This study reports on the evaluation of the taxonomical, macro- and micro morphological, anatomical, palynological and cytological features, together with the geographical distribution of Arabis kaynakiae Daşkın (Brassicaceae), a Critically Endangered (CR) species from Turkey. The description of the species was updated following detailed studies on new specimens found in Karaman/Ermenek. The surface microphotographs of seeds and pollen were obtained using Scanning Electron Microscopy. The seed surface ornamentation is papillate and its margins minutely tuberculate. Pollen grains appear tricolpate, isopolar, subprolate in shape, with polar axis of 19.62 ± 0.33 µm and equatorial axis of 12.94 ± 0.17 µm. The exine thickness ranges from 1.68 to 1.87 µm; however, the intine thickness ranges from 0.21 to 0.39 µm. Arabis kaynakiae has pollen of coarse reticulate type surface ornamentation with slightly undulated muri. Anatomical characters of root, stem and leaf of the species were also given. The cytological investigations revealed that A. kaynakiae is diploid with 2n = 2x = 16 chromosomes. The discovered population of A. kaynakiae increased the known distribution range of the species in Turkey, and an updated evaluation of the species considering the IUCN criteria was provided.
We would like to thank Prof. Dr. Birol MUTLU (a specialist on Arabis in Turkey) for identification of the specimen and Hasan Günal for his kind support and helpfulness during field studies. The specimens were collected during the field trips for a project supported by a grant from Scientific Investigation Project Coordinator of Selçuk University (Project No: 18401090).
1. Anchev, M. & Deneva, B. 1997. Pollen morphology of seventeen species from family Brassicaceae (Cruciferae). Phytologica Balcanica, 3: 75-82.
2. Bıçakçı, A. & Güleryüz, G. 1998. Uludağ’ da yayılış¸ gösteren Scrophulariaceae ve Brassicaceae familyalarına ait bazı endemiklerin pollen morfolojileri. Kasnak Meşesi ve Türkiye Florası Sempozyumu Bildiri ve Poster Kitapçığı, 719-726 pp.
3. Bona, M. 2013. Seed-coat microsculpturing of Turkish Lepidium (Brassicaceae) and its systematic application. Turkish Journal of Botany, 37: 662-668.
4. Cansaran, A., Ergen Akcin, E. & Kandemir, N. 2007. A Study on the Morphology, Anatomy an Autecology of Erysimum amasianum Hausskn. & Bornm. (Brassicaceae) Distributed in Central Black Sea Region (Amasya-Turkey). International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, 2: 13-24.
5. Cullen, J. 1965. Arabis L. Pp. 422-429. In: Davis, P.H. (ed) Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands. Vol. 1. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, 567 pp.
6. Daşkın, R. 2013. Arabis kaynakiae (Brassicaceae), a new species from south Anatolia, Turkey. Phytotaxa, 126(1): 43-48.
7. Davis, P.H. 1988. Arabis L. Pp. 49. In: Davis, P.H. (ed) Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands. Vol. 10. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, 590 pp.
8. Duman, H. 2001. A New Species of Arabis L. (Brassicaceae) From South Anatolia. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 137: 87-90.
9. Duman, H. & Duran, A. 2001. A New Species of Arabis L. (Brassicaceae) From South Anatolia. Israel Journal of Plant Sciences, 49: 237-240.
10. IUCN, 2010. Red List Categories: Version 8.1. Prepared by the IUCN Species Survival Commission, IUCN. Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, 113 pp.
11. İnceoğlu, Ö. & Karamustafa, F. 1975. The pollen morphology of plants in Ankara region II. Cruciferae. Communications Faculty of Sciences University of Ankara Series C Biology, 21: 111-115.
12. Karaismailoğlu, M.C. 2015a. Morphological and anatomical features of seeds of Turkish Romulea taxa (Iridaceae) and their taxonomic significance. Acta Botanica Croatica, 74: 31-41.
13. Karaismailoğlu, M.C. 2015b. Morphological and anatomical features of cypsela of some Crepis taxa (Asteraceae) from Turkey and their taxonomic importance. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 47(4): 1473-1480.
14. Karaismailoğlu, M.C. 2016. Addition to characters of endemic Aubrieta canescens subsp. canescens Bornm. (Brassicaceae) from Turkey. Bangladesh Journal of Botany, 45: 509-515.
15. Karaismailoğlu, M.C. 2017. Palynological features of eleven Aethionema taxa from Turkey and their systematic implications. Bangladesh Journal of Plant Taxonomy, 24(2): 197-204.
16. Karaismailoğlu, M.C. 2018. Comparison of the karyotype analyses of two Aethionema speciosum subspecies from Turkey. Caryologia, 71(2): 128-132.
17. Karaismailoğlu, M.C. & Erol, O. 2018. Seed structure and its taxonomic implications for genus Thlaspi sensu lato sections Nomisma, Thlaspi, and Pterotropis (Brassicaceae). Turkish Journal of Botany, 42(5): 591-609.
18. Karaismailoğlu, M.C. 2019a. Taxonomical, morphological, palynological, anatomical and ecological investigations on monotypic genus Pachyphragma from Turkey. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 51(3): 1021-1026.
19. Karaismailoğlu, M.C. 2019b. Pollen characters of Brassicaceae from Turkey and their taxonomic applications. Pp. 49-76. In: Aka Sağlıker, H. (ed) New Horizons in Science and Mathematics. Gece Kitaplığı Yayınevi, New York, 110 pp.
20. Karaismailoğlu, M.C., Şık, L., Çiftci, A. & Erol, O. 2018. The Seed Structure of Some Taxa of Genus Crocus L. (Iridaceae) Series Crocus. Turkish Journal of Botany, 42(6): 722-731.
21. Karaismailoğlu, M.C. & Erol, O. 2019. Pollen morphology of some taxa of Thlaspi L. sensu lato (Brassicaceae) from Turkey, and its taxonomical importance. Palynology, 43: 244-254.
22. Karl, R. & Koch, M.A. 2013. A world-wide perspective on crucifer speciation and evolution: phylogenetics, biogeography and trait evolution in tribe Arabideae. Annals of Botany, 112: 983-1001.
23. Kaya, A., Ünal, M., Özgökçe, F., Doğan, B. & Martin, E. 2011. Fruit and seed morphology of six species previously placed in Malcolmia (Brassicaceae) in Turkey and their taxonomic value. Turkish Journal of Botany, 35: 653-662.
24. Khalik, K. & Maesen, L.J.G. 2002. Seed morphology of some tribes of Brassicaceae (implication for taxonomy and species identification for the flora of Egypt). Blumea, 47: 363-383.
25. Koch, M., Karl, R., Kiefer, C. & Al-Shehbaz, I.A. 2010. Colonizing the American continent: systematics of the genus Arabis in North America (Brassicaceae). American Journal of Botany, 97: 1040-1057.
26. Koul, K.K., Nagpal, R. & Raina, S.N. 2000. Seed coat microsculpturing in Brassica and allied genera (Subtribe Brassicinae, Raphaninae, Moricandiinae). Annals of Botany, 86: 385-397.
27. Metcalfe, C.R. & Chalk, L. 1957. Anatomy of the Dicotyledons (Leaves, stem and wood in relation to taxonomy with notes on economic uses). Oxford University Press, Amen House, London, 79-87 pp.
28. Moazzeni, H., Zarre, S., Al-Shehbaz I.A. & Mummenhoff, K. 2007. Seed coat microsculpturing and its systematic application in Isatis (Brassicaceae) and allied genera in Iran. Flora, 202: 447-454.
29. Murley, M.R. 1951. Seeds of the Cruciferae of North Eastern America. American Middle Naturalichen, 46: 1-8.
30. Mutlu, B. 2002. Türkiye’nin Arabis L. (Brassicaceae) cinsinin revizyonu (PhD Thesis), İnönü University, Malatya, 361 pp.
31. Mutlu, B. 2004. A new species of Arabis L. (Brassicaceae) from inner Anatolia. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 145: 251-256.
32. Mutlu, B. & Dönmez, A.A. 2003. Arabis mollis Steven (Brassicaceae): A New Record For Turkey. Turkish Journal of Botany, 27: 235-238.
33. Mutlu, B. & Erik, S. 2012. The Taxonomical Position of Arabis graellsiiformis Hedge (Brassicaceae) that it’s known as an endemic species of Turkey. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry, 40: 69-74.
34. Mutlu, B. & Erik, S. 2015. Distribution maps and New IUCN threat categories for the genus of Arabis, Pseudoturritis and Turritis (Brassicaceae) in Turkey. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry, 43:133-143.
35. Orcan, N. & Binzet, R. 2003. The Anatomical and Palynological Properties of Alyssum obtusifolium Steven ex DC. (Brassicaceae). Turkish Journal of Botany, 27: 63-68.
36. Parolly, G. & Hein, P. 2000. Arabis lycia (Cruciferae), a new chasmophyte from Taurus Mts, Turkey, and notes on related species. Willdenowia, 30: 293-304.
37. Stearn, W.T. 1992. Botanical Latin, History Grammar, Syntax, Terminology and Vocabulary. David & Charles, London, 566 pp.
38. Şirin, E. & Karaismailoğlu, M.C. 2020. Contribution to the systematic knowledge of endemic Aubrieta pinardii Boiss. (Brassicaceae) from Turkey. Bangladesh Journal of Plant Taxonomy, 27(1): 27-35.
39. Tantawy, M.E., Khalifa, S.F., Hassan, S.A. & Al-Rabiai, G.T. 2004. Seed exomorphic characters of some Brassicaceae (LM and SEM Study). International Journal of Agriculture and Biology, 6: 821-830.
40. Warwick, S.I. & Al-Shehbaz., I.A. 2006. Brassicaceae: chromosome number index and database on CD-Rom. Plant Systematics and Evolution, 259: 237-248.
41. Wodehouse, R.P. 1935. Pollen Grains. McGraw Hill, New York, 578 pp.
Year 2020,
Volume: 21 Issue: 2, 87 - 94, 15.10.2020
Bu çalışma, Türkiye'den kritik olarak tehlike altındaki endemik (CR) bir tür Arabis kaynakiae Daşkın'ın (Brassicaceae) taksonomik, makro ve mikro morfolojik, anatomik, palinolojik ve sitolojik özelliklerinin coğrafi dağılımıyla birlikte değerlendirilmesini rapor etmektedir. Türün deskripsiyonu Karaman/Ermenek'te bulunan yeni örnekler üzerinde yapılan detaylı çalışmaların ardından güncellenmiştir. Tohum ve polenlerin yüzey mikrofotoğrafları Taramalı Elektron Mikroskobu kullanılarak elde edilmiştir. Tohum yüzey ornamentasyonu papillattır ve kenarları az çok tuberkulattır. Polen taneleri trikolpattırlar, 19,62 ± 0,33 µm polar ekseni ve 12,94 ± 0,17 µm ekvator ekseni ile izopolar ve subprolat şeklindedirler. Eksinin kalınlığı 1,68 ila 1,87 µm arasında değişmiş; buna karşın, intin kalınlığı 0,21 ila 0,39 µm arasında değişmiştir. Arabis kaynakiae hafif dalgalı muri ile kaba ağsı tip yüzey ornamentasyonuna sahiptir. Türün kök, gövde ve yaprak anatomik karakterleri de verilmiştir. Sitolojik araştırmalar A. kaynakiae’nin 2n = 2x = 16 kromozomlu diploit olduğunu ortaya koymuştur. A. kaynakiae’nin Keşfedilen popülasyonu, Türkiye'de türün bilinen dağılım aralığını artırmış ve türün IUCN kriterleri dikkate alınarak güncellenmiş bir değerlendirmesi sağlanmıştır.
Project Number
1. Anchev, M. & Deneva, B. 1997. Pollen morphology of seventeen species from family Brassicaceae (Cruciferae). Phytologica Balcanica, 3: 75-82.
2. Bıçakçı, A. & Güleryüz, G. 1998. Uludağ’ da yayılış¸ gösteren Scrophulariaceae ve Brassicaceae familyalarına ait bazı endemiklerin pollen morfolojileri. Kasnak Meşesi ve Türkiye Florası Sempozyumu Bildiri ve Poster Kitapçığı, 719-726 pp.
3. Bona, M. 2013. Seed-coat microsculpturing of Turkish Lepidium (Brassicaceae) and its systematic application. Turkish Journal of Botany, 37: 662-668.
4. Cansaran, A., Ergen Akcin, E. & Kandemir, N. 2007. A Study on the Morphology, Anatomy an Autecology of Erysimum amasianum Hausskn. & Bornm. (Brassicaceae) Distributed in Central Black Sea Region (Amasya-Turkey). International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, 2: 13-24.
5. Cullen, J. 1965. Arabis L. Pp. 422-429. In: Davis, P.H. (ed) Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands. Vol. 1. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, 567 pp.
6. Daşkın, R. 2013. Arabis kaynakiae (Brassicaceae), a new species from south Anatolia, Turkey. Phytotaxa, 126(1): 43-48.
7. Davis, P.H. 1988. Arabis L. Pp. 49. In: Davis, P.H. (ed) Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands. Vol. 10. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, 590 pp.
8. Duman, H. 2001. A New Species of Arabis L. (Brassicaceae) From South Anatolia. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 137: 87-90.
9. Duman, H. & Duran, A. 2001. A New Species of Arabis L. (Brassicaceae) From South Anatolia. Israel Journal of Plant Sciences, 49: 237-240.
10. IUCN, 2010. Red List Categories: Version 8.1. Prepared by the IUCN Species Survival Commission, IUCN. Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, 113 pp.
11. İnceoğlu, Ö. & Karamustafa, F. 1975. The pollen morphology of plants in Ankara region II. Cruciferae. Communications Faculty of Sciences University of Ankara Series C Biology, 21: 111-115.
12. Karaismailoğlu, M.C. 2015a. Morphological and anatomical features of seeds of Turkish Romulea taxa (Iridaceae) and their taxonomic significance. Acta Botanica Croatica, 74: 31-41.
13. Karaismailoğlu, M.C. 2015b. Morphological and anatomical features of cypsela of some Crepis taxa (Asteraceae) from Turkey and their taxonomic importance. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 47(4): 1473-1480.
14. Karaismailoğlu, M.C. 2016. Addition to characters of endemic Aubrieta canescens subsp. canescens Bornm. (Brassicaceae) from Turkey. Bangladesh Journal of Botany, 45: 509-515.
15. Karaismailoğlu, M.C. 2017. Palynological features of eleven Aethionema taxa from Turkey and their systematic implications. Bangladesh Journal of Plant Taxonomy, 24(2): 197-204.
16. Karaismailoğlu, M.C. 2018. Comparison of the karyotype analyses of two Aethionema speciosum subspecies from Turkey. Caryologia, 71(2): 128-132.
17. Karaismailoğlu, M.C. & Erol, O. 2018. Seed structure and its taxonomic implications for genus Thlaspi sensu lato sections Nomisma, Thlaspi, and Pterotropis (Brassicaceae). Turkish Journal of Botany, 42(5): 591-609.
18. Karaismailoğlu, M.C. 2019a. Taxonomical, morphological, palynological, anatomical and ecological investigations on monotypic genus Pachyphragma from Turkey. Pakistan Journal of Botany, 51(3): 1021-1026.
19. Karaismailoğlu, M.C. 2019b. Pollen characters of Brassicaceae from Turkey and their taxonomic applications. Pp. 49-76. In: Aka Sağlıker, H. (ed) New Horizons in Science and Mathematics. Gece Kitaplığı Yayınevi, New York, 110 pp.
20. Karaismailoğlu, M.C., Şık, L., Çiftci, A. & Erol, O. 2018. The Seed Structure of Some Taxa of Genus Crocus L. (Iridaceae) Series Crocus. Turkish Journal of Botany, 42(6): 722-731.
21. Karaismailoğlu, M.C. & Erol, O. 2019. Pollen morphology of some taxa of Thlaspi L. sensu lato (Brassicaceae) from Turkey, and its taxonomical importance. Palynology, 43: 244-254.
22. Karl, R. & Koch, M.A. 2013. A world-wide perspective on crucifer speciation and evolution: phylogenetics, biogeography and trait evolution in tribe Arabideae. Annals of Botany, 112: 983-1001.
23. Kaya, A., Ünal, M., Özgökçe, F., Doğan, B. & Martin, E. 2011. Fruit and seed morphology of six species previously placed in Malcolmia (Brassicaceae) in Turkey and their taxonomic value. Turkish Journal of Botany, 35: 653-662.
24. Khalik, K. & Maesen, L.J.G. 2002. Seed morphology of some tribes of Brassicaceae (implication for taxonomy and species identification for the flora of Egypt). Blumea, 47: 363-383.
25. Koch, M., Karl, R., Kiefer, C. & Al-Shehbaz, I.A. 2010. Colonizing the American continent: systematics of the genus Arabis in North America (Brassicaceae). American Journal of Botany, 97: 1040-1057.
26. Koul, K.K., Nagpal, R. & Raina, S.N. 2000. Seed coat microsculpturing in Brassica and allied genera (Subtribe Brassicinae, Raphaninae, Moricandiinae). Annals of Botany, 86: 385-397.
27. Metcalfe, C.R. & Chalk, L. 1957. Anatomy of the Dicotyledons (Leaves, stem and wood in relation to taxonomy with notes on economic uses). Oxford University Press, Amen House, London, 79-87 pp.
28. Moazzeni, H., Zarre, S., Al-Shehbaz I.A. & Mummenhoff, K. 2007. Seed coat microsculpturing and its systematic application in Isatis (Brassicaceae) and allied genera in Iran. Flora, 202: 447-454.
29. Murley, M.R. 1951. Seeds of the Cruciferae of North Eastern America. American Middle Naturalichen, 46: 1-8.
30. Mutlu, B. 2002. Türkiye’nin Arabis L. (Brassicaceae) cinsinin revizyonu (PhD Thesis), İnönü University, Malatya, 361 pp.
31. Mutlu, B. 2004. A new species of Arabis L. (Brassicaceae) from inner Anatolia. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 145: 251-256.
32. Mutlu, B. & Dönmez, A.A. 2003. Arabis mollis Steven (Brassicaceae): A New Record For Turkey. Turkish Journal of Botany, 27: 235-238.
33. Mutlu, B. & Erik, S. 2012. The Taxonomical Position of Arabis graellsiiformis Hedge (Brassicaceae) that it’s known as an endemic species of Turkey. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry, 40: 69-74.
34. Mutlu, B. & Erik, S. 2015. Distribution maps and New IUCN threat categories for the genus of Arabis, Pseudoturritis and Turritis (Brassicaceae) in Turkey. Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry, 43:133-143.
35. Orcan, N. & Binzet, R. 2003. The Anatomical and Palynological Properties of Alyssum obtusifolium Steven ex DC. (Brassicaceae). Turkish Journal of Botany, 27: 63-68.
36. Parolly, G. & Hein, P. 2000. Arabis lycia (Cruciferae), a new chasmophyte from Taurus Mts, Turkey, and notes on related species. Willdenowia, 30: 293-304.
37. Stearn, W.T. 1992. Botanical Latin, History Grammar, Syntax, Terminology and Vocabulary. David & Charles, London, 566 pp.
38. Şirin, E. & Karaismailoğlu, M.C. 2020. Contribution to the systematic knowledge of endemic Aubrieta pinardii Boiss. (Brassicaceae) from Turkey. Bangladesh Journal of Plant Taxonomy, 27(1): 27-35.
39. Tantawy, M.E., Khalifa, S.F., Hassan, S.A. & Al-Rabiai, G.T. 2004. Seed exomorphic characters of some Brassicaceae (LM and SEM Study). International Journal of Agriculture and Biology, 6: 821-830.
40. Warwick, S.I. & Al-Shehbaz., I.A. 2006. Brassicaceae: chromosome number index and database on CD-Rom. Plant Systematics and Evolution, 259: 237-248.
41. Wodehouse, R.P. 1935. Pollen Grains. McGraw Hill, New York, 578 pp.
Karaismailoğlu, C., & Şirin, E. (2020). NOTES ON Arabis kaynakiae Daşkın (Brassicaceae), A CRITICALLY ENDANGERED SPECIES ENDEMIC TO TURKEY. Trakya University Journal of Natural Sciences, 21(2), 87-94.
Karaismailoğlu C, Şirin E. NOTES ON Arabis kaynakiae Daşkın (Brassicaceae), A CRITICALLY ENDANGERED SPECIES ENDEMIC TO TURKEY. Trakya Univ J Nat Sci. October 2020;21(2):87-94.
Karaismailoğlu, Cengiz, and Emrah Şirin. “NOTES ON Arabis Kaynakiae Daşkın (Brassicaceae), A CRITICALLY ENDANGERED SPECIES ENDEMIC TO TURKEY”. Trakya University Journal of Natural Sciences 21, no. 2 (October 2020): 87-94.
Karaismailoğlu C, Şirin E (October 1, 2020) NOTES ON Arabis kaynakiae Daşkın (Brassicaceae), A CRITICALLY ENDANGERED SPECIES ENDEMIC TO TURKEY. Trakya University Journal of Natural Sciences 21 2 87–94.
C. Karaismailoğlu and E. Şirin, “NOTES ON Arabis kaynakiae Daşkın (Brassicaceae), A CRITICALLY ENDANGERED SPECIES ENDEMIC TO TURKEY”, Trakya Univ J Nat Sci, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 87–94, 2020.
Karaismailoğlu, Cengiz - Şirin, Emrah. “NOTES ON Arabis Kaynakiae Daşkın (Brassicaceae), A CRITICALLY ENDANGERED SPECIES ENDEMIC TO TURKEY”. Trakya University Journal of Natural Sciences 21/2 (October 2020), 87-94.
Karaismailoğlu C, Şirin E. NOTES ON Arabis kaynakiae Daşkın (Brassicaceae), A CRITICALLY ENDANGERED SPECIES ENDEMIC TO TURKEY. Trakya Univ J Nat Sci. 2020;21:87–94.
Karaismailoğlu, Cengiz and Emrah Şirin. “NOTES ON Arabis Kaynakiae Daşkın (Brassicaceae), A CRITICALLY ENDANGERED SPECIES ENDEMIC TO TURKEY”. Trakya University Journal of Natural Sciences, vol. 21, no. 2, 2020, pp. 87-94.
Karaismailoğlu C, Şirin E. NOTES ON Arabis kaynakiae Daşkın (Brassicaceae), A CRITICALLY ENDANGERED SPECIES ENDEMIC TO TURKEY. Trakya Univ J Nat Sci. 2020;21(2):87-94.
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