Writing Rules

1. Manuscripts submitted to the Journal of Tourism Studies (main text, citation and bibliography) must comply with the writing principles and rules of the American Psychological Association (APA).

2. All communication regarding manuscript submission and evaluation processes is carried out through the DergiPark Academic System.

3. Manuscripts to be submitted to the journal should be written on A4 sized white paper (16 x 24.7 area) with 2.5 cm top, bottom, right and left margins in Microsoft Word program in Times New Roman font style, 12 pt, double spaced and plain text (These measurements will ensure that the tables, pictures and graphics submitted do not exceed the page dimensions of the journal and are easier to use).

4. The articles should be based on the Turkish Dictionary and Spelling Guide of the Turkish Language Association or www.tdk.gov.tr, and Turkish words should be used as much as possible instead of foreign words. In addition, when using words and certain concepts that are unusual in Turkish, the foreign language equivalent of the word should be given in parentheses only in the first occurrence.

5. Empirical research and review articles submitted to the journal should include a title page, abstract (in Turkish and English) and keywords, main text, references, appendices, appendices, tables, figure captions and figures, and author notes. All main headings (e.g., subject headings, methods, findings) should be bold and centered in plain font, and all subheadings (e.g., participants, data collection tools) should be bold and centered.
a) Title Page: This page should contain only the title of the article and a short title of maximum 10-12 words.
Author's name: It should be written below the title, and the title of the position, institutional address and e-mail information should be given at the bottom of the first page by linking the surname with an asterisk.
b) Abstract and Keywords: The abstract should not exceed 200 words in both Turkish and English under the headings “Abstract” and “Abstract”.
c) Keywords (between 3 and 5) should be given under the title “Keywords” under the Turkish abstract and “Keywords” under the English abstract.
d) The main text should start on a new page. Empirical articles should consist of introduction, method, findings and discussion sections respectively. For review articles, this order may change depending on the content.
The short title should be repeated in the right corner of each page with the page number next to it.
The title of the article should appear on the first page of the main text and the text should begin with a paragraph after the title, without the subheading “Introduction”.
The Method, Results and Discussion sections should not start from a new page; after one section is finished, the other should follow it on the same page.

The Method, Results and Discussion sections should not start from a new page; after one section is finished, the other should follow it on the same page.
The introduction section should include the approach and findings in the literature and the purpose of the research. The method section should consist of 3 sub-sections: sampling, data collection tools and procedure.
The findings obtained in the research should be explained with relevant tables, figures, graphs or pictures that support the purpose and problem of the study. All tables, graphs, figures and pictures used should be titled. The findings section can be given with subheadings to increase the readability and comprehensibility of the study.
The discussion section should include an explanation and discussion of the research findings in the light of the literature.
e) Sources: It should start on a new page. All references cited in the text should be listed in alphabetical order in the “References” list.

6. The data of published empirical research articles must be kept by the author(s) for 5 years.

Last Update Time: 12/10/24, 11:31:04 AM