Research Article
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Year 2022, Volume: 23 Issue: 1, 37 - 42, 15.04.2022


Bu çalışmada, Kırklareli ilindeki Koyunbaba Mağarası'ndan yakalanan büyük fare kulaklı yarasa Myotis myotis (Borkhausen)'te normal hematolojik değerler ve bazı biyokimyasal parametreler incelenmiştir. Lökosit (beyaz kan hücresi) sayıları (WBC), hemoglobin (Hb), hematokrit (HCT), albümin (ALB), total protein (TP), kolesterol (CHO), glikoz (GLU), trigliserit (TG), Üre (U), kreatin (CREAT), alanin transaminaz (ALT) ve aspartat amino transferazı (AST) içeren hematoloji ve plazma biyokimya parametrelerini belirlemek için görünüşte sağlıklı 10 hayvan (5 erkek ve 5 dişi) kullanılmıştır. Analiz edilen parametreler için erkek ve dişi hayvanlar arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark bulunmamıştır. Plazma total kolesterol konsantrasyonu, diğer böcekçil yarasa türlerininkine benzerken, meyve ile beslenen türlerden oldukça yüksektir. Ayrıca trigliserit seviyesi meyve ile beslenen yarasalardakinden daha yüksektir. Myotis myotis' teki yüksek total kolesterol ve trigliserit değerleri, böcekçil yarasa türlerinin protein açısından zengin beslenme şeklini yansıtmaktadır. Bu çalışmada kaydedilen değerler, türün korunması ve yönetimi için doğada M. myotis' in fizyolojik ve patolojik durumunun değerlendirilmesinde yardımcı olabilir. 


  • 1. Albayrak, İ., Özcan, H.B. & Baydemir, M. 2016. Some hematological parameters in Myotis myotis and Myotis blythii (Mammalia: Chiroptera) in Turkey. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 40(3): 388-391.
  • 2. Albayrak, İ. & Sarıçam, T. 2019. Investigation of blood cells of Miniopterus schreibersii (Mammalia: Chiroptera) in Turkey. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 43(6): 636-640.
  • 3. Arévalo, F., Pérez-Suárez, G. & López-Luna, P. 1987. Hematological data and hemoglobin components in bats (Vespertilionidae). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Physiology, 88: 447-450.
  • 4. Arévalo, F., Pérez-Suárez, G. & López-Luna, P. 1992. Seasonal changes in blood parameters in the bat species Rhinolophus ferrumequinum and Miniopterus schreibersi. Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry, 100: 385-387.
  • 5. Bandouchova, H., Zukal, J., Linhart, P., Berkova, H., Brichta, J., Kovacova, V., Kubickova, A., Abdelsalam, E.E.E., Bartonička, T., Zajíčková, R. & Pikula, J. 2020. Low seasonal variation in greater mouse-eared bat (Myotis myotis) blood parameters. Plos one, 15(7): e0234784.
  • 6. Bartholomew, G.A., Leitner, P. & Nelson, J.E. 1964. Body temperature, oxygen consumption, and heart rate in three species of australian flying foxes. Physiological Zoology, 37: 179-198.
  • 7. Bush, B.M. 1991. Interpretation of laboratory results for small animal clinicians. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford, 528 pp.
  • 8. Carpenter, R.E. 1975. Flight metabolism of flying foxes. pp. 883-890. In: Wu, Y.T.T, Brokaw, C.J. & Brennen, C. (eds.) Swimming and Flying in Nature, Volume 2, Flight of Birds and Insects – Part II. Springer, Boston, 1005 pp.
  • 9. Desai, I., Pandya, H., Pratyush, P. & Suresh, B. 2012. Some observations on the population of naked-rumped tomb bat (Taphozous nudiventris Cretzschmar) at the Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda campus, Gujarat. Cibtech Journal of Zoology, 1: 27-35.
  • 10. Esher, R.J., Fleischman, A.I. & Lenz, P.H. 1973. Blood and liver lipids in torpid and aroused little brown bats, Myotis lucifugus. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Physiology, 45: 933-938.
  • 11. Hall, J., Rose, K., Smith, C., De Jong, C., Phalen, D., Austen, J. & Field, H. 2014. Health assessment of the Christmas Island flying fox (Pteropus melanotus natalis). Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 50: 447-458.
  • 12. Heard, D.J. & Whittier, D.A. 1997. Hematologic and plasma biochemical reference values for three flying fox species (Pteropus sp.). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 28: 464-470.
  • 13. Heard, D.J., Ruiz, M.M. & Harr, K.E. 2006. Comparison of serum and plasma for determination of blood biochemical values in Malaysian flying foxes (Pteropus vampyrus). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 37: 245-248.
  • 14. Hossain, M.B., Islam, M.N., Shaikat, A.H., Yasin, M.G., Hassan, M.M., Islam, S.K.M.A., Rahman, A., Mamun, M.A. & Khan, S.A. 2013. Biochemical profile of wild-captured Indian Flying Fox (Pteropus giganteus) in Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 11: 75-79.
  • 15. Jurgens, K.D., Bartels, H. & Bartels, R. 1981. Blood oxygen transport and organ weights of small bats and small non-flying mammals. Respiration Physiology, 45: 243-60.
  • 16. Korine, C., Zinder, O. & Arad, Z. 1999. Diurnal and seasonal changes in blood composition of the free-living Egyptian fruit bat (Rousettus aegyptiacus). Journal of Comparative Physiology B, 169: 280-286.
  • 17. Kunz, T.H. & Fenton, M.B. 2003. Bat Ecology. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 798 pp.
  • 18. Lewis, J.H. 1977. Comparative Haematology: Studies on Chiroptera (Pteropus giganteus). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Physiology, 58: 103-117.
  • 19. McLaughlin, A.B., Epstein, J.H., Prakash, V., Smith, C.S., Daszak, P., Field, H.E. & Cunningham, A.A. 2007. Plasma biochemistry and hematologic values for wild-caught flying foxes (Pteropus giganteus) in India. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 38: 446-453.
  • 20. McMichael, L., Edson, D., McLaughlin, A., Mayer, D., Kopp, S., Meers, J. & Field, H. 2015. Haematology and plasma biochemistry of Wild Black Flying-Foxes, (Pteropus alecto) in Queensland, Australia. PLOS ONE, 10(5): e0125741.
  • 21. Meng, F., Zhu, L., Huang, W., Irwin, D.M. & Zhang, S. 2016. Bats: body mass index, forearm mass index, blood glucose levels and SLC2A2 genes for diabetes. Scientific Reports, 6: 29960.
  • 22. Moretti, P., Ravasio, G., Magnone, W., Di Cesare, F., Paltrinieri, S., Pecile, A. & Giordano, A. 2020. Haematological, serum biochemical and electrophoretic data on healthy captive Egyptian fruit bats (Rousettus aegyptiacus). Laboratory Animals, 0023677220948542.
  • 23. Paksuz, S., Paksuz, E.P., & Özkan, B. 2009. White blood cells (WBC) count of different bat (Chiroptera) species. Trakya University Journal of Sciences, 10: 55-59.
  • 24. Rashid, N., Irfan, M., Nadeem, M.S. & Shabbir, A. 2016. Comparative Seasonal Haematology of Two Bat Species, Scotophilus heathii and Pipistrellus pipistrellus, in a Subtropical Area of Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Zoology, 48: 1503-1510.
  • 25. Schinnerl, M., Aydinonat, D., Schwarzenberger, F. & Voigt, C.C. 2011. Hematological survey of common neotropical bat species from Costa Rica. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 42: 382-391.
  • 26. Sealander, J.A. 1965. The influence of body size, season, sex, age and other factors upon some blood parameters in small mammals. Journal of Mammalogy, 45: 598-616.
  • 27. Selig, M., Lewandowski, A. & Kent, M.S. 2016. Establishment of reference intervals for hematology and biochemistry analytes in a captive colony of straw-colored fruit bats (Eidolon helvum). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 47: 106-112.
  • 28. Thomas, S.P. & Suthers, R.A. 1972. The physiology and energetics of bat flight. Journal of Experimental Biology, 57: 317-335.
  • 29. Thomas, S.P. 1975. Metabolism during flight in two species of bats, Phyllostomus hastatus and Pteropus gouldii. Journal of Experimental Biology, 63: 273-293.
  • 30. Viljoen, M., Van Der Merwe, M., Bower, G., Levay, P.F. & Grobler, A.S. 1997. Peripheral blood characteristics of Gravid Schreiber’s Long-Fingered Bats, Miniopterus schreibersii natalensis. South African Journal of Science, 93: 414-418.
  • 31. Widmaier, E.P., Gornstein, E.R., Hennessey, J.L., Bloss, J.M., Greenberg, J.A. & Kunz, T.H. 1996. High plasma cholesterol, but low triglycerides and plaque-free arteries, in Mexican free-tailed bats. The American Journal of Physiology, 271: 1101-1106.
  • 32. Wightman, J., Roberts, J., Chaffey, G. & Agar, N.S. 1987. Erythrocyte biochemistry of the grey-headed fruit bat (Pteropus poliocephalus). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Comparative Biochemistry, 88: 305-307.
  • 33. Wilson, D.E. & Mittermeier, R.A. 2019. Handbook of the mammals of the world. Vol. 9 Bats. Lynx Ediciones, Barcelona, 951 pp.
  • 34. Wołk, E. & Bogdanowicz W. 1987. Hematology of the hibernating bat: Myotis daubentoni. Comparative biochemistry and physiology. A, Comparative physiology, 88: 637-639.


Year 2022, Volume: 23 Issue: 1, 37 - 42, 15.04.2022


In this study, normal hematologic values and some biochemical parameters were examined in wild-caught greater mouse-eared bat Myotis myotis (Borkhausen) captured from Koyunbaba Cave in the Kırklareli province, Turkey. Ten apparently healthy animals (five males and five females) were used to determine the hematology and plasma biochemistry parameters including, leucocyte (white blood cell) counts (WBC), hemoglobin (Hb), hematocrit (HCT), albumin (ALB), total protein (TP), cholesterol (CHO), glucose (GLU), triglycerides (TG), Urea (U), creatine (CREAT), alanine transaminase (ALT) and aspartate amino transferase (AST). No statistically significant differences were found between male and female animals for the analyzed parameters. Plasma total cholesterol concentration was similar with the those of other insectivorous bat species whereas extremely higher than frugivorous species. Also, triglyceride level was higher than the frugivorous bats. The high total cholesterol and triglyceride values in M. myotis reflect a protein-rich diet of insectivorous bat species. The values recorded in this study could be helpful in evaluating the physiologic and pathologic status of M. myotis in the wild for conservation and management of species. 


  • 1. Albayrak, İ., Özcan, H.B. & Baydemir, M. 2016. Some hematological parameters in Myotis myotis and Myotis blythii (Mammalia: Chiroptera) in Turkey. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 40(3): 388-391.
  • 2. Albayrak, İ. & Sarıçam, T. 2019. Investigation of blood cells of Miniopterus schreibersii (Mammalia: Chiroptera) in Turkey. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 43(6): 636-640.
  • 3. Arévalo, F., Pérez-Suárez, G. & López-Luna, P. 1987. Hematological data and hemoglobin components in bats (Vespertilionidae). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Physiology, 88: 447-450.
  • 4. Arévalo, F., Pérez-Suárez, G. & López-Luna, P. 1992. Seasonal changes in blood parameters in the bat species Rhinolophus ferrumequinum and Miniopterus schreibersi. Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry, 100: 385-387.
  • 5. Bandouchova, H., Zukal, J., Linhart, P., Berkova, H., Brichta, J., Kovacova, V., Kubickova, A., Abdelsalam, E.E.E., Bartonička, T., Zajíčková, R. & Pikula, J. 2020. Low seasonal variation in greater mouse-eared bat (Myotis myotis) blood parameters. Plos one, 15(7): e0234784.
  • 6. Bartholomew, G.A., Leitner, P. & Nelson, J.E. 1964. Body temperature, oxygen consumption, and heart rate in three species of australian flying foxes. Physiological Zoology, 37: 179-198.
  • 7. Bush, B.M. 1991. Interpretation of laboratory results for small animal clinicians. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford, 528 pp.
  • 8. Carpenter, R.E. 1975. Flight metabolism of flying foxes. pp. 883-890. In: Wu, Y.T.T, Brokaw, C.J. & Brennen, C. (eds.) Swimming and Flying in Nature, Volume 2, Flight of Birds and Insects – Part II. Springer, Boston, 1005 pp.
  • 9. Desai, I., Pandya, H., Pratyush, P. & Suresh, B. 2012. Some observations on the population of naked-rumped tomb bat (Taphozous nudiventris Cretzschmar) at the Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda campus, Gujarat. Cibtech Journal of Zoology, 1: 27-35.
  • 10. Esher, R.J., Fleischman, A.I. & Lenz, P.H. 1973. Blood and liver lipids in torpid and aroused little brown bats, Myotis lucifugus. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Physiology, 45: 933-938.
  • 11. Hall, J., Rose, K., Smith, C., De Jong, C., Phalen, D., Austen, J. & Field, H. 2014. Health assessment of the Christmas Island flying fox (Pteropus melanotus natalis). Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 50: 447-458.
  • 12. Heard, D.J. & Whittier, D.A. 1997. Hematologic and plasma biochemical reference values for three flying fox species (Pteropus sp.). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 28: 464-470.
  • 13. Heard, D.J., Ruiz, M.M. & Harr, K.E. 2006. Comparison of serum and plasma for determination of blood biochemical values in Malaysian flying foxes (Pteropus vampyrus). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 37: 245-248.
  • 14. Hossain, M.B., Islam, M.N., Shaikat, A.H., Yasin, M.G., Hassan, M.M., Islam, S.K.M.A., Rahman, A., Mamun, M.A. & Khan, S.A. 2013. Biochemical profile of wild-captured Indian Flying Fox (Pteropus giganteus) in Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 11: 75-79.
  • 15. Jurgens, K.D., Bartels, H. & Bartels, R. 1981. Blood oxygen transport and organ weights of small bats and small non-flying mammals. Respiration Physiology, 45: 243-60.
  • 16. Korine, C., Zinder, O. & Arad, Z. 1999. Diurnal and seasonal changes in blood composition of the free-living Egyptian fruit bat (Rousettus aegyptiacus). Journal of Comparative Physiology B, 169: 280-286.
  • 17. Kunz, T.H. & Fenton, M.B. 2003. Bat Ecology. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 798 pp.
  • 18. Lewis, J.H. 1977. Comparative Haematology: Studies on Chiroptera (Pteropus giganteus). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Physiology, 58: 103-117.
  • 19. McLaughlin, A.B., Epstein, J.H., Prakash, V., Smith, C.S., Daszak, P., Field, H.E. & Cunningham, A.A. 2007. Plasma biochemistry and hematologic values for wild-caught flying foxes (Pteropus giganteus) in India. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 38: 446-453.
  • 20. McMichael, L., Edson, D., McLaughlin, A., Mayer, D., Kopp, S., Meers, J. & Field, H. 2015. Haematology and plasma biochemistry of Wild Black Flying-Foxes, (Pteropus alecto) in Queensland, Australia. PLOS ONE, 10(5): e0125741.
  • 21. Meng, F., Zhu, L., Huang, W., Irwin, D.M. & Zhang, S. 2016. Bats: body mass index, forearm mass index, blood glucose levels and SLC2A2 genes for diabetes. Scientific Reports, 6: 29960.
  • 22. Moretti, P., Ravasio, G., Magnone, W., Di Cesare, F., Paltrinieri, S., Pecile, A. & Giordano, A. 2020. Haematological, serum biochemical and electrophoretic data on healthy captive Egyptian fruit bats (Rousettus aegyptiacus). Laboratory Animals, 0023677220948542.
  • 23. Paksuz, S., Paksuz, E.P., & Özkan, B. 2009. White blood cells (WBC) count of different bat (Chiroptera) species. Trakya University Journal of Sciences, 10: 55-59.
  • 24. Rashid, N., Irfan, M., Nadeem, M.S. & Shabbir, A. 2016. Comparative Seasonal Haematology of Two Bat Species, Scotophilus heathii and Pipistrellus pipistrellus, in a Subtropical Area of Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Zoology, 48: 1503-1510.
  • 25. Schinnerl, M., Aydinonat, D., Schwarzenberger, F. & Voigt, C.C. 2011. Hematological survey of common neotropical bat species from Costa Rica. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 42: 382-391.
  • 26. Sealander, J.A. 1965. The influence of body size, season, sex, age and other factors upon some blood parameters in small mammals. Journal of Mammalogy, 45: 598-616.
  • 27. Selig, M., Lewandowski, A. & Kent, M.S. 2016. Establishment of reference intervals for hematology and biochemistry analytes in a captive colony of straw-colored fruit bats (Eidolon helvum). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 47: 106-112.
  • 28. Thomas, S.P. & Suthers, R.A. 1972. The physiology and energetics of bat flight. Journal of Experimental Biology, 57: 317-335.
  • 29. Thomas, S.P. 1975. Metabolism during flight in two species of bats, Phyllostomus hastatus and Pteropus gouldii. Journal of Experimental Biology, 63: 273-293.
  • 30. Viljoen, M., Van Der Merwe, M., Bower, G., Levay, P.F. & Grobler, A.S. 1997. Peripheral blood characteristics of Gravid Schreiber’s Long-Fingered Bats, Miniopterus schreibersii natalensis. South African Journal of Science, 93: 414-418.
  • 31. Widmaier, E.P., Gornstein, E.R., Hennessey, J.L., Bloss, J.M., Greenberg, J.A. & Kunz, T.H. 1996. High plasma cholesterol, but low triglycerides and plaque-free arteries, in Mexican free-tailed bats. The American Journal of Physiology, 271: 1101-1106.
  • 32. Wightman, J., Roberts, J., Chaffey, G. & Agar, N.S. 1987. Erythrocyte biochemistry of the grey-headed fruit bat (Pteropus poliocephalus). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Comparative Biochemistry, 88: 305-307.
  • 33. Wilson, D.E. & Mittermeier, R.A. 2019. Handbook of the mammals of the world. Vol. 9 Bats. Lynx Ediciones, Barcelona, 951 pp.
  • 34. Wołk, E. & Bogdanowicz W. 1987. Hematology of the hibernating bat: Myotis daubentoni. Comparative biochemistry and physiology. A, Comparative physiology, 88: 637-639.
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article/Araştırma Makalesi

Emine Pınar Paksuz 0000-0001-6304-3532

Publication Date April 15, 2022
Submission Date July 5, 2021
Acceptance Date November 12, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 23 Issue: 1


APA Paksuz, E. P. (2022). HEMATOLOGY AND PLASMA BIOCHEMISTRY OF GREATER MOUSE-EARED BAT Myotis myotis (Borkhausen) (CHIROPTERA: VESPERTILIONIDAE) IN TURKEY. Trakya University Journal of Natural Sciences, 23(1), 37-42.
AMA Paksuz EP. HEMATOLOGY AND PLASMA BIOCHEMISTRY OF GREATER MOUSE-EARED BAT Myotis myotis (Borkhausen) (CHIROPTERA: VESPERTILIONIDAE) IN TURKEY. Trakya Univ J Nat Sci. April 2022;23(1):37-42. doi:10.23902/trkjnat.962609
Chicago Paksuz, Emine Pınar. “HEMATOLOGY AND PLASMA BIOCHEMISTRY OF GREATER MOUSE-EARED BAT Myotis Myotis (Borkhausen) (CHIROPTERA: VESPERTILIONIDAE) IN TURKEY”. Trakya University Journal of Natural Sciences 23, no. 1 (April 2022): 37-42.
EndNote Paksuz EP (April 1, 2022) HEMATOLOGY AND PLASMA BIOCHEMISTRY OF GREATER MOUSE-EARED BAT Myotis myotis (Borkhausen) (CHIROPTERA: VESPERTILIONIDAE) IN TURKEY. Trakya University Journal of Natural Sciences 23 1 37–42.
IEEE E. P. Paksuz, “HEMATOLOGY AND PLASMA BIOCHEMISTRY OF GREATER MOUSE-EARED BAT Myotis myotis (Borkhausen) (CHIROPTERA: VESPERTILIONIDAE) IN TURKEY”, Trakya Univ J Nat Sci, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 37–42, 2022, doi: 10.23902/trkjnat.962609.
ISNAD Paksuz, Emine Pınar. “HEMATOLOGY AND PLASMA BIOCHEMISTRY OF GREATER MOUSE-EARED BAT Myotis Myotis (Borkhausen) (CHIROPTERA: VESPERTILIONIDAE) IN TURKEY”. Trakya University Journal of Natural Sciences 23/1 (April 2022), 37-42.
MLA Paksuz, Emine Pınar. “HEMATOLOGY AND PLASMA BIOCHEMISTRY OF GREATER MOUSE-EARED BAT Myotis Myotis (Borkhausen) (CHIROPTERA: VESPERTILIONIDAE) IN TURKEY”. Trakya University Journal of Natural Sciences, vol. 23, no. 1, 2022, pp. 37-42, doi:10.23902/trkjnat.962609.

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