- Articles must be written in the A4 format, in the MS Word program, either in Times New Roman or Baskerville font.
- The title must be regular, in lower case and 12 font size. It must be center-aligned. Main, interval and sub-headings can be used within the text. Main headings will be bold, in lower case, 10,5 font size, and left aligned; sub-headings will be bold, 10,5 font size, in
lower case and left aligned. 6 nk space should be left between the headings and the paragraphs.
- The name and surname of the author shall be written under the main title with 12 nk space, with regular, 11 font size, in lower case and center aligned. The sign ( * ) shall be put in the bottom of the page with the title, university-faculty, department, address, city, country, e-mail and ORCID information of the author in 8,5 font size.
- The text shall be 10,5 font size and justified. 2,5 cm from above, 2,5 cm from the bottom, 2,5 cm from left and right space shall be left. Line spacing should be 12 nk. The spaces between the paragraphs shall be 6 nk and the paragraph indent should be 0.8 cm. (For the visuals within the text and attachments, line spacing should be multiple, and 1,15 nk.)
- The header-footer: In the first page of the article, there should be no header. The text in the header shall include the author’s name and surname in the even pages. In the odd pages, the header shall have a meaningful summary of the text in lower case and in 11 font size. (As the process of evaluation and publication is carried out on online system, uploaded application files of the article (in PDF or Microsoft Word) should not include the name of the authors/translators.)
- The page numbers shall be included inside the header, in 8 font size and in the left and right top of the pages. It should not be visible in the first page.
- Direct quotations shall be started 1 cm from the paragraph indent if they exceed 5 lines, written in 1 font size smaller inside the quotations marks. Qutotations less than 5 lines shall be given in italics inside the text. The statements which are needed to be emphasized shall also be italicized.
- Footnotes shall be written in 8,5 font size and single space. The paragraph indent should be 1 cm and the text shall be justified. There should not be any line separator for the footnotes. The references inside the text shall be given in the footnotes beginning from
number 1. Besides these, there should be no in text references. For the sources given in the footnotes, the book and the journal titles shall be in italics, the article names shall be given inside the quotation marks. The source’s full imprint shall be written when it appears for the first time in the text, then abbreviations like age., agm., or agt., (ibid), should be used. If more than one book and article by the same author is used, after the first usage of the second source, the surname of the author, then the full or shortened name for the book or article should be written. In the case of the references with more than one author, all authors shall be written at the first time and given in the shortened style afterwards.
Examples on the Footnotes
For Books:
Halil İnalcık, Ottoman Empire-Classical Age, 1300-1600, trans., Ruşen Sezer, Yapı Kredi Yayınları, İstanbul 2009, 11. ed. p. 115.
For the next references:
İnalcık, ibid, p. 123
If the same author is referred for more than one source in the study, for the next footnotes:
İnalcık, Classical Age, p.123.
For Articles:
İsmail Hakkı Uzunçarşılı, “Osmanlılarda İlk Vezirlere Dair Mütalea”, Belleten, vol. III/No. 9 [or III/9] (1939), p. 101.
For the next references:
Uzunçarşılı, ibid, p. 101.
If the same author is referred for more than one source in the study, for the next footnotes:
Uzunçarşılı, “Osmanlılarda İlk Vezirlere Dair Mütalea”, p. 101.
(For referring the encyclopedia and book chapters, the aforementioned reference format shall be used.)
- Bibliography: All the primary and secondary sources used in the study should be listed under this heading. This part should start with a new page and written in 10,5 font size. Only the references cited inside the text must be included and arranged according to the last names of the authors in alphabetical order.
Examples on the Bibliography
For Books:
İnalcık, Halil, Ottoman Empire-Classical Age, 1300-1600, trans. Ruşen Sezer, Yapı Kredi Yayınları, İstanbul 2009, 11. ed.
Kütükoğlu, Mübahat S., Osmanlı’nın Sosyo-Kültürel ve İktisâdî Yapısı, TTK Yayınları, Ankara 2018.
For Articles:
İnalcık, Halil, “Rumeli”, İslam Ansiklopedisi, vol. 8, Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı Yayınları, İstanbul 2008, pp. 232-235.
Özergin, Kemal, “Rumeli Kadılıkları’nda 1078 Düzenlemesi”, İsmail Hakkı Uzunçarşılı’ya Armağan, TTK Yayınları, Ankara 1976, pp. 251-310.
Uzunçarşılı, İsmail Hakkı, “Osmanlılarda İlk Vezirlere Dair Mütalea”, Belleten, vol. III/ No. 9 [or III/9] (1939), p. 101.
[In articles written in widely spoken European languages, abbreviations will be in their usual styles].