Research Article
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Year 2019, , 157 - 167, 01.10.2019



  • Ağar F., Tedarik zinciri yönetiminde scor modeli, tedarik süreci performans değerlendirmesi ve scorcard uygulaması, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İstanbul, 2010.
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  • Ayçın E., Özveri O., Bulanık modelleme ile tedarik zinciri performansının değerlendirilmesi ve imalat sektöründe bir uygulama, Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences-Volume: XVII Issue:1, 51-60, 2015.
  • Aydoğdu F., Tedarik Zinciri Yönetiminde SCOR Modeli ve veri zarflama analizi entegrasyonu, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Endüstri Mühendisliği, Gazi Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Ankara, 2011.
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Year 2019, , 157 - 167, 01.10.2019


Evaluating chain performance to develop an effective supply chain has become a necessity because it plays a critical role in the success of businesses. The most important decision to evaluate the chain performance is the correct selection of indicators. The closed-loop supply chain method consists of a whole of forward and reverse logistics activities. For this reason, advanced supply chain management and reverse supply chain management performances are handled separately in this study. The performance evaluation criteria which are discussed by the authors who work on the supply chain management performance evaluation issues are analyzed and it is stated that the authors make a study by taking into consideration the evaluation criteria. At the same time, the articles examined in reverse supply chain management performance evaluation studies are examined and all criteria are summarized as a table. In the light of these studies, the planned criteria for the use of closed loop supply chain management performance evaluation of the enterprises have emerged. With the main criteria being divided into Economic, Social and Environmental headings, which are supposed to bring innovation to the literature, the sub-criteria are detailed. These titles were brought together both for the first time in closed loop supply chain management performance evaluation and as a main topic in advanced supply chain management. The performance criteria reduced to subheadings will help the experts to continue their studies, and it is thought that they will guide the future studies.


  • Ağar F., Tedarik zinciri yönetiminde scor modeli, tedarik süreci performans değerlendirmesi ve scorcard uygulaması, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İstanbul, 2010.
  • Akçalı, E. and Çetinkaya, S., Quantitative models for inventory and production planning in closed-loop supply chains, International Journal Of Production Research, 49 (8), 2373–2407, 2011.
  • Aldemir G., A Closed loop sustainable supply chain network design for waste electrical & electronic equipment, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, İstanbul, 2016.
  • Alomar, Madani, and Zbigniew J. Pasek. "Linking supply chain strategy and processes to performance improvement." Procedia CIRP 17 (2014): 628-634.
  • Amaro, A. C. S., and Barbosa-Povoa, A. P. F. D.. The effect of uncertainty on the optimal closed-loop supply chain planning under different partnerships structure. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 33(12), 2144–2158, 2009.
  • Amin, S. H., Zhang, G., A Multi-Objective facility location model for closed-loop supply chain network under uncertain demand and return, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 37 (2013) 4165–4176, 2013.
  • Anand, Neeraj, and Neha Grover. "Measuring retail supply chain performance: Theoretical model using key performance indicators (KPIs)." Benchmarking: An international journal 22.1 (2015): 135-166.
  • Angerhofer, Bernhard J., and Marios C. Angelides. "A model and a performance measurement system for collaborative supply chains." Decision support systems 42.1 (2006): 283-301.
  • Aramyan, Lusine H., et al.. "Performance measurement in agri-food supply chains: a case study." Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 12.4 (2007): 304-315.
  • Arif-Uz-Zaman, Kazi, and A. M. M. Nazmul Ahsan. "Lean supply chain performance measurement." International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management 63.5 (2014): 588-612.
  • Arun Vasantha Geethan, K., S. Jose, and C. Sunil Chandar. "Methodology for performance evaluation of reverse supply chain." International Journal of Engineering and Technology 3.3 (2011): 213-224
  • Ayçın E., Özveri O., Bulanık modelleme ile tedarik zinciri performansının değerlendirilmesi ve imalat sektöründe bir uygulama, Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences-Volume: XVII Issue:1, 51-60, 2015.
  • Aydoğdu F., Tedarik Zinciri Yönetiminde SCOR Modeli ve veri zarflama analizi entegrasyonu, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Endüstri Mühendisliği, Gazi Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Ankara, 2011.
  • Bagchi, Prabir K. "Role of benchmarking as a competitive strategy: the logistics experience." International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management 26.2 (1996): 4-22.
  • Bansia, Milind, Jayson K. Varkey, and Saurabh Agrawal. "Development of a Reverse Logistics Performance Measurement System for a battery manufacturer." Procedia Materials Science6 (2014): 1419-1427.
  • Beamon, Benita M. "Measuring supply chain performance." International journal of operations & production management19.3 (1999): 275-292.
  • Beamon, Benita M. "Supply chain design and analysis: Models and methods." International journal of production economics55.3 (1998): 281-294.
  • Beierlein, James G., and Christopher A. Miller. "Performance Measures, and Measurement in Supply Chains in the Food System." Food Industry Report (2000).
  • Bloemhof-Ruwaard, J.M., Van Wassenhove, L.N., Gabel, H.L. And Weaver, P.M., An environmental life cycle optimization model for the European pulp and paper industry, Omega, 24 (6), 615–629, 2005.
  • Brewer, Peter C., and Thomas W. Speh. "Using the balanced scorecard to measure supply chain performance." Journal of Business logistics 21.1 (2000): 75.
  • Bullinger, Hans-Jörg, Michael Kühner, and Antonius Van Hoof. "Analysing supply chain performance using a balanced measurement method." International Journal of Production Research 40.15 (2002): 3533-3543.
  • Butar, Maulida Butar, David Sanders, and Regina Frei. "Measuring performance of reverse supply chains in a carpet manufacturer." Journal of Advanced Management Science 4.2 (2016): 152-158.
  • Cai, Jian, et al.. "Improving supply chain performance management: A systematic approach to analyzing iterative KPI accomplishment." Decision support systems 46.2 (2009): 512-521.
  • Carvalho, Helena, Susana Garrido Azevedo, and Virgilio Cruz-Machado. "Agile and resilient approaches to supply chain management: influence on performance and competitiveness." Logistics research 4.1-2 (2012): 49-62.
  • Chae, Bongsug. "Developing key performance indicators for supply chain: an industry perspective." Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 14.6 (2009): 422-428.
  • Chan, Felix TS, et al.. "A conceptual model of performance measurement for supply chains." Management decision 41.7 (2003): 635-642.
  • Chen Vd., Inventory management in a closed-loop supply chain with advance demand information, Operations Research Letters 45, 175–180, 2017.
  • Chimhamhiwa, Dorman, et al.. "Towards a framework for measuring end to end performance of land administration business processes–A case study." Computers, environment and urban systems 33.4 (2009): 293-301.
  • Cho, Dong Won, et al.. "A framework for measuring the performance of service supply chain management." Computers & Industrial Engineering 62.3 (2012): 801-818.
  • De Toni, Alberto, and Stefano Tonchia. "Performance measurement systems-models, characteristics and measures." International Journal of Operations & Production Management21.1/2 (2001): 46-71.
  • Demirel, N. and Gökçen, H., A Mixed integer programming model for remanufacturing in reverse logistics environment, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 39 (11–12), 1197–1206, 2008a.
  • Easwaran, G. and Üster, H., A Closed-Loop supply chain network design problem with integrated forward and reverse channel decisions, IIE Transactions, 42 (11), 779–792, 2010.
  • Elrod, Cassandra, Susan Murray, and Sundeep Bande. "A review of performance metrics for supply chain management." Engineering Management Journal 25.3 (2013): 39-50.
  • Fernandes, Sheila Mendes, et al.. "Systematic literature review on the ways of measuring the of reverse logistics performance." Gestão & Produção AHEAD (2017): 0-0.
  • Fitzgerald, L., Johnston, R., Brignall, S., Silvestro, R. and Voss, C., "Performance measurement in service businesses." Management Accounting 69.10 (1991): 34-36.
  • Fleisch, Elgar, and Christian Tellkamp. "Inventory inaccuracy and supply chain performance: a simulation study of a retail supply chain." International journal of production economics 95.3 (2005): 373-385.
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There are 107 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Emel Yontar 0000-0001-7800-2960

Süleyman Ersöz 0000-0002-7534-6837

Publication Date October 1, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


APA Yontar, E., & Ersöz, S. (2019). CLOSED LOOP SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT PERFORMANCE EVALUATION CRITERIA. Turkish Journal of Engineering, 3(4), 157-167.
AMA Yontar E, Ersöz S. CLOSED LOOP SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT PERFORMANCE EVALUATION CRITERIA. TUJE. October 2019;3(4):157-167. doi:10.31127/tuje.503959
Chicago Yontar, Emel, and Süleyman Ersöz. “CLOSED LOOP SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT PERFORMANCE EVALUATION CRITERIA”. Turkish Journal of Engineering 3, no. 4 (October 2019): 157-67.
EndNote Yontar E, Ersöz S (October 1, 2019) CLOSED LOOP SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT PERFORMANCE EVALUATION CRITERIA. Turkish Journal of Engineering 3 4 157–167.
IEEE E. Yontar and S. Ersöz, “CLOSED LOOP SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT PERFORMANCE EVALUATION CRITERIA”, TUJE, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 157–167, 2019, doi: 10.31127/tuje.503959.
ISNAD Yontar, Emel - Ersöz, Süleyman. “CLOSED LOOP SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT PERFORMANCE EVALUATION CRITERIA”. Turkish Journal of Engineering 3/4 (October 2019), 157-167.
MLA Yontar, Emel and Süleyman Ersöz. “CLOSED LOOP SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT PERFORMANCE EVALUATION CRITERIA”. Turkish Journal of Engineering, vol. 3, no. 4, 2019, pp. 157-6, doi:10.31127/tuje.503959.

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