Writing Rules



  • Original research papers and case reports about women’s health, reproductive physiology and health are considered to be published in this journal. The reviews of the authors who are invited by the editorial board are to be considered. 

  • Languages of the journal are Turkish and English. 

  • Uploading the articles via the internet (http://trsgo.dergisi.org/submit) is suggested in order to assess articles faster. 

  • The editor get the articles which are stylistically appropriate analysed by advisors. When deemed necessary, they are sent to other advisors or published after the necessary changes are carried out by authors. 

  • Any of the authors can not be removed from the author’s list without a written consent of all the authors. No person can be added to the list as the author or the order of authors cited in the list cannot be changed. 

  • All authors should indicate that they contribute to this journal academically and scientifically and they share the scientific and ethical responsibility of the journal in a cover letter.

Thereafter, a form will be sent to authors and the authors will be requested to fax or send this form upon signing it. 

Scientific Responsibility 

  • Authors should plan or perform the work of their article themselves. They should write the article or revise it, make a statistical assessment or approve its final state to be sent to the publisher. The convenience of the articles to scientific rules is under the responsibility of the authors. 

  • The analysis of a hypothesis in research papers is performed with the statistical assessment of the data. Before articles are sent, they should be evaluated by a biostatistical expert. If biostatistical expert is not among the listed authors, then s/he should be cited in the acknowledgement part of the article. In a statistical assessment, the quantity of the findings should be indicated and measurement errors or confidence interval should be shown with coherent rates when possible. Statistical concepts, abbreviations and symbols should be described. The statisti- cal appropriateness for the journal could be found on-line at www.acponline.org/ journals/resource/unifreqr.htm 

Ethical Responsibility 

  • Before the article is published, authors should sign and notify the form of “copy- right and financial support agreement”. The written form showing that the con- sent and support of supervisory and ethical board are provided or the principles about human experimentations laid down in Helsinki Agreement (which was adopted in 1975) (http://www.wma.net/e/policy/b3.htm) are complied with or not and the consent is obtained from people participated in the research after they are instructed should be affixed in the MATERIALS AND METHODS secti- on. 

  • If animals are used in researches, then the authors should notify that they protect animals’ rights and they are given approval from ethics comittee of their institu- tions. 

  • If there is a direct or indirect commercial link in the article or an institution/a firm that gives financial support for the research, the authors should describe this commercial relationship (consultation or other agreements) with this commerci- al product, drug or firm that is benefited from on the front page. 

Evaluation of the Article In Terms of the Language It Is Written 

    • Turkish articles should be based on Turkish dictionary and medical terms dicti- onary of The Turkish Linguistic Society. English abstracts should be evaluated by linguistic experts and the expert’s consent should be particularly indicated to the editor on the presentation page. 

    • When the written text (after approved for publishing) is published, it is accepted that it belongs to the journal and its copyright (The Turkish Society of Gyneco- logic Oncology) is transferred to the publisher. 

    • The editor does not accept the responsibility of any injury or loss to any com- modity or people which can be caused by The Turkish Society of Gynecologic Oncology and the publisher. 

Preparation of the Text 

“The journal” uses a sample pattern for the articles sent to medical journals. The text should be written on a compatible Microsoft Word file in double space and boldface, a white and A4 paper with at least 25 mm margin on one side. The extension of the file should be *.doc. 

The following article components should be written in a new blank page: 

Page 1, General Heading, maximum 40 characters including spaces. 

Page 2, Heading, Complete Heading, full names of authors and their academic status, addressees, approved financial support (fund) 

Page 3, Abstract, Key Words, Abstract should include the target, planning, establish- ment of the experiment, patients, results and discussion. It should not exceed 250 words. 3 to 10 key words should be defined below the abstract. The abstract should include structural features. (It should be a structured abstract) 

  • Aim: 

  • Material &methods 

  • Results 

  • Conclusions

The following sections should be included to the article below the abstracts. 

  • Introduction

  • Materials and Methods 

  • Results 

  • Discussion

  • Acknowledgement

  • Bibliography

  • Tables and explanations 

All individuals that are presented as authors should be qualified in authoring. Each author should contribute to the research sufficiently. Generally more than six authors are not deemed convenient. 

Page 4, Heading, abstract and key words should be prepared in English. This page shall include the features of the third page. The page written in English shall be reviewed by a professional linguistic expert, if deemed necessary. This page shall be used by foreign indexes. 


The people who contribute to the research not as an author but as an intellectual can be written here with their functions. Example: “Scientific Adviser”, “Data Collector” or “Clinician”. To write down these people’s name, their consent is required. The authors are responsible for providing the written consents. 


References should be numbered as in the order they are cited in the article. The references cited in tables and figures for the first time should be stated in the text, where the tables and figures are explained, as well. References should be written in arabic letters within brackets. 

Presentations, unpublished observations and self-assessments should not be used as references. Non-verbal references can be written in brackets. The original journal should be indicated and the expression of “to be published” should be affiliated to articles which are not published but accepted as references. References should be verified with the original documents of the authors. 

The titles of journals should be in accordance with abbreviations determined in In- dexMedicus. All the authors of the article should be cited. If the number of the aut- hors are over six, “et al.” should be used for the seventh author. 


Article in a journal 

1. Takihara H, Sakatoku J, Cockett ATK. The pathophysiology of varicocele in male infertility. Fertil Steril 1991; 55: 861- 8. 


2. Colson JH, Armour WJ. Sports injuries and their treatment. 2nd rev. ed. London: S. Paul, 1986. 3. Diener HC, Wilkinson M, eds. Drug-induced headache. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1988. 4. Weinstein L, Swartz MN. Pathologic properties of invading microorganisms. In: Sodeman WA Jr, Sodeman WA, eds. Pathologic physiology: mechanisms of disease. Vol. 1. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 1974: 457-72. 


5. O’Hanley P, Sukri N, Intan N. Morbidity and mortality trends of typhoid fever due to Salmonella typhi at the Infectious Disease Hospital (IDH) in North Jakarta from 1984 to 1991 [abstract no. 945]. In: Program and abstracts of the 32nd In- terscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. Washington, DC: American Society for Microbiology, 1992: 268. 


6. Kremer J. Yardsticks for successful donor insemination [mektup]. Fertil Steril 1991; 55: 1023- 4. 

“To be published” 

7. Lillywhite HB, Donald JA. Pulmonary blood flow regulation in an aquatic snake. Science. “To be published” 

Tables, Figures, Abbreviations, Descriptive Information and Permissions 

Tables: Tables should be written to seperate pages with double spaced. They should be titled and numbered with arabic numerals as in the order they are cited in the text. Tables should not be presented as photographs. Compact titles should be given to every coloumn. Descriptive information should be provided in footno- tes, not in titles. The letters of a,b,c,d,e,f. should be used in footnotes and as in the order stated hereinbefore. 

Figures: Figures should be professionally drawn and photographed. Hand-drawings or typescripts are not accepted. Letters or markers should be legible and font size should be fixed for every figure. Capital letters should be used for the explana- tions in figures. Symbols, writings and numbers should be considerably clear in order to be legible even when they are minified for publishing. Titles and detailed explanations should be within the writings belonging to the figure not inside the drawings. Figures should be 304 dpi gray scale at least and scanned in color. 

Abbreviations:An abbreviation should be stated along with the word within its first appearance in the text. Afterwards, same abbreviation should be used constantly. 

Descriptive Information:Descriptive information should be written consecutively in a seperate page with double spaced. 

Permissions:Materials provided from other resources should be well documented with a written statement of the copyright owner. 

Case Reports 

Case Reports should be brief, informative and comprised of 7 pages double spaced with a table or figure. The technique or method used is limited with 10 pages double spaced and 3 graphics. 

Letter to Editor 

This part is constituted of the critics about the articles that have been published in the journal recently. Letter should be brief (400 words), double spaced and comp- rised of 5 quotations at most. Letters and replies should be in accordance with the format of the journal. Address, phone and fax number and e-mail address should be indicated alongside the corrospondance. 

Editor has a right to shorten the letter and make other modifications necessary to provide convenience with the format of the journal. 


If there is no other directives, proofreadings will be sent to the author. When ne- cessary corrections are carried out, the article will be resent to journal as soon as possible. A letter will be sent to the author, the acceptance of whose article is final. Changes carried out in proofreadings are within the responsibility of the author ex- cept for typos. 

Note: It is very important for our publishings to be given as references in terms of fostering our national publishing