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Year 2015, Volume: 16 Issue: 1, 21 - 34, 11.01.2016


An analysis of a fire in a compartment of a nuclear power plant (NPP) needs deterministic and probabilistic models. The deterministic model aims at to estimate the time to damage of either the pumps or the cables in the compartment. A probabilistic model is also necessary because the fires can be of various sizes and at different locations in the fire room. Further, oil spill sizes were assumed to be equally probable and their locations were assumed to be independent. Calculations are made using the computer codes which use probabilistic as well as deterministic models as a tool for safety engineers to analyse the fire development in compartments.


  • Jee, M.-H., Moon, C.-K., Kim, H.-T.: Performance-based fire- fighting strategies for confined fire zones in nuclear power plants., Nuclear Energy, Volume 62, Pages 16-25, (2013).
  • Jiaxu, Z., Qiang, S., Juan, L., Zhiwei, F., Wei, S., Jiayun, C., Chunming, Z., Jianshe ,C.: The Performance-Based Fire Protection in the Nuclear Power Plant Design., Pro-cedia Engineering, Volume 43, Pages 318-323, (2012).
  • Valbuena ,G., Modarres, M. Development of probabilistic models to estimate fire-induced cable damage at nuclear power plants., Nuclear Engineering and Design, Volume 239, Issue 6, June 2009, Pages 1113-1127.
  • Nowlen, S. P.: Nuclear power plants: A unique challenge to fire safety., Fire Safety Journal, Volume 19, Issue 1, Pages 3-18, (1992).
  • V. Frank, M., Moieni, P.: A probabilistic model for flammable pool fire damage in nuclear power plants. Reliability Engineering, Volume 16, Issue 2, Pages 129-152. (1986).
  • Nicolette, V.F., Nowlen.S. P.: Fire models for assessment of nuclear power plant fires. Nuclear Engineering and Design, Volume 125, Issue 3, Pages 389-394, (1991).
  • Kazarians, M., Apostolakis, G: On the fire hazard in nuclear power plants. Nuclear Engineering and Design, Volume 47, Issue 1, Pages 157-168, (1978).
  • Schneider, U.: Introduction to fire safety in nuclear power plants. Volume 125, Issue 3, Pages 289–295, (1991).
  • Al-Majed , A. A., Adebayo , Rasheed ,M., Hossain, E.: A sustainable approach to controlling oil spills., Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 113, 30 December 2012, Pages 213-227.
  • S. Othumpangat, S., Castranova, V. : Oil spills., Reference Module in Biomedical Sciences, from Encyclopedia of Toxicology (Third Edition), 2014, Pages 677-681, Current as of 1 September 2014.
  • Hosser, D., Schneider, U.; Bestandsaufnahme des Brandschutzes in Kernkraft-werken., VGB Kraftwerkstechnik, Heft 6, pages 487-495, (1982).
  • DIN V18230 – Baulicher Brandschutz im Industriebau. Beuth Verlag, Berlin, (1989)
  • DIN 4102 – Brandverhalten von Baustoffen und Bauteilen Teile 1-3, Teile 5-7, and Teil 4., DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung E.V., Beuth Verlag, Berlin, (1981)
  • International Atomic Energy Association (IAEA): Fire Protection in Nuclear Power Plants – A Safety Guide, Safety Series No. 50-SG-D2, (1979).
  • The Swedish Fire Protection Association (SBF): Recommendations Regarding Fire Protection at Nuclear Power Plants, (1973).
  • Haksever, A.: Fire engineering design of steel framed car-park buildings, Helsinki University of Technology, Report 112, Espoo, (1990).
  • Haksever, A.: Fire engineering design of steel framed car-park buildings, Helsinki University of Technology, Report 112, Espoo, (1990).
  • Haksever, A.: Kapalı hacimlerdeki tabii yangınların analizi için yeni bir model (A new model for the analysis of natural fires in enclosures, Turkish)., Dissertation, İstanbul Technical University, (1989).
  • Haksever, A., Hagen, E.: Abschlussbericht des Teilprojektes C3, SFB 148, IBMB, Technical University of Braunschweig, (1988)
  • Karlsson, B.: User’s guide to OSFIC, a computer program for oilspill fires in com-partments, Coden: SE LUTVDG/ TVBB-3051, Lund. (1989).
  • Karlsson, B.: Adeterministic and probabilistic model for oilspill fires in nuclear power plants. Coden: SE LUTVDG/ TVBB-3049, Lund. (1989).
  • Mitler, H. E.:Comparison of several compartment fire models: An interim Report, NBSIR 85-3233, NBS., Gaithersburg, MD 20899, (1985).
  • Babrauskas, V.: Estimating large pool fire burning rates, Fire Technology, Vol. 19. No. 4, pp 251-261. (1983).
  • Magnusson, S. E.: Brandscenario I Kernkraftwerk. Lund Institute of Technology, Dept. of Fire Safety Science. Internal memorandum. (1987).
  • Henke, V.: Ein Beitrag zur Zuverlässigkeit frei gelagerter Stahlbetonstützen., Diss., Technische Universitaet Braunschweig, iBMB, Heft 45, (1980).
  • Dobbernack, R.: Untersuchung des instationären Wärmeübergangs in parallelen Rohrbündeln nach der Monte-Carlo-Methode. Diss., Technische Universität Braunschweig, iBMB, (1979).


Year 2015, Volume: 16 Issue: 1, 21 - 34, 11.01.2016


Nükleer bir santralin, kapalı bir hacminde meydana gelecek bir yangının teorik analizi, deterministik ve probabilistik bir modele gereksinim gösterir. Deterministik model kapalı hacimdeki kablo veya pompalarda yangın sonucu meydana gelecek zarar zamanlamasını tahmin etmeyi amaçlar. Probabilistik modelin gereksinimi ise yan-gınların farklı büyüklükte ve ortamlarda meydana gelebilecek olmasından kaynaklanmaktadır. Ayrıca petrol sızın-tısı miktarlarının muhtemelen eşit, ortamlarının ise birbirinden bağımsız oluşacağı kabul edilmiştir. Çalışmada nümerik analizler metinde belirtilen bilgisayar programları ile gerçekleştirilmiştir.


  • Jee, M.-H., Moon, C.-K., Kim, H.-T.: Performance-based fire- fighting strategies for confined fire zones in nuclear power plants., Nuclear Energy, Volume 62, Pages 16-25, (2013).
  • Jiaxu, Z., Qiang, S., Juan, L., Zhiwei, F., Wei, S., Jiayun, C., Chunming, Z., Jianshe ,C.: The Performance-Based Fire Protection in the Nuclear Power Plant Design., Pro-cedia Engineering, Volume 43, Pages 318-323, (2012).
  • Valbuena ,G., Modarres, M. Development of probabilistic models to estimate fire-induced cable damage at nuclear power plants., Nuclear Engineering and Design, Volume 239, Issue 6, June 2009, Pages 1113-1127.
  • Nowlen, S. P.: Nuclear power plants: A unique challenge to fire safety., Fire Safety Journal, Volume 19, Issue 1, Pages 3-18, (1992).
  • V. Frank, M., Moieni, P.: A probabilistic model for flammable pool fire damage in nuclear power plants. Reliability Engineering, Volume 16, Issue 2, Pages 129-152. (1986).
  • Nicolette, V.F., Nowlen.S. P.: Fire models for assessment of nuclear power plant fires. Nuclear Engineering and Design, Volume 125, Issue 3, Pages 389-394, (1991).
  • Kazarians, M., Apostolakis, G: On the fire hazard in nuclear power plants. Nuclear Engineering and Design, Volume 47, Issue 1, Pages 157-168, (1978).
  • Schneider, U.: Introduction to fire safety in nuclear power plants. Volume 125, Issue 3, Pages 289–295, (1991).
  • Al-Majed , A. A., Adebayo , Rasheed ,M., Hossain, E.: A sustainable approach to controlling oil spills., Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 113, 30 December 2012, Pages 213-227.
  • S. Othumpangat, S., Castranova, V. : Oil spills., Reference Module in Biomedical Sciences, from Encyclopedia of Toxicology (Third Edition), 2014, Pages 677-681, Current as of 1 September 2014.
  • Hosser, D., Schneider, U.; Bestandsaufnahme des Brandschutzes in Kernkraft-werken., VGB Kraftwerkstechnik, Heft 6, pages 487-495, (1982).
  • DIN V18230 – Baulicher Brandschutz im Industriebau. Beuth Verlag, Berlin, (1989)
  • DIN 4102 – Brandverhalten von Baustoffen und Bauteilen Teile 1-3, Teile 5-7, and Teil 4., DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung E.V., Beuth Verlag, Berlin, (1981)
  • International Atomic Energy Association (IAEA): Fire Protection in Nuclear Power Plants – A Safety Guide, Safety Series No. 50-SG-D2, (1979).
  • The Swedish Fire Protection Association (SBF): Recommendations Regarding Fire Protection at Nuclear Power Plants, (1973).
  • Haksever, A.: Fire engineering design of steel framed car-park buildings, Helsinki University of Technology, Report 112, Espoo, (1990).
  • Haksever, A.: Fire engineering design of steel framed car-park buildings, Helsinki University of Technology, Report 112, Espoo, (1990).
  • Haksever, A.: Kapalı hacimlerdeki tabii yangınların analizi için yeni bir model (A new model for the analysis of natural fires in enclosures, Turkish)., Dissertation, İstanbul Technical University, (1989).
  • Haksever, A., Hagen, E.: Abschlussbericht des Teilprojektes C3, SFB 148, IBMB, Technical University of Braunschweig, (1988)
  • Karlsson, B.: User’s guide to OSFIC, a computer program for oilspill fires in com-partments, Coden: SE LUTVDG/ TVBB-3051, Lund. (1989).
  • Karlsson, B.: Adeterministic and probabilistic model for oilspill fires in nuclear power plants. Coden: SE LUTVDG/ TVBB-3049, Lund. (1989).
  • Mitler, H. E.:Comparison of several compartment fire models: An interim Report, NBSIR 85-3233, NBS., Gaithersburg, MD 20899, (1985).
  • Babrauskas, V.: Estimating large pool fire burning rates, Fire Technology, Vol. 19. No. 4, pp 251-261. (1983).
  • Magnusson, S. E.: Brandscenario I Kernkraftwerk. Lund Institute of Technology, Dept. of Fire Safety Science. Internal memorandum. (1987).
  • Henke, V.: Ein Beitrag zur Zuverlässigkeit frei gelagerter Stahlbetonstützen., Diss., Technische Universitaet Braunschweig, iBMB, Heft 45, (1980).
  • Dobbernack, R.: Untersuchung des instationären Wärmeübergangs in parallelen Rohrbündeln nach der Monte-Carlo-Methode. Diss., Technische Universität Braunschweig, iBMB, (1979).
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

Ataman Haksever

Publication Date January 11, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 16 Issue: 1


IEEE A. Haksever, “ANALYSIS OF OIL SPILL FIRES IN NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS”, TUJES, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 21–34, 2016.