Case Report
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A cluster of atypical brucellosis in the same family

Year 2023, , 38 - 41, 30.01.2023


Brucellosis is a systemic and chronic zoonotic disease passed by Brucella bacteria, which is endemic in our country. Patients presenting with different clinical manifestations are often accompanied by nonspecific symptoms like fever, night sweats, loss of appetite, weight loss and polyarthralgia. Although Brucellosis can affect all systems. Examples of musculoskeletal and hematological involvement will be discussed in the following two cases. Peripheral arthritis, sacroiliitis, spondylitis, tenosynovitis and osteomyelitis are seen in musculoskeletal involvement, while leukopenia, anemia, and rarely pancytopenia are seen in hematological involvement. Psoas abscess is a rare infection that is difficult and late to diagnose and categorized as primary and secondary. The most common cause of primary psoas abscess is Staphylococcus aureus and it usually occurs by hematogenous spread from a focus of infection in another part of the body. We aimed to present two cases from the same family, one of whom had primary psoas abscess and spondylodiscitis secondary to brucellosis; the other of whom had pancytopenia due to brucellosis.

Supporting Institution



  • 1. Kaya O, Akçam FZ, Avşar K, Tiğli A, Yayli G. Brusel-loz: 75 olgunun klinik ve laboratuvar verilerinin değerlendirilmesi. Turk Klin J Med Sci 2006;26(6):623-9.
  • 2. Özer S, Oltan N, Gençer S. Bruselloz: 33 olgunun değerlendirilmesi. Klimik Dergisi 1998;11(3):82-4.
  • 3. Ablin J, Mevorach D, Eliakim R. Brucellosis and the gastrointestinal tract. The odd couple. J Clin Gastroenterol 1997;24(1):25-9.
  • 4. Nas K, Gür A, Kemaloğlu MS, et al. Management of spinal brucellosis and outcome of rehabilitation. Spinal Cord 2001;39(4):223-7.
  • 5. Turunç T, Turunç T, Demiroğlu YZ, Colakoğlu S. Ret-rospective evaluation of 15 cases with psoas abscesses. Mikrobiyol Bul 2009;43(1):121-5.
  • 6. Kadanali A, Soypaçaci Z, Parlak M. Bruselloza bağlı bir pansitopeni olgusu. İnfeksiyon Derg Turk J Infect 2003;17(1):93-4.
  • 7. Aysha MH, Shayib MA. Pancytopenia and other haematological findings in brucellosis. Scand J Haematol 1986;36(4):335-8.
  • 8. Buzgan T, Karahocagil MK, Irmak H, et al. Clinical manifestations and complications in 1028 cases of brucellosis: a retrospective evaluation and review of the literature. Int J Infect Dis IJID Off Publ Int Soc Infect Dis 2010;14(6):e469-478.
  • 9. Pappas G, Papadimitriou P, Akritidis N, Christou L, Tsianos EV. The new global map of human brucellosis. Lancet Infect Dis 2006;6(2):91-9.
  • 10. Yüce A, Alp-Çavuş S. Türkiye’de Bruselloz: Genel Bakış. Klimik Dergisi 2006;19(3):87-97.
  • 11. Sözen S, Üstün C, Altınsoy HB. Bruselloza sekonder gelişen psoas absesi / Psoas abscess secondary to Brucellosis. Bakirkoy Tip Derg Med J Bakirkoy 2011;7(2):79-81.
  • 12. Andreou A, Karasavvidou A, Papadopoulou F, Koukoulidis A. Ilio-psoas abscess in a neonate. Am J Perinatol 1997;14(9):519-21.
  • 13. Melissas J, Romanos J, de Bree E, Schoretsanitis G, Askoxylakis J, Tsiftsis DD. Primary Psoas Abscess. Report of Three Cases. Acta Chir Belg 2002;102(2):114-7.
  • 14. Zuazu JP, Duran JW, Julia AF. Hemophagocytosis in acute brucellos. N Engl J Med 1979;301(21):1185-6.
  • 15. Akdeniz H, Irmak H, Seçkinli T, Buzgan T, Demiröz AP. Hematological manifestations in brucellosis cases in Turkey. Acta Med Okayama 1998;52(1):63-5.
  • 16. Skalsky K, Yahav D, Bishara J, Pitlik S, Leibovici L, Paul M. Treatment of human brucellosis: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. BMJ 2008;336(7646):701-4.
  • 17. Solera J, Martínez-Alfaro E, Sáez L. [Meta-analysis of the efficacy of the combination of +rifampicin and doxycycline in the treatment of human brucellosis]. Med Clin (Barc) 1994;102(19):731-8.

Aynı aileden eş zamanlı yatırılan iki atipik bruselloz olgusu

Year 2023, , 38 - 41, 30.01.2023


Bruselloz, Brucella cinsi bakterilerin yol açtığı, ülkemizde endemik seyreden, sistemik ve kronik seyirli zoonotik bir hastalıktır. Farklı klinik tablolarla başvuran hastalara sıklıkla ateş, iştahsızlık, gece terlemeleri, halsizlik, kilo kaybı ve poliartralji gibi nonspesifik semptomlar eşlik eder. Bruselloz tüm sistemleri tutabilmekle beraber aşağıdaki iki olguda kas iskelet sistemi ve hematolojik tutulum örneklerinden bahsedilecektir. Kas iskelet sistemi tutulumunda periferik artrit, sakroileit, spondilit, tenosinovit ve osteomyelit görülürken, hematolojik tutulumda sıklıkla lökopeni, anemi, nadiren de pansitopeni görülür. Psoas apsesi nadir görülen; tanısı genellikle zor ve geç konulan, primer ve sekonder olarak sınıflandırılan bir enfeksiyon hastalığıdır. Primer psoas apsesinin en sık sebebi Staphylococcus aureus olup sıklıkla vücudun başka bir bölgesindeki enfeksiyon odağından hematojen yayılım sonucu oluşur. Bu çalışmada biri bruselloza sekonder gelişen primer psoas apsesi ve spondilodiskiti olan; diğeri pansitopenisi olan aynı aileden iki olgunun sunulması amaçlanmıştır.


  • 1. Kaya O, Akçam FZ, Avşar K, Tiğli A, Yayli G. Brusel-loz: 75 olgunun klinik ve laboratuvar verilerinin değerlendirilmesi. Turk Klin J Med Sci 2006;26(6):623-9.
  • 2. Özer S, Oltan N, Gençer S. Bruselloz: 33 olgunun değerlendirilmesi. Klimik Dergisi 1998;11(3):82-4.
  • 3. Ablin J, Mevorach D, Eliakim R. Brucellosis and the gastrointestinal tract. The odd couple. J Clin Gastroenterol 1997;24(1):25-9.
  • 4. Nas K, Gür A, Kemaloğlu MS, et al. Management of spinal brucellosis and outcome of rehabilitation. Spinal Cord 2001;39(4):223-7.
  • 5. Turunç T, Turunç T, Demiroğlu YZ, Colakoğlu S. Ret-rospective evaluation of 15 cases with psoas abscesses. Mikrobiyol Bul 2009;43(1):121-5.
  • 6. Kadanali A, Soypaçaci Z, Parlak M. Bruselloza bağlı bir pansitopeni olgusu. İnfeksiyon Derg Turk J Infect 2003;17(1):93-4.
  • 7. Aysha MH, Shayib MA. Pancytopenia and other haematological findings in brucellosis. Scand J Haematol 1986;36(4):335-8.
  • 8. Buzgan T, Karahocagil MK, Irmak H, et al. Clinical manifestations and complications in 1028 cases of brucellosis: a retrospective evaluation and review of the literature. Int J Infect Dis IJID Off Publ Int Soc Infect Dis 2010;14(6):e469-478.
  • 9. Pappas G, Papadimitriou P, Akritidis N, Christou L, Tsianos EV. The new global map of human brucellosis. Lancet Infect Dis 2006;6(2):91-9.
  • 10. Yüce A, Alp-Çavuş S. Türkiye’de Bruselloz: Genel Bakış. Klimik Dergisi 2006;19(3):87-97.
  • 11. Sözen S, Üstün C, Altınsoy HB. Bruselloza sekonder gelişen psoas absesi / Psoas abscess secondary to Brucellosis. Bakirkoy Tip Derg Med J Bakirkoy 2011;7(2):79-81.
  • 12. Andreou A, Karasavvidou A, Papadopoulou F, Koukoulidis A. Ilio-psoas abscess in a neonate. Am J Perinatol 1997;14(9):519-21.
  • 13. Melissas J, Romanos J, de Bree E, Schoretsanitis G, Askoxylakis J, Tsiftsis DD. Primary Psoas Abscess. Report of Three Cases. Acta Chir Belg 2002;102(2):114-7.
  • 14. Zuazu JP, Duran JW, Julia AF. Hemophagocytosis in acute brucellos. N Engl J Med 1979;301(21):1185-6.
  • 15. Akdeniz H, Irmak H, Seçkinli T, Buzgan T, Demiröz AP. Hematological manifestations in brucellosis cases in Turkey. Acta Med Okayama 1998;52(1):63-5.
  • 16. Skalsky K, Yahav D, Bishara J, Pitlik S, Leibovici L, Paul M. Treatment of human brucellosis: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. BMJ 2008;336(7646):701-4.
  • 17. Solera J, Martínez-Alfaro E, Sáez L. [Meta-analysis of the efficacy of the combination of +rifampicin and doxycycline in the treatment of human brucellosis]. Med Clin (Barc) 1994;102(19):731-8.
There are 17 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Articles

Işıl Deniz Alıravcı 0000-0002-4740-1579

Anıl Akça 0000-0001-5029-9838

Servan Vurucu

Tuba Eltimur Karatoprak

Cihan Yüksel 0000-0002-6861-9163

Publication Date January 30, 2023
Submission Date September 21, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Alıravcı, I. D., Akça, A., Vurucu, S., Eltimur Karatoprak, T., et al. (2023). A cluster of atypical brucellosis in the same family. Troia Medical Journal, 4(1), 38-41.
AMA Alıravcı ID, Akça A, Vurucu S, Eltimur Karatoprak T, Yüksel C. A cluster of atypical brucellosis in the same family. Troia Med J. January 2023;4(1):38-41. doi:10.55665/troiamedj.1177780
Chicago Alıravcı, Işıl Deniz, Anıl Akça, Servan Vurucu, Tuba Eltimur Karatoprak, and Cihan Yüksel. “A Cluster of Atypical Brucellosis in the Same Family”. Troia Medical Journal 4, no. 1 (January 2023): 38-41.
EndNote Alıravcı ID, Akça A, Vurucu S, Eltimur Karatoprak T, Yüksel C (January 1, 2023) A cluster of atypical brucellosis in the same family. Troia Medical Journal 4 1 38–41.
IEEE I. D. Alıravcı, A. Akça, S. Vurucu, T. Eltimur Karatoprak, and C. Yüksel, “A cluster of atypical brucellosis in the same family”, Troia Med J, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 38–41, 2023, doi: 10.55665/troiamedj.1177780.
ISNAD Alıravcı, Işıl Deniz et al. “A Cluster of Atypical Brucellosis in the Same Family”. Troia Medical Journal 4/1 (January 2023), 38-41.
JAMA Alıravcı ID, Akça A, Vurucu S, Eltimur Karatoprak T, Yüksel C. A cluster of atypical brucellosis in the same family. Troia Med J. 2023;4:38–41.
MLA Alıravcı, Işıl Deniz et al. “A Cluster of Atypical Brucellosis in the Same Family”. Troia Medical Journal, vol. 4, no. 1, 2023, pp. 38-41, doi:10.55665/troiamedj.1177780.
Vancouver Alıravcı ID, Akça A, Vurucu S, Eltimur Karatoprak T, Yüksel C. A cluster of atypical brucellosis in the same family. Troia Med J. 2023;4(1):38-41.