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Burnout Aınong Caregivers in Oncology Settings

Year 2006, Volume: 17 Issue: 2, 7 - 24, 03.09.2007


Oncology is afıeld which has high
tension of inieraction and high level of stress. Working in the field of
oncology requires an energy and self-devotion to face ali the results. Burnout
appears as a result of the daily work of caregivers [Physician, nurse, and
social workersj. The çare and interest given to patients by the personnel is
the most İmportant source of exhaustion. Burnout, its negative results and its
. and organizational
origins can be controlled and effectively managed if the factors that effect
the burnout level of caregivers in the field of oncology are recognized and
well described.

in this study, defınition, causes, and results of burnout on
individuals and organizations of caregivers, and what şort of study should be
done by social workers to decrease the effects of burnout are discussed.


  • Astrom, S. ve Diğ., (1991) “Staff Burnout in Dementia Çare Relations to Empaty and Attitudes”, International Journal of Studies, 28 (1)155-159.
  • Balgopal, R.P. (1989) “Occupational Social Work: An Expanded Clinical Perspective”, Social Work, 34 (5) 437-442.
  • Barling, J. ve Macintyre, T.A. (1993) “Daily Work Role Stressors, Mood and Emotional Exhaustion”, Work and Stress, 17(4)21-28.
  • Barnes, K. (2001) “Staff Stress in the Children’s Hospice: Causes Effects and Coping Strategies”, Int J Palliative Nurs,7 (5) 248-254.
  • Beemsterboer, J. ve Baum, H.B. (1984) “Burnout Definition and Health Care Management”, Social Work in Health Care, Vol: 10, 97-107.
  • Bram, PJ. ve Katz, L.F. (1989) “A Study of Burnout in Nurses Workîng in Hospice and Hospital Oncology Settîngs", Oncology Nursing Forum, 16 (4) 555-560.
  • Butterfİeld, P.S. (1988) “The Stress of Residency: A Review of Literatüre”, Archives of Journal Medicine, Vol: 148, 1428-1433.
  • Carayon, P., Smith, M.J. ve Haims, M.C. (1999) “Work Organization, Job Stress, and Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders”, Human Factors, 41 (4) 644-663.
  • Catalan, J., Burgess, A., Pergami, A., ve Diğ. (1996) “The Psychological İmpact on Staff of Caring for People with Serious Diseases: The Case of HIV Infection and Oncology”, J Psychosom Res, 40 (4) 425-435.
  • Chernis, C. (1980). Staff Burnout: Job Stress in the Human Services. Sage Pruductions, Bevery Hills: 133-139.
  • Clouder, L, ve Sellars, J. (2004) “Reflective Practice and Clinical Supervision: An ınterprofessional Perspective”. J Adv Nurs, Vol: 46, ss: 262-269.
  • Corner, J. (2002) “Nurses1 Experiences of Cancer”. EurJ Cancer Care, Vol: 11, 193-199.
  • Coyle, Dave., Edvvards D., Hannigan, B., Fothergill, A., Burnard, P. (2005) “A systematic Review of Stress Among Health Social Workers”, International Social Work, 11 (48) 201-211.
  • Cushman, L.F, Evans, P., ve Namerow, P.B, (1995) “Occupational Stress Among AIDS Social Service Providers”, Social Work Health Care, 21 (3) 115-31.
  • Demerouti, E., Bakker, A.B., Nachreiner, F. ve Schaufeli, W.B. (2000) “A Model of Burnout and Life Satisfaction Amongst Nurses”, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 32 (2) 454-464.
  • Duyan, V. (1996) Sağlıkta Psiko-Sosyal Boyut (Tıbbi Sosyal Hizmet), Ankara, 5- 6.
  • Eakes, G.G. (1993) “Chronic Sorrovv: A Response to Living With Cancer” Oncology Nursing Forum, 20 (9) 1327-1334.
  • Felton, J.S. (1998) “Burnoutas a Clinical Entity - Its Importance in Health Care Workers”, Occupational Med, 48 (4) 237- 50.
  • Freudenberger, H.J. (1974) “Staff Bum- out”, Journal of Soclal Issues, Vol: 30, 159-165,
  • Garden, M. (1991) “Relationship Be- tween Burnout and Performance”, Psychological Reports, (68) 188-195.
  • Gibson, F., McGrath, A. ve Reid, N., (1989) “Occupational Stress in Social Work”, British Journal of Social Work, Vol: 19, 1-16.
  • Hawkins, A.C., Howard, R.A., Oyebode, J.R. (2006) “Stress and Coping in Hospice Nursing Staff. The Impact of Attachment Styles”. Psycho-Oncology, (in press).
  • Heim, E. (1992) “Stressors In Health Occupations: Do Females have a Greater Health Risk”, Z Psychosom Med Psychoana, 38 (3) 207-226.
  • Hinds, P.S., Ouargnenti, A.G., Hİckey, S.S., Mangum, G.U. (1994) “A Comparison of the Stress Response Sequence in New and Experienced Pediatric Nurses”, Cancer Nursing, 17(1)61-71.
  • Hschaki, N. (1994) “Occupational Stress, and Burnout Among Hospital Social Workers”, Social Work Abstracts, September, 121-130.
  • Işıkhan ve Diğ. (1998) “Kanser Hastalarıyla Çalışan Sağlık Personelinin Tükenmişlik Durumları” Türk Hematoloji- Onkoloji Dergisi, 8 (3) 146-152.
  • Işıkhan, V. (2002) “Yardım Edici Mesleklerde Tükenmişlik Sendromu”. Sosyal Hizmetler Dergisi, 2 (13) 14-22.
  • Işıkhan, V. ve Diğ. (2003) “Kanser Hastalarıyla Çalışan Sağlık Personelinin İş Stresi ve Başaçıkma Yöntemleri”, Sağlık ve Toplum, 4, Ekim Aralık, 32-41.
  • Janssen, P.M., de Jonge, J. ve Bakker, A.B. (1999) “Specific Determinants of Intrinsic Work Motivation, Burnout and Turnover Intentions: A Study Among Nurses”, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 29(6) 1360-1369.
  • Kennedy, V.N. (1996) "Supportive Care of the Patients wîth Pancreatic Cancer”, The role of the oncology Social Worker Oncology, 10 (9) 35-37.
  • Kilfedder, C.J., Power, K.G. ve VVells, T.J. (2001) “Burnout in psychiatric Nursing”, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 34 (3) 383-396.
  • Lederberg M.S. (1998) “Oncology Staff Stress and Related Interventions”, in: Holland JC (ed) Psycho-Oncology, 1035- 1048. New York, Oxford University Press.
  • Lo, W .T. (2005) "Task-Centered Group- work: Reflections on Practice", International Social Work, 1 (48) 455-465.
  • Luecken, L.J., Lemery, K.S. (2004) “Early Caregiving end Physiological Stress Responses", Clin Psychol Rev, Vol: 24, 171-191.
  • Maslach, C. (1976) “Burned-out”, Human Behaviour, (5) 78-85.
  • Maslach, C. (1982) Burnout: The Cost of Caring. New Jersey, Prentice Hail: 32- 39.
  • Maslach C. (1993) “Burnout: A Multidimensional Perspective”, in: Schaufeli WB, Maslach C. Marek T eds. Professionai Burnout: Recent Developments in Theory and Research, 19-32.
  • Mong, P.K. ve Tam, S.K. (2005). “Job Stress Percetved lnequity and Burnout Among School Social Workers İn Hong Kong”, International Social Work, 1 (48) 467-483.
  • Örmen, Uğur (1993). “Tükenmişlik Duygusu ve Yöneticiler Üzerinde Bir Uygulama,” (Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi) İstanbul Marmara Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü İngilizce İşletme Ana Bilim Dalı, 1-54.
  • Richardsen, M.A., Burke, J.R. (1991) “Occupational Stress and Job Satisfaction among Canadian Physicians”, Work & Stress, 5 (4) 301-313.
  • Sargent, M.C., Sotile, W., Sotile, M., Rubash, H., Barrack, R. (2004) “Stress and Coping among Orthopedic Surgery Residents and Faculty”, JBJS, 86 A (7): 1579-1584.
  • Scheiber, S.C. (1987) “Stress in Physicians”, İn R. Payne and J.Firth-Cozen (Eds), Stress in the Health Professions (VViley, New York), 23-44.
  • Stordeur, S., D'hoore, W., Vandenberghe, C. (2001) “Leadership, Organizationai Stress, and Emotional Exhaustion Among Hospital Nursing StafF, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 35 (4) 533-542.
  • Tang, S.T. (2000) “Meanings of Dying at Home For Chinese Patients in Taivvan with Terminal Cancer”, Cancer Nursing, 23 (5) 367-370.
  • Taormina, R.J. ve Law, C.M. (2000) “Approaches to Preventing Burnout: The Effects of Personal Stress Management and Organizational Socialization", Journal of Nursing Management, 8 (2) 89-99.
  • Tattersall, J.A., Paul, B., Stirling, P. (1999) “Stress and Coping in Hospital Doctors", Stress Medicine, Vol: 15,109- 113.
  • Turan, N. (1984) “Kanser Hastalığının önlenmesinde Psikososyal Faktörlerin Önemi”, H.Ü. Sosyal Hizmetler Yüksekokulu Dergisi, 2 (1-3) 12-20.
  • Ullrich, A. ve Fitzgerald, P. (1990) “Stress Experienced by Physicians and Nurses in the Cancer Ward”, Soc.Sci.Med, 31 (9) 1013-1021.
  • Wesselîs, D.T. (1989) “The Etiology of Job Stress”. Professionai Burnout in Medicine and the Heiping Professions içinde (Editors: D.T. Wessells, J.R. Austin H. Kutscher), 11-14.
  • Whippeh, D.A., Canellos, G.P. (1991) “Burnout Syndrome in the Practice Oncology Results of a Random Survey of 1.000 Oncologist, J Clin Öncoi, Vol: 9, 16-20.
  • Wilkinson, S.M. (1995) “The Changing Pressures for Cancer Nurses", Eur Cancer Care, Vol: 4, 69-74.


Year 2006, Volume: 17 Issue: 2, 7 - 24, 03.09.2007


etkileşim gerilimi yüksek ve stres düzeyi çok yoğun bir alandır. Onkoloji
alanında çalışmak, bütün sonuçlarla yüzleşecek bir enerjiyi ve kendini adamayı
gerektirmektedir. Tükenmişlik, onkoloji alanında bakunverenler [doktor, hemşire
ve sosyal hizmet uzmanları (SHU)]’in günlük çalışmalarının doğal bir sonucu
olarak ortaya çıkmaktadır. Tedavide hastalara verilen bakım ve gösterilen ilgi
bu personel için en önemli tükenmişlik kaynağıdır. Tükenmişliğin birey ve örgüt
kökenli olumsuz sonuçlarının denetlenip kontrol edilebilmesi ve etkili bir
şekilde yönetilebilmesi için onkoloji alanında bahmverenleri etkileyen
tükenmişlik faktörlerinin tanınması ve tanımlanması büyük bir önem
taşımaktadır. Aşağıdaki çalışmada, onkoloji alanında bakımverenlerin yaşadığı
tükenmişliğin tanımlanması, nedenleri ve birey ve Örgüt üzerindeki olası
sonuçları ve tükenmişliğin etkisinin azaltılmasında SHU’nın ne tür çalışmalar
yapabileceği tartışılmaktadır.


  • Astrom, S. ve Diğ., (1991) “Staff Burnout in Dementia Çare Relations to Empaty and Attitudes”, International Journal of Studies, 28 (1)155-159.
  • Balgopal, R.P. (1989) “Occupational Social Work: An Expanded Clinical Perspective”, Social Work, 34 (5) 437-442.
  • Barling, J. ve Macintyre, T.A. (1993) “Daily Work Role Stressors, Mood and Emotional Exhaustion”, Work and Stress, 17(4)21-28.
  • Barnes, K. (2001) “Staff Stress in the Children’s Hospice: Causes Effects and Coping Strategies”, Int J Palliative Nurs,7 (5) 248-254.
  • Beemsterboer, J. ve Baum, H.B. (1984) “Burnout Definition and Health Care Management”, Social Work in Health Care, Vol: 10, 97-107.
  • Bram, PJ. ve Katz, L.F. (1989) “A Study of Burnout in Nurses Workîng in Hospice and Hospital Oncology Settîngs", Oncology Nursing Forum, 16 (4) 555-560.
  • Butterfİeld, P.S. (1988) “The Stress of Residency: A Review of Literatüre”, Archives of Journal Medicine, Vol: 148, 1428-1433.
  • Carayon, P., Smith, M.J. ve Haims, M.C. (1999) “Work Organization, Job Stress, and Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders”, Human Factors, 41 (4) 644-663.
  • Catalan, J., Burgess, A., Pergami, A., ve Diğ. (1996) “The Psychological İmpact on Staff of Caring for People with Serious Diseases: The Case of HIV Infection and Oncology”, J Psychosom Res, 40 (4) 425-435.
  • Chernis, C. (1980). Staff Burnout: Job Stress in the Human Services. Sage Pruductions, Bevery Hills: 133-139.
  • Clouder, L, ve Sellars, J. (2004) “Reflective Practice and Clinical Supervision: An ınterprofessional Perspective”. J Adv Nurs, Vol: 46, ss: 262-269.
  • Corner, J. (2002) “Nurses1 Experiences of Cancer”. EurJ Cancer Care, Vol: 11, 193-199.
  • Coyle, Dave., Edvvards D., Hannigan, B., Fothergill, A., Burnard, P. (2005) “A systematic Review of Stress Among Health Social Workers”, International Social Work, 11 (48) 201-211.
  • Cushman, L.F, Evans, P., ve Namerow, P.B, (1995) “Occupational Stress Among AIDS Social Service Providers”, Social Work Health Care, 21 (3) 115-31.
  • Demerouti, E., Bakker, A.B., Nachreiner, F. ve Schaufeli, W.B. (2000) “A Model of Burnout and Life Satisfaction Amongst Nurses”, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 32 (2) 454-464.
  • Duyan, V. (1996) Sağlıkta Psiko-Sosyal Boyut (Tıbbi Sosyal Hizmet), Ankara, 5- 6.
  • Eakes, G.G. (1993) “Chronic Sorrovv: A Response to Living With Cancer” Oncology Nursing Forum, 20 (9) 1327-1334.
  • Felton, J.S. (1998) “Burnoutas a Clinical Entity - Its Importance in Health Care Workers”, Occupational Med, 48 (4) 237- 50.
  • Freudenberger, H.J. (1974) “Staff Bum- out”, Journal of Soclal Issues, Vol: 30, 159-165,
  • Garden, M. (1991) “Relationship Be- tween Burnout and Performance”, Psychological Reports, (68) 188-195.
  • Gibson, F., McGrath, A. ve Reid, N., (1989) “Occupational Stress in Social Work”, British Journal of Social Work, Vol: 19, 1-16.
  • Hawkins, A.C., Howard, R.A., Oyebode, J.R. (2006) “Stress and Coping in Hospice Nursing Staff. The Impact of Attachment Styles”. Psycho-Oncology, (in press).
  • Heim, E. (1992) “Stressors In Health Occupations: Do Females have a Greater Health Risk”, Z Psychosom Med Psychoana, 38 (3) 207-226.
  • Hinds, P.S., Ouargnenti, A.G., Hİckey, S.S., Mangum, G.U. (1994) “A Comparison of the Stress Response Sequence in New and Experienced Pediatric Nurses”, Cancer Nursing, 17(1)61-71.
  • Hschaki, N. (1994) “Occupational Stress, and Burnout Among Hospital Social Workers”, Social Work Abstracts, September, 121-130.
  • Işıkhan ve Diğ. (1998) “Kanser Hastalarıyla Çalışan Sağlık Personelinin Tükenmişlik Durumları” Türk Hematoloji- Onkoloji Dergisi, 8 (3) 146-152.
  • Işıkhan, V. (2002) “Yardım Edici Mesleklerde Tükenmişlik Sendromu”. Sosyal Hizmetler Dergisi, 2 (13) 14-22.
  • Işıkhan, V. ve Diğ. (2003) “Kanser Hastalarıyla Çalışan Sağlık Personelinin İş Stresi ve Başaçıkma Yöntemleri”, Sağlık ve Toplum, 4, Ekim Aralık, 32-41.
  • Janssen, P.M., de Jonge, J. ve Bakker, A.B. (1999) “Specific Determinants of Intrinsic Work Motivation, Burnout and Turnover Intentions: A Study Among Nurses”, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 29(6) 1360-1369.
  • Kennedy, V.N. (1996) "Supportive Care of the Patients wîth Pancreatic Cancer”, The role of the oncology Social Worker Oncology, 10 (9) 35-37.
  • Kilfedder, C.J., Power, K.G. ve VVells, T.J. (2001) “Burnout in psychiatric Nursing”, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 34 (3) 383-396.
  • Lederberg M.S. (1998) “Oncology Staff Stress and Related Interventions”, in: Holland JC (ed) Psycho-Oncology, 1035- 1048. New York, Oxford University Press.
  • Lo, W .T. (2005) "Task-Centered Group- work: Reflections on Practice", International Social Work, 1 (48) 455-465.
  • Luecken, L.J., Lemery, K.S. (2004) “Early Caregiving end Physiological Stress Responses", Clin Psychol Rev, Vol: 24, 171-191.
  • Maslach, C. (1976) “Burned-out”, Human Behaviour, (5) 78-85.
  • Maslach, C. (1982) Burnout: The Cost of Caring. New Jersey, Prentice Hail: 32- 39.
  • Maslach C. (1993) “Burnout: A Multidimensional Perspective”, in: Schaufeli WB, Maslach C. Marek T eds. Professionai Burnout: Recent Developments in Theory and Research, 19-32.
  • Mong, P.K. ve Tam, S.K. (2005). “Job Stress Percetved lnequity and Burnout Among School Social Workers İn Hong Kong”, International Social Work, 1 (48) 467-483.
  • Örmen, Uğur (1993). “Tükenmişlik Duygusu ve Yöneticiler Üzerinde Bir Uygulama,” (Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi) İstanbul Marmara Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü İngilizce İşletme Ana Bilim Dalı, 1-54.
  • Richardsen, M.A., Burke, J.R. (1991) “Occupational Stress and Job Satisfaction among Canadian Physicians”, Work & Stress, 5 (4) 301-313.
  • Sargent, M.C., Sotile, W., Sotile, M., Rubash, H., Barrack, R. (2004) “Stress and Coping among Orthopedic Surgery Residents and Faculty”, JBJS, 86 A (7): 1579-1584.
  • Scheiber, S.C. (1987) “Stress in Physicians”, İn R. Payne and J.Firth-Cozen (Eds), Stress in the Health Professions (VViley, New York), 23-44.
  • Stordeur, S., D'hoore, W., Vandenberghe, C. (2001) “Leadership, Organizationai Stress, and Emotional Exhaustion Among Hospital Nursing StafF, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 35 (4) 533-542.
  • Tang, S.T. (2000) “Meanings of Dying at Home For Chinese Patients in Taivvan with Terminal Cancer”, Cancer Nursing, 23 (5) 367-370.
  • Taormina, R.J. ve Law, C.M. (2000) “Approaches to Preventing Burnout: The Effects of Personal Stress Management and Organizational Socialization", Journal of Nursing Management, 8 (2) 89-99.
  • Tattersall, J.A., Paul, B., Stirling, P. (1999) “Stress and Coping in Hospital Doctors", Stress Medicine, Vol: 15,109- 113.
  • Turan, N. (1984) “Kanser Hastalığının önlenmesinde Psikososyal Faktörlerin Önemi”, H.Ü. Sosyal Hizmetler Yüksekokulu Dergisi, 2 (1-3) 12-20.
  • Ullrich, A. ve Fitzgerald, P. (1990) “Stress Experienced by Physicians and Nurses in the Cancer Ward”, Soc.Sci.Med, 31 (9) 1013-1021.
  • Wesselîs, D.T. (1989) “The Etiology of Job Stress”. Professionai Burnout in Medicine and the Heiping Professions içinde (Editors: D.T. Wessells, J.R. Austin H. Kutscher), 11-14.
  • Whippeh, D.A., Canellos, G.P. (1991) “Burnout Syndrome in the Practice Oncology Results of a Random Survey of 1.000 Oncologist, J Clin Öncoi, Vol: 9, 16-20.
  • Wilkinson, S.M. (1995) “The Changing Pressures for Cancer Nurses", Eur Cancer Care, Vol: 4, 69-74.
There are 51 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Vedat Işıkhan This is me

Publication Date September 3, 2007
Submission Date August 15, 2006
Published in Issue Year 2006 Volume: 17 Issue: 2


APA Işıkhan, V. (2007). ONKOLOJİ ALANINDA BAKIMVERENLERİN TÜKENMİŞLİĞİ. Toplum Ve Sosyal Hizmet, 17(2), 7-24.