Research Article
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Year 2024, Issue: Online First


Önceki araştırmalar, interlökin-6 (IL-6) geni varyantlarının spor ile ilgili özelliklere ve atle-tik performansa katkı sağladığını ileri sürmektedir. Bu çalışmada, Türk triatletler ve sedanter bireylerde IL-6 geninin 3' translasyon olmayan bölgelerinde (UTR) dizi varyantlarını tanım-lamayı ve bunların atletik fenotipe yatkınlıktaki varsayılan rollerini değerlendirmeyi amaçla-dık. Türk triatletlerde (n = 47) ve sedanter bireylerde (n = 46) dizi varyantları Sanger dizi-leme ile tanımlanmıştır. Alel/genotip frekansları ve bağlantı dengesizliği (LD) örüntüleri Haploview programı ile hesaplanmıştır. Tespit edilen varyantların fonksiyonel önemleri in silico tahmin araçları kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Hedef gen bölgesinin dizilenmesi sonu-cunda, katılımcıların tükürük örneklerinde dört tek nükleotid varyantı (rs13306435, rs747302620, rs2069849, rs13306436) tespit edilmiştir. rs13306436-3'UTR/IL-6 sadece triatletlerde görülürken, ekzonik rs747302620 sadece sedanter grupta gözlenmiştir. Ayrıca, rs13306436G>A, miRNA'ların bağlanabileceği kayıp/kazanç bölgeleri yaratarak atletil per-formans ile ilişkili olabilir. Bulgularımız, 3'UTR/IL-6'nın sporcu yeteneğini belirlemede iş-levsel bir öneme sahip olabileceğini göstermektedir. Sporcularda IL-6 genine odaklı yapıla-cak gelecekteki kapsamlı çalışmalar, yalnızca bireylerin atletik durumlarının belirlenmesine değil, aynı zamanda translasyonel tıp için de çıkarımlara yol açabilir.

Project Number



  • 1. Adzhubei, I.A., Schmidt, S., Peshkin, L., Ramensky, V.E., Gerasimova, A., Bork, P., Kondrashov, A.S. & Sunyaev, S.R. 2010. A method and server for predicting damaging missense mutations. Nature Methods, 7(4): 248-249.
  • 2. Akkoç, O., Bi̇rli̇k, A., Doğan, C.S., Ulucan, K. & Kirandi, Ö. 2020. Türk İronman Triatlon Sporcularında IL-6, HIF1A, MCT1, PPAR-a Polimorfizm Dağılımının Belirlenmesi. Spor Eğitim Dergisi, 4(1): 1-7.
  • 3. Appel, M., Zentgraf, K., Krüger, K. & Alack, K. 2021. Effects of Genetic Variation on Endurance Performance, Muscle Strength, and Injury Susceptibility in Sports: A Systematic Review. Frontiers in Physiology, 12: 694411.
  • 4. Ataie-Kachoie, P., Pourgholami, M.H. & Morris, D.L. 2013. Inhibition of the IL-6 signaling pathway: a strategy to combat chronic inflammatory diseases and cancer. Cytokine & Growth Factor Reviews, 24(2): 163-173.
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  • 7. Ben-Zaken, S., Eliakim, A., Nemet, D., Kaufman, L. & Meckel, Y. 2022. Genetic characteristics of competitive swimmers: A review. Biology of Sport, 39(1): 157-170.
  • 8. Ben-Zaken, S., Eliakim, A., Nemet, D., Rabinovich, M., Kassem, E. & Meckel, Y. 2015. ACTN3 Polymorphism: Comparison Between Elite Swimmers and Runners. Sports Medicine - Open, 1(1): 13.
  • 9. Ben-Zaken, S., Meckel, Y., Nemet, D., Kassem, E. & Eliakim, A. 2017. Increased Prevalence of the IL-6-174C Genetic Polymorphism in Long Distance Swimmers. Journal of Human Kinetics, 58: 121-130.
  • 10. Bongiovanni, T., Pintus, R., Dessì, A., Noto, A., Sardo, S., Finco, G., Corsello, G. & Fanos, V. 2019. Sportomics: metabolomics applied to sports. The new revolution? European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences, 23(24): 11011-11019.
  • 11. Boyle, A.P., Hong, E.L., Hariharan, M., Cheng, Y., Schaub, M.A., Kasowski, M., Karczewski, K.J., Park, J., Hitz, B.C., Weng, S., Cherry, J.M. & Snyder, M. 2012. Annotation of functional variation in personal genomes using RegulomeDB. Genome Research, 22(9): 1790-1797.
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  • 14. Chen, Z., Zhang, L., Ding, C., Ren, K., Wan, D. & Lin, S. 2022. A six-miRNA signature as a novel biomarker for improving prediction of prognosis and patterns of immune infiltration in hepatocellular carcinoma. American Journal of Translational Research, 14(6): 3610-3637.
  • 15. Corak, A., Kapici, S., Sercan, C., Akkoç, O. & Ulucan, K. 2017. A pilot study for determination of anxiety related SLC6A4 promoter “S” and “L” alleles in healthy Turkish athletes. Cellular and Molecular Biology (Noisy-Le-Grand, France), 63(5): 29-31.
  • 16. de Gonzalo-Calvo, D., Dávalos, A., Montero, A., García-González, Á., Tyshkovska, I., González-Medina, A., Soares, S.M.A., Martínez-Camblor, P., Casas-Agustench, P., Rabadán, M., Díaz-Martínez, Á.E., Úbeda, N. & Iglesias-Gutiérrez, E. 2015. Circulating inflammatory miRNA signature in response to different doses of aerobic exercise. Journal of Applied Physiology, 119(2): 124-134.
  • 17. de la Iglesia, R., Espinosa-Salinas, I., Lopez-Silvarrey, F.J., Ramos-Alvarez, J.J., Segovia, J. C., Colmenarejo, G., Borregon-Rivilla, E., Marcos-Pasero, H., Aguilar-Aguilar, E., Loria-Kohen, V., Reglero, G. & Ramirez-de Molina, A. 2020. A Potential Endurance Algorithm Prediction in the Field of Sports Performance. Frontiers in Genetics, 11: 711.
  • 18. Domingo, R., Sturrock, E. & Collins, M. 2012. ACE Activity and Endurance Performance during the South African Ironman Triathlons. International journal of sports medicine, 34(5): 402-408.
  • 19. Eider, J., Cieszczyk, P., Leońska-Duniec, A., Maciejewska, A., Sawczuk, M., Ficek, K. & Kotarska, K. 2013. Association of the 174 G/C polymorphism of the IL6 gene in Polish power-orientated athletes. The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 53(1): 88-92.
  • 20. Fuku, N., Kumagai, H. & Ahmetov, I.I. 2019. Chapter Fourteen - Genetics of muscle fiber composition. pp. 295-314. In: Barh, D. & Ahmetov, I.I. (eds). Sports, Exercise, and Nutritional Genomics. Academic Press.
  • 21. Ginevičienė, V., Utkus, A., Pranckevičienė, E., Semenova, E.A., Hall, E.C R. & Ahmetov, I.I. 2022. Perspectives in Sports Genomics. Biomedicines, 10(2): 298.
  • 22. Grealy, R., Herruer, J., Smith, C.L E., Hiller, D., Haseler, L.J. & Griffiths, L.R. 2015. Evaluation of a 7-Gene Genetic Profile for Athletic Endurance Phenotype in Ironman Championship Triathletes. PLOS ONE, 10(12): e0145171.
  • 23. Heffernan, S.M., Kilduff, L.P., Erskine, R.M., Day, S.H., Stebbings, G.K., Cook, C.J., Raleigh, S.M., Bennett, M.A., Wang, G., Collins, M., Pitsiladis, Y.P. & Williams, A.G. 2017. COL5A1 gene variants previously associated with reduced soft tissue injury risk are associated with elite athlete status in rugby. BMC genomics, 18(Suppl 8): 820.
  • 24. Hirano, T. 2021. IL-6 in inflammation, autoimmunity and cancer. International Immunology, 33(3): 127-148.
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Investigation of the putative functional relevance of the IL-6 3'UTR genetic variants with athletic phenotype in Turkish triathletes

Year 2024, Issue: Online First


Previous research suggests that genetic variants in the interleukin-6 (IL-6) gene contribute to sport-related traits and athletic performance. We aimed to identify sequence variants in the IL-6 gene region comprising the 3' untranslated region (UTR) in the Turkish triathletes and sedentary individuals and assessed their putative roles in tendency to athletic phenotype. Sequence variants were identified in the Turkish triathletes (n = 47) and sedentary individu-als (n = 46) by Sanger sequencing. Allele/genotype frequencies and linkage disequilibrium (LD) patterns were calculated by the Haploview program. The functional significance of the detected variants was analyzed using in silico prediction tools. Four single nucleotide vari-ants (rs13306435, rs747302620, rs2069849, rs13306436) were detected in saliva samples of the participants by sequencing the target region. Notably, rs13306436-3'UTR/IL-6 was only seen in the triathletes, while the exonic rs747302620 was observed in only sedentary group. Also, rs13306436G>A causes loss/gain sites for binding multiple miRNAs that may be associated with athletic performance. Our findings indicate that the 3'UTR/IL-6 may have functional relevance in determining sports talent. Future comprehensive studies focusing on the IL-6 gene in athletes may pave the way for not only determining the athletic status of the individuals but also have implications for translational medicine.

Ethical Statement

Ethics committee approval was received for this study from the Institutional Review Board (IRB) of the Bursa Uludag University by the number 2022-1/18. All participants were informed about the study and participated after signing informed consent forms. Sample collections in the race areas were accomplished with the approval and permission of the Turkish Triathlon Federation.

Supporting Institution

Bursa Uludag University Scientific Research Unit

Project Number



  • 1. Adzhubei, I.A., Schmidt, S., Peshkin, L., Ramensky, V.E., Gerasimova, A., Bork, P., Kondrashov, A.S. & Sunyaev, S.R. 2010. A method and server for predicting damaging missense mutations. Nature Methods, 7(4): 248-249.
  • 2. Akkoç, O., Bi̇rli̇k, A., Doğan, C.S., Ulucan, K. & Kirandi, Ö. 2020. Türk İronman Triatlon Sporcularında IL-6, HIF1A, MCT1, PPAR-a Polimorfizm Dağılımının Belirlenmesi. Spor Eğitim Dergisi, 4(1): 1-7.
  • 3. Appel, M., Zentgraf, K., Krüger, K. & Alack, K. 2021. Effects of Genetic Variation on Endurance Performance, Muscle Strength, and Injury Susceptibility in Sports: A Systematic Review. Frontiers in Physiology, 12: 694411.
  • 4. Ataie-Kachoie, P., Pourgholami, M.H. & Morris, D.L. 2013. Inhibition of the IL-6 signaling pathway: a strategy to combat chronic inflammatory diseases and cancer. Cytokine & Growth Factor Reviews, 24(2): 163-173.
  • 5. Barrett, J.C., Fry, B., Maller, J. & Daly, M.J. 2005. Haploview: analysis and visualization of LD and haplotype maps. Bioinformatics, 21(2): 263-265.
  • 6. Bennermo, M., Held, C., Stemme, S., Ericsson, C.-G., Silveira, A., Green, F. & Tornvall, P. 2004. Genetic Predisposition of the Interleukin-6 Response to Inflammation: Implications for a Variety of Major Diseases? Clinical Chemistry, 50(11): 2136-2140.
  • 7. Ben-Zaken, S., Eliakim, A., Nemet, D., Kaufman, L. & Meckel, Y. 2022. Genetic characteristics of competitive swimmers: A review. Biology of Sport, 39(1): 157-170.
  • 8. Ben-Zaken, S., Eliakim, A., Nemet, D., Rabinovich, M., Kassem, E. & Meckel, Y. 2015. ACTN3 Polymorphism: Comparison Between Elite Swimmers and Runners. Sports Medicine - Open, 1(1): 13.
  • 9. Ben-Zaken, S., Meckel, Y., Nemet, D., Kassem, E. & Eliakim, A. 2017. Increased Prevalence of the IL-6-174C Genetic Polymorphism in Long Distance Swimmers. Journal of Human Kinetics, 58: 121-130.
  • 10. Bongiovanni, T., Pintus, R., Dessì, A., Noto, A., Sardo, S., Finco, G., Corsello, G. & Fanos, V. 2019. Sportomics: metabolomics applied to sports. The new revolution? European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences, 23(24): 11011-11019.
  • 11. Boyle, A.P., Hong, E.L., Hariharan, M., Cheng, Y., Schaub, M.A., Kasowski, M., Karczewski, K.J., Park, J., Hitz, B.C., Weng, S., Cherry, J.M. & Snyder, M. 2012. Annotation of functional variation in personal genomes using RegulomeDB. Genome Research, 22(9): 1790-1797.
  • 12. Catoire, M. & Kersten, S. 2015. The search for exercise factors in humans. The FASEB Journal, 29(5): 1615-1628.
  • 13. Ceni̇kli̇, A., Nursal, A., Tural, E., Polat, Y., Tasmektepligil, M. & Serbulent, Y. 2016. The Correlation between Rs1800795 Variant of IL 6 and Sports Performance among Turkish Elite Athletes. International Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education, 3(11): 1-5.
  • 14. Chen, Z., Zhang, L., Ding, C., Ren, K., Wan, D. & Lin, S. 2022. A six-miRNA signature as a novel biomarker for improving prediction of prognosis and patterns of immune infiltration in hepatocellular carcinoma. American Journal of Translational Research, 14(6): 3610-3637.
  • 15. Corak, A., Kapici, S., Sercan, C., Akkoç, O. & Ulucan, K. 2017. A pilot study for determination of anxiety related SLC6A4 promoter “S” and “L” alleles in healthy Turkish athletes. Cellular and Molecular Biology (Noisy-Le-Grand, France), 63(5): 29-31.
  • 16. de Gonzalo-Calvo, D., Dávalos, A., Montero, A., García-González, Á., Tyshkovska, I., González-Medina, A., Soares, S.M.A., Martínez-Camblor, P., Casas-Agustench, P., Rabadán, M., Díaz-Martínez, Á.E., Úbeda, N. & Iglesias-Gutiérrez, E. 2015. Circulating inflammatory miRNA signature in response to different doses of aerobic exercise. Journal of Applied Physiology, 119(2): 124-134.
  • 17. de la Iglesia, R., Espinosa-Salinas, I., Lopez-Silvarrey, F.J., Ramos-Alvarez, J.J., Segovia, J. C., Colmenarejo, G., Borregon-Rivilla, E., Marcos-Pasero, H., Aguilar-Aguilar, E., Loria-Kohen, V., Reglero, G. & Ramirez-de Molina, A. 2020. A Potential Endurance Algorithm Prediction in the Field of Sports Performance. Frontiers in Genetics, 11: 711.
  • 18. Domingo, R., Sturrock, E. & Collins, M. 2012. ACE Activity and Endurance Performance during the South African Ironman Triathlons. International journal of sports medicine, 34(5): 402-408.
  • 19. Eider, J., Cieszczyk, P., Leońska-Duniec, A., Maciejewska, A., Sawczuk, M., Ficek, K. & Kotarska, K. 2013. Association of the 174 G/C polymorphism of the IL6 gene in Polish power-orientated athletes. The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 53(1): 88-92.
  • 20. Fuku, N., Kumagai, H. & Ahmetov, I.I. 2019. Chapter Fourteen - Genetics of muscle fiber composition. pp. 295-314. In: Barh, D. & Ahmetov, I.I. (eds). Sports, Exercise, and Nutritional Genomics. Academic Press.
  • 21. Ginevičienė, V., Utkus, A., Pranckevičienė, E., Semenova, E.A., Hall, E.C R. & Ahmetov, I.I. 2022. Perspectives in Sports Genomics. Biomedicines, 10(2): 298.
  • 22. Grealy, R., Herruer, J., Smith, C.L E., Hiller, D., Haseler, L.J. & Griffiths, L.R. 2015. Evaluation of a 7-Gene Genetic Profile for Athletic Endurance Phenotype in Ironman Championship Triathletes. PLOS ONE, 10(12): e0145171.
  • 23. Heffernan, S.M., Kilduff, L.P., Erskine, R.M., Day, S.H., Stebbings, G.K., Cook, C.J., Raleigh, S.M., Bennett, M.A., Wang, G., Collins, M., Pitsiladis, Y.P. & Williams, A.G. 2017. COL5A1 gene variants previously associated with reduced soft tissue injury risk are associated with elite athlete status in rugby. BMC genomics, 18(Suppl 8): 820.
  • 24. Hirano, T. 2021. IL-6 in inflammation, autoimmunity and cancer. International Immunology, 33(3): 127-148.
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There are 61 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Genomics
Journal Section Research Article/Araştırma Makalesi

Dilek Pirim 0000-0002-0522-9432

Hasan Faruk Niş 0000-0002-6665-9874

Fatih Atilla Bağcı 0009-0003-5158-1757

Project Number FYL-2022-807
Early Pub Date September 3, 2024
Publication Date
Submission Date May 31, 2024
Acceptance Date August 16, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Issue: Online First


APA Pirim, D., Niş, H. F., & Bağcı, F. A. (2024). Investigation of the putative functional relevance of the IL-6 3’UTR genetic variants with athletic phenotype in Turkish triathletes. Trakya University Journal of Natural Sciences(Online First).
AMA Pirim D, Niş HF, Bağcı FA. Investigation of the putative functional relevance of the IL-6 3’UTR genetic variants with athletic phenotype in Turkish triathletes. Trakya Univ J Nat Sci. September 2024;(Online First). doi:10.23902/trkjnat.1493225
Chicago Pirim, Dilek, Hasan Faruk Niş, and Fatih Atilla Bağcı. “Investigation of the Putative Functional Relevance of the IL-6 3’UTR Genetic Variants With Athletic Phenotype in Turkish Triathletes”. Trakya University Journal of Natural Sciences, no. Online First (September 2024).
EndNote Pirim D, Niş HF, Bağcı FA (September 1, 2024) Investigation of the putative functional relevance of the IL-6 3’UTR genetic variants with athletic phenotype in Turkish triathletes. Trakya University Journal of Natural Sciences Online First
IEEE D. Pirim, H. F. Niş, and F. A. Bağcı, “Investigation of the putative functional relevance of the IL-6 3’UTR genetic variants with athletic phenotype in Turkish triathletes”, Trakya Univ J Nat Sci, no. Online First, September 2024, doi: 10.23902/trkjnat.1493225.
ISNAD Pirim, Dilek et al. “Investigation of the Putative Functional Relevance of the IL-6 3’UTR Genetic Variants With Athletic Phenotype in Turkish Triathletes”. Trakya University Journal of Natural Sciences Online First (September 2024).
JAMA Pirim D, Niş HF, Bağcı FA. Investigation of the putative functional relevance of the IL-6 3’UTR genetic variants with athletic phenotype in Turkish triathletes. Trakya Univ J Nat Sci. 2024. doi:10.23902/trkjnat.1493225.
MLA Pirim, Dilek et al. “Investigation of the Putative Functional Relevance of the IL-6 3’UTR Genetic Variants With Athletic Phenotype in Turkish Triathletes”. Trakya University Journal of Natural Sciences, no. Online First, 2024, doi:10.23902/trkjnat.1493225.
Vancouver Pirim D, Niş HF, Bağcı FA. Investigation of the putative functional relevance of the IL-6 3’UTR genetic variants with athletic phenotype in Turkish triathletes. Trakya Univ J Nat Sci. 2024(Online First).

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