Year 2019,
Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 83 - 88, 15.08.2019
Sabiha Güngör Kobat
Fatih Cem Gül
Burak Turgut
Optik disk druseni,
optik diskte hiyalin yapısında patolojik kalsifiye materyalin birikmesi ile
oluşan konjenital bir optik disk anomalisidir. Optik
disk druseni, gerçek papilödem ile karışabilecek şekilde optik sinir başında
değişikliğe sebep olması nedeniyle önemli bir klinik durumdur. Bu yazıda psödopapilödem
görüntüsüne neden olan optik disk drusenli iki olguyu sunmayı amaçladık.
- 1. Söylev MF, Saatçi AO, Arsan AK, Kaynak S, Duman S, Ergin M. Optik disk druzeninin komplikasyonları ve birlikte görüldüğü oküler ve sistemik hastalıklar. Ret-Vit. 1996; 1:457-62.
- 2. Auw-Haedrich C, Staubach F, Witschel H. Optic disk drusen. Surv Ophthalmol.2002 Nov-Dec;47(6):515-32.
- 3. Kurz-Levin MM, Landau K. A comparison of imaging techniques for diagnosing drusen of the optic nerve head. Arch Ophthalmol. 1999;117:1045-1049.
- 4. Morris RW, Ellerbrock JM, Hamp AM, et al. Advanced visual field loss secondary to optic nerve head drusen: Case report and literature review. Optometry. 2009;80:83-100.
- 5. Floyd MS, Katz BJ, Digre KB. Measurement of the scleral canal using optical coherence tomography in patients with optic nerve drusen. Am J Ophthalmol. 2005;139:664-669. 6. Savini G, Bellusci C, Carbonelli M, et al. Detection and quantification of retinal nevre fiber layer thickness in optic disc edema using Stratus OCT. ArchOphthalmol 2006;124:1111-7.
- 7. Brena MD, Diehl ML, Johnson LN, et al. Using optical coherence tomography (OCT) to differentiate between optic nerve head drusen and optic disc edema. Poster present date: 2007 ARVO Annual Meeting; May 8, 2007; Fort Lauderdale.
- 8. A. Öner, A. Ağadayı, N. Sinim. Optik disk ödemi ve optik disk druseni ayırımında spektral domain optik kohorens tomografi kullanılması. Ret-Vit 2015;23(2):141- 4.9. Turgut B, Kaya MK, Demir T. An atypical case of optic disk drusen with nerve fiber layer thickening. Eye and Brain. 2010:67-71.
- 10. Ocakoglu O, Ustundag C, Koyluoglu N, Oguz V, Kendiroqlu G, Ozkan S. Long term follow-up of retinal nerve fiber layer thickness in eyes with optic nerve head drusen. Curr Eye Res 2003; 26(5):277–80.
- 11. Johnson LN, Diehl ML, Hamm CW, Sommerville DN, Petroski GF. Differentiating optic disc edema from optic nerve head drusen on optical coherence tomography. Arch Ophthalmol 2009; 127:45-9.
Year 2019,
Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 83 - 88, 15.08.2019
Sabiha Güngör Kobat
Fatih Cem Gül
Burak Turgut
- 1. Söylev MF, Saatçi AO, Arsan AK, Kaynak S, Duman S, Ergin M. Optik disk druzeninin komplikasyonları ve birlikte görüldüğü oküler ve sistemik hastalıklar. Ret-Vit. 1996; 1:457-62.
- 2. Auw-Haedrich C, Staubach F, Witschel H. Optic disk drusen. Surv Ophthalmol.2002 Nov-Dec;47(6):515-32.
- 3. Kurz-Levin MM, Landau K. A comparison of imaging techniques for diagnosing drusen of the optic nerve head. Arch Ophthalmol. 1999;117:1045-1049.
- 4. Morris RW, Ellerbrock JM, Hamp AM, et al. Advanced visual field loss secondary to optic nerve head drusen: Case report and literature review. Optometry. 2009;80:83-100.
- 5. Floyd MS, Katz BJ, Digre KB. Measurement of the scleral canal using optical coherence tomography in patients with optic nerve drusen. Am J Ophthalmol. 2005;139:664-669. 6. Savini G, Bellusci C, Carbonelli M, et al. Detection and quantification of retinal nevre fiber layer thickness in optic disc edema using Stratus OCT. ArchOphthalmol 2006;124:1111-7.
- 7. Brena MD, Diehl ML, Johnson LN, et al. Using optical coherence tomography (OCT) to differentiate between optic nerve head drusen and optic disc edema. Poster present date: 2007 ARVO Annual Meeting; May 8, 2007; Fort Lauderdale.
- 8. A. Öner, A. Ağadayı, N. Sinim. Optik disk ödemi ve optik disk druseni ayırımında spektral domain optik kohorens tomografi kullanılması. Ret-Vit 2015;23(2):141- 4.9. Turgut B, Kaya MK, Demir T. An atypical case of optic disk drusen with nerve fiber layer thickening. Eye and Brain. 2010:67-71.
- 10. Ocakoglu O, Ustundag C, Koyluoglu N, Oguz V, Kendiroqlu G, Ozkan S. Long term follow-up of retinal nerve fiber layer thickness in eyes with optic nerve head drusen. Curr Eye Res 2003; 26(5):277–80.
- 11. Johnson LN, Diehl ML, Hamm CW, Sommerville DN, Petroski GF. Differentiating optic disc edema from optic nerve head drusen on optical coherence tomography. Arch Ophthalmol 2009; 127:45-9.