Year 2014,
Volume: 17 Issue: 4, 0 - 0, 01.10.2014
Orhan Ünal
Önder Sakin
Bülent Kars
Amaç: Kliniğimizde 6 yıl önce uygulamış olduğumuz trakelektomi operasyonunun uzun dönem takip sonuçlarını literatür eşliğinde
değerlendirmeyi ve nadir görülen bir vaka olan serviksin övere sküamöz hücreli metastaz durumunun bildirilmesi amaçlanmıştır.
Olgu: Hastanemizde 6 yıl önce evre 1A2 serviks kanseri nedeniyle trakelektomi yapılan hasta operasyondan 7 ay sonrasında servikal
stenoz nedeniyle ikinci kez operasyona alınmış ve dilatasyon & drenaj işlemleri uygulanmıştır. Postoperatif uzun dönem
takiplerinde ise 1 yıl sonrasında 3-4 cm’lik adneksiyal kitle gelişmesi ve malignite düşünülmesi nedeniyle üçüncü kez operasyon
uygulanmıştır. Frozen sonucunda malignite saptanan hastaya total histerektomi ve bilateral salpingooferektomi yapılmıştır. Kesin
patoloji sonucunda serviksin övere skuamöz hücreli tümör metastazı olarak belirlenmiştir. Hastanın 6 yıl sonrasında şuan nüks
tümörü veya başka bir patolojisi bulunmamaktadır.
Sonuç: Radikal trakelektomi günümüze kadar yapılan araştırmalar sonucunda etkinliğini ve uygun bir seçenek olduğunu ispatlamaktadır.
Bu nedenle uygun hasta grubunda tanı sağlandıktan sonra bu tekniğin düşünülmesi ve deneyimli bir merkezde uygulanması
en doğru yaklaşım olacaktır. Serviksin skuamöz hücreli kanserlerinin nadiren de olsa överlere metastaz yapabileceği
unutulmamalı, hastanın takiplerinde bu durum göz ardı edilmemelidir.
- 1. Gien LT, Covens A. Fertility-sparing options for early stage
cervical cancer. Gynecol Oncol 2010;117:350-357.
- 2. Covens A, Rosen B, Murphy J et al. Changes in the demographics
and perioperative care of stage Ia(2)/Ib(l) cervical cancer
over the past 16 years. Gynecol Oncol 2001;81:133-137.
- 3. Dursun P1, LeBlanc E, Nogueira MC. Radical vaginal trachelectomy
(Dargent’s operation): a critical review of the literature.
Eur J Surg Oncol. 2007;33(8):933-41.
- 4. Sato S1, Aoki D, Kobayashi H, Saito T, Nishimura R, Nagano
T, Yaegashi N, Enomoto T, Kigawa J. Questionnaire survey
of the current status of radical trachelectomy in Japan. Int J
Clin Oncol. 2011;16(2):141-4.
- 5. Smith JR, Boyle DCM, Corless DJ, et al. Abdominal radical
trachelectomy: a new surgieal teelmique for the conservative
management ofcervieal carcinoma. Br J Obstet Gynaeeol.
- 6. Rodriguez M, Guimares O, Rose PG. Radical abdominal
trachelectomy and pelvic lymphadenectomy with uterine
conservation and subsequent pregnancy in the treatment of
early invasive cervical cancer. Am J Ob stet Gynecol 2001;
- 7. Palfalvi L, Ungar L, Boyle DC, Del Priore G, Smith JR. Announcement
of healthy baby boy bom following abdominal
radical traehelectomy. Int J Gynecol Caneer 2003; 13:250.
- 8. Nishio H, Fujii T, Kameyama K et al. Abdominal radical
trachelectomy as a fertility-sparing procedure in women
with early-stage cervical cancer in a series of 61 women.
Gynecol Oncol 2009;115:51-55.
- 9. Karateke A1, Kabaca C. Radical abdominal trachelectomy
is a safe and fertility preserving option for women
with early stage cervical cancer. Eur J Gynaecol Oncol.
- 10. David N. Are they really asymptomatic? Int J STD AIDS
- 11. Burnett AF, Roman LD, O’Meara AT, Morrow CP. Radical
vaginal trachelectomy and pelvic lymphadenectomy for
preservation of fertility in early cervical carcinoma. Gynecol
Oncol 2003;88:419-23.
- 12. Marchiole P, Benchaib M, Buenerd A, Lazlo E, Dargent D,
Mathevet P. Oncological safety of laparoscopic-assisted vaginal
radical trachelectomy (LARVT or Dargent’s operation): a
comparative study with laparoscopic-assisted vaginal radical
hysterectomy (LARVH). Gynecol Oncol 2007;106:132-
- 13. Kim JH1, Park JY, Kim DY, Kim YM, Kim YT, Nam JH.
Fertility-sparing laparoscopic radical trachelectomy for
young women with early stage cervical cancer. BJOG.
- 14. Diaz JP, Sonoda Y, Leitao MM, Zivanovic O, Brown CL,
Chi DS, et al. Oncologic outcome of fertility-sparing radical
trachelectomy versus radical hysterectomy for stage IB1
cervical carcinoma. Gynecol Oncol. 2008;111:255-60.
- 15. Beiner ME, Hauspy J, Rosen B, Murphy J, Laframboise S, Nofech-Mozes
S, et al. Radical vaginal trachelectomy vs. radical
hysterectomy for small early stage cervical cancer: a matched
case-control study. Gynecol Oncol. 2008;110:168-71.
- 16. Shepherd JH1, Spencer C, Herod J, Ind TE. Radical vaginal
trachelectomy as afertility-sparing procedure in women
with early-stage cervicalcancer-cumulative pregnancy rate
in a series of 123 women. BJOG. 2006;113(6):719-24.
- 17. Wong I1, Justin W, Gangooly S, Sabatini L, Al-Shawaf T,
Davis C, et al. Assisted conception following radical trachelectomy.
Hum Reprod. 2009;24(4):876-9.
- 18. Jackson KS, Das N, Naik R, Lopes AD, Godfrey KA, Hatem
MH, et al. Laparoscopically assisted radical vaginal
hysterectomy versus radical abdominal hysterectomy for
cervical cancer: a match controlled study. Gynecol Oncol
- 19. Xu L1, Sun FQ, Wang ZH. Radical trachelectomy versus
radical hysterectomy for the treatment of early cervical
cancer: asystematic review. Acta Ob stet Gynecol Scand.
- 20. Carter J, Smirnova S. A personal experience with radical
abdominal trachelectomy for the conservative management
ofi nvasive cervical cancer. Aust NZ J Ob stet Gynaecol.
- 21. Gottschalk E, Mangler M, Schneider A, Koehler C, Lanowska
M. Pregnancy after lymphadenectomy and neoadjuvant
chemotherapy followed by radical vaginal trachelectomy inFIGO
stage IB1 cervical cancer. Fertil Steril. 2011;95:2431.
e5 -7.
- 22. Jaiman S, Surampudi K, Gundabattula SR1, Garg D. Bilateral
ovarian metastatic squamous cell carcinoma arising from
the uterine cervix and eluding the Mullerian mucosa. Diagn
Pathol. 2014;9:109. 322
Year 2014,
Volume: 17 Issue: 4, 0 - 0, 01.10.2014
Orhan Ünal
Önder Sakin
Bülent Kars
Objective: Evaluation of the literature about the long term follow-up of trachelectomy operation and to notify the rare situation
of cervical squamous cell carcinoma metastasis to the ovaries.
Case: We have done a trachelectomy operation 6 years ago for stage 1A2 cervix carcinoma. 7 months after the operation a cervical
stenosis was diagnosed and a second operation was done for dilatation-drainage. 1 year later a 3-4 cm adnexal mass occurred.
And it had malignancy suspicion. The patient had the third operation for the adnexal mass and in the frozen examination malignancy
was detected. She had total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salpingoopherectomy because of that. After the exact
pathologic examinations cervix squamous cell carcinoma metastasis to the ovaries was seen. After 6 years she does not have any
recurrence or other any pathology.
Conclusion: As a result of the researches radical trachelectomy proves that it is an effective and appropriate option. Therefore
it must be considered in suitable patients and implemented in experienced centers will be the right approach. And it should be
noted that cervix squamous cell carcinoma can make metastasis to the ovaries and patient’s follow-ups should not be ignored in
this case.
- 1. Gien LT, Covens A. Fertility-sparing options for early stage
cervical cancer. Gynecol Oncol 2010;117:350-357.
- 2. Covens A, Rosen B, Murphy J et al. Changes in the demographics
and perioperative care of stage Ia(2)/Ib(l) cervical cancer
over the past 16 years. Gynecol Oncol 2001;81:133-137.
- 3. Dursun P1, LeBlanc E, Nogueira MC. Radical vaginal trachelectomy
(Dargent’s operation): a critical review of the literature.
Eur J Surg Oncol. 2007;33(8):933-41.
- 4. Sato S1, Aoki D, Kobayashi H, Saito T, Nishimura R, Nagano
T, Yaegashi N, Enomoto T, Kigawa J. Questionnaire survey
of the current status of radical trachelectomy in Japan. Int J
Clin Oncol. 2011;16(2):141-4.
- 5. Smith JR, Boyle DCM, Corless DJ, et al. Abdominal radical
trachelectomy: a new surgieal teelmique for the conservative
management ofcervieal carcinoma. Br J Obstet Gynaeeol.
- 6. Rodriguez M, Guimares O, Rose PG. Radical abdominal
trachelectomy and pelvic lymphadenectomy with uterine
conservation and subsequent pregnancy in the treatment of
early invasive cervical cancer. Am J Ob stet Gynecol 2001;
- 7. Palfalvi L, Ungar L, Boyle DC, Del Priore G, Smith JR. Announcement
of healthy baby boy bom following abdominal
radical traehelectomy. Int J Gynecol Caneer 2003; 13:250.
- 8. Nishio H, Fujii T, Kameyama K et al. Abdominal radical
trachelectomy as a fertility-sparing procedure in women
with early-stage cervical cancer in a series of 61 women.
Gynecol Oncol 2009;115:51-55.
- 9. Karateke A1, Kabaca C. Radical abdominal trachelectomy
is a safe and fertility preserving option for women
with early stage cervical cancer. Eur J Gynaecol Oncol.
- 10. David N. Are they really asymptomatic? Int J STD AIDS
- 11. Burnett AF, Roman LD, O’Meara AT, Morrow CP. Radical
vaginal trachelectomy and pelvic lymphadenectomy for
preservation of fertility in early cervical carcinoma. Gynecol
Oncol 2003;88:419-23.
- 12. Marchiole P, Benchaib M, Buenerd A, Lazlo E, Dargent D,
Mathevet P. Oncological safety of laparoscopic-assisted vaginal
radical trachelectomy (LARVT or Dargent’s operation): a
comparative study with laparoscopic-assisted vaginal radical
hysterectomy (LARVH). Gynecol Oncol 2007;106:132-
- 13. Kim JH1, Park JY, Kim DY, Kim YM, Kim YT, Nam JH.
Fertility-sparing laparoscopic radical trachelectomy for
young women with early stage cervical cancer. BJOG.
- 14. Diaz JP, Sonoda Y, Leitao MM, Zivanovic O, Brown CL,
Chi DS, et al. Oncologic outcome of fertility-sparing radical
trachelectomy versus radical hysterectomy for stage IB1
cervical carcinoma. Gynecol Oncol. 2008;111:255-60.
- 15. Beiner ME, Hauspy J, Rosen B, Murphy J, Laframboise S, Nofech-Mozes
S, et al. Radical vaginal trachelectomy vs. radical
hysterectomy for small early stage cervical cancer: a matched
case-control study. Gynecol Oncol. 2008;110:168-71.
- 16. Shepherd JH1, Spencer C, Herod J, Ind TE. Radical vaginal
trachelectomy as afertility-sparing procedure in women
with early-stage cervicalcancer-cumulative pregnancy rate
in a series of 123 women. BJOG. 2006;113(6):719-24.
- 17. Wong I1, Justin W, Gangooly S, Sabatini L, Al-Shawaf T,
Davis C, et al. Assisted conception following radical trachelectomy.
Hum Reprod. 2009;24(4):876-9.
- 18. Jackson KS, Das N, Naik R, Lopes AD, Godfrey KA, Hatem
MH, et al. Laparoscopically assisted radical vaginal
hysterectomy versus radical abdominal hysterectomy for
cervical cancer: a match controlled study. Gynecol Oncol
- 19. Xu L1, Sun FQ, Wang ZH. Radical trachelectomy versus
radical hysterectomy for the treatment of early cervical
cancer: asystematic review. Acta Ob stet Gynecol Scand.
- 20. Carter J, Smirnova S. A personal experience with radical
abdominal trachelectomy for the conservative management
ofi nvasive cervical cancer. Aust NZ J Ob stet Gynaecol.
- 21. Gottschalk E, Mangler M, Schneider A, Koehler C, Lanowska
M. Pregnancy after lymphadenectomy and neoadjuvant
chemotherapy followed by radical vaginal trachelectomy inFIGO
stage IB1 cervical cancer. Fertil Steril. 2011;95:2431.
e5 -7.
- 22. Jaiman S, Surampudi K, Gundabattula SR1, Garg D. Bilateral
ovarian metastatic squamous cell carcinoma arising from
the uterine cervix and eluding the Mullerian mucosa. Diagn
Pathol. 2014;9:109. 322