Year 2020,
, 77 - 84, 01.04.2020
Tülay Ergön Can
Börte Köse Mutlu
Meltem Ağtaş
Chung-hak Lee
İsmail Koyuncu
Quorum Quenching (QQ) is a mechanism that prevents cell to cell communication and has recently used as an effective control method against biofouling in membrane bioreactors (MBRs). Rotary microbial carrier frame (RMCF) is an innovative application used in QQ-controlled MBRs that provides immobilization medium to QQ bacteria. However, it eventually caused to decrease in QQ activity as a result of a decline in the number of viable QQ cells in theimmobilization media over time, especially during long-term MBR operations. In this study, the effect of regeneration ofthe QQ cells in the immobilization media on biofouling control in MBR was investigated. The growth kinetic of Rhodococcus sp. BH4 as model QQ bacteria was revealed and the bacteria regeneration time was obtained as 28.3 days. In the operation of the regenerated group, an additional QQ activity of 38.2% was achieved compared to control during a 14 day-duration of QQ-controlled MBR operation. It could be indicated that regenerated QQ bacteria reduced SMP and EPS by degrading the signal molecules, thus more efficient control of membrane fouling was achieved.
Supporting Institution
TUBITAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey), and KORANET (the Korean Scientific Cooperation Network with the European Research Area)
Project Number
project no 112M739.
TUBITAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey), and KORANET (the Korean Scientific Cooperation Network with the European Research Area) supported this work financially under project no 112M739. In addition, Tülay Ergön-Can thanks to TUBITAK 2218-National Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Program.
- Ahmed Z, Cho J, Lim BR, Song KG, Ahn KH. (2007) “Effects of sludge retention time on membrane fouling and microbial community structure in a membrane bioreactor”. Journal of membrane science. Jan 15; 287(2):211-8.
- Barrios AF, Zuo R, Hashimoto Y, Yang L, Bentley WE, Wood TK. (2006) “Autoinducer 2 controls biofilm formation in Escherichia coli through a novel motility quorum-sensing regulator (MqsR, B3022)”. Journal of bacteriology. Jan 1;188(1):305-16.
- Cheong WS, Kim SR, Oh HS, Lee SH, Yeon KM, Lee CH, Lee JK. Design of quorum quenching microbial vessel to enhance cell viability for biofouling control in membrane bioreactor. J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 2014 Jan 1;24(1):97-105.
- Dong YH, Zhang LH. (2005) “Quorum sensing and quorum-quenching enzymes”. The Journal of Microbiology. Feb;43(1):101-9.
- Drews A. (2010) “Membrane fouling in membrane bioreactors—characterisation, contradictions, cause and cures”. Journal of membrane science. Nov 1;363(1-2):1-28.
- Dvořák L, Gómez M, Dvořáková M, Růžičková I, Wanner J. (2011) “The impact of different operating conditions on membrane fouling and EPS production”. Bioresource technology. Jul 1;102(13):6870-5.
- Ergön-Can T, Köse-Mutlu B, Koyuncu İ, Lee CH. (2017) “Biofouling control based on bacterial quorum quenching with a new application: rotary microbial carrier frame”. Journal of membrane science. Mar 1;525:116-24.
- Ergön‐Can T, Köseoğlu‐İmer DY, Algur ÖF, Koyuncu İ. (2016) “Effect of different nanomaterials on the metabolic activity and bacterial flora of activated sludge medium”. CLEAN–Soil, Air, Water. Nov;44(11):1508-15.
- Hammer BK, Bassler BL. (2003) “Quorum sensing controls biofilm formation in Vibrio cholerae”. Molecular microbiology. Oct;50(1):101-4.
- Jahangir D, Oh HS, Kim SR, Park PK, Lee CH, Lee JK. (2012) “Specific location of encapsulated quorum quenching bacteria for biofouling control in an external submerged membrane bioreactor”. Journal of membrane science. Sep 1;411:130-6.
- Kawaguchi T, Chen YP, Norman RS, Decho AW. (2008) “Rapid screening of quorum-sensing signal N-acyl homoserine lactones by an in vitro cell-free assay”. Applied Environmental Microbiology. Jun 15;74(12):3667-71.
- Kim SR, Oh HS, Jo SJ, Yeon KM, Lee CH, Lim DJ, Lee CH, Lee JK. (2013) “Biofouling control with bead-entrapped quorum quenching bacteria in membrane bioreactors: physical and biological effects”. Environmental science & technology. Jan 4;47(2):836-42.
- Koseoglu-Imer DY, Kose B, Altinbas M, Koyuncu I. (2013) “The production of polysulfone (PS) membrane with silver nanoparticles (AgNP): physical properties, filtration performances, and biofouling resistances of membranes”. Journal of membrane science. Feb 1;428:620-8.
- Köse-Mutlu B, Ergön-Can T, Koyuncu İ, Lee CH. (2016) “Quorum quenching MBR operations for biofouling control under different operation conditions and using different immobilization media”. Desalination and Water Treatment. Aug 14;57(38):17696-706.
- Lade H, Paul D, Kweon JH. (2014) “Quorum quenching mediated approaches for control of membrane biofouling”. International Journal of Biological Sciences. 10(5):550.
- Metcalf & Eddy B, (1980). “Wastewater engineering: Treatment disposal reuse.” Central Book Company. New york, USA.
- Oh HS, Yeon KM, Yang CS, Kim SR, Lee CH, Park SY, Han JY, Lee JK. (2012) “Control of membrane biofouling in MBR for wastewater treatment by quorum quenching bacteria encapsulated in microporous membrane”. Environmental science & technology. Apr 11;46(9):4877-84.
- Park SY, Lee SJ, Oh TK, Oh JW, Koo BT, Yum DY, Lee JK. (2003) “AhlD, an N-acylhomoserine lactonase in Arthrobacter sp., and predicted homologues in other bacteria”. Microbiology. Jun 1;149(6):1541-50.
- Rahimi Z, Zinatizadeh AA, Zinadini S. (2015) “Preparation of high antibiofouling amino functionalized MWCNTs/PES nanocomposite ultrafiltration membrane for application in membrane bioreactor”. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. Sep 25;29:366-74.
- Wagner VE, Bushnell D, Passador L, Brooks AI, Iglewski BH. (2003) “Microarray analysis of Pseudomonas aeruginosa quorum-sensing regulons: effects of growth phase and environment”. Journal of bacteriology. Apr 1;185(7):2080-95.
- Wu B, Fane AG. (2012) “Microbial relevant fouling in membrane bioreactors: influencing factors, characterization, and fouling control”. Membranes. Aug 15;2(3):565-84.
- Wu B, Yi S, Fane AG. (2011) “Microbial community developments and biomass characteristics in membrane bioreactors under different organic loadings”. Bioresource technology. Jul 1;102(13):6808-14.
- Yeon KM, Cheong WS, Oh HS, Lee WN, Hwang BK, Lee CH, Beyenal H, Lewandowski Z. (2008) “Quorum sensing: a new biofouling control paradigm in a membrane bioreactor for advanced wastewater treatment”. Environmental science & technology. Dec 18;43(2):380-5.
- Yeon KM, Lee CH, Kim J. (2009) “Magnetic enzyme carrier for effective biofouling control in the membrane bioreactor based on enzymatic quorum quenching”. Environmental science & technology. Sep 2;43(19):7403-9.
Year 2020,
, 77 - 84, 01.04.2020
Tülay Ergön Can
Börte Köse Mutlu
Meltem Ağtaş
Chung-hak Lee
İsmail Koyuncu
Project Number
project no 112M739.
- Ahmed Z, Cho J, Lim BR, Song KG, Ahn KH. (2007) “Effects of sludge retention time on membrane fouling and microbial community structure in a membrane bioreactor”. Journal of membrane science. Jan 15; 287(2):211-8.
- Barrios AF, Zuo R, Hashimoto Y, Yang L, Bentley WE, Wood TK. (2006) “Autoinducer 2 controls biofilm formation in Escherichia coli through a novel motility quorum-sensing regulator (MqsR, B3022)”. Journal of bacteriology. Jan 1;188(1):305-16.
- Cheong WS, Kim SR, Oh HS, Lee SH, Yeon KM, Lee CH, Lee JK. Design of quorum quenching microbial vessel to enhance cell viability for biofouling control in membrane bioreactor. J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 2014 Jan 1;24(1):97-105.
- Dong YH, Zhang LH. (2005) “Quorum sensing and quorum-quenching enzymes”. The Journal of Microbiology. Feb;43(1):101-9.
- Drews A. (2010) “Membrane fouling in membrane bioreactors—characterisation, contradictions, cause and cures”. Journal of membrane science. Nov 1;363(1-2):1-28.
- Dvořák L, Gómez M, Dvořáková M, Růžičková I, Wanner J. (2011) “The impact of different operating conditions on membrane fouling and EPS production”. Bioresource technology. Jul 1;102(13):6870-5.
- Ergön-Can T, Köse-Mutlu B, Koyuncu İ, Lee CH. (2017) “Biofouling control based on bacterial quorum quenching with a new application: rotary microbial carrier frame”. Journal of membrane science. Mar 1;525:116-24.
- Ergön‐Can T, Köseoğlu‐İmer DY, Algur ÖF, Koyuncu İ. (2016) “Effect of different nanomaterials on the metabolic activity and bacterial flora of activated sludge medium”. CLEAN–Soil, Air, Water. Nov;44(11):1508-15.
- Hammer BK, Bassler BL. (2003) “Quorum sensing controls biofilm formation in Vibrio cholerae”. Molecular microbiology. Oct;50(1):101-4.
- Jahangir D, Oh HS, Kim SR, Park PK, Lee CH, Lee JK. (2012) “Specific location of encapsulated quorum quenching bacteria for biofouling control in an external submerged membrane bioreactor”. Journal of membrane science. Sep 1;411:130-6.
- Kawaguchi T, Chen YP, Norman RS, Decho AW. (2008) “Rapid screening of quorum-sensing signal N-acyl homoserine lactones by an in vitro cell-free assay”. Applied Environmental Microbiology. Jun 15;74(12):3667-71.
- Kim SR, Oh HS, Jo SJ, Yeon KM, Lee CH, Lim DJ, Lee CH, Lee JK. (2013) “Biofouling control with bead-entrapped quorum quenching bacteria in membrane bioreactors: physical and biological effects”. Environmental science & technology. Jan 4;47(2):836-42.
- Koseoglu-Imer DY, Kose B, Altinbas M, Koyuncu I. (2013) “The production of polysulfone (PS) membrane with silver nanoparticles (AgNP): physical properties, filtration performances, and biofouling resistances of membranes”. Journal of membrane science. Feb 1;428:620-8.
- Köse-Mutlu B, Ergön-Can T, Koyuncu İ, Lee CH. (2016) “Quorum quenching MBR operations for biofouling control under different operation conditions and using different immobilization media”. Desalination and Water Treatment. Aug 14;57(38):17696-706.
- Lade H, Paul D, Kweon JH. (2014) “Quorum quenching mediated approaches for control of membrane biofouling”. International Journal of Biological Sciences. 10(5):550.
- Metcalf & Eddy B, (1980). “Wastewater engineering: Treatment disposal reuse.” Central Book Company. New york, USA.
- Oh HS, Yeon KM, Yang CS, Kim SR, Lee CH, Park SY, Han JY, Lee JK. (2012) “Control of membrane biofouling in MBR for wastewater treatment by quorum quenching bacteria encapsulated in microporous membrane”. Environmental science & technology. Apr 11;46(9):4877-84.
- Park SY, Lee SJ, Oh TK, Oh JW, Koo BT, Yum DY, Lee JK. (2003) “AhlD, an N-acylhomoserine lactonase in Arthrobacter sp., and predicted homologues in other bacteria”. Microbiology. Jun 1;149(6):1541-50.
- Rahimi Z, Zinatizadeh AA, Zinadini S. (2015) “Preparation of high antibiofouling amino functionalized MWCNTs/PES nanocomposite ultrafiltration membrane for application in membrane bioreactor”. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. Sep 25;29:366-74.
- Wagner VE, Bushnell D, Passador L, Brooks AI, Iglewski BH. (2003) “Microarray analysis of Pseudomonas aeruginosa quorum-sensing regulons: effects of growth phase and environment”. Journal of bacteriology. Apr 1;185(7):2080-95.
- Wu B, Fane AG. (2012) “Microbial relevant fouling in membrane bioreactors: influencing factors, characterization, and fouling control”. Membranes. Aug 15;2(3):565-84.
- Wu B, Yi S, Fane AG. (2011) “Microbial community developments and biomass characteristics in membrane bioreactors under different organic loadings”. Bioresource technology. Jul 1;102(13):6808-14.
- Yeon KM, Cheong WS, Oh HS, Lee WN, Hwang BK, Lee CH, Beyenal H, Lewandowski Z. (2008) “Quorum sensing: a new biofouling control paradigm in a membrane bioreactor for advanced wastewater treatment”. Environmental science & technology. Dec 18;43(2):380-5.
- Yeon KM, Lee CH, Kim J. (2009) “Magnetic enzyme carrier for effective biofouling control in the membrane bioreactor based on enzymatic quorum quenching”. Environmental science & technology. Sep 2;43(19):7403-9.