Instructions for Authors

Guidelines for Authors PreparingManuscripts for Publication Template can be downloaded at this Template Link.

 Copyright agreemnt template can be downloaded from this link : ( ca89/28ed/79e0/5ede230464436.docx)



Name Surname *1, Name Surname 2 and Name Surname 3


University, Faculty, Department, City, Country



University, Faculty, Department, City, Country



3 University, Faculty, Department, City, Country



* Corresponding Author

Received: dd/mm/yyyy          Accepted: dd/mm/yyyy



Please read all information given in this template carefully before start typing. Please use Times New Roman 9 Font size. Abstract must contain “Problem statement, Approach, Results and Conclusions”. Length of the abstract must be a maximum of 250 words. Please use this document as a template. Attach .DOC format  format during the Final Submission. Visit website for any update. Please double check that 9 Font size throughout the paper except the main title which is 12 Font size.


Keywords: Four or Five Keywords (First Characters of Each Word are in Capital/Uppercase Letters), Italic




Paper size 210 mm x 297 mm of A4 paper. Please save to MS Word templates directory. Use 9 point Times New Roman font in text. Single line spacing is mandatory. Try to avoid Underline or Bold within texts. Throughout the paper including text inside figures and tables must follow 9 Font size or larger. Top margin is 30 mm while the left, right, and bottom margins are 25 mm. Headings should be all left justified and numbering. Leave one line between headings and the first paragraph and no space before succeeding paragraphs. Indent the first line of the paragraph by 5mm. All text should be left and right justified. Footnotes and underlines are not allowed. 




Use at most three levels of headings that correspond to chapters, sections and subsections. The first level headings for chapter titles should be in 10pt, bold, justified, and upper case font. Leave one-blank line before and after the first level headings, respectively.


2.1. The Second Level Headings


The second level headings should be in 10pt, bold, justified, and capitalized font. Leave one blank line both before and after the heading, respectively.


2.1.1. The third level headings


These headings should be in 10pt, italic, and sentence case. Insert one blank line before and after the headings. The further lower level headings should be avoided. 




Figures or Tables should be sized the whole width of a column, as shown in Table 1 or Fig. 1 (Figs. 1 and/to n) in the present example, or the whole width over two columns. Do not place any text besides the figures or tables. Do not place them altogether at the end of manuscripts.  


3.1. Tables


Table numbers and labels should be placed on top of the table, and left- and right-justified. Number the tables consecutively and locate them after and close to where they are first referenced. Leave one line between the table, label and the text. Tables should be auto-fit to window and no vertical lines or borders are needed.


Table 1. This is the example for table formatting

Note: should be placed under the table leaving no space in-between; 9-pt font; and left- and right-justified.


3.2. Figures


Figure numbers and labels should be placed one line under the figure, and left- and right-justified. Number figures consecutively in the order in which reference is first made to them in the text. Locate them after and close to where they are first referenced. Leave one blank line before and after the caption. Please do not compress the figure (images of 600 dpi resolution or more are preferable). Draw figures clearly and embed text in the image properly. Do not cut and paste from another text and ensure that after printing, the images look good and readable. Do not use outer boundary.


Fig. 1. This is the example for figure formatting


3.3. Equations


Equations and symbols should be typed in the equation editor. Number equations consecutively with equation numbers in parentheses, as in


 Refer to “Eq. (1)” not “equation (1),” except at the beginning of a sentence: like “Equation (1) is ....”

If your native language is not English and if you feel that you need to go-though, please get a native English-speaking colleague to proofread your paper. The equation number, enclosed in parentheses, is placed right justified. Symbols and notation should be defined when they first appear. Use one blank line before and after the equation.


3.3.1. Color figures and drawings

You may use color figures and photographs in your paper. These will appear in color on the online version of the journal. However, please check that your color figures are legible when printed in monochrome (black and white), as this is the way they will be reproduced in the hardcopy version of the journal.


References should be cited in the text as (Smith, 1987a) or Collins (1979) or (Large et al., 2009) or (Legat, 2006; Pfeifer et al., 2007). The following arrangements should be used:

The manuscripts published in a journal


Caijun, S. (1999). “Strength, pore structure and permeability of alkali activated slag mortars.” Cement and Concrete Research, Vol. 26, No. 12, pp. 1789-1799.


Kjellsen, K. O., Detwiller, R. J. and Gjorv, O. E. (1990). “Backscattered electron imaging of cement pastes hydrated at different temperatures.” ACI Materials Journals, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 308-311.

                                                          The papers published in the proceedings


Hsu, G. J. (1980). “The correction of oceanographic applications.” Proc., 17th International Conference of Coastal Engineering, ASCE, Sydney, Australia, pp.709-724.


Webster, W. C. and Trudell, R. W. (1981). “Statistics of local motions of a ship.” Proc., Conference on Directional Spectra Applications, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, USA, pp. 461-482.

A manuscript published separately in another book


Lewellen, W. S. (1977). “Use of invariant modeling.” Handbook of Turbulence, W. Frost, Ed., Vol. 1, Plenum Press, New York, N.Y., pp. 237-280.

The references from books


Norris, C. H. and Wibur, J. B. (1960). Elementary structural analysis, McGraw- Hill, New York, USA.


Erdoğan, T. Y. (2003). Concrete, METU Press, Ankara, Turkey.


An example for a thesis


Berkay, S. (1999). Turbulent impinging jets, PhD Thesis, University of Hacettepe, Ankara, Turkey.


An example for a standard


TS EN 196-1 (2009). Methods of testing cement-Part 1: Determination of strength, Turkish Standard Institute, Ankara, Turkey.

                                                                                                                                    References from websites


Web Map Tile Service, technology/wmts/ [Accessed 06 Apr 2016].




This section of paper should highlight the most noteworthy research results and contributions to related research areas and similar areas.




Acknowledgements of support for the project/paper/author are welcome.




References should be listed in alphabetical order in the reference section.

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