Research Article
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Year 2006, Volume: 17 Issue: 1, 71 - 90, 15.04.2006


Perception o f sexual
harassment in the workplace is closely related to a person’s socio-cultural
background. This study aims at contributing to the sexual harassment literature
by a cross-cultural empirical study in the field o f effects o f socio-cultural
factors on perception. In the first part o f the study, a comprehensive
literature re­view on sexual harassment is presented. In the second part, by
conducting a field study, the differences in the perception o f sexual
harassment in the workplace be­tween Turkish and Yakut-Sakha (a member o f the
Russian Federation) participants were investigated. Findings o f the research demonstrate
statistically significant differ­ences between Turkish and Yakut-Sakha groups.


  • Abbey, A. (1982) "Sex differences in attributions for friendly behavior: Do males misperceive females’ friendli¬ness?”, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 42, 830-838.
  • Adelman, I. and Morris, C. T. 1967, So¬ciety, Politics and Economic Develop¬ment: A Quantitative Approach, Balti¬more: Johns Hopkins University Press.
  • Baker, D. D, Terpstra D. E., Cutler B. D. (1990) "Perceptions of sexual harass¬ment: A re-examination of gender differ¬ences”, Journal of Psychology, 124, 409- 416.
  • Bakırcı, K. (2000), İşyerinde Cinsel Taciz, Yasa Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • Baroni, B. J. (1992) "Unwelcome Ad¬vances (Sexual Harassment in the Workplace)", Training & Development, 46(5) 19-21.
  • Bern, S. L. (1974) "The measurement of psychological androgyny”, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 41, 155-162.
  • Blumenthal, J. A. (1998) “The reason¬able woman standard: A meta-analytic review of gender differences in percep¬tions of sexual harassment”, Law and Human Behavior, 22, 33-57.
  • Bursik, K. (1992) “Perceptions of Sexual Harassment in an Academic Context", Sex Roles, 27(7-8) 401-412.
  • Coles, F. S. (1986) "Forced to Quit: Sex¬ual Harassment Complaints and Agency Response”, Sex Roles, 14, 81-95.
  • Cortina, L. and Wasti, S. A. (2005) "Pro¬files in coping: Responses to sexual har¬assment across persons, organizations and culture”, Journal of Applied Psychol¬ogy, 90, 182-192.
  • DeFour, D. C., David, G., Diaz, F.J. and Shaharazade, T. (2003) “The Interface of Race, Sex, Sexual Orientation, and Eth¬nicity in Understanding Sexual Harass¬ment”, in M. Paludi and C. A. Paludi (eds.) Academic and Workplace Har¬assment, London, Praeger.
  • DiTomaso, N. (1989) "Sexuality in the Workplace: Discrimination and Harass¬ment”, in Hearn, J., Sheppard, D., Tan- cred-Sheriff, P. and Burrell, G. (eds.), The Sexuality of Organization, London, Sage.
  • DuBrin, A. J. (1991) “Sex and gender differences in tactics of influence”, Psy¬chological Reports, 68, 635-646.
  • EU (2005), Report on sexual harassment in the work place in EU Member States, son erişim tarihi: 19.12.2006, < gender_equality/docs/2005/report_ sexual_harassment_en.pdf> Fitzgerald, L. F. and Ormerod, A. J. (1991) "Perceptions of sexual harass¬ment: The influence of gender and con-text”, Psychology of Women Quarterly, 15, 281-294.
  • Fitzgerald, L. F., Gelfand, M. J. and Drasgow, F. (1995), “Measuring Sexual Harassment: Theoretical and Psycho¬metric Advances", Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 17, 425-427.
  • Fitzgerald, L. F., Shullman, S. L., Bailey, N., Richards, M., Swecker, J., Gold, Y., Ormerod, M. and Weitzman, L. (1988) “The Incidence and Dimensions of Sex¬ual Harassment in Academia and the Workplace", Journal of Vocational Be¬havior, 32, 152-175.
  • Fitzgerald, L. F. (1993) "Sexual Harass¬ment: Violence Against Women in the Workplace”, American Psychologist, 48, 1070-1076.
  • Fitzgerald, L.F., Hulln, C.L. and Dras¬gow, F. (1994) "The Antecedents and Consequences of Sexual Harassment in Organizations: An Integrated Model”, in G. Keita and J. Hurrell (eds.), Job Stress In a Changing Workforce: Investigating Gender, Diversity, and Family Issues, American Psychological Association, Washington, DC, 55-74.
  • Forsyth, D., Schlenker, B., Leary, M., and McCown, N. (1985) "Self- presentational determinants of sex dif¬ferences in leadership behavior", Small Group Behavior, 16,197-210.
  • Glick, P., Fiske, S. T., Mladinic, A., Saiz, J. L., Abrams, D., Masser, B., Ade- toun.B., Osagie.J.E., Akande.A., Alao, A., Brunner, B., Willemsen, T. M., Chipeta, K.., Dardenne, B., Dijksterhuis, A., Wig bold us, D., Eckes, T., Six- Materna, I., Exposito, F., Moya, M., Foddy, M., Kim, H., Lameiras, M., Sotelo, M. J., Mucchi-Faina, A.,
  • Romani, M., Sakallı, N., Udegbe, B.,Yamamoto, M., Uİ, M., Ferreira, M. C., and Lopez, W. L. (2000). "Beyond prejudice as sim¬ple antipathy: Hostile and benevolent sexism across cultures", Journal of Per¬sonality and Social Psychology, 75, 763- 775.
  • Glick, P., Sakailı-Uğurlu, N., Ferreira, M.C., & Aguiar de Souze, M. (2002). “Ambivalent sexism and attitudes toward wife abuse in Turkey and Brazil”, Psy¬chology of Women Quarterly, 26, 291- 296.
  • Gregg, P.M. and Banks, A. S. (1965) "Dimensions of Political Systems: Factor Analysis of a Cross-Polity Survey”, American Political Science Review, 59, 602-614.
  • Gross-Schaefer, A., Florsheim, R. and Pannetier, J. (2003) “The Swinging Pen¬dulum: Moving From Sexual Harassment To Respectful Workplace Relationships”, Employee Relations Law Journal, 29(2) 50-69.
  • Gruber, J. (2003) "Sexual Harassment in the Workplace”, in Paludi, M. and Paludi, C. A. (eds.), Academic and Workplace Harassment, London, Praeger, 49-75.
  • Gutek, B. A. and Koss, M. P. (1993) “Changed Women and Changed Organi¬zations: Consequences of and Coping with Sexual Harassment", Journal of Vocational Behavior, 42, 28-48.
  • Gutek, B. A., Cohen, A. G. and Konrad, A. M. (1990) Predicting Socio-Sexual Behavior at Work: A Contact Hypothesis, Academy of Management Journal, 33, 560-577.
  • Gutek, B.A. (1985) Sex and the Work¬place: Impact of Sexual Behavior and Harassment on Women, Men, and Or¬ganizations, San Francisco, Jossey- Bass.
  • Gutek, B. A. (1995) “How subjective is sexual harassment? An examination of rater effects”, Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 17,447-467. Hesson-Mclnnis, M. S. and Fitzgerald, L.
  • F. (1997) “Sexual Harassment: A Pre¬liminary Test of an Integrative Model”, Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 27, 877-901.
  • Hofstede, G. (1980) Culture’s Conse¬quences: International differences in work-related values, California, Sage Publications.
  • Hofstede, G. (2001) Culture’s Conse¬quences: Comparing Values, Behaviors, Institutions, and Organizations Across .Nations, California: Sage Publications.
  • Jensen, I. W. and Gutek, B. A. (1982) "Attributions and assignment of respon¬sibility in sexual harassment”, Journal of Social Issues, 38, 121-138. Knapp, D. E., Faley, R. H., Ekeberg, S.
  • E. and DuBois, K. L. Z. (1997) "Determi¬nants of Target Responses to Sexual Harassment: A Conceptual Framework”, Academy of Management Review, 22(3) 687-729. Koss, M. P., Goodman, L. A., Browne, A., Fitzgerald, L. F., Keita, G. P. and Russo, N. F. (1994) Male Violence Against Women at Home, at Work, and in the Community, American Psychologi¬cal Association, Washington, DC, 3-5.
  • Kurz, J. M. (2002) “Combating Sexual Harassment: Legally Speaking”, RN, 65(7) 65-67.
  • Laband, D. N. and Lentz, B. F. (1998) “The Effects of Sexual Harassment on Job Satisfaction, Earnings, and Turnover Among Female Lawyers", Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 51(4) 594-607.
  • Lengnick-Hall, M. L. (1995) “Sexual Har¬assment Research: A Methodological Critique”, Personnel Psychology, 48(4) 841-864.
  • Lynn, R. and Hampson, S. L. (1975) "National Differences in Extraversion and Neuroticism", British Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 14, 223-240.
  • Maypole, D. E. and Skaine, R. (1982) "Sexual Harassment of Blue Collar Workers", Journal of Sociology and So¬cial Welfare, 9, 682-695.
  • Schneider, K. T., Swan, S. and Fitzger¬ald, L. F. (1997) “Job-Related and Psy¬chological Effects of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace: Empirical Evidence from Two Organizations", Journal of Ap¬plied Psychology, 82, 401-415.
  • Schwartz, S.H. (1994) “Beyond Individu- alİsm/Collectivism: New Cultural Dimen¬sions of Values”, in U. Kim, H.C. Trian- dis, Ç. Kagitcibasi, S.C. Choi, and G. Yoon (eds.), Individualism and Collectiv¬ism: Theory, Method, and Applications, Thousand Oaks, CA, Sage, 85-119.
  • Sigal, J., Gibbs, M. S ., Goodrich, C ., Rashid, T ., Anjum, A ., Hsu, D., Perrino, C. S ., Boratav, H. B ., Carson-Arenas, A ., van Baarsen B ., van der Pligt J. and Pan, W. (2005) “Cross-Cultural Reac¬tions to Academic Sexual Harassment: Effects of Individualist vs. Collectivist Culture and Gender of Participants”, Sex Rotes, 52(3-4) 201-215.
  • Stockdale, M. S. (1996) Sexual Harass¬ment in the Workplace Perspectives: Frontiers, and Response Strategies, London, Sage Publications.
  • Tata, J. (1993) “The structure and phe¬nomenon of sexual harassment: Impact of category of sexually harassing behav¬ior, gender, and hierarchical level", Jour¬nal of Applied Social Psychology, 23, 199-211.
  • Tata, J. (2000) "She Said, He Said. The Influence of Remedial Accounts on Third-Party Judgments of Co-worker Sexual Harassment”, Journal of Man¬agement 26(6) 1133-1156.
  • Terpstra, D. E. and Cook, S. E. (1985) “Complainant Characteristics and Re¬ported Behaviors and Consequences Associated with Formal Sexual Harass¬ment Charges", Personnel Psychology, 38, 559-574.
  • Terpstra, D. E. and Baker, D. D. (1986) “Psychological and demographic corre¬lates of perception of sexual harass¬ment”, Genetic, Social and General Psy¬chology Monographs, 112,459-478.
  • Till, F. J. (1980) “Sexual Harassment: A Report on the Sexual Harassment of Students”, National Advisory Council on Women's Educational Programs, Wash¬ington, DC.
  • Valentine-French S. and Radtke, H. L. (1989) “Attributions of responsibility for an incident of sexual harassment in a university setting”, Sex Rotes, 21,545- 555.
  • Voronov, M. and Cortina, L. M. (2002) “The Myth of Individualism-Collectivism: A critcal review”, Journal of Social Psy¬chology, 85, 766-778.
  • Wasti, S.A., Bergman, M. E., Glomb, T.M., Drasgow, F. (2000) “Test of the cross-cultural generalizability of a model of sexual harassment", Journal of Ap¬plied Psychology, 85(5), 766-78.
  • Wasti, S. A. and Cortina L. M. (2002), “Coping in context: sociocultural deter¬minants of responses to sexual harass¬ment”, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 83(2), 394-405.

İşyerinde Cinsel Tacizin Algılanmasında Sosyo-Kültürel Faktörlerin Etkisi: Türk Ve Yakut-Saha Toplumları Üzerine Kültürlerarası Bir İnceleme

Year 2006, Volume: 17 Issue: 1, 71 - 90, 15.04.2006


İşyerinde cinsel
tacizin bireyler tarafından algılanması, sosyo-kültürel geçmişleri İle yakından
ilgilidir. Bu çalışma, cinsel taciz algısında sosyo-kültürel faktörlerin
etkileri konusundaki literatüre, kültürlerarası bir araştırma İle katkıda
bulunmayı amaçla­maktadır. İlk bölümde konuya ilişkin litera­tür, kapsamlı bir
şekilde sunulmuş, ardın­dan Rusya Federasyonu ‘na bağlı bir devlet olan
Yakut-Saha Cumhuriyeti ve Türki­ye ’de gerçekleştirilen bir alan araştırması
İle işyerinde cinsel tacizin algılanmasında­ki farklılıklar araştırılmıştır.
Çalışma bul­guları, Türk ve Yakut-Saha katılımcıları arasında istatistiksel
açıdan anlamlı fark­lıklar olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır.


  • Abbey, A. (1982) "Sex differences in attributions for friendly behavior: Do males misperceive females’ friendli¬ness?”, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 42, 830-838.
  • Adelman, I. and Morris, C. T. 1967, So¬ciety, Politics and Economic Develop¬ment: A Quantitative Approach, Balti¬more: Johns Hopkins University Press.
  • Baker, D. D, Terpstra D. E., Cutler B. D. (1990) "Perceptions of sexual harass¬ment: A re-examination of gender differ¬ences”, Journal of Psychology, 124, 409- 416.
  • Bakırcı, K. (2000), İşyerinde Cinsel Taciz, Yasa Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • Baroni, B. J. (1992) "Unwelcome Ad¬vances (Sexual Harassment in the Workplace)", Training & Development, 46(5) 19-21.
  • Bern, S. L. (1974) "The measurement of psychological androgyny”, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 41, 155-162.
  • Blumenthal, J. A. (1998) “The reason¬able woman standard: A meta-analytic review of gender differences in percep¬tions of sexual harassment”, Law and Human Behavior, 22, 33-57.
  • Bursik, K. (1992) “Perceptions of Sexual Harassment in an Academic Context", Sex Roles, 27(7-8) 401-412.
  • Coles, F. S. (1986) "Forced to Quit: Sex¬ual Harassment Complaints and Agency Response”, Sex Roles, 14, 81-95.
  • Cortina, L. and Wasti, S. A. (2005) "Pro¬files in coping: Responses to sexual har¬assment across persons, organizations and culture”, Journal of Applied Psychol¬ogy, 90, 182-192.
  • DeFour, D. C., David, G., Diaz, F.J. and Shaharazade, T. (2003) “The Interface of Race, Sex, Sexual Orientation, and Eth¬nicity in Understanding Sexual Harass¬ment”, in M. Paludi and C. A. Paludi (eds.) Academic and Workplace Har¬assment, London, Praeger.
  • DiTomaso, N. (1989) "Sexuality in the Workplace: Discrimination and Harass¬ment”, in Hearn, J., Sheppard, D., Tan- cred-Sheriff, P. and Burrell, G. (eds.), The Sexuality of Organization, London, Sage.
  • DuBrin, A. J. (1991) “Sex and gender differences in tactics of influence”, Psy¬chological Reports, 68, 635-646.
  • EU (2005), Report on sexual harassment in the work place in EU Member States, son erişim tarihi: 19.12.2006, < gender_equality/docs/2005/report_ sexual_harassment_en.pdf> Fitzgerald, L. F. and Ormerod, A. J. (1991) "Perceptions of sexual harass¬ment: The influence of gender and con-text”, Psychology of Women Quarterly, 15, 281-294.
  • Fitzgerald, L. F., Gelfand, M. J. and Drasgow, F. (1995), “Measuring Sexual Harassment: Theoretical and Psycho¬metric Advances", Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 17, 425-427.
  • Fitzgerald, L. F., Shullman, S. L., Bailey, N., Richards, M., Swecker, J., Gold, Y., Ormerod, M. and Weitzman, L. (1988) “The Incidence and Dimensions of Sex¬ual Harassment in Academia and the Workplace", Journal of Vocational Be¬havior, 32, 152-175.
  • Fitzgerald, L. F. (1993) "Sexual Harass¬ment: Violence Against Women in the Workplace”, American Psychologist, 48, 1070-1076.
  • Fitzgerald, L.F., Hulln, C.L. and Dras¬gow, F. (1994) "The Antecedents and Consequences of Sexual Harassment in Organizations: An Integrated Model”, in G. Keita and J. Hurrell (eds.), Job Stress In a Changing Workforce: Investigating Gender, Diversity, and Family Issues, American Psychological Association, Washington, DC, 55-74.
  • Forsyth, D., Schlenker, B., Leary, M., and McCown, N. (1985) "Self- presentational determinants of sex dif¬ferences in leadership behavior", Small Group Behavior, 16,197-210.
  • Glick, P., Fiske, S. T., Mladinic, A., Saiz, J. L., Abrams, D., Masser, B., Ade- toun.B., Osagie.J.E., Akande.A., Alao, A., Brunner, B., Willemsen, T. M., Chipeta, K.., Dardenne, B., Dijksterhuis, A., Wig bold us, D., Eckes, T., Six- Materna, I., Exposito, F., Moya, M., Foddy, M., Kim, H., Lameiras, M., Sotelo, M. J., Mucchi-Faina, A.,
  • Romani, M., Sakallı, N., Udegbe, B.,Yamamoto, M., Uİ, M., Ferreira, M. C., and Lopez, W. L. (2000). "Beyond prejudice as sim¬ple antipathy: Hostile and benevolent sexism across cultures", Journal of Per¬sonality and Social Psychology, 75, 763- 775.
  • Glick, P., Sakailı-Uğurlu, N., Ferreira, M.C., & Aguiar de Souze, M. (2002). “Ambivalent sexism and attitudes toward wife abuse in Turkey and Brazil”, Psy¬chology of Women Quarterly, 26, 291- 296.
  • Gregg, P.M. and Banks, A. S. (1965) "Dimensions of Political Systems: Factor Analysis of a Cross-Polity Survey”, American Political Science Review, 59, 602-614.
  • Gross-Schaefer, A., Florsheim, R. and Pannetier, J. (2003) “The Swinging Pen¬dulum: Moving From Sexual Harassment To Respectful Workplace Relationships”, Employee Relations Law Journal, 29(2) 50-69.
  • Gruber, J. (2003) "Sexual Harassment in the Workplace”, in Paludi, M. and Paludi, C. A. (eds.), Academic and Workplace Harassment, London, Praeger, 49-75.
  • Gutek, B. A. and Koss, M. P. (1993) “Changed Women and Changed Organi¬zations: Consequences of and Coping with Sexual Harassment", Journal of Vocational Behavior, 42, 28-48.
  • Gutek, B. A., Cohen, A. G. and Konrad, A. M. (1990) Predicting Socio-Sexual Behavior at Work: A Contact Hypothesis, Academy of Management Journal, 33, 560-577.
  • Gutek, B.A. (1985) Sex and the Work¬place: Impact of Sexual Behavior and Harassment on Women, Men, and Or¬ganizations, San Francisco, Jossey- Bass.
  • Gutek, B. A. (1995) “How subjective is sexual harassment? An examination of rater effects”, Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 17,447-467. Hesson-Mclnnis, M. S. and Fitzgerald, L.
  • F. (1997) “Sexual Harassment: A Pre¬liminary Test of an Integrative Model”, Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 27, 877-901.
  • Hofstede, G. (1980) Culture’s Conse¬quences: International differences in work-related values, California, Sage Publications.
  • Hofstede, G. (2001) Culture’s Conse¬quences: Comparing Values, Behaviors, Institutions, and Organizations Across .Nations, California: Sage Publications.
  • Jensen, I. W. and Gutek, B. A. (1982) "Attributions and assignment of respon¬sibility in sexual harassment”, Journal of Social Issues, 38, 121-138. Knapp, D. E., Faley, R. H., Ekeberg, S.
  • E. and DuBois, K. L. Z. (1997) "Determi¬nants of Target Responses to Sexual Harassment: A Conceptual Framework”, Academy of Management Review, 22(3) 687-729. Koss, M. P., Goodman, L. A., Browne, A., Fitzgerald, L. F., Keita, G. P. and Russo, N. F. (1994) Male Violence Against Women at Home, at Work, and in the Community, American Psychologi¬cal Association, Washington, DC, 3-5.
  • Kurz, J. M. (2002) “Combating Sexual Harassment: Legally Speaking”, RN, 65(7) 65-67.
  • Laband, D. N. and Lentz, B. F. (1998) “The Effects of Sexual Harassment on Job Satisfaction, Earnings, and Turnover Among Female Lawyers", Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 51(4) 594-607.
  • Lengnick-Hall, M. L. (1995) “Sexual Har¬assment Research: A Methodological Critique”, Personnel Psychology, 48(4) 841-864.
  • Lynn, R. and Hampson, S. L. (1975) "National Differences in Extraversion and Neuroticism", British Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 14, 223-240.
  • Maypole, D. E. and Skaine, R. (1982) "Sexual Harassment of Blue Collar Workers", Journal of Sociology and So¬cial Welfare, 9, 682-695.
  • Schneider, K. T., Swan, S. and Fitzger¬ald, L. F. (1997) “Job-Related and Psy¬chological Effects of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace: Empirical Evidence from Two Organizations", Journal of Ap¬plied Psychology, 82, 401-415.
  • Schwartz, S.H. (1994) “Beyond Individu- alİsm/Collectivism: New Cultural Dimen¬sions of Values”, in U. Kim, H.C. Trian- dis, Ç. Kagitcibasi, S.C. Choi, and G. Yoon (eds.), Individualism and Collectiv¬ism: Theory, Method, and Applications, Thousand Oaks, CA, Sage, 85-119.
  • Sigal, J., Gibbs, M. S ., Goodrich, C ., Rashid, T ., Anjum, A ., Hsu, D., Perrino, C. S ., Boratav, H. B ., Carson-Arenas, A ., van Baarsen B ., van der Pligt J. and Pan, W. (2005) “Cross-Cultural Reac¬tions to Academic Sexual Harassment: Effects of Individualist vs. Collectivist Culture and Gender of Participants”, Sex Rotes, 52(3-4) 201-215.
  • Stockdale, M. S. (1996) Sexual Harass¬ment in the Workplace Perspectives: Frontiers, and Response Strategies, London, Sage Publications.
  • Tata, J. (1993) “The structure and phe¬nomenon of sexual harassment: Impact of category of sexually harassing behav¬ior, gender, and hierarchical level", Jour¬nal of Applied Social Psychology, 23, 199-211.
  • Tata, J. (2000) "She Said, He Said. The Influence of Remedial Accounts on Third-Party Judgments of Co-worker Sexual Harassment”, Journal of Man¬agement 26(6) 1133-1156.
  • Terpstra, D. E. and Cook, S. E. (1985) “Complainant Characteristics and Re¬ported Behaviors and Consequences Associated with Formal Sexual Harass¬ment Charges", Personnel Psychology, 38, 559-574.
  • Terpstra, D. E. and Baker, D. D. (1986) “Psychological and demographic corre¬lates of perception of sexual harass¬ment”, Genetic, Social and General Psy¬chology Monographs, 112,459-478.
  • Till, F. J. (1980) “Sexual Harassment: A Report on the Sexual Harassment of Students”, National Advisory Council on Women's Educational Programs, Wash¬ington, DC.
  • Valentine-French S. and Radtke, H. L. (1989) “Attributions of responsibility for an incident of sexual harassment in a university setting”, Sex Rotes, 21,545- 555.
  • Voronov, M. and Cortina, L. M. (2002) “The Myth of Individualism-Collectivism: A critcal review”, Journal of Social Psy¬chology, 85, 766-778.
  • Wasti, S.A., Bergman, M. E., Glomb, T.M., Drasgow, F. (2000) “Test of the cross-cultural generalizability of a model of sexual harassment", Journal of Ap¬plied Psychology, 85(5), 766-78.
  • Wasti, S. A. and Cortina L. M. (2002), “Coping in context: sociocultural deter¬minants of responses to sexual harass¬ment”, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 83(2), 394-405.
There are 52 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Sociology (Other)
Journal Section Articles

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Publication Date April 15, 2006
Submission Date February 15, 2006
Published in Issue Year 2006 Volume: 17 Issue: 1
