Housing market is one of the most important components
of urban economics. The main target of housing policies is to achieve “a good
and sufficient house” for the every household, either as rental or as for sale.
In this respect, rental housing policies have always been an important part of
housing policies. In rental housing system of developed European countries,
social and private rental housing production take place. However,
severaldeveloping country rental housing policies, also in Turkey, lack social
rental housing production and the system depends on a self organizing supply in
free market conditions. In this article, private rental housing systems of
various countries, the actors shaping the demand and supply of private rental
housing market and relevant regulations are evaluated. As a conclusion, the
experience of these developed countries are discussed for guiding policies and
regulations in Turkey, where the market is mostly self organized.
AKALIN, M. Sosyal Konutların Türkiye'nin Konut Politikaları İçerisindeki Yeri ve TOKİ'nin Sosyal Konut Uygulamaları. Fırat Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 26(1):107-123, 2016.
ARNOTT, R. Tenancy Rent Control, Swedish Economic Policy Review, 10: 89-121, 2003.
BALL, M. European Housing Review, London: RIC, 45-60, 2011.
BALLESTEROS, M.M. Rental Housing for Urban Low-Income Households in the Philippines, Philippine Institute for Development Studies, 47(1): 1-20, 2004.
DOLING, J. & Ford, J., A Union of Home Owners, European Journal of Housing Policy, 7 (2): 113-127, 2007.
EMÜR,A. Urban Rental Housing and Tenant Households In Turkey: Towards Viable Alternative Policies For The Rental Sector. Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi. City and Regional Planning, Middle East Techinal University, 1999.
GILBERT, A. Rental housing: An Essential Option For The Urban Poor In Developing Countries, UNHABITAT, 83-85, 2003.
HAFFNER,M., ELSINGA, M., HOEKSTRA, J. Balanca Between Landlord and Tenant? A Comparison of The Rent Regulation In The Private Rental Sector In Five Countries. ENHR International Conference on vSustainabile Urban Area, Rotterdam, 2007.
KELEŞ, R. Kentleşme Politikası, 10. Baskı, İmge Kitabevi, Ankara, 120, 2010.
KEMENY, J. Corporatism and Housing Regimes. Housing, Theory and Society. 23(1): 1-18, 2006.
KEMENY, J. From Public Housing to The Social Market : Rental Policy Strategies in Comparative Perspective, London : Routledge, 194, 1995.
KEMP, P.A, KEOGHAN, M. Movement Into And Out of The Private Rental Sector In England. Housing Studies. 16(1): 21-37( 2001).
KEMP, P.A. and KOFNER, S. Contrasting varieties Of Private Renting: England and Germany, International Journal of Housing Policy. 10(4): 379-398, 2010.
LİND, H. Rent Regulation: A Conceptual and Comparative Analysis. European Journal of Housing Policy. 1/1: 41-57, 2001.
LIPSEY, R., STEINER, P., PURVIS, D., COURANT, P. İktisat 1, Bilim ve Teknik Yayınevi, Ankara, 150-170, 1984.
O’SULLİVAN, E., DE DECKER, P. Regulating the Private Rental Housing Market in Europe. European Journal of Homelessness. 1: 95-116, 2007.
OXLEY,M., SMITH, J. Housing Policy and Rented Housing Europe, E and FN Spon, London, 3-4;17-18;25, 1996.
PEPPERCORN, I.G., TAFFIN, C. Rental Housing Lessons from International Experience and Policies for Emerging Markets, The World Bank Washington DC, 71;98;103;127, 2013.
PITTINI, A., LAINO, E. Housing Europe Review 2012 : The Nuts and Bolts of European Social Housing Systems, CECODHAS Housing Europe Observatory, Brussels, 22-30, 2011.
POMEROY, S., GODBOUT, M. Development of the Rental Housing Market in Latin America and the Caribbean, Inter American Development Bank, No. IDB-DP-173 , 1-2, 2011.
SARIOĞLU, G. P. Hollanda’da Konut Politikaları ve İpotekli Kredi Sistemi, METU JFA. 27(2): 1-16, 2007.
SCANLON, K. Private Renting in Other Countries. LSE London, 15-44, 2011. [Editorler: SCANLON K., KOCHAN B. Towards a Sustainable Private Rented Sector: The Lessons from Other Countries].
SCANLON, K., WHITEHEAD, C. M. E.International Trends in Housing Tenure and Mortgage Finance, Council of Mortgage Lenders, London, 17, 2004.
SCANLON, K., FERNÁNDEZ, A. M. , WHITEHEAD, C. M. E. Social housing in Europe. European Policy Analysis. 17: 1-12, 2015.
ŞAHİN,Y. Kira Denetim Politikası Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi. 60(4): 213-247, 2005.
ŞİMŞEK, S.,Taşınmaz Kiralamaları ve Sınırlamaları. İstanbul Barosu Dergisi, 84(5): 2855-2898, 2010.
TANG, C.P.Y. Could regulation benefit the English private rented sector? Experience from Europe, Preliminary Draft, WS-22: Private Rented Markets, ENHR 2013 Conference, 2013.
TUTİN, C.Social Housing and Private Markets: From Public Economics to Local Housing Markets. LSE London,47-61, 2008. [Scanlon, K., Whitehead C .M.E..Social Housing In Europe II: A Review of Policies and Outcomes].
TÜREL, A., Türkiye’de Devletin Konut Sektörünü Destekleme Mekanizmaları, Planlama 97/1. 43-48, 1997
UNCHS.Rental Housing: An Essential Option for The Urban Poor in Developing Countrie, Nairobi: UNCHS, 173,2003.
UNHCS.National Trends in Housing-Production Practices., Nairobi:UNHCS, 4, 1993.
WHITEHEAD, C.M.E., MARKKANEN, S., MONK, S., SCANLON, K, TANG, C.P.Y. The Private Rented Sector in the New Century – A Comparative Approach, Denmark, Cambridge Centre for Housing and Planning Research and LSE London, 17-40, 2012.
Wits University. Section 1 International Review, Project Develeop A Rental Housing Policy an Rental Subsidy Program Report, South Africa, 4-32, 2009.
Year 2017,
Volume: 18 Issue: 1, 53 - 71, 15.06.2017
ekonomisinin önemli bir bileşeni olan konut sektörü, düzenleme mekanizmalarının
geliştirilmesini gerektirmektedir. Üretilen konut politikalarının en temel
amacı, tüm hanehalklarının ister kiralık ister satılık olsun, ödeyebilecekleri
"iyi ve yeterli bir konutu" elde edebilmeleridir. Bu bağlamda kiralık
konut politikaları konut politikalarının daima önemli bir bileşeni olmaktadır.
Gelişmiş Avrupa ülkelerinin kiralık konut sistemi içinde sosyal kiralık konut
ve özel kiralık konut üretiminin bir arada yer aldığı görülmektedir. Buna
karşın, Türkiye gibi gelişmekte olan pek çok ülkede kiralık konut sistemi
sosyal kiralık konut sisteminden yoksun, serbest piyasa koşullarında,
kendiliğinden oluşan bir arza dayanmaktadır. Bu makalede, farklı ülkelerin (gelişmiş) özel kiralık konut
sistemlerini, özel kiralık konut arz ve talebini oluşturan temel aktörleri,
özel kiralık konut sektörüne yönelik düzenlemeleri değerlendirilmektedir. Sonuç
olarak, farklı gelişmiş ülke örneklerinin yaşadığı tecrübelerin Türkiye vb.
gelişmekte olan ülkelerde, kendiliğinden oluşan özel kiralık konut arz ve
talebine yönelik özel kiralık konut
politikalarına ve düzenlemelerine nasıl yol gösterebileceği tartışılmaktadır.
AKALIN, M. Sosyal Konutların Türkiye'nin Konut Politikaları İçerisindeki Yeri ve TOKİ'nin Sosyal Konut Uygulamaları. Fırat Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 26(1):107-123, 2016.
ARNOTT, R. Tenancy Rent Control, Swedish Economic Policy Review, 10: 89-121, 2003.
BALL, M. European Housing Review, London: RIC, 45-60, 2011.
BALLESTEROS, M.M. Rental Housing for Urban Low-Income Households in the Philippines, Philippine Institute for Development Studies, 47(1): 1-20, 2004.
DOLING, J. & Ford, J., A Union of Home Owners, European Journal of Housing Policy, 7 (2): 113-127, 2007.
EMÜR,A. Urban Rental Housing and Tenant Households In Turkey: Towards Viable Alternative Policies For The Rental Sector. Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi. City and Regional Planning, Middle East Techinal University, 1999.
GILBERT, A. Rental housing: An Essential Option For The Urban Poor In Developing Countries, UNHABITAT, 83-85, 2003.
HAFFNER,M., ELSINGA, M., HOEKSTRA, J. Balanca Between Landlord and Tenant? A Comparison of The Rent Regulation In The Private Rental Sector In Five Countries. ENHR International Conference on vSustainabile Urban Area, Rotterdam, 2007.
KELEŞ, R. Kentleşme Politikası, 10. Baskı, İmge Kitabevi, Ankara, 120, 2010.
KEMENY, J. Corporatism and Housing Regimes. Housing, Theory and Society. 23(1): 1-18, 2006.
KEMENY, J. From Public Housing to The Social Market : Rental Policy Strategies in Comparative Perspective, London : Routledge, 194, 1995.
KEMP, P.A, KEOGHAN, M. Movement Into And Out of The Private Rental Sector In England. Housing Studies. 16(1): 21-37( 2001).
KEMP, P.A. and KOFNER, S. Contrasting varieties Of Private Renting: England and Germany, International Journal of Housing Policy. 10(4): 379-398, 2010.
LİND, H. Rent Regulation: A Conceptual and Comparative Analysis. European Journal of Housing Policy. 1/1: 41-57, 2001.
LIPSEY, R., STEINER, P., PURVIS, D., COURANT, P. İktisat 1, Bilim ve Teknik Yayınevi, Ankara, 150-170, 1984.
O’SULLİVAN, E., DE DECKER, P. Regulating the Private Rental Housing Market in Europe. European Journal of Homelessness. 1: 95-116, 2007.
OXLEY,M., SMITH, J. Housing Policy and Rented Housing Europe, E and FN Spon, London, 3-4;17-18;25, 1996.
PEPPERCORN, I.G., TAFFIN, C. Rental Housing Lessons from International Experience and Policies for Emerging Markets, The World Bank Washington DC, 71;98;103;127, 2013.
PITTINI, A., LAINO, E. Housing Europe Review 2012 : The Nuts and Bolts of European Social Housing Systems, CECODHAS Housing Europe Observatory, Brussels, 22-30, 2011.
POMEROY, S., GODBOUT, M. Development of the Rental Housing Market in Latin America and the Caribbean, Inter American Development Bank, No. IDB-DP-173 , 1-2, 2011.
SARIOĞLU, G. P. Hollanda’da Konut Politikaları ve İpotekli Kredi Sistemi, METU JFA. 27(2): 1-16, 2007.
SCANLON, K. Private Renting in Other Countries. LSE London, 15-44, 2011. [Editorler: SCANLON K., KOCHAN B. Towards a Sustainable Private Rented Sector: The Lessons from Other Countries].
SCANLON, K., WHITEHEAD, C. M. E.International Trends in Housing Tenure and Mortgage Finance, Council of Mortgage Lenders, London, 17, 2004.
SCANLON, K., FERNÁNDEZ, A. M. , WHITEHEAD, C. M. E. Social housing in Europe. European Policy Analysis. 17: 1-12, 2015.
ŞAHİN,Y. Kira Denetim Politikası Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi. 60(4): 213-247, 2005.
ŞİMŞEK, S.,Taşınmaz Kiralamaları ve Sınırlamaları. İstanbul Barosu Dergisi, 84(5): 2855-2898, 2010.
TANG, C.P.Y. Could regulation benefit the English private rented sector? Experience from Europe, Preliminary Draft, WS-22: Private Rented Markets, ENHR 2013 Conference, 2013.
TUTİN, C.Social Housing and Private Markets: From Public Economics to Local Housing Markets. LSE London,47-61, 2008. [Scanlon, K., Whitehead C .M.E..Social Housing In Europe II: A Review of Policies and Outcomes].
TÜREL, A., Türkiye’de Devletin Konut Sektörünü Destekleme Mekanizmaları, Planlama 97/1. 43-48, 1997
UNCHS.Rental Housing: An Essential Option for The Urban Poor in Developing Countrie, Nairobi: UNCHS, 173,2003.
UNHCS.National Trends in Housing-Production Practices., Nairobi:UNHCS, 4, 1993.
WHITEHEAD, C.M.E., MARKKANEN, S., MONK, S., SCANLON, K, TANG, C.P.Y. The Private Rented Sector in the New Century – A Comparative Approach, Denmark, Cambridge Centre for Housing and Planning Research and LSE London, 17-40, 2012.
Wits University. Section 1 International Review, Project Develeop A Rental Housing Policy an Rental Subsidy Program Report, South Africa, 4-32, 2009.