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Developing an intervention model for men of intimate partner violence

Year 2019, Volume: 30 Issue: 3, 1096 - 1119, 20.09.2019


The goal of this article is to examine the theoretical
approaches of perpetrator programmes in developed countries to understand how
they implement strategies for behavioural change. It is hoped this
investigation will help to provide a safe and healthy environment for family
members who experience domestic violence in Turkey. It aims to illustrate the
ways in which the government can establish new programmes and centres for
perpetrators of intimate partner violence. To achieve this, major approaches in
the field of domestic violence intervention are critically presented. The
article clarifies how such programmes attempt to reduce violent men’s abusive
actions in developed countries. After synthesising the literature on domestic
violence interventions, a model for developing healthy and positive behaviour
was developed. It is expected that this model will help the perpetrators of
domestic violence reduce their violent behaviour and engage in healthy and
respectful behaviour towards their partners. A critical presentation on how to
apply the most appropriate domestic violence perpetrator intervention
strategies was tried to conduct that takes into account Turkish culture, law
and societal structure. It was highlighted that evidence-based research on this
topic needs to be implemented in Turkey. 


  • Babcock, J., Armenti, N., Cannon, C., Lauve-Moon, K., Buttell, F., Ferreira, R., … Lehmann, P. (2016). Domestic violence perpetrator programs: A proposal for evidence-based standards in the United States. Partner Abuse, 7(4), 356–460.
  • Babcock, J. C., Green, C. E., & Robie, C. (2004). Does batterers’ treatment work? A meta-analytic review of domestic violence treatment. Clinical Psychology Review, 23(8), 1023–1053.
  • Bandura, A., & Barab, P. G. (1971). Conditions governing nonreinforced imitation. Developmental Psychology, 5, 244–255.
  • Beyza, İ. (2015). Kadına yönelik aile içi şiddetle mücadelede ŞÖNİM ’lerin rolü: Ankara örneği 1. The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies International, 36, 449–464.
  • Boratav, H. B., Fişek, G. O., & Ziya, H. E. (2017). Erkekliğin Türkiye halleri (The concepts of maleness in Turkey). İstanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • Bowen, E. (2011). The rehabilitation of partner-violent men (1st ed.). Sussex: John Wiley & Sons.
  • Browne, K., Saunders, D. G., & Staecker, K. (1997). Process-psychodynamic groups for men who batter: Description of a brief treatment model. Families in Society, 78(3), 265–271.
  • Bullock, K., Sarre, S., Tarling, R., & Wilkinson, M. (2010). The delivery of domestic abuse programmes: An implementation study of the delivery of domestic abuse programmes in probation areas and Her Majesty’s Prison Service. London.
  • Cantos, A. L., & O’Leary, K. D. (2014). One size does not fit all in the treatment of intimate partner violence. Partner Abuse, 5(2), 204–236.
  • Carbajosa, P., Catalá-Miñana, A., Lila, M., Gracia, E., & Boira, S. (2017). Responsive versus treatment-resistant perpetrators in batterer intervention programs: personal characteristics and stages of change. Psychiatry, Psychology and Law, 1–15.
  • Crane, C. A., & Eckhardt, C. I. (2013). Evaluation of a single-session brief motivational enhancement intervention for partner abusive men. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 60(2), 180–187.
  • Daniels, J. W., & Murphy, C. M. (1997). Stages and processes of change in batterers’ treatment. Cognitive and Behavior Practice, 4(1), 123–145.
  • Dobash, R. E., & Dobash, R. P. (1992). Women, Violence and Social Change (1st ed.). London: Routledge.
  • Dunford, F. W. (2000). The San Diego Navy experiment: An assessment of interventions for men who assault their wives. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 68, 468–476.
  • Eckhardt, C. I., Holtzworth-Munroe, A. Norlander, B., Sibley, A., & Cahill, M. (2008). Readiness to change, partner violence subtypes, and treatment outcomes among men in treatment for partner assault. Violence and Victims, 23(4), 446–475.
  • Eckhardt, C., Murphy, C., Black, D., & Suhr, L. (2006). Intervention programs for perpetrators of intimate partner violence: Conclusions from a clinical research perspective. Public Health Reports, 2, 369–381.
  • Harne, L., & Radford, J. (2008). Tackling domestic violence: Theories, policies and practice (First). Glasgow: McGraw-Hill International.
  • Healey, K., Smith, C., & O‟Sullivan, C. (2009). Batterer intervention: Program approaches and criminal justice strategies. New York: Nova Science.
  • Healey, Kerry, Smith, S., & O’Sulivan, C. (1999). Batterer intervention: Program approaches & criminal justice strategies. Washington, D.C: US Department of Justice Office of Justice Programmes, National Institute of Justice.
  • Kalmuss, D. (1984). The intergenerational transmission of marital aggression. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 46(46), 11–19.
  • Kelly, L., & Westmarland, N. (2015). Domestic violence perpetrator programmes: steps towards change. Project Mirabal Final Report. London and Durham: London Metropolitan University and Durham University.
  • Lawson, D. M., Kellam, M., Quinn, J., & Malnar, S. G. (2012). Integrated cognitive-behavioral and psychodynamic psychotherapy for intimate partner violent men. Psychotherapy, 49(2), 190–201.
  • Levenson, J. (2017). Trauma-informed social work practice. Social Work, 62, 105–113.
  • Lilley-Walker, S.-J., Hester, M., & Turner, W. (2016). Evaluation of European domestic violence perpetrator programmes: Toward a model for designing and reporting evaluations related to perpetrator treatment interventions. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 1–17.
  • Miller, N. A., & Najavits, L. M. (2012). Creating trauma-informed correctional care: A balance of goals and environment. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 3, 17246.
  • Morrel, T. M., Elliott, J. D., Murphy, C. M., & Taft, C. T. (2003). Cognitive behavioral and supportive group treatments for partner violent men. Behavior Therapy, 34, 77–95.
  • Murphy, Christopher M., Eckhardt, C. I., Clifford, J. M., Lamotte, A. D., & Meis, L. A. (2017). Individual versus group cognitive-behavioral therapy for partner-violent men: a preliminary randomized trial. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 1–23.
  • Murphy, Christopher M, & Ting, L. A. (2010). Interventions for perpetrators of intimate partner violence: A review of efficacy research and recent trends. Partner Abuse, 1(1), 26–44.
  • Murphy, Christopher Mark, & Eckhardt, C. I. (2005). Treating the abusive partner: An individualized cognitive-behavioral approach. New York: Guilford Press.
  • Neighbors, C., Walker, D. D., Mbilinyi, L. F., O’Rourke, A., Edleson, J. L., Zegree, J., & Roffman, R. A. (2010). Normative misperceptions of abuse among perpetrators of intimate partner violence. Violence Against Women, 16, 370–386.
  • Öztürk, A. B. (2014). Erkeklik ve kadına yönelik aile içi şiddet: eşine şiddet uygulayan erkekler. Hacettepe Üniversitesi.
  • Palmstierna, T., Haugan, G., Jarwson, S., Rasmussen, K., & Nøttestad, J. A. (2012). Cognitive–behaviour group therapy for men voluntary seeking help for intimate partner violence. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, 66, 360–365. 488.2012.665080
  • Pence, E., & Paymar, M. (1993). Education groups for men who batter: The Duluth model. Springer Publishing Company.
  • Richards, T. N., Jennings, W. G., Tomsich, E. a, & Gover, A. R. (2012). A longitudinal examination of offending and specialization among a sample of Massachusetts domestic violence offenders. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 28(3), 643–663.
  • Rothman, E. F., & Coutinho, P. (2007). Batterer intervention program enrollment and completion Massachusetts. Violence Against Women, 13(5), 527–543.
  • Şafak, C., & Arkar, H. (2003). Aile terapisi bağlamında “kendilik". Türk Psikoloji Yazıları, 6(11–12), 43–52.
  • Saunders, D. G. (2009). 8. Programs for men who batter. In E. Stark & E. S. Buzawa (Eds.), Violence against Women in Families and Relationships [3 volumes] (3rd ed., pp. 161–178). Prager: ABC-CLIO.
  • Saunders, Daniel G. (1996). Feminist-cognitive-behavioral and process-psychodynamic treatments for men who batter: interaction of abuser traits and treatment models. Violence and Victims, 11(4), 393–414.
  • Saunders, Daniel G. (2008). Group interventions for men who batter: a summary of program descriptions and research. Violence and Victims, 23(2), 156–172.
  • Şenol-Durak, E., & Fışıloğlu, H. (2007). Film analizi yöntemi ile Virginia Satir aile terapisi yaklaşımına bir bakış. Türk Psikoloji Yazıları, 10(20), 43–62.
  • Silvergleid, C. S., & Mankowski, E. S. (2006). How batterer intervention programs work: Participant and facilitator accounts of processes of change. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 21(1), 139–159.
  • Simmons, C., & Lehmann, P. (2009). Strengths-based batterer intervention: A new direction with a different paradigm. In P. Lehmann & C. Simmons (Eds.), Strengths-Based Batterer Intervention: A New Paradigm in Ending Family Violence. (pp. 39–43). New York: Springer Publishing Company.
  • Smedslund, G., Dalsbø, T. K., Steiro, A. K., Winsvold, A., & Clench-Aas, J. (2007). Cognitive behavioural therapy for men who physically abuse their female partner. The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (3), 1–25.
  • Taft, C. T., Macdonald, A., Creech, S. K., Monson, C. M., & Murphy, C. M. (2016). A randomized controlled clinical trial of the Strength at Home men’s program for partner violence in military veterans. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 77, 1168–1175.
  • Taft, C. T., Murphy, C. M., King, D. W., Musser, P. H., & DeDeyn, J. M. (2003). Process and treatment adherence factors in group cognitive-behavioral therapy for partner violent men. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 71, 812–820.
  • Türkçapar, H., Güriz, O., Özel, A., Işık, B., & Örsel Dönbak, S. (2004). Antisosyal kişilik bozukluğu olan hastalarda öfke ve depresyonun ilişkisi. Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi, 15(2), 119–124.
  • Voith, L. A., Logan-Greene, P., Strodthoff, T., & Bender, A. E. (2018). A paradigm shift in batterer intervention programming : A need to address unresolved trauma. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, XX(X), 1–15.
  • Wallace, B. C., Conner, L. C., & Dass-Brailsford, P. (2011). Integrated trauma treatment in correctional health care and community-based treatment upon reentry. Journal of Correctional Health Care, 17, 329–343.
  • Wilson, M. (1996). Working with the CHANGE men’s programme. In K. Cavanagh & V. E. Cree (Eds.), Working with men feminism and social work. New York: Routledge. (2011). Working with perpetrators of domestic violence. London.


Year 2019, Volume: 30 Issue: 3, 1096 - 1119, 20.09.2019


Bu makale eşine şiddet
uygulayan erkeklerin davranış değişiminin nasıl sağlanabileceğini anlamak için
gelişmiş ülkelerdeki müdahale programlarının teorik ve kuramsal yaklaşımlarını
incelemeyi amaçlamıştır. Böylece Türkiye’de aile içi şiddet vakalarında hayatta
kalmaya çalışan aile bireylerine daha sağlıklı ve güvenli bir ortam oluşturulmasına
katkı sağlamayı umut eder. Eşine şiddet uygulayan faillere yönelik yeni
programların ve müdahale merkezlerinin geliştirilmesine ışık tutmayı da
hedeflemiştir. Aile içinde erkek şiddet davranışlarının azaltılması ve yok edilmesi
için uygulanan temel yaklaşımlar ve teoriler fark edilmiş ve bunlar ortaya
konmuştur. Bu yaklaşımlar özümsendikten sonra Sağlıklı ve Olumlu Davranış
Geliştirme adı altında bir iyileştirme ve müdahale modeli ortaya konmuştur. Bu
model aile içinde duygusal, ekonomik psikolojik, cinsel ve fiziksel şiddete
başvurmuş bireylerin müdahale merkezlerine katılarak; şiddet davranışlarına son
vermesine, eski ya da yeni eşine karşı sağlıklı ve saygılı davranış biçimleri
ve tutumları geliştirebilmesine öncülük etmek için ortaya konmuştur. Türk aile
yapısı, kültürü, hukuki yapısı ve kendine has toplumsal dokusu dikkate alınarak
hangi ve nasıl bir şiddet önleme yaklaşımlarının uygun olacağına dair kritik ve
dikkatli bir sunum ortaya konmaya çalışılmıştır. Toplum içindeki farklılıklar
ve ihtiyaçlar göz önünde bulundurularak çok daha ayrıntılı çalışmalara ihtiyaç
duyulduğu vurgulanmıştır.


  • Babcock, J., Armenti, N., Cannon, C., Lauve-Moon, K., Buttell, F., Ferreira, R., … Lehmann, P. (2016). Domestic violence perpetrator programs: A proposal for evidence-based standards in the United States. Partner Abuse, 7(4), 356–460.
  • Babcock, J. C., Green, C. E., & Robie, C. (2004). Does batterers’ treatment work? A meta-analytic review of domestic violence treatment. Clinical Psychology Review, 23(8), 1023–1053.
  • Bandura, A., & Barab, P. G. (1971). Conditions governing nonreinforced imitation. Developmental Psychology, 5, 244–255.
  • Beyza, İ. (2015). Kadına yönelik aile içi şiddetle mücadelede ŞÖNİM ’lerin rolü: Ankara örneği 1. The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies International, 36, 449–464.
  • Boratav, H. B., Fişek, G. O., & Ziya, H. E. (2017). Erkekliğin Türkiye halleri (The concepts of maleness in Turkey). İstanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • Bowen, E. (2011). The rehabilitation of partner-violent men (1st ed.). Sussex: John Wiley & Sons.
  • Browne, K., Saunders, D. G., & Staecker, K. (1997). Process-psychodynamic groups for men who batter: Description of a brief treatment model. Families in Society, 78(3), 265–271.
  • Bullock, K., Sarre, S., Tarling, R., & Wilkinson, M. (2010). The delivery of domestic abuse programmes: An implementation study of the delivery of domestic abuse programmes in probation areas and Her Majesty’s Prison Service. London.
  • Cantos, A. L., & O’Leary, K. D. (2014). One size does not fit all in the treatment of intimate partner violence. Partner Abuse, 5(2), 204–236.
  • Carbajosa, P., Catalá-Miñana, A., Lila, M., Gracia, E., & Boira, S. (2017). Responsive versus treatment-resistant perpetrators in batterer intervention programs: personal characteristics and stages of change. Psychiatry, Psychology and Law, 1–15.
  • Crane, C. A., & Eckhardt, C. I. (2013). Evaluation of a single-session brief motivational enhancement intervention for partner abusive men. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 60(2), 180–187.
  • Daniels, J. W., & Murphy, C. M. (1997). Stages and processes of change in batterers’ treatment. Cognitive and Behavior Practice, 4(1), 123–145.
  • Dobash, R. E., & Dobash, R. P. (1992). Women, Violence and Social Change (1st ed.). London: Routledge.
  • Dunford, F. W. (2000). The San Diego Navy experiment: An assessment of interventions for men who assault their wives. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 68, 468–476.
  • Eckhardt, C. I., Holtzworth-Munroe, A. Norlander, B., Sibley, A., & Cahill, M. (2008). Readiness to change, partner violence subtypes, and treatment outcomes among men in treatment for partner assault. Violence and Victims, 23(4), 446–475.
  • Eckhardt, C., Murphy, C., Black, D., & Suhr, L. (2006). Intervention programs for perpetrators of intimate partner violence: Conclusions from a clinical research perspective. Public Health Reports, 2, 369–381.
  • Harne, L., & Radford, J. (2008). Tackling domestic violence: Theories, policies and practice (First). Glasgow: McGraw-Hill International.
  • Healey, K., Smith, C., & O‟Sullivan, C. (2009). Batterer intervention: Program approaches and criminal justice strategies. New York: Nova Science.
  • Healey, Kerry, Smith, S., & O’Sulivan, C. (1999). Batterer intervention: Program approaches & criminal justice strategies. Washington, D.C: US Department of Justice Office of Justice Programmes, National Institute of Justice.
  • Kalmuss, D. (1984). The intergenerational transmission of marital aggression. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 46(46), 11–19.
  • Kelly, L., & Westmarland, N. (2015). Domestic violence perpetrator programmes: steps towards change. Project Mirabal Final Report. London and Durham: London Metropolitan University and Durham University.
  • Lawson, D. M., Kellam, M., Quinn, J., & Malnar, S. G. (2012). Integrated cognitive-behavioral and psychodynamic psychotherapy for intimate partner violent men. Psychotherapy, 49(2), 190–201.
  • Levenson, J. (2017). Trauma-informed social work practice. Social Work, 62, 105–113.
  • Lilley-Walker, S.-J., Hester, M., & Turner, W. (2016). Evaluation of European domestic violence perpetrator programmes: Toward a model for designing and reporting evaluations related to perpetrator treatment interventions. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 1–17.
  • Miller, N. A., & Najavits, L. M. (2012). Creating trauma-informed correctional care: A balance of goals and environment. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 3, 17246.
  • Morrel, T. M., Elliott, J. D., Murphy, C. M., & Taft, C. T. (2003). Cognitive behavioral and supportive group treatments for partner violent men. Behavior Therapy, 34, 77–95.
  • Murphy, Christopher M., Eckhardt, C. I., Clifford, J. M., Lamotte, A. D., & Meis, L. A. (2017). Individual versus group cognitive-behavioral therapy for partner-violent men: a preliminary randomized trial. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 1–23.
  • Murphy, Christopher M, & Ting, L. A. (2010). Interventions for perpetrators of intimate partner violence: A review of efficacy research and recent trends. Partner Abuse, 1(1), 26–44.
  • Murphy, Christopher Mark, & Eckhardt, C. I. (2005). Treating the abusive partner: An individualized cognitive-behavioral approach. New York: Guilford Press.
  • Neighbors, C., Walker, D. D., Mbilinyi, L. F., O’Rourke, A., Edleson, J. L., Zegree, J., & Roffman, R. A. (2010). Normative misperceptions of abuse among perpetrators of intimate partner violence. Violence Against Women, 16, 370–386.
  • Öztürk, A. B. (2014). Erkeklik ve kadına yönelik aile içi şiddet: eşine şiddet uygulayan erkekler. Hacettepe Üniversitesi.
  • Palmstierna, T., Haugan, G., Jarwson, S., Rasmussen, K., & Nøttestad, J. A. (2012). Cognitive–behaviour group therapy for men voluntary seeking help for intimate partner violence. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, 66, 360–365. 488.2012.665080
  • Pence, E., & Paymar, M. (1993). Education groups for men who batter: The Duluth model. Springer Publishing Company.
  • Richards, T. N., Jennings, W. G., Tomsich, E. a, & Gover, A. R. (2012). A longitudinal examination of offending and specialization among a sample of Massachusetts domestic violence offenders. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 28(3), 643–663.
  • Rothman, E. F., & Coutinho, P. (2007). Batterer intervention program enrollment and completion Massachusetts. Violence Against Women, 13(5), 527–543.
  • Şafak, C., & Arkar, H. (2003). Aile terapisi bağlamında “kendilik". Türk Psikoloji Yazıları, 6(11–12), 43–52.
  • Saunders, D. G. (2009). 8. Programs for men who batter. In E. Stark & E. S. Buzawa (Eds.), Violence against Women in Families and Relationships [3 volumes] (3rd ed., pp. 161–178). Prager: ABC-CLIO.
  • Saunders, Daniel G. (1996). Feminist-cognitive-behavioral and process-psychodynamic treatments for men who batter: interaction of abuser traits and treatment models. Violence and Victims, 11(4), 393–414.
  • Saunders, Daniel G. (2008). Group interventions for men who batter: a summary of program descriptions and research. Violence and Victims, 23(2), 156–172.
  • Şenol-Durak, E., & Fışıloğlu, H. (2007). Film analizi yöntemi ile Virginia Satir aile terapisi yaklaşımına bir bakış. Türk Psikoloji Yazıları, 10(20), 43–62.
  • Silvergleid, C. S., & Mankowski, E. S. (2006). How batterer intervention programs work: Participant and facilitator accounts of processes of change. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 21(1), 139–159.
  • Simmons, C., & Lehmann, P. (2009). Strengths-based batterer intervention: A new direction with a different paradigm. In P. Lehmann & C. Simmons (Eds.), Strengths-Based Batterer Intervention: A New Paradigm in Ending Family Violence. (pp. 39–43). New York: Springer Publishing Company.
  • Smedslund, G., Dalsbø, T. K., Steiro, A. K., Winsvold, A., & Clench-Aas, J. (2007). Cognitive behavioural therapy for men who physically abuse their female partner. The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (3), 1–25.
  • Taft, C. T., Macdonald, A., Creech, S. K., Monson, C. M., & Murphy, C. M. (2016). A randomized controlled clinical trial of the Strength at Home men’s program for partner violence in military veterans. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 77, 1168–1175.
  • Taft, C. T., Murphy, C. M., King, D. W., Musser, P. H., & DeDeyn, J. M. (2003). Process and treatment adherence factors in group cognitive-behavioral therapy for partner violent men. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 71, 812–820.
  • Türkçapar, H., Güriz, O., Özel, A., Işık, B., & Örsel Dönbak, S. (2004). Antisosyal kişilik bozukluğu olan hastalarda öfke ve depresyonun ilişkisi. Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi, 15(2), 119–124.
  • Voith, L. A., Logan-Greene, P., Strodthoff, T., & Bender, A. E. (2018). A paradigm shift in batterer intervention programming : A need to address unresolved trauma. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, XX(X), 1–15.
  • Wallace, B. C., Conner, L. C., & Dass-Brailsford, P. (2011). Integrated trauma treatment in correctional health care and community-based treatment upon reentry. Journal of Correctional Health Care, 17, 329–343.
  • Wilson, M. (1996). Working with the CHANGE men’s programme. In K. Cavanagh & V. E. Cree (Eds.), Working with men feminism and social work. New York: Routledge. (2011). Working with perpetrators of domestic violence. London.
There are 49 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Sociology (Other)
Journal Section Articles

Zeynep Turhan This is me 0000-0002-5343-9442

Publication Date September 20, 2019
Submission Date January 20, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 30 Issue: 3


APA Turhan, Z. (2019). EŞİNE ŞİDDET UYGULAYAN ERKEKLER İÇİN MÜDAHALE MODELİ GELİŞTİRME. Toplum Ve Sosyal Hizmet, 30(3), 1096-1119.