Year 2017,
, 1 - 7, 10.03.2017
Nilgün Becenen
Gühergül Uluçam
Özlen Altun
çalışmada, reflux şartlarında demir siklohekzandikarboksilli asit
sentezlenmiştir. Kompleksin yapısı fizikokimyasal ve spektroskopik metodlarla
karakterize edilmiştir. Daha sonra reaksiyon sırasında pH’ın su ve organik
fazlardaki paylaşma sabitleri () ve ekstraksiyon yüzdelerine (%E) etkisi
ekstraksiyon metodu ile incelenmiştir. Deney sonucunda, su fazındaki Fe2+
iyonlarının çoğu pH=7.5’ta organik faza geçmiştir. Bu pH’tan sonra ekstraksiyon
yüzdesi su fazından organik faza geçiş yüzünden azalmıştır. Demir siklohekzandikarboksilli
asit eter, petrol eteri, benzol ve karbon tetra klorür ile sulu çözeltilerinden
ekstre edilmiş, ilave olarak kompleksin mikrobiyal aktiviteleri çalışılmıştır.
Aktivite sonuçları, demir siklohekzandikarboksilli asitin önemli antibakteriyal
ve antifungal aktiviteye sahip olduğunu göstermiştir.
- Abell, P.I. 1957. Hunsdiecker reaction of silver salts of cis- and trans-1,2-cyclohexanedicarboxylic acid. The Journal of Organic Chemistry, 22 (7): 769-772.
- Altun, O., Türkyılmaz, M., Kaboglu, A., Huseyinova, G. & Feyizoğlu, A. 2010. Synthesis and properties of some basic metals and manganese salts cis-1,2-cyclohexanedicarboxylic acid and examination of their properties. Asian Journal of Chemistry, 22: 6443-6450.
- Battersby, A.R., Haszeldineand, R.N. & Haworth, R.D. 1968. Rodd's Chemistry of Carbon Compounds. Academic Press, London.
- Björkling, F., Boutelje, J., Gatenbeck, S., Hult, K. & Norin, T. 1985. Enzyme catalyzed hydrolysis of the diesters of cis-and trans-cyclohexanedicarboxylic acids. Applied microbiology and biotechnology, 21(1-2): 16-19.
- Chen, Z.H., Zhao, Y., Wang, P., Chen, S.S. & Sun, W.Y. 2014. Zinc (II) and cadmium (II) complexes with mixed 1,3-di (1H-imidazol-4-yl) benzene and cyclohexanedicarboxylate ligands: Synthesis, structure and property. Polyhedron, 67: 253-263.
- İnci, İ. 2002. Distribution of hydroxyl succinic acid between water and organic solutions of aliphatic tertiaty amines. Journal of Scientific and Industial Research, 61: 289-293.
- Kamino, A., Koyano, H., Ariga, K., & Kunitake, T. 1996. Control of the Molecular Packing in Guanidinium Monolayers through Binding with Aqueous Polycarboxylates. Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 69(12): 3619-3631.
- Kazmi, S.U., Ali, S.N., Jamal, S.A. & Rehman, A.U. 1991. New bioactive compounds of plant origin. Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 4(2): 113-123.
- Koster, S., Koster, C.G., Benthem, R.A.T.M., Duursma, M.C., Boon, J.J. & Heerena, R.M.A. 2001. Structural characterization of hyperbranched polyesteramides: MSn and the origin of species. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 210: 591-602.
- March, J. 1985. Advanced Organic Chemistry. John Willey Sons, New York.
- Reiznautt, Q.B., Garcia, I.T.S. & Samios, D. 2009. Oligoesters and polyesters produced by the curing of sunflower oil epoxidized biodiesel with cis-cyclohexane dicarboxylic anhydride: Synthesis and characterization. Materials Science and Engineering: C., 29: 2302-2313.
- Shaukat, S.S., Khan, N.A. & Ahmed, F. 1980. Herbicide influence on geminiationans seedling growth of Vigna mugno (L.) Hepper and V. radiata (L.) Wilezek, Pakistan Journal of Botany, 12: 97-106.
- Yang, S.T., White, S.A. & Hsu, S.T. 1991. Extraction of carboxylic acids with tertiary and quaternary amines: effect of pH. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 30: 1335-1342.
Year 2017,
, 1 - 7, 10.03.2017
Nilgün Becenen
Gühergül Uluçam
Özlen Altun
In this study, iron cyclohexanedicarboxylic acid was
synthesized under refluxing conditions. The structural characterization of the
complex was performed by using physico-chemical and spectroscopic methods. The
effect of pH on division constant (µ) and extraction percentages (% E) in water and
organic phase was
investigated with the extraction method. At the end of the experiment,
most of the Fe2+ ions in the water phase at pH=7.5 passed into the
organic phase. Above this pH, the extraction percentage decreased because of
the transition from water phase to organic phase. Iron cyclohexanedicarboxylic acid
was extracted with ether, petroleum ether, benzole and carbon tetrachloride from aqueous solution and microbial activities
of the complex were studied. The activity data showed that iron cyclohexanedicarboxylic
acid has an important antibacterial and antifungal activities.
- Abell, P.I. 1957. Hunsdiecker reaction of silver salts of cis- and trans-1,2-cyclohexanedicarboxylic acid. The Journal of Organic Chemistry, 22 (7): 769-772.
- Altun, O., Türkyılmaz, M., Kaboglu, A., Huseyinova, G. & Feyizoğlu, A. 2010. Synthesis and properties of some basic metals and manganese salts cis-1,2-cyclohexanedicarboxylic acid and examination of their properties. Asian Journal of Chemistry, 22: 6443-6450.
- Battersby, A.R., Haszeldineand, R.N. & Haworth, R.D. 1968. Rodd's Chemistry of Carbon Compounds. Academic Press, London.
- Björkling, F., Boutelje, J., Gatenbeck, S., Hult, K. & Norin, T. 1985. Enzyme catalyzed hydrolysis of the diesters of cis-and trans-cyclohexanedicarboxylic acids. Applied microbiology and biotechnology, 21(1-2): 16-19.
- Chen, Z.H., Zhao, Y., Wang, P., Chen, S.S. & Sun, W.Y. 2014. Zinc (II) and cadmium (II) complexes with mixed 1,3-di (1H-imidazol-4-yl) benzene and cyclohexanedicarboxylate ligands: Synthesis, structure and property. Polyhedron, 67: 253-263.
- İnci, İ. 2002. Distribution of hydroxyl succinic acid between water and organic solutions of aliphatic tertiaty amines. Journal of Scientific and Industial Research, 61: 289-293.
- Kamino, A., Koyano, H., Ariga, K., & Kunitake, T. 1996. Control of the Molecular Packing in Guanidinium Monolayers through Binding with Aqueous Polycarboxylates. Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 69(12): 3619-3631.
- Kazmi, S.U., Ali, S.N., Jamal, S.A. & Rehman, A.U. 1991. New bioactive compounds of plant origin. Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 4(2): 113-123.
- Koster, S., Koster, C.G., Benthem, R.A.T.M., Duursma, M.C., Boon, J.J. & Heerena, R.M.A. 2001. Structural characterization of hyperbranched polyesteramides: MSn and the origin of species. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 210: 591-602.
- March, J. 1985. Advanced Organic Chemistry. John Willey Sons, New York.
- Reiznautt, Q.B., Garcia, I.T.S. & Samios, D. 2009. Oligoesters and polyesters produced by the curing of sunflower oil epoxidized biodiesel with cis-cyclohexane dicarboxylic anhydride: Synthesis and characterization. Materials Science and Engineering: C., 29: 2302-2313.
- Shaukat, S.S., Khan, N.A. & Ahmed, F. 1980. Herbicide influence on geminiationans seedling growth of Vigna mugno (L.) Hepper and V. radiata (L.) Wilezek, Pakistan Journal of Botany, 12: 97-106.
- Yang, S.T., White, S.A. & Hsu, S.T. 1991. Extraction of carboxylic acids with tertiary and quaternary amines: effect of pH. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 30: 1335-1342.