Araştırma Makalesi
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Morocco, at the Heart of the Harmonization of the African Union's Migration Policies: Context, Complexity, Diversity, Effects and Challenges

Yıl 2024, , 81 - 95, 30.09.2024


Since the mid-1980s, the European Union has adopted a cautious attitude to migratory flows. It has constantly stepped up initiatives to combat immigration, by tightening border controls and reducing the granting of visas, thereby forcing would-be emigrants to look for alternatives. At the same time, Africa is facing unique migration challenges. The consequences of colonization, the imposition of capitalist relations and the development of an extroverted economy, among others, continue to influence current migration dynamics. Persistent economic crises, exacerbated by inequitable global economic policies, are driving many people to seek better opportunities elsewhere. In addition, the effects of climate change, such as desertification, droughts and floods, are intensifying migratory pressures. African countries therefore need to develop effective migration policies to govern migratory flows and respond to geopolitical challenges. It is crucial to put in place regional and international cooperation mechanisms to manage migration in a coordinated and humane manner. This means thinking carefully about migration issues, considering the historical, economic and political realities that shape them. This issue must be at the heart of the concerns of States and the African Union.
It is true that attempts are being made at continental level, such as the Kampala Convention and the establishment of the African Continental Free Trade Area (ACFTA), but these measures can only be truly appreciated if they are applied on the ground.


  • Alternatives Economiques. El Ejido, terre de non-droit. (Accessed 06 June 2024).
  • Atak, Cf. I. and Crépeau, F. (2014). 'National security, terrorism and the securitization of migration', in V. Chental. And C. Bauloz (eds), Reseach Handbouk on International Law and Migration, Cheltenham, UK; Northampton, MA, USA; Edward Elgar, pp 93-112.
  • Boissezon, J. de (2010). Heurs et malheurs de l'Afrique. Librairie Eyrolles.
  • Duclos. M. (2023), Guerre en Ukraine et nouvel ordre mondial, Éditions de l'Observatoire, February.
  • Eltayeb, T. (2009). Cities without palm trees. TheAmericanUniversity in CairoPress
  • Green, N. L (2002). Repenserlesmigrations. Ed. PUF. Paris.
  • Henri, P. (1999). Editionsl'Espritdespéninsules. Paris.
  • IOM UN (2024). International Organization for Migration. mobil. (Accessed on 8 June 2024).
  • Le Monde (1985). Is Africa responsible for its own misfortune? malheur_2744940_1819218.html (Accessed on 10 June 2024).
  • Le Monde (2018). (Accessed on 6 June 2024).
  • Le Monde (2024) (Accessed on 6 June 2024).
  • Likibi, R. (2018), Les personnes déplacées internes en Afrique: repères juridiques et réalités: contribution à l'étude de la Convention de Kampala. Saint Denis, France, Edition Publibook.
  • Nathalia, C.. et Leon Isaacs. (2019), ‘Lestransferts de fondsvers et depuisl’Afrique’, in Rapport sur lesmigrations en Afrique: remettre en question le récit. Union Africaine et l’OIM.
  • Noiriel. G., (1988), Le Creusetfrançais, histoire de l'immigration XIXème XXèmesiècle, Ed. Seuil.
  • OCDE/CSAO (2020), Dynamiques de l’urbanisation africaine 2020: Africapolis, une nouvelle géographie urbaine, François Moriconi-Ebrard, Philipp Heinrigs et Marie Trémolières (org.) Cahiers de l'Afrique de l'Ouest, Éditions OCDE, Paris. (Accessed 05 June 2024)
  • Pétré-Grenouilleau, O. (2004). Le straites négrières Essai d'histoire globale. Editions Gallimard. Collection: Bibliothè que illustrée des histoires.
  • Radio France (2024). (Accessed 06 June 2024).
  • Sauvy. A. (1974), Le tiers-monde. Sous-développement et développement: Introduction, CahierIned, PUF. Paris 1956. Clandestine immigration in the world. InPopulation N° 4/5. July/October 1974.
  • Smith, S. (2018), The Rush to Europe: Young Africa on Its Way to Europe. Editions, Grasset, Paris. Speech by Pope Francis in Lesbos, Greece, on Saturday 16 April 2016.
  • Tassou, A. (2019), (dir), Changements climatiques et mouvements migratoires en Afrique subsaharienne: Comment les catastrophes naturelles et les flux humains dictent leur loi, L'Harmattan.
  • United Nations (2020). International Migrant Stock. (Accessed 05 June 2024).
  • United Nations (2023). (Accessed 06 June 2024).
  • United Nations (2024). Migration internationale. (Accessed 05 June 2024).
  • Vidrovitch-Catherine, C. (2011). Petite histoire de l'Afrique. L'Afrique au sud du Sahara de la préhistoire à nosjours, La Découverte.
  • Williams, W. (2024). Tendances migratoires à surveiller en Afrique en 2024. (Accessed 05 June 2024).

Afrika Birliği'nin göç politikalarının uyumlaştırılmasının merkezinde yer alan Fas: bağlam, karmaşıklık, çeşitlilik, etkiler ve zorluklar

Yıl 2024, , 81 - 95, 30.09.2024


Since the mid-1980s, the European Union has adopted a cautious attitude to migratory flows. It has constantly stepped up initiatives to combat immigration, by tightening border controls and reducing the granting of visas, thereby forcing would-be emigrants to look for alternatives. At the same time, Africa is facing unique migration challenges. The consequences of colonization, the imposition of capitalist relations and the development of an extroverted economy, among others, continue to influence current migration dynamics. Persistent economic crises, exacerbated by inequitable global economic policies, are driving many people to seek better opportunities elsewhere. In addition, the effects of climate change, such as desertification, droughts and floods, are intensifying migratory pressures. African countries therefore need to develop effective migration policies to govern migratory flows and respond to geopolitical challenges. It is crucial to put in place regional and international cooperation mechanisms to manage migration in a coordinated and humane manner. This means thinking carefully about migration issues, considering the historical, economic and political realities that shape them. This issue must be at the heart of the concerns of States and the African Union.
It is true that attempts are being made at continental level, such as the Kampala Convention and the establishment of the African Continental Free Trade Area (ACFTA), but these measures can only be truly appreciated if they are applied on the ground.


  • Alternatives Economiques. El Ejido, terre de non-droit. (Accessed 06 June 2024).
  • Atak, Cf. I. and Crépeau, F. (2014). 'National security, terrorism and the securitization of migration', in V. Chental. And C. Bauloz (eds), Reseach Handbouk on International Law and Migration, Cheltenham, UK; Northampton, MA, USA; Edward Elgar, pp 93-112.
  • Boissezon, J. de (2010). Heurs et malheurs de l'Afrique. Librairie Eyrolles.
  • Duclos. M. (2023), Guerre en Ukraine et nouvel ordre mondial, Éditions de l'Observatoire, February.
  • Eltayeb, T. (2009). Cities without palm trees. TheAmericanUniversity in CairoPress
  • Green, N. L (2002). Repenserlesmigrations. Ed. PUF. Paris.
  • Henri, P. (1999). Editionsl'Espritdespéninsules. Paris.
  • IOM UN (2024). International Organization for Migration. mobil. (Accessed on 8 June 2024).
  • Le Monde (1985). Is Africa responsible for its own misfortune? malheur_2744940_1819218.html (Accessed on 10 June 2024).
  • Le Monde (2018). (Accessed on 6 June 2024).
  • Le Monde (2024) (Accessed on 6 June 2024).
  • Likibi, R. (2018), Les personnes déplacées internes en Afrique: repères juridiques et réalités: contribution à l'étude de la Convention de Kampala. Saint Denis, France, Edition Publibook.
  • Nathalia, C.. et Leon Isaacs. (2019), ‘Lestransferts de fondsvers et depuisl’Afrique’, in Rapport sur lesmigrations en Afrique: remettre en question le récit. Union Africaine et l’OIM.
  • Noiriel. G., (1988), Le Creusetfrançais, histoire de l'immigration XIXème XXèmesiècle, Ed. Seuil.
  • OCDE/CSAO (2020), Dynamiques de l’urbanisation africaine 2020: Africapolis, une nouvelle géographie urbaine, François Moriconi-Ebrard, Philipp Heinrigs et Marie Trémolières (org.) Cahiers de l'Afrique de l'Ouest, Éditions OCDE, Paris. (Accessed 05 June 2024)
  • Pétré-Grenouilleau, O. (2004). Le straites négrières Essai d'histoire globale. Editions Gallimard. Collection: Bibliothè que illustrée des histoires.
  • Radio France (2024). (Accessed 06 June 2024).
  • Sauvy. A. (1974), Le tiers-monde. Sous-développement et développement: Introduction, CahierIned, PUF. Paris 1956. Clandestine immigration in the world. InPopulation N° 4/5. July/October 1974.
  • Smith, S. (2018), The Rush to Europe: Young Africa on Its Way to Europe. Editions, Grasset, Paris. Speech by Pope Francis in Lesbos, Greece, on Saturday 16 April 2016.
  • Tassou, A. (2019), (dir), Changements climatiques et mouvements migratoires en Afrique subsaharienne: Comment les catastrophes naturelles et les flux humains dictent leur loi, L'Harmattan.
  • United Nations (2020). International Migrant Stock. (Accessed 05 June 2024).
  • United Nations (2023). (Accessed 06 June 2024).
  • United Nations (2024). Migration internationale. (Accessed 05 June 2024).
  • Vidrovitch-Catherine, C. (2011). Petite histoire de l'Afrique. L'Afrique au sud du Sahara de la préhistoire à nosjours, La Découverte.
  • Williams, W. (2024). Tendances migratoires à surveiller en Afrique en 2024. (Accessed 05 June 2024).
Toplam 25 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Uluslararası Göç
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Mohamed Charef 0009-0009-6979-4658

Yasmine Bouchfar 0009-0003-2602-3227

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 30 Eylül 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Eylül 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 5 Ağustos 2024
Kabul Tarihi 23 Eylül 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

APA Charef, M., & Bouchfar, Y. (2024). Morocco, at the Heart of the Harmonization of the African Union’s Migration Policies: Context, Complexity, Diversity, Effects and Challenges. Türkiye Siyaset Bilimi Dergisi, 7(2), 81-95.

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