Research Article
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A Comperative Study on Sex Role Perception of Mental Handicapped Children, Normal Developing Children and Children Under Protection

Year 2005, Volume: 16 Issue: 1, 61 - 78, 15.04.2005


This study aims to investigate if there is any difference in sex role learning between men­tally retarded children, normally developing children and children under protection The study covers 40 mentally retarded children, 40 children who are not mentally retarded and 36 children under protection. Children taken into this research are selected by simp­le random sampling method from speci- al/private education institutions, kindergar­tens and orphanages located at the centum of Ankara. Parents and teachers are given and requested to fill in a questionnaire abo­ut the factors which can affect the gender ro­les of the children. All the children included in the study were applied The Sex Role Lear­ning Index (SERLI) about the acquisition of gender role. There were significant differen­ces between three groups and between girts and boys for some sub-scales.


  • Aktaş, Y(1991)Ankara’da Bulunan Çocuk Yuvalarında Kalan 9-12 Yaş Korunmaya Muhtaç Kız ve Erkek Çocuklarda Korku Yaygınlığı ve Yoğunluğu Üzerinde Karşılaştırmalı Bir Araştırma. A. Ü. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü. Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi.
  • Anonymous, (1989). Sosyal Hizmetler ve Çocuk Esirgeme Kurumu Raporları.
  • Baran G. (1995). Ankara’da Bulunan Çocuk Yuvalarında Kalan 7-11 Yaş Grubu Çocuklarda Cinsiyet Rolleri Ve Cinsiyet Özellikleri Kalıp Yargılarının Gelişimi. Ankara Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü. Doktora Tezi.
  • Bardwell,J:R.,Cochran,S:W.,Walker, S(1 986).Relationship of Parental Education,Race and Gender to Sex Role Stereotyping in Five—Year Old Kindergartners.Sex Roles. 15,5/6:275- 281.
  • Bee, Helen (2000).The Developing Child. Allyn&Bacon Avia Company, MA.
  • Berk, L.E.{1994) Child Development.Third edition. Allyn&Bacon Avia Company, MA.
  • Brantlinger, Ellen (1988). Teacher’s Perceptions of the Sexuality of Their Secondary Students With Mild Mental Retardation. Education and Training in Mental Retardation. 23, 1, 24-37.
  • Black, Stacey., Johnson Hillary., Kline Jacy., Lee Eunnim (2000). Children’s Perceptions of Gender Roles.
  • Çetin,Zeynep (2002). Beş-Onyedi Yaş Grubu Zihinsel Engelli Olan ve Beş-Altı Yaş Grubu Zihinsel Engeli Olmayan Çocukların Cinsiyet Rolünü Kazanmalarının Karşılaştırılması. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü. Doktora Tezi.
  • Chandler Daniel.( ) Television and Gender Roles. . (file://C:\Documents and Settings\EVEVI\Desktop\televis ion and Gender Roles, htm (08. 04. 2006)
  • Edelbrock, Craig., Sugawara I. Alan (1978). Acquisition of Sex-Typed Preferences in Preschool-Aged Children. Developmental Psychology. 14, 6, 614-623.
  • Fisher,Thompson(1990) Adult Sex- Typing of Children’s Toys.Sex Roles.23,291-303.
  • Henshaw, Ann., Kelly, Janette., Gratton, Caroline. (1992). Skipping for Girls: Children’s Perceptions of Gender Roles and Gender Preferences. Educational Research. 34, 3.
  • International Conference on Population and Development (1994). Gender and Child Development, fwww. paho. ora/Enalish/AD/CE/childevelopment
  • Kolbe, H. Richard., Meuhling, Darell. (1995). Gender Roles and Children’s Television Advertising. Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising. 17, 1, 50-59.
  • Krumn, M. Janet. (2000). Spoulding Youth Center, Executive Director of Special Education for the New Hampshire. Department of Education. http://www. nnchallenae. ora.
  • Leinbach, D.Mary., Hort, E. Barbara Fagot, I. Beverly. (1997). Bears Are For Boys: Metaphorical Associations in Young Children’s Gender Stereotypes. Cognitive Development. 12, 107-130.
  • Lin, Mei-Ho. (1991). The Preliminary Study on The Issue of Sexual Behavior and Sex Education for Mentally Retarded Persons. Bulletin of Social Education. 20,23-36.
  • McCabe, P. Marita. (1999). Sexual Knowledge, Experience and Feelings Among People With Disability. Sexuality and Disability. 17, 2, 157-1.
  • Papalia, E. Diane. , Olds, W. Sally. (1992). Theory and Rearch in Child Development. Human Development. McGraw Hill. Fifth Edition. US.
  • Pomerleau, A., Bolduc, D., Malcuit, G., ve Casuette, L. (1990). Pink or blue : Enviromental gender stereotypes in the first two years of life. Sex Roles. 22, 359-367.
  • Satcher David (2001). The Surgeon General’s Call To Action To Promote Sexual Health And Responsible Sexual Behavior. A letter from the Surgeon General U. S Department of Health and Human Services. http://www. surgeongeneral. gov/library/sexualhealth/cali. htm.
  • Schwab, William. (2000). Sexuality in Down Syndrome. National Conference. NY. http://www. ndss. org.
  • Stevenson, M.R and Black.K.N.(1988).Paternal Absence and Sex Role Development.A Meta-Analysis Child Development.59,3,793-814.
  • Witt, D. Susan. (2000). Gender Role Socialization. Childhood Education, 76, 5, 322-324.
  • Witt, D. Susan. (2000). The Influence of Television on Children’s Gender Role Socialization.
  • ____________(2002). Gender Role Development. The Gale Group Inc. file://C:\Documents and Settings\EVEV\Desktop\ Gender-Role Development (08. 04. 2006)
  • ____________(1992). Sexuality Education for Chilren and Youth With Disabilities, National Information Center For Children and Youth With Disabilities. NİCHCY NEWS Digest. N. 17.
  • ____________(7.04.2006). Influences on Children's Gender Development (fwww. ces. purdue. edu/providerparent/Child)


Year 2005, Volume: 16 Issue: 1, 61 - 78, 15.04.2005


Bu çalışma, zihinsel engelli, normal gelişim gösteren ve korunmaya muhtaç çocukların cinsiyet rollerini algılamalarının karşılaştı­rılmalı olarak İncelenmesi amacıyla yapıl­mıştır. Çalışmaya zihinsel engeli olan 40 çocuk, zihinsel engeli olmayan 40 çocuk ve 36 korunmaya muhtaç çocuk katılmışttr. Çocuklar Ankara İl Merkezinde bulunan okulöncesi eğitim kurumlarından, özel eği­tim merkezlerinden ve korunmaya muhtaç çocuklardan basit rastgele Örnekleme yönte­miyle seçilmiştir. Çocukların ailelerine ve öğretmenlerine çocuklarının cinsiyet rolleri­ni etkileyecek etkenlerle ilgili bir anket for­mu verilerek cevaplandırmaları istenmiştir. Çalışmadaki tüm çocuklara cinsiyet rolünü kazanmaları ile ilgili olan Cinsiyet Rolünü Öğrenme İndeksi (The Sex Role Learning In­dex) (ŞERLİ) uygulanmıştır. Testin bazı alt- ölçeklerinde cinsiyetler ve gruplar arasında­ki fark anlamlı bulunmuştur.


  • Aktaş, Y(1991)Ankara’da Bulunan Çocuk Yuvalarında Kalan 9-12 Yaş Korunmaya Muhtaç Kız ve Erkek Çocuklarda Korku Yaygınlığı ve Yoğunluğu Üzerinde Karşılaştırmalı Bir Araştırma. A. Ü. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü. Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi.
  • Anonymous, (1989). Sosyal Hizmetler ve Çocuk Esirgeme Kurumu Raporları.
  • Baran G. (1995). Ankara’da Bulunan Çocuk Yuvalarında Kalan 7-11 Yaş Grubu Çocuklarda Cinsiyet Rolleri Ve Cinsiyet Özellikleri Kalıp Yargılarının Gelişimi. Ankara Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü. Doktora Tezi.
  • Bardwell,J:R.,Cochran,S:W.,Walker, S(1 986).Relationship of Parental Education,Race and Gender to Sex Role Stereotyping in Five—Year Old Kindergartners.Sex Roles. 15,5/6:275- 281.
  • Bee, Helen (2000).The Developing Child. Allyn&Bacon Avia Company, MA.
  • Berk, L.E.{1994) Child Development.Third edition. Allyn&Bacon Avia Company, MA.
  • Brantlinger, Ellen (1988). Teacher’s Perceptions of the Sexuality of Their Secondary Students With Mild Mental Retardation. Education and Training in Mental Retardation. 23, 1, 24-37.
  • Black, Stacey., Johnson Hillary., Kline Jacy., Lee Eunnim (2000). Children’s Perceptions of Gender Roles.
  • Çetin,Zeynep (2002). Beş-Onyedi Yaş Grubu Zihinsel Engelli Olan ve Beş-Altı Yaş Grubu Zihinsel Engeli Olmayan Çocukların Cinsiyet Rolünü Kazanmalarının Karşılaştırılması. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü. Doktora Tezi.
  • Chandler Daniel.( ) Television and Gender Roles. . (file://C:\Documents and Settings\EVEVI\Desktop\televis ion and Gender Roles, htm (08. 04. 2006)
  • Edelbrock, Craig., Sugawara I. Alan (1978). Acquisition of Sex-Typed Preferences in Preschool-Aged Children. Developmental Psychology. 14, 6, 614-623.
  • Fisher,Thompson(1990) Adult Sex- Typing of Children’s Toys.Sex Roles.23,291-303.
  • Henshaw, Ann., Kelly, Janette., Gratton, Caroline. (1992). Skipping for Girls: Children’s Perceptions of Gender Roles and Gender Preferences. Educational Research. 34, 3.
  • International Conference on Population and Development (1994). Gender and Child Development, fwww. paho. ora/Enalish/AD/CE/childevelopment
  • Kolbe, H. Richard., Meuhling, Darell. (1995). Gender Roles and Children’s Television Advertising. Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising. 17, 1, 50-59.
  • Krumn, M. Janet. (2000). Spoulding Youth Center, Executive Director of Special Education for the New Hampshire. Department of Education. http://www. nnchallenae. ora.
  • Leinbach, D.Mary., Hort, E. Barbara Fagot, I. Beverly. (1997). Bears Are For Boys: Metaphorical Associations in Young Children’s Gender Stereotypes. Cognitive Development. 12, 107-130.
  • Lin, Mei-Ho. (1991). The Preliminary Study on The Issue of Sexual Behavior and Sex Education for Mentally Retarded Persons. Bulletin of Social Education. 20,23-36.
  • McCabe, P. Marita. (1999). Sexual Knowledge, Experience and Feelings Among People With Disability. Sexuality and Disability. 17, 2, 157-1.
  • Papalia, E. Diane. , Olds, W. Sally. (1992). Theory and Rearch in Child Development. Human Development. McGraw Hill. Fifth Edition. US.
  • Pomerleau, A., Bolduc, D., Malcuit, G., ve Casuette, L. (1990). Pink or blue : Enviromental gender stereotypes in the first two years of life. Sex Roles. 22, 359-367.
  • Satcher David (2001). The Surgeon General’s Call To Action To Promote Sexual Health And Responsible Sexual Behavior. A letter from the Surgeon General U. S Department of Health and Human Services. http://www. surgeongeneral. gov/library/sexualhealth/cali. htm.
  • Schwab, William. (2000). Sexuality in Down Syndrome. National Conference. NY. http://www. ndss. org.
  • Stevenson, M.R and Black.K.N.(1988).Paternal Absence and Sex Role Development.A Meta-Analysis Child Development.59,3,793-814.
  • Witt, D. Susan. (2000). Gender Role Socialization. Childhood Education, 76, 5, 322-324.
  • Witt, D. Susan. (2000). The Influence of Television on Children’s Gender Role Socialization.
  • ____________(2002). Gender Role Development. The Gale Group Inc. file://C:\Documents and Settings\EVEV\Desktop\ Gender-Role Development (08. 04. 2006)
  • ____________(1992). Sexuality Education for Chilren and Youth With Disabilities, National Information Center For Children and Youth With Disabilities. NİCHCY NEWS Digest. N. 17.
  • ____________(7.04.2006). Influences on Children's Gender Development (fwww. ces. purdue. edu/providerparent/Child)
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Sociology (Other)
Journal Section Articles

Zeynep Çetin This is me

Arzu Yükselen This is me

Özcan Doğan This is me

Publication Date April 15, 2005
Submission Date February 15, 2005
Published in Issue Year 2005 Volume: 16 Issue: 1
