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The Models, Techniques and Social Workers’ Roles in Macro Social Work Practice

Year 2017, Volume: 28 Issue: 1, 187 - 202, 18.05.2017


The practice
of macro social work, named as community work, generally focuses on the organization
and advocacy of societies and communities on the axis of goals such as
equality, justice and development for a progressive change. Social action theorists
like Freire and Alinsky have important contributions to the embodiment of the practice.
However, most of these theories are based on class and conflict analysis. The practice
of social work is blended and discussed with many new theories and discourses and
there is a search for new methods of practice, due to rapidly growing neo-liberal
policies, globalization dynamics, international migrations, refugee problem,
and new social movements such as environment, women, children and LGBTI rights
in the 21th century. The aim of this article is to discuss not only the social development
programmes carried out by international organisations, but also the historical development
process of increasingly growing importance of macro social work practice and theory,
and finally, the roles of social workers working with the communities. 


  • Austin, M.,Coombs, M., andBarr, B. (2005). Community-CenteredClinicalPractice: Is the Integration of Micro and Macro SocialWorkPracticePossible?.Journal of CommunityPractice,13(4),9-30.
  • Cnann,R. ve Boehm,A. (2012). Towards a Practice-based Model forCommunityPractice: LinkingTheoryandPractice. Journal of Sociology&SocialWelfare,March 2012, Volume XXXIX, Number 1,140-167.
  • Cox, E. (2001). CommunityPracticeIssues in the 21st Century: QuestionsandChallengesfor Empowerment-OrientedPractitioners. Journal of CommunityPractice, Vol. 9(1), 37-55.
  • Dentato, M.,Craig, S.L., Smith. M. (2010). TheVital Role of SocialWorkers in CommunityPartnerships: TheAllianceforGay, Lesbian, Bisexual, TransgenderandQuestioningYouth. Child AdolescentSocialWork J, v. 27, 323–334.
  • Development Backgrounder (2006) Empowerment, Çev. Stephanie S. Gough. Fundación para lasRelacionesInternacionales y el DiálogoExterior (FRIDE) May 01, erişim: 15/12/2015www.fride.org
  • Dixon, J. (1993).Feminist CommunityWork'sAmbivalencewithPolitics. AustralianSocialWork, 46(1), 22-27.
  • Dominelli, N. (2015). Baskı Karşıtı Uygulama: Yirmi Birinci Yüzyılın Zorlukları. Çev. Ed: Tarık Tuncay, Sosyal Hizmet Temel Alanlar ve Eleştirel Tartışmalar, (1. Baskı,s:83-95).Nika Yayınevi, Ankara.
  • Duyan, V. (2010). Sosyal Hizmet Temelleri Yaklaşımlar Müdahale Yöntemleri. Sosyal Hizmet Uzmanları Derneği Genel Merkezi, Yayın no:16, Ankara.
  • Fritze, C.(t.y.). TheTheory of PauloFreire; (a communityworker/organizer in London, England). Erişim: 25.03.2013,http://stclares.ca/pdfs
  • Gamble,N.D.,Weil,M. (2010). CommuntiyPracticeSkills:Localto Global Perspectives.ColombiaPress. New York.
  • Hyde, C. (2003). A feminist model formacro-practice: Promisesandproblems. Journal of CommunityPractice, 11 (1), 39-59.
  • Koşar, N. (1986). Sosyal Hizmet Mesleğinde Toplum Örgütlenmesi Yönetiminin Gelişmesi. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Sosyal Hizmetler Yüksek Okulu Dergisi, Cilt 4, Sayı. 2-3,85-103.
  • Lee, B.,Weeks, W. (1991). Social Action TheoryandtheWomen'sMovement: An Analysis of Assumptions. Community Development Journal.26(3), 220-226.
  • Ledwith, M. (2011). Community Development: A Critical Approach.Bristol. ThePolicyPress. ISBN 978 184742 646 8,ISBN 978 84742 647 5.
  • Long, D., Tice. C. J.,&Morrison, J. (2006). Macro socialworkpractice: A strengthsperspective. Belmont, CA: ThomsonBrooks/Cole.
  • Midgley, J. (2001). Issues in internationalsocialwork.Journal of SocialWork, 1, 21-35.
  • Monch, M. (1988). A Critical Understanding of SocialWorkbyPaoloFreireSocialWorkers, World Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, July 30, 1988. Journal of Progressive Human Services, 20(1), 2009, 92-97.
  • Narayan, L. (2000). FreireandGandhi: Theirrelevanceforsocialworkeducation. International SocialWork, April 2000, 43, 193-204.
  • Payne, M. (1997). Modern SocialWorkTheory.(2nd ed).London, MacmillanPress.
  • Payne, M. (2005). Modern SocialWorkTheory.(3rd ed.) London, MacmillanPress.
  • Pippard James L.,Bjorkland Robert W. (2004). IdentifyingEssentialTechniquesforSocialWorkCommunityPractice,Journal of CommunityPractice, 11(4), 101-116.
  • Sheafor W.B.,Horejsi R.C.(2006). TechniquesandGuidlenessforSocialWorkPractice, (7th ed.).Pearson, Boston.
  • Uluslararası Sosyal Hizmet Uzmanları Federasyonu (2011). fromhttp://www.ifsw.org
  • Weil, M. (2005). ContextandChallengesfor 21st-Century Communities. TheHandbook of CommunityPractice,(1-34).InWeil.,M. (Ed). Sage Publications, USA.
  • Zatsrow, C. (1995). ThePractice of SocialWork. (5th ed).Pacific Grove,California. Brooks/Cole Publishing Company.


Year 2017, Volume: 28 Issue: 1, 187 - 202, 18.05.2017


çalışma olarak da adlandırılan makro sosyal hizmet uygulaması genel olarak
toplumların/toplulukların ilerici bir değişim için eşitlik, adalet, kalkınma
gibi hedefler ekseninde örgütlenmesine ve savunuculuğa odaklanmaktadır. Uygulamanın
şekillenmesinde Freire ve Alinsky gibi sosyal eylem teorisyenlerinin önemli
katkıları bulunmaktadır. Ancak bu teorilerin çoğu sınıf ve çatışma kuramlarına
dayanmaktadır. Özellikle 21.yy’da hızla artan neoliberal politikalar,
küreselleşme dinamikleri, uluslararası göçler, mülteci sorunu, çevre, kadın, çocuk
ve LGBTİ hakları gibi yeni oluşan toplumsal hareketler ile uygulamanın birçok teori
ve söylemle harmanlandığı, tartışıldığı ve yeni yöntemlerin arayışına girildiği
görülmektedir.Bu makale ile uluslararası kuruluşların yürüttüğü toplumsal kalkınma
programlarıyla gittikçe önemi artan makro sosyal hizmet uygulamasının tarihsel
süreçteki gelişimi, teorisi, uygulanılan teknikler, toplumla çalışan sosyal
hizmet uzmanlarının rolleri aktarılmaya çalışılmıştır.


  • Austin, M.,Coombs, M., andBarr, B. (2005). Community-CenteredClinicalPractice: Is the Integration of Micro and Macro SocialWorkPracticePossible?.Journal of CommunityPractice,13(4),9-30.
  • Cnann,R. ve Boehm,A. (2012). Towards a Practice-based Model forCommunityPractice: LinkingTheoryandPractice. Journal of Sociology&SocialWelfare,March 2012, Volume XXXIX, Number 1,140-167.
  • Cox, E. (2001). CommunityPracticeIssues in the 21st Century: QuestionsandChallengesfor Empowerment-OrientedPractitioners. Journal of CommunityPractice, Vol. 9(1), 37-55.
  • Dentato, M.,Craig, S.L., Smith. M. (2010). TheVital Role of SocialWorkers in CommunityPartnerships: TheAllianceforGay, Lesbian, Bisexual, TransgenderandQuestioningYouth. Child AdolescentSocialWork J, v. 27, 323–334.
  • Development Backgrounder (2006) Empowerment, Çev. Stephanie S. Gough. Fundación para lasRelacionesInternacionales y el DiálogoExterior (FRIDE) May 01, erişim: 15/12/2015www.fride.org
  • Dixon, J. (1993).Feminist CommunityWork'sAmbivalencewithPolitics. AustralianSocialWork, 46(1), 22-27.
  • Dominelli, N. (2015). Baskı Karşıtı Uygulama: Yirmi Birinci Yüzyılın Zorlukları. Çev. Ed: Tarık Tuncay, Sosyal Hizmet Temel Alanlar ve Eleştirel Tartışmalar, (1. Baskı,s:83-95).Nika Yayınevi, Ankara.
  • Duyan, V. (2010). Sosyal Hizmet Temelleri Yaklaşımlar Müdahale Yöntemleri. Sosyal Hizmet Uzmanları Derneği Genel Merkezi, Yayın no:16, Ankara.
  • Fritze, C.(t.y.). TheTheory of PauloFreire; (a communityworker/organizer in London, England). Erişim: 25.03.2013,http://stclares.ca/pdfs
  • Gamble,N.D.,Weil,M. (2010). CommuntiyPracticeSkills:Localto Global Perspectives.ColombiaPress. New York.
  • Hyde, C. (2003). A feminist model formacro-practice: Promisesandproblems. Journal of CommunityPractice, 11 (1), 39-59.
  • Koşar, N. (1986). Sosyal Hizmet Mesleğinde Toplum Örgütlenmesi Yönetiminin Gelişmesi. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Sosyal Hizmetler Yüksek Okulu Dergisi, Cilt 4, Sayı. 2-3,85-103.
  • Lee, B.,Weeks, W. (1991). Social Action TheoryandtheWomen'sMovement: An Analysis of Assumptions. Community Development Journal.26(3), 220-226.
  • Ledwith, M. (2011). Community Development: A Critical Approach.Bristol. ThePolicyPress. ISBN 978 184742 646 8,ISBN 978 84742 647 5.
  • Long, D., Tice. C. J.,&Morrison, J. (2006). Macro socialworkpractice: A strengthsperspective. Belmont, CA: ThomsonBrooks/Cole.
  • Midgley, J. (2001). Issues in internationalsocialwork.Journal of SocialWork, 1, 21-35.
  • Monch, M. (1988). A Critical Understanding of SocialWorkbyPaoloFreireSocialWorkers, World Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, July 30, 1988. Journal of Progressive Human Services, 20(1), 2009, 92-97.
  • Narayan, L. (2000). FreireandGandhi: Theirrelevanceforsocialworkeducation. International SocialWork, April 2000, 43, 193-204.
  • Payne, M. (1997). Modern SocialWorkTheory.(2nd ed).London, MacmillanPress.
  • Payne, M. (2005). Modern SocialWorkTheory.(3rd ed.) London, MacmillanPress.
  • Pippard James L.,Bjorkland Robert W. (2004). IdentifyingEssentialTechniquesforSocialWorkCommunityPractice,Journal of CommunityPractice, 11(4), 101-116.
  • Sheafor W.B.,Horejsi R.C.(2006). TechniquesandGuidlenessforSocialWorkPractice, (7th ed.).Pearson, Boston.
  • Uluslararası Sosyal Hizmet Uzmanları Federasyonu (2011). fromhttp://www.ifsw.org
  • Weil, M. (2005). ContextandChallengesfor 21st-Century Communities. TheHandbook of CommunityPractice,(1-34).InWeil.,M. (Ed). Sage Publications, USA.
  • Zatsrow, C. (1995). ThePractice of SocialWork. (5th ed).Pacific Grove,California. Brooks/Cole Publishing Company.
There are 25 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Sociology (Other)
Journal Section Articles

Gözde Keçeci This is me

Publication Date May 18, 2017
Submission Date September 30, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 28 Issue: 1
