in connection with the issues of optimisation of its natural reserve network. optimisation of its natural reserve network. Visnik Natsionalnogo naukovo-prirodnikho museum: 147-188.
  • 28. Krytska, L., Novosad, V., Fedoronchuk, M. & Shevera, M. 1999. Typification of vascular plant species described from Ukraine: family Caryophyllaceae Juss. (subfamilies Alsinoideae A. Br., Paronychioideae Vierh.). Ukrainian Botanical Journal, 56(2): 402-410.
  • 29. Kucherevskyi, V., Tashev, O., Sirenko, T. & Schol, G. 2009. A new species of Klasea bulgarica (Acht. et Stoj.) Holub. for Ukraine and its distribution in Europe. Ukrainian Botanical Journal, 66(6): 825-832.
  • 30. Mykhailiuk, T., Darienko, T. & Demchenko, E. 2003. Algae of granitic outcrops of the regional landscape park "Granitnosteppe Pobuzhye" (Mykolayiv region, Ukraine). Novosti systematica of lower plants, 7: 53-71.
  • 31. Mykhailiuk, T. 2006. Terrestrial lithophilic algae "Bug Canyon" (Nikolaev region, Ukraine), 103-104. Paper presented at the III International Conference "Actual problems of modern algology", 20-23 April, Kharkov-Ukraine.
  • 32. Minarchenko, V. 2017. Threatened medicinal plants of Ukraine: an assessment of the current protection status. Journal of Plant Development, 24: 117-131.
  • 33. Minarchenko, V., Timchenko, I. & Drabyniuk, G. 2003. Monitoring of of Adonis vernalis L. and Astragalus dasyanthus Pall. populations in the regional landscape park "Granitic-steppe Pobuzhzhya". Ukrainian Botanical Journal, 60(6): 679-690.
  • 34. Moysiyenko, I., Vynokurov, D. & Shyriaieva, D. 2021. Thalictrum foetidum L. in the steppe zone of Ukraine: new findings, ecological and syntaxonomical peculiarities. Chornomorski Botanical Journal, 17(1): 36-45.
  • 35. Niporko, S. 2006. Bryophytes of the test sections of granitic outcrops of the Pivdennyi Buh River canyon, 27-30. Materials of the International Conference of Young Botanists "Actual problems of botany, ecology and biotechnology", 27-30 September, Kyiv-Ukraine.
  • 36. Novosad, V., Krytska, L. & Protopopova, V. 1996. New to science endemic species of the Granite-Steppe Pobuzhzhia, Sytnyk's broom (Silene sytnikii Krytzka, Novosad and Protopopova), its taxonomic, ecological and cenotic, chorological, genetic and sozological features. Ukrainian botanical Journal, 53(5): 578-585.
  • 37. Onyshchenko, V. 2017. Important Plant Areas of Ukraine, Alterpress, Kyiv, 376 pp.
  • 38. Onyshchenko, V. & Andrienko, T. 2012. Phytodiversity of reserves and national nature parks of Ukraine. Part 2. National natural parks. Phytosociological Centre, Kyiv, 580 pp.
  • 39. Osychniuk, V. 1973. Vegetation of crystalline rock outcrops. Vegetation of the Ukrainian SSR. Steppes, rocky outcrops, sands. Naukova dumka, Kyiv, 380: 383-388.
  • 40. Ovsienko, Y. 2016. Sozophytes of the Trykratsky Nature Conservation Research Department on the territory of the Buzky Gard National Nature Park. Biological research - 2016: Collection of scientific papers. Zhytomyr: PP Ruta. 128-131.
  • 41. Pachosky I., 1915. Description of the vegetation of the Kherson province. Forests. Materials on the study of soils and soils of the Kherson province. Kherson, 258 pp.
  • 42. Pachosky, I. 1917. Description of vegetation of Kherson province. Steppes. Materials on the study of soils and soils of the Kherson province. Kherson, 367 pp.
  • 43. Partyka, L., Virchenko, V. & Niporko, S. 2006. To the bryoflora of the Regional Landscape Park "Granite-Steppe Pobuzhzhya". Chornomorskiy Sea Botanical Journal, 2(1): 116-122.
  • 44. Shcherbakova, O. 2005. Peculiarities of the population structure of the narrow-leaved celandine Stachys angustifolia M. Bieb in the Granitic-Steppe Pobuzhzhia and problems of its protection. Actual problems of botany and ecology. Collection of scientific papers, 1: 96-104.
  • 45. Shcherbakova, O. & Barmak, I. 2013. Principles and approaches to sozological categorisation of rare plant species. Issues of bioindication and ecology, 18(1): 101-116 (Date accessed: 17.08.2020).
  • 46. Shcherbakova, O., Novosad, V. & Krytska, L. 2009. Rare florofond of the Kodymo-Yelanets Pobuzhzhya (ChKU, 2009): population and florosozological aspects, 210-214. Paper presented at the Flora in the Red Data Book of Ukraine: implementation of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation. Materials of the international conference, 11-15 October, Kyiv-Ukraine.
  • 47. Shiryaeva, D., Vinokurov, D., Boyko, G., Derkach, O., Didukh, Y., Kolomiets, G., Kuzemko, A., Moysiyenko, I., Mosiakin, S. & Khodosovtsev, O. 2021. Threat to the existence of rare species of flora and habitats of the Southern Bug Valley in case of another increase in the level of the Oleksandrivske reservoir. Ukrainian Botanical Journal, 78 (2): 145-153.
  • 48. Shiryaeva, D., Vinokurov, D., Kolomies, G. & Artamonov, V. 2019. Findings of plants listed in the Red Book of Ukraine on the territory of the National Nature Park “Buzky Gard” and adjacent areas. Findings of plants and fungi of the Red Data Book and the Bern Convention (Resolution 6). - Vol. 1 (Series: “Conservation Biology in Ukraine”. - Issue 11): 448-456.
  • 49. Sobko, V. & Gaponenko, M. 1999. The scientific and historical value of the Granitic-Steppe Pobuzhzhia Landscape Park. Introduction of plants, 2: 3-7.
  • 50. Sobko, V. 1972. Endemic and relict elements of the flora of granite outcrops of the Prydniprovska Upland. Ukrainian Botanical Journal, 29(5): 624-630.
  • 51. Sobko, V. 1993. Paths of the Red Book. Urozhay, Kyiv, 176 pp.
  • 52. Solomakha, I., Shevchyk, V. & Solomakha, V. 2017. Overview of higher vegetation units of Ukraine by the Brown-Blanke method and their diagnostic species. Phytosociological Centre, Kyiv, 81 pp.
  • 53. Solomakha, V., Drabyniuk, G., Vinichenko, T., Moisienko, I. & Derkach, O. 2006. Adaptive features of the South Bug endemics Dianthus hypanicus Andrz. and Moehringia hypanica Grynj et Klok. Ukrainian Phytocoenotic Collection, Series C, 24: 70-86.
  • 54. Sverdlov, V. 2013. National Nature Park (NNP) “Buzky Gard”. Mezyn region, 23: 6.
  • 55. Ziman, S., Mosiakin, S., Grodzinsky, D., Bulakh, O. & Dremliuga, N. 2012. Illustrated guide to the morphology of flowering plants. Study guide. Second edition, corrected and supplemented. Phytosociological Centre, Kyiv, 176 pp.
  • 56. Ziman, S., Mosyakin, S., Bulakh, O., Tsarenko, O. & Felbaba-Klushyna, L. 2004. Illustrated handbook of plant morphology. Educational and methodological manual. Medium, Uzhhorod, 156 pp.
Year 2024, , 29 - 40, 15.04.2024


Ukrayna'nın bozkır bölgesindeki endemik Moehringia hypanica Gryn & Klokov türünün ekolojik-edafik ve morfolojik özellikleri ile popülasyonlarının durumu araştırılmıştır. Labo-ratuvar çalışmalarının sonuçlarına göre, M. hypanica türünün yetiştiği toprağın humus içeri-ği yüksektir ve %7,35-8,23 arasındadır. Araştırmamızın sonuçlarına göre, toprağın hareketli besin maddelerinin mevcudiyeti, Mg, P₂O₅ konsantrasyonlarının çok yüksek ve sırasıyla 8,5-15,0 mg/kg, 129,6-164,5 mg/kg’dır. Ca konsantrasyonu yüksek ve çok yüksek olduğu-nu ve 12,5-27,5 mg/kg'a karşılık geldiğini göstermiştir. Substratın N içeriği her iki örnekte de yüksektir (256,2-268,8 mg/kg) ve S konsantrasyonu çok düşük ila düşük arasında de-ğişmiştir (1,3-4,8 mg/kg). Bu, substratta yüksek miktarda Mg, P₂O₅, Ca bulunduğunu ve incelenen bitkilerin başarılı bir şekilde büyümesi için sınırlayıcı bir faktör olduğunu göster-mektedir. Su özütünün katyonik ve anyonik bileşiminin analizi, toprağın tuzsuz olarak sınıflandırıldığını göstermiştir (tuzların toplamı %0,1'i geçmez). Tüm tuzların içeriği toksisi-te eşiklerini aşmamaktadır. Bu endemik bitkilerin popülasyonlarını korumak için, substratın istikrarlı bir kimyasal bileşimini korumak ve insan müdahalesini önlemek gerektiği tespit edilmiştir. Keşif araştırması sırasında, popülasyonlara genç generatif ve orta generatif bitki-lerin hakim olduğunu, az sayıda yaşlı generatif ve bakir bireylerin bulunduğu gözlemlenmiş-tir.


  • 1. Akimov, I.A. 2009. Red Book of Ukraine. Flora of Ukraine. 2009. Globalconsulting, Kyiv, 900 pp.
  • 2. Anderson, S. 2002. Identifying Important Plant Areas: a site selection manual for Europe, and a basis for developing guidelines for other regions of the world. Summerfield Books, London, 52 pp.
  • 3. Artamonov, V. & Kolomiets, G. 2017. NATURE 2000 network as an innovative system for the protection of rare species and habitats in Ukraine, 15-17. Paper presented at the Materials of the scientific and practical seminar. Series: Conservation Biology in Ukraine, 15 February 2017, Kyiv-Ukraine.
  • 4. Artamonov, V., Biatov, A., Kolomiets, G., Kuzemko, A. & Shiryaeva, D. 2018. Rare species and habitats of the Buzky Gard NNP and its adjacent areas threatened with extinction under the condition of raising the level of the Oleksandrivka reservoir to the NRH of 20.7 m, 159-161. Paper presented at the Materials of the V International Conference: Flora in the Red Data Book of Ukraine: Implementation of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation, 25-28 June, Kherson-Ukraine.
  • 5. Artyushenko, Z. & Fedorov, A. 1986. Atlas of descriptive morphology of higher plants. Fruits. Nauka, Leningrad, 392 pp.
  • 6. Baranovsky, B. & Loza, I. 2005. Delphinium Sergii Wissjul. (Ranunculaceae) - a new species for the Right-Bank Ukraine. Ukrainian Botanical Journal, 62(6): 833-836.
  • 7. Boychenko, S., Movchan, Y. & Tyshchenko, O. 2017. Modern tendencies of climate, water resources and ecosystems changes in the Middle-Lower part of southern Bug river, Ukraine. Proceedings of the National Aviation University. 3(72): 78-89.
  • 8. Burda, R. & Ignatyuk, O. 2011. Methodology for studying the adaptive strategy of alien plant species in urbanised environments. NCEBM NAS of Ukraine, CJSC “Vipol”, Kyiv, 112 pp.
  • 9. Chychkaliuk, T. 2007. Establishment of the Nature Reserve Fund of Mykolaiv Region as a Major Factor in the Development of Tourist Infrastructure. Economy and management, 4-5: 41-45.
  • 10. Derkach, O. 1990. Additions to the flora of the Right Bank Steppe of Ukraine. Ukrainian Botanical Journal, 47(6): 84-85.
  • 11. Derkach, O., Tarashchuk, S. & Kholypenko, V. 1994. Scientific substantiation of the necessity to create a regional landscape park "Granitostepove Pobuzhzhia". Optimisation of the Nature Reserve Fund of Ukraine, 1: 80-87.
  • 12. Drabyniuk, H. 2012. Buzky Gard National Park. pp. 49-60. In: Onyshchenko, V. & Andrienko, T. (eds). Phytodiversity of reserves and national nature parks of Ukraine. Vol. 2. National natural parks. Phytosociological Centre, Kyiv, 580 pp.
  • 13. DSTU 7863: 2015. 2019. Soil quality. Determination of easily hydrolysed nitrogen by the Kornfield method. Kyiv: UkrNDNC. 9 p.
  • 14. Fedoronchuk, M. & Didukh, Y. 2002. Ecoflora of Ukraine. 3. Phytosociological Centre, Kyiv, 496 pp.
  • 15. Fedoronchuk, M. 2009. Analysis of the endemism of Caryophyllaceae Juss. in the flora of Ukraine. Ukrainian Botanical Journal, 66(4): 541-549.
  • 16. Fitsailo, T. 2007. Synphyto-indicative characteristics of shrubby vegetation of the class Rhamno-Prunetea Rivas Godey et Carb. 1961 of Ukraine. Ukrainian Botanical Journal, 64(1): 88-98.
  • 17. Gatsuk, L. Smirnova, O., Vorontzova L., Zaugolnova, L. & Zhukova, L. 1980. Age states of plants of various growth forms: a review. Journal of Ecology, 68: 675-696.
  • 18. Goryshina, T. 1979. Ecology of plants: a textbook. Vysshaya shkola, Moscow, 368 pp.
  • 19. GOST 26205-91. 1996. Soils. Determination of mobile phosphorus and potassium compounds by the Machigin method in the CINAO modification. Resolution of the Committee for Standardisation and Metrology of the USSR, 3 p.
  • 20. GOST 26213-84. 1984. Soils. Methods for determining the humus content by the Turin method in the CINAO modification. Moscow: Izd-vo standardov, 8 p.
  • 21. GOST 26423-85-26428-85. 1985. Soils. Methods for determining the cationic and anionic composition of water extract: a collection of documents. Moscow: Izd-vo standardov, 39 p.
  • 22. GOST 26487-85. 1986. Soils. Determination of exchangeable calcium and exchangeable (mobile) magnesium by CINAO methods. Moscow: Gosstandart, 15 p.
  • 23. GOST 26490-85. 1985. Soils. Determination of mobile sulphur by the CINAO method. Moscow: Izd-vo standardov, 8 p.
  • 24. Green, F. & Klokov, M. 1950. A new species of Meringia from the granites of the Southern Bug River. Botanical Journal of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 7(4): 55-60.
  • 25. Grevtsova, G. 2003. Cotoneaster of the granite-steppe Pobuzhye. Collection of scientific works of Poltava Pedagogical University, 4(31): 54-61.
  • 26. Klokov, М. 1953. New species of the genus Onosma L. Botanical Materials of the herbarium of the V.L. Komarov Botanical Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Moscow-Leningrad, XV(229): 246-247.
  • 27. Krytska, L. & Novosad, V. 2001. Florsozological peculiarities of steppe floras of the Western Black Sea region in connection with the issues of optimisation of its natural reserve network. optimisation of its natural reserve network. Visnik Natsionalnogo naukovo-prirodnikho museum: 147-188.
  • 28. Krytska, L., Novosad, V., Fedoronchuk, M. & Shevera, M. 1999. Typification of vascular plant species described from Ukraine: family Caryophyllaceae Juss. (subfamilies Alsinoideae A. Br., Paronychioideae Vierh.). Ukrainian Botanical Journal, 56(2): 402-410.
  • 29. Kucherevskyi, V., Tashev, O., Sirenko, T. & Schol, G. 2009. A new species of Klasea bulgarica (Acht. et Stoj.) Holub. for Ukraine and its distribution in Europe. Ukrainian Botanical Journal, 66(6): 825-832.
  • 30. Mykhailiuk, T., Darienko, T. & Demchenko, E. 2003. Algae of granitic outcrops of the regional landscape park "Granitnosteppe Pobuzhye" (Mykolayiv region, Ukraine). Novosti systematica of lower plants, 7: 53-71.
  • 31. Mykhailiuk, T. 2006. Terrestrial lithophilic algae "Bug Canyon" (Nikolaev region, Ukraine), 103-104. Paper presented at the III International Conference "Actual problems of modern algology", 20-23 April, Kharkov-Ukraine.
  • 32. Minarchenko, V. 2017. Threatened medicinal plants of Ukraine: an assessment of the current protection status. Journal of Plant Development, 24: 117-131.
  • 33. Minarchenko, V., Timchenko, I. & Drabyniuk, G. 2003. Monitoring of of Adonis vernalis L. and Astragalus dasyanthus Pall. populations in the regional landscape park "Granitic-steppe Pobuzhzhya". Ukrainian Botanical Journal, 60(6): 679-690.
  • 34. Moysiyenko, I., Vynokurov, D. & Shyriaieva, D. 2021. Thalictrum foetidum L. in the steppe zone of Ukraine: new findings, ecological and syntaxonomical peculiarities. Chornomorski Botanical Journal, 17(1): 36-45.
  • 35. Niporko, S. 2006. Bryophytes of the test sections of granitic outcrops of the Pivdennyi Buh River canyon, 27-30. Materials of the International Conference of Young Botanists "Actual problems of botany, ecology and biotechnology", 27-30 September, Kyiv-Ukraine.
  • 36. Novosad, V., Krytska, L. & Protopopova, V. 1996. New to science endemic species of the Granite-Steppe Pobuzhzhia, Sytnyk's broom (Silene sytnikii Krytzka, Novosad and Protopopova), its taxonomic, ecological and cenotic, chorological, genetic and sozological features. Ukrainian botanical Journal, 53(5): 578-585.
  • 37. Onyshchenko, V. 2017. Important Plant Areas of Ukraine, Alterpress, Kyiv, 376 pp.
  • 38. Onyshchenko, V. & Andrienko, T. 2012. Phytodiversity of reserves and national nature parks of Ukraine. Part 2. National natural parks. Phytosociological Centre, Kyiv, 580 pp.
  • 39. Osychniuk, V. 1973. Vegetation of crystalline rock outcrops. Vegetation of the Ukrainian SSR. Steppes, rocky outcrops, sands. Naukova dumka, Kyiv, 380: 383-388.
  • 40. Ovsienko, Y. 2016. Sozophytes of the Trykratsky Nature Conservation Research Department on the territory of the Buzky Gard National Nature Park. Biological research - 2016: Collection of scientific papers. Zhytomyr: PP Ruta. 128-131.
  • 41. Pachosky I., 1915. Description of the vegetation of the Kherson province. Forests. Materials on the study of soils and soils of the Kherson province. Kherson, 258 pp.
  • 42. Pachosky, I. 1917. Description of vegetation of Kherson province. Steppes. Materials on the study of soils and soils of the Kherson province. Kherson, 367 pp.
  • 43. Partyka, L., Virchenko, V. & Niporko, S. 2006. To the bryoflora of the Regional Landscape Park "Granite-Steppe Pobuzhzhya". Chornomorskiy Sea Botanical Journal, 2(1): 116-122.
  • 44. Shcherbakova, O. 2005. Peculiarities of the population structure of the narrow-leaved celandine Stachys angustifolia M. Bieb in the Granitic-Steppe Pobuzhzhia and problems of its protection. Actual problems of botany and ecology. Collection of scientific papers, 1: 96-104.
  • 45. Shcherbakova, O. & Barmak, I. 2013. Principles and approaches to sozological categorisation of rare plant species. Issues of bioindication and ecology, 18(1): 101-116 (Date accessed: 17.08.2020).
  • 46. Shcherbakova, O., Novosad, V. & Krytska, L. 2009. Rare florofond of the Kodymo-Yelanets Pobuzhzhya (ChKU, 2009): population and florosozological aspects, 210-214. Paper presented at the Flora in the Red Data Book of Ukraine: implementation of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation. Materials of the international conference, 11-15 October, Kyiv-Ukraine.
  • 47. Shiryaeva, D., Vinokurov, D., Boyko, G., Derkach, O., Didukh, Y., Kolomiets, G., Kuzemko, A., Moysiyenko, I., Mosiakin, S. & Khodosovtsev, O. 2021. Threat to the existence of rare species of flora and habitats of the Southern Bug Valley in case of another increase in the level of the Oleksandrivske reservoir. Ukrainian Botanical Journal, 78 (2): 145-153.
  • 48. Shiryaeva, D., Vinokurov, D., Kolomies, G. & Artamonov, V. 2019. Findings of plants listed in the Red Book of Ukraine on the territory of the National Nature Park “Buzky Gard” and adjacent areas. Findings of plants and fungi of the Red Data Book and the Bern Convention (Resolution 6). - Vol. 1 (Series: “Conservation Biology in Ukraine”. - Issue 11): 448-456.
  • 49. Sobko, V. & Gaponenko, M. 1999. The scientific and historical value of the Granitic-Steppe Pobuzhzhia Landscape Park. Introduction of plants, 2: 3-7.
  • 50. Sobko, V. 1972. Endemic and relict elements of the flora of granite outcrops of the Prydniprovska Upland. Ukrainian Botanical Journal, 29(5): 624-630.
  • 51. Sobko, V. 1993. Paths of the Red Book. Urozhay, Kyiv, 176 pp.
  • 52. Solomakha, I., Shevchyk, V. & Solomakha, V. 2017. Overview of higher vegetation units of Ukraine by the Brown-Blanke method and their diagnostic species. Phytosociological Centre, Kyiv, 81 pp.
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There are 56 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Plant Developmental and Reproductive Biology
Journal Section Research Article/Araştırma Makalesi

Liudmyla Dzhus This is me 0000-0003-3586-7432

Tatiana Kovalshuk 0000-0002-8545-8496

Inna Dıdenko 0000-0002-4198-3432

Marharyta Parubok This is me 0000-0002-7228-4669

Larysa Rozborska This is me 0000-0003-2002-6438

Early Pub Date February 14, 2024
Publication Date April 15, 2024
Submission Date June 16, 2023
Acceptance Date January 2, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Dzhus, L., Kovalshuk, T., Dıdenko, I., Parubok, M., et al. (2024). Morphostructure of Moehringia hypanica Gryn & Klokov in the Buzky Gard National Nature Park, Ukraine. Trakya University Journal of Natural Sciences, 25(1), 29-40.
AMA Dzhus L, Kovalshuk T, Dıdenko I, Parubok M, Rozborska L. Morphostructure of Moehringia hypanica Gryn & Klokov in the Buzky Gard National Nature Park, Ukraine. Trakya Univ J Nat Sci. April 2024;25(1):29-40. doi:10.23902/trkjnat.1315772
Chicago Dzhus, Liudmyla, Tatiana Kovalshuk, Inna Dıdenko, Marharyta Parubok, and Larysa Rozborska. “Morphostructure of Moehringia Hypanica Gryn & Klokov in the Buzky Gard National Nature Park, Ukraine”. Trakya University Journal of Natural Sciences 25, no. 1 (April 2024): 29-40.
EndNote Dzhus L, Kovalshuk T, Dıdenko I, Parubok M, Rozborska L (April 1, 2024) Morphostructure of Moehringia hypanica Gryn & Klokov in the Buzky Gard National Nature Park, Ukraine. Trakya University Journal of Natural Sciences 25 1 29–40.
IEEE L. Dzhus, T. Kovalshuk, I. Dıdenko, M. Parubok, and L. Rozborska, “Morphostructure of Moehringia hypanica Gryn & Klokov in the Buzky Gard National Nature Park, Ukraine”, Trakya Univ J Nat Sci, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 29–40, 2024, doi: 10.23902/trkjnat.1315772.
ISNAD Dzhus, Liudmyla et al. “Morphostructure of Moehringia Hypanica Gryn & Klokov in the Buzky Gard National Nature Park, Ukraine”. Trakya University Journal of Natural Sciences 25/1 (April 2024), 29-40.
JAMA Dzhus L, Kovalshuk T, Dıdenko I, Parubok M, Rozborska L. Morphostructure of Moehringia hypanica Gryn & Klokov in the Buzky Gard National Nature Park, Ukraine. Trakya Univ J Nat Sci. 2024;25:29–40.
MLA Dzhus, Liudmyla et al. “Morphostructure of Moehringia Hypanica Gryn & Klokov in the Buzky Gard National Nature Park, Ukraine”. Trakya University Journal of Natural Sciences, vol. 25, no. 1, 2024, pp. 29-40, doi:10.23902/trkjnat.1315772.
Vancouver Dzhus L, Kovalshuk T, Dıdenko I, Parubok M, Rozborska L. Morphostructure of Moehringia hypanica Gryn & Klokov in the Buzky Gard National Nature Park, Ukraine. Trakya Univ J Nat Sci. 2024;25(1):29-40.

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