Research Article
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Exploring Serum Vitamin D Binding Protein Levels in Type 1 Diabetes: Assessing the Impact of Glycemic Control and Disease Duration

Year 2023, Volume: 7 Issue: 3, 256 - 262, 31.12.2023


Aim: Patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) are known to be more prone to vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D studies in this
patient population have traditionally been performed using serum 25OHD levels. However, vitamin D binding protein (VDBP) has
been less studied. This study aims to compare serum VDBP levels in T1DM with healthy controls. It also aims to investigate the factors
affecting VDBP levels such as disease duration, HbA1c, insulin dose, and age in diabetic subjects.
Material and Methods: A research study was conducted at Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University Health Practice and Research Hospital.
The study included 11-17 years old children with T1DM and healthy controls. Serum VDBP and 25OHD concentrations were compared
with appropriate statistical methods according to the normal distribution of relevant parameters. For the diabetic subjects, insulin doses
and duration of diabetes were recorded. Spearman’s correlation test was utilized to assess associations between continuous variables, and
regression analysis was employed to determine predictors of serum VDBP levels.
Results: The study enrolled 89 subjects, including 40 with diabetes. Serum 25OHD levels were similar in the T1DM group and control
group (17.03 IQR:12.89-22.08) and (17.62 IQR:11.68-24.48), respectively (p=0.701). However, VDBP levels were significantly lower in
the T1DM group (335 μg/ml, IQR: 199.8-517.2 μg/ml) compared to the control group (471.2 μg/ml, IQR: 368.3-533.2 μg/ml) (p < 0.015).
In the entire group, only the presence of diabetes affected VDBP levels (B=87.236, SE=34.802, p=0.014). On the other hand, HbA1c,
duration of diabetes, and insulin dose had no influence on VDBP in the diabetes group.
Conclusion: Serum VDBP levels were significantly lower in T1DM patients but in this group, disease duration, insulin dose, and
metabolic control did not affect serum VDBP levels. Serum VDBP concentrations in T1DM may be affected by other parameters rather
than metabolic parameters. Therefore, future studies should focus on addressing this knowledge gap.


  • 1. Bae KN, Nam H-K, Rhie Y-J, Song DJ, Lee K-H. Low levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus: a single center experience. Ann Pediatr Endocrinol Metab. 2018;23(1):21-27.
  • 2. Borkar VV, Devidayal, Verma S, Bhalla AK. Low levels of vitamin D in North Indian children with newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes. Pediatr Diabetes. 2010;11(5):345-350.
  • 3. Murdaca G, Tonacci A, Negrini S, Greco M, Borro M, Puppo F, Gangemi S. Emerging role of vitamin D in autoimmune diseases: An update on evidence and therapeutic implications. Autoimmun Rev. 2019;18(9):102350.
  • 4. Mozos I, Marginean O. Links between Vitamin D Deficiency and Cardiovascular Diseases. BioMed Research International. 2015;109275.

Tip 1 Diyabette Serum Vitamin D Bağlayan Protein Düzeylerinin Araştırılması: Glisemik Kontrol ve Hastalık Süresinin Etkisi

Year 2023, Volume: 7 Issue: 3, 256 - 262, 31.12.2023


Amaç: D vitamini eksikliği, Tip 1 diyabet mellitus (T1DM) hastalarında yaygın olarak görülür. Tip 1 DM ile D vitamini arasındaki ilişki
geleneksel olarak serum 25-hidroksivitamin D (25OHD) seviyeleri aracılığıyla araştırılmıştır, ancak D Vitamini bağlayıcı proteinin
(VDBP) rolü daha az incelenmiştir. Bu çalışmanın amacı T1DM'li hastalarda serum VDBP düzeylerini diyabetik olmayan kişilerle
karşılaştırmak ve hastalık süresi, HbA1c, insülin dozu ve yaş gibi bu düzeyleri etkileyen faktörleri araştırmaktır.
Gereç ve Yöntemler: Bu çalışma Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi Sağlık Uygulama ve Araştırma Hastanesi'nde gerçekleştirildi.
Çalışma popülasyonu 11-17 yaş arası T1DM çocukları ve sağlıklı kontrolleri içermektedir. Serum VDBP ve 25OHD konsantrasyonları,
ilgili parametreler normal dağılım durumuna göre uygun istatistiksel yöntemlerle karşılaştırıldı. Diyabetli olgular için, kullandığı insülin dozları ve diyabet süreleri öğrenildi. Sürekli değişkenler arasındaki ilişkiler Spearman korelasyon testi ile, serum VDBP düzeylerinin
öngörücüleri ise regresyon analizi ile değerlendirilmiştir.
Bulgular: Çalışmaya 40 T1DM hastası ve toplam 89 katılımcı dahil edildi. Serum 25OHD düzeyleri T1DM grubunda (17,03 IQR:12,89-
22,08) ve kontrol grubunda (17,62 IQR:11,68-24,48) benzerdi (p=0,701). Ancak VDBP düzeyleri T1DM grubunda (335 μg/ml, IQR:
199,8-517,2 μg/ml) kontrol grubuna (471,2 μg/ml, IQR: 368,3-533,2 μg/ml) kıyasla anlamlı derecede düşüktü (p <0,015). Tüm olguları
içeren kohortta yalnızca diyabetli olmak VDBP düzeylerinin tek anlamlı belirleyicisidir (B=87.236, SE=34.802, p = 0.014). Öte yandan
diyabet grubu içinde HbA1c, diyabet süresi ve insülin dozu VDBP üzerine etkili birer faktör değildi.
Sonuç: Çalışma, T1DM hastaları ile kontroller arasında serum 25OHD düzeylerinde anlamlı bir fark olmadığını göstermiştir. Ancak
VDBP düzeylerinin T1DM kohortunda hastalık süresi, insülin dozu ve metabolik kontrolden bağımsız belirgin düşük olduğu görüldü.
İncelediğimiz parametreler dışında başka faktörlerin araştırılacağı daha geniş çalışmalar, T1DM’de VDBP değişimi ve bunun genel
sağlık üzerine etkilerini daha ayrıntılı ortaya çıkarabilir.

Ethical Statement

This study was approved by Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University Clinical Research Ethics Committee with the decision numbered 2011-KAEK-27/2020-E.2000099549, dated 26.08.2020.

Supporting Institution

It was supported by Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit as a project numbered TTU-2021-3613.


  • 1. Bae KN, Nam H-K, Rhie Y-J, Song DJ, Lee K-H. Low levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus: a single center experience. Ann Pediatr Endocrinol Metab. 2018;23(1):21-27.
  • 2. Borkar VV, Devidayal, Verma S, Bhalla AK. Low levels of vitamin D in North Indian children with newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes. Pediatr Diabetes. 2010;11(5):345-350.
  • 3. Murdaca G, Tonacci A, Negrini S, Greco M, Borro M, Puppo F, Gangemi S. Emerging role of vitamin D in autoimmune diseases: An update on evidence and therapeutic implications. Autoimmun Rev. 2019;18(9):102350.
  • 4. Mozos I, Marginean O. Links between Vitamin D Deficiency and Cardiovascular Diseases. BioMed Research International. 2015;109275.
There are 4 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Pediatric Endocrinology
Journal Section Research Article

Eda Gül Özcan 0000-0003-2030-8275

Durmus Dogan 0000-0001-5369-8797

Publication Date December 31, 2023
Submission Date December 8, 2023
Acceptance Date December 26, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 7 Issue: 3


APA Özcan, E. G., & Dogan, D. (2023). Exploring Serum Vitamin D Binding Protein Levels in Type 1 Diabetes: Assessing the Impact of Glycemic Control and Disease Duration. Turkish Journal of Diabetes and Obesity, 7(3), 256-262.
AMA Özcan EG, Dogan D. Exploring Serum Vitamin D Binding Protein Levels in Type 1 Diabetes: Assessing the Impact of Glycemic Control and Disease Duration. Turk J Diab Obes. December 2023;7(3):256-262. doi:10.25048/tudod.1402013
Chicago Özcan, Eda Gül, and Durmus Dogan. “Exploring Serum Vitamin D Binding Protein Levels in Type 1 Diabetes: Assessing the Impact of Glycemic Control and Disease Duration”. Turkish Journal of Diabetes and Obesity 7, no. 3 (December 2023): 256-62.
EndNote Özcan EG, Dogan D (December 1, 2023) Exploring Serum Vitamin D Binding Protein Levels in Type 1 Diabetes: Assessing the Impact of Glycemic Control and Disease Duration. Turkish Journal of Diabetes and Obesity 7 3 256–262.
IEEE E. G. Özcan and D. Dogan, “Exploring Serum Vitamin D Binding Protein Levels in Type 1 Diabetes: Assessing the Impact of Glycemic Control and Disease Duration”, Turk J Diab Obes, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 256–262, 2023, doi: 10.25048/tudod.1402013.
ISNAD Özcan, Eda Gül - Dogan, Durmus. “Exploring Serum Vitamin D Binding Protein Levels in Type 1 Diabetes: Assessing the Impact of Glycemic Control and Disease Duration”. Turkish Journal of Diabetes and Obesity 7/3 (December 2023), 256-262.
JAMA Özcan EG, Dogan D. Exploring Serum Vitamin D Binding Protein Levels in Type 1 Diabetes: Assessing the Impact of Glycemic Control and Disease Duration. Turk J Diab Obes. 2023;7:256–262.
MLA Özcan, Eda Gül and Durmus Dogan. “Exploring Serum Vitamin D Binding Protein Levels in Type 1 Diabetes: Assessing the Impact of Glycemic Control and Disease Duration”. Turkish Journal of Diabetes and Obesity, vol. 7, no. 3, 2023, pp. 256-62, doi:10.25048/tudod.1402013.
Vancouver Özcan EG, Dogan D. Exploring Serum Vitamin D Binding Protein Levels in Type 1 Diabetes: Assessing the Impact of Glycemic Control and Disease Duration. Turk J Diab Obes. 2023;7(3):256-62.

Turkish Journal of Diabetes and Obesity (Turk J Diab Obes) is a scientific publication of Zonguldak Bulent Ecevit University Obesity and Diabetes Research and Application Center.

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