Year 2019,
Volume: 20 Issue: 1, 1 - 21, 23.07.2019
Ataman Haksever
AYŞEN Haksever
Structural fire design is concerned mainly with the avoidance of structural failure or damage so that the fires are to be controlled at an initial stage. The present paper is aimed at investigating the structural behavior in bending of reinforced concrete columns RFC in an enclosure exposed to real ventilation controlled fires, i.e. fires with a heating and a cooling phase and presents methods for determining the fire resistance of RFCs exposed to a real fire. The results show that the prolonged heating of the reinforcing steel may cause to failure in the cooling phase of the fire. Beside in a separte research work boundary fire loads of reinforced concrete columns for an enclosure are determined beyond which no failure can be expected or fire resistance is much greater than ISO834 in case of a real fire (s. Ref. Part II).
- 1. Arnault, P. et al.: "Rapport experimental sur les essais avec des feux naturels executes dans la petite installation. Maizieres-les-Metz, Juin 1973.
- 2. Anderberg, Y., Thelandersson, E. Stress and deformation characteristics of Concrete at high temperatures. Bulletin 54. Div. of Const. Mechanics and Concrete Construction. Lund Inst. Of Technology, Lund, 1976.
- 3. Bechtold, R.. Ehlert, K. P., Wesche, J. Brandver-suche Lehrte. Bau und Wohnforschung; Schriften-reihe des Bundesministers für Raumordnung, Bau-wesen und Städtebau Nr. 04.037, Bonn-Bad Godes-berg, 1978.
- 4. Bechtold, R.: Zur thermischen Beanspruchung von Auβenstützen im Brandfall. Schriftenreihe des Instituts für Baustoffkunde und Stahlbetonbau der Technischen Universität Braunschweig, Heft 37, 1977.
- 5. Bizri, H. Structural capacity of reinforced cobcrete columns subjected to fire induced thermal gradients. Rep. No.: UC SESM 73-1. Ubi. Calif., Berkeley, Calif., 1973.
- 6. Butcher, E.G., et al.: "Comparison between furna(:C tests and experimental fires". Her Majesty' s Stationary Office, Symposium No. 2, London, 1967.
- 7. Butcher, F. G.. Bedford, G. K., Ferdell, P. I.: Further experiments on temperatures reached by steel in building fires. Contribution in symposium Behavior of structural steel in fire. Her Majesty’s Stationary Office, London, 1968.
- 8. Böhm, B. Fully developed polyethylen and wood compartment fires with application tp structural design. Technical University of Denmark, 1977
- 9. Christopher D.Eamoni, Elin Jensen,: Reliability analysis of reinforced concrete columns exposed to fire. Fire Safety Journal, Volume 62, Part C, November 2013, Pages 221-229
- 10. CEB (Comité Euro-International du Beton): “Design of concrete structures of fire resistance” Paris., 1983.
- 11. DIN 4102.: Brandverhalten von Baustoffen und Bauteilen (Fire behavior of building materials and structural members) Teile (Parts) 1-3, Teile (Parts) 5-7, and Teil (Part) 4., DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung E.V., Beuth Verlag, Berlin, (1981)
- 12. DIN V18230 – Baulicher Brandschutz im Indus-triebau. (Fire safety in industrial buildings) Beuth Verlag, Berlin, (1989).
- 13. DIN 4102.: Brandverhalten von Baustoffen und Bauteilen (Fire behavior of building materials and structural elements) Teile (Parts) 1-3, Teile (Parts) -75, and Teil (Part) 4., DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung E.V., Beuth Verlag, Berlin, (1981)
- 14. ECCS (European convention for constructional Steelwork), Technical Committee 3.Fire safety of steel structures. Part 1. Amsterdam. 1983.
- 15. Elin Jensen.: Reliability analysis of reinforced concrete columns. Chemical Engineering, Fire safety. June 28, 2017.
- 16. Elin Jensen.: Reliability analysis of reinforced concrete columns. Chemical Engineering, Fire safety. June 28, 2017.
- 17. Faris Ali, Ali Nadjai, Gordon Silcock, Abid Abu-Tair. Outcomes of a major research on fire resistance of concrete columns. Fire Safety Journal. Volume 39, Issue 6, September 2004, Pages 433-445
- 18. Haksever, A.: Poteaux en beton arme en cas d’incandie naturelle. Essais et theorie. Bulletin of the Technical University of İstanbul. Vol. 39, Nr. 1, 1986.
- 19. Haksever, A.: Kapalı hacimlerdeki tabii yangınların analizi için yeni bir model (A new model for the analysis of real fires in enclosures, Turkish)., Dissertation, İstanbul Technical University, (1989).
- 20. Hinrichs, B. B.: Das Verhalten von Brandschutz-platten, -tapeten und Zwischendecken bei Brand-versuchen in natürlichen Naβstab. VFdB-Zeitschrift 12 (1963) Heft 4 and 13 (1964) Heft 2. Verlag W. Kohlhammer GmbH, Stuttgart, 1963-64.
- 21. Hopfmann, W.: Groβbrand in Zellhornbetrieb. Mit-teilung des Bayerischen Landesamtes für Feuerschutz. München 1963.
- 22. ISO.: International Organization for Standardization ISO Central Secretariat. Chemin de Blandonnet 8, CP 401. 1214 Vernier, Geneva, Switzerland.
- 23. Jingsi Huo, Jiaguang Zhang, Zhiwei Wang, YanXiao. Effects of sustained axial load and cooling phase on post-fire behaviour of reinforced concrete stub columns. Fire Safety Journal. Volume 59, July 2013, Pages 76-87.
- 24. Xing Zhang, Sashi Kunnath, Yan Xiao. Experimental study of reinforced concrete columns damaged by fire following an earthquake. Congress on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics (ASEM17) 28 August - 1 September, 2017, llsan(Seoul), Korea.
- 25. Jean-Marc Franssen, Dan Pintea, Jean-Claude Dotreppe.: Considering the effects of localized fires in the numerical analysis of a building structure. Fire Safety Journal, Volume 42, Issues 6–7, September–October 2007, Pages 473-481.
- 26. Kamila Horová, Tomáš Jána, Yong C.Wang,, František Wald. Temperatures and thermal boundary conditions in reverse channel connec-tions to concrete filled steel sections during standard and real fire tests. Fire Safety Journal, Volume 78, November 2015, Pages 55-70.
- 27. Kasparek, K. H. Über den Einfluß der Beweh-rung und Schnittkraftverlaufs auf die Traglasten exentrisch beanspruchter Stahlbeton-Druck-glieder mit Rehteckquer-schnitt. Diss. Technische Universiät Darm-stadt. 1968.
- 28. Kawagoe, K., Sekine, T.: Estimation of fire temperature time curve in rooms. Rep. No 11. Building Research Institute. Tokya. 1963.
- 29. Kordina, K. etal.: Beton Brandschutz-Hand-buch. Düsseldorf, Beton Verlag, 1981.
- 30. Knublauch, E. : "Über Ausführung und Aussage-fähigkeit des Normbrandversuches nach DIN 4102, Blatt 2, im Hinblick auf die Nachbildung natür-licher Schadensfeuer". BAM-Bcrichte Nr. 16, Berlin, August 1972.
- 31. Kordina, K. : "Jahresbericl;t 1973/74 des Sonderfor-schungsbereiches 148".TU Braunschweig, . Dezember 1974.
- 32. Kordina, K., etal, SFB148, Subproject A, Jahresbericht 1975/1977. Tchnische Universität Braunschweig. 1977.
- 33. Kordina, K. : "Erwärmungsvorgänge an balkenartigen Stahlbetonbauteilen unter Brandbeanspruchung". DAfStB, Heft 230, Verlag W. Ernst & Sohn, Berlin, 1975.
- 34. Liermann. K. Zum Trag- und Verformungsver-halten Stahlbetonbrückenpfeilers mit Rollenlager. iBMB., Heft 20, 1972
- 35. Lie, T. T., Allen, D. E. Calculation of the fire resistance reinforced concrete columns. Technical paper, No. 378, Ottawa, 1972.
- 36. Magnusson, S.E. and Thelandersson, S.: Temperature-Time Curves of complete Pro-cess of Fire Development. Acta Polytechnica Scandinavica, Civil Engineering and Building, Construction Series No. 65, Stockholm, ( 1970).
- 37. Patrick Bamonte, Nataša Kalaba, Roberto Felicetti.: Computational study on prestressed concrete members exposed to real fires. Fire Safety Journal, Volume 97, April 2018, Pages 54–65.
- 38. Pettersson, Ove., Ödeen, Kai.: Brandteknisk dimensionering. Principer, underlag, exempel. Tryckt hos LieberTryck, Stockholm, (1978).
- 39. Pettersson, 0.: "The connection between a real fiie eposure and the heating conditions according to standard fire resistance tests, with special application to steel structures". Lund, 1973.
- . Quast, U., Spannungsabhängige und thermische Dehnungen (Stress and thermal dependant expansions), Beton- und Stahlbetonbau, (2009).
- 41. Quast, U., Richter, E. Vereinfachte Berech-nung von Stahlbetonstützen unter Brand Beanspruchung, Beton- und Stahlbetonbau. 103 (2008), Heft 2.
- 42. Quintiere, I.: The growth of fire in building compartments. Presented in NBS/ASTN Sympo¬sium on fire standards and safety. Gaithersburg, Maryland. 1976.
- 43. Roitman, M.: Grundlagen der Brandschutz-Nornierung im Bauwesen. Berlin. 1972.
- 44. SFB 148.: “Sonderforschungsbereich 148, Brand-verhalten von Bauteilen” (A special research field Nr. 148, Fire behavior of structural members). Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany. 1971-1986. Subproject A: Fire behavior of structural members. Subproject B3: behavior of structural concrete members at Material elevated temperatures. Subproject C3 Research on compartment fires.
- 45. Samantha Foster, Magdaléna Chladná, Christina Hsieh, Ian Burgess, Roger Plank.: Thermal and structural behavior of a full-scale composite building subject to a severe compartment fire. Fire Safety Journal, Volume 42, Issue 3, April 2007, Pages 183-199
- 46. Schneider, U. und. Haksever, A.: Bestim-mung der äquivalenten Branddauer von sta-tisch bestimmt gelagerten Stahlbetonbalken bei natürlichen Bränden. Bericht des Instituts für Baustoffe, Massivbau und Brandschutz der technischen Universität Braunschweig. Dez. 1976
- 47. Schneider, U. : "Über die Möglichkeit der Um-rechnung von natürlichen Bränden auf die Brandbeanspruchung nach DIN 4102". Zentral-blatt für Industriebau, 19. Jahrgang, Heft 1 , S. 24/29, C.R.Vincentz Verlag, Hannover, Januar 1973.
- 48. Tamás Balogh László, GergelyVigh.: Complex and comprehensive method for reliability cal-culation of structures under fire exposure. Fire Safety Journal Volume 86, November 2016, Pages 41-52.
- 49. Twilt, L.: "European recommendation for fire safety of building structures" Part II, Delft, März 1975.
- 50. Ulf Wickström.: Temperature Calculation of Insulated Steel Columns Exposed to Real Fire. Fire Safety Journal, Volume 4, Issue 4, 1981–1982, Pages 219-225.
- 51. Workshop CIB W14, Design guide structural fire safety .1989. 33
Year 2019,
Volume: 20 Issue: 1, 1 - 21, 23.07.2019
Ataman Haksever
AYŞEN Haksever
Yapılar üzerine olan yangın tasarımı esas olarak, yapı elemanın göçmesini ve zarar görmesini önleyerek yapının başlangıç fazında denetim altında tutulmasını sağlamaktır. Sunulan bu çalışma, betonarme kolonların ventilasyon denetimli tabii bir yangın etkimesi durumunda, örneğin ısınma ve soğuma fazlarını içeren bir yangın gelişimi içim, II. Mertebe teorisini kullanarak, yangın davranışlarını ve dayanımlarını belirlemek olacaktır. Araştırma sonuçları beton donatılarında maksimum sıcaklığın soğuma fazının başlamasından sonra, (hatta saatler sonra) meydana gelebileceğini ve bu durumun da yapı elemanında gecikmiş bir göçmeye neden olabileceğini göstermiştir. Donatının uzun süreli ısınması yangının soğuma fazında yapı elemanının göçmesini sağlamaktadır. Bu nedenle kapalı bir hacimde betonarme kolonların sınır yangın yükleri Bölüm II'de saptanmış olup bu sınırın dışında kalan yangınlarda, yapı elemanlarının yangın direnci ISO834 yangınına göre daha büyük olmakta ve hatta bir göçme riski içermemektedir.
- 1. Arnault, P. et al.: "Rapport experimental sur les essais avec des feux naturels executes dans la petite installation. Maizieres-les-Metz, Juin 1973.
- 2. Anderberg, Y., Thelandersson, E. Stress and deformation characteristics of Concrete at high temperatures. Bulletin 54. Div. of Const. Mechanics and Concrete Construction. Lund Inst. Of Technology, Lund, 1976.
- 3. Bechtold, R.. Ehlert, K. P., Wesche, J. Brandver-suche Lehrte. Bau und Wohnforschung; Schriften-reihe des Bundesministers für Raumordnung, Bau-wesen und Städtebau Nr. 04.037, Bonn-Bad Godes-berg, 1978.
- 4. Bechtold, R.: Zur thermischen Beanspruchung von Auβenstützen im Brandfall. Schriftenreihe des Instituts für Baustoffkunde und Stahlbetonbau der Technischen Universität Braunschweig, Heft 37, 1977.
- 5. Bizri, H. Structural capacity of reinforced cobcrete columns subjected to fire induced thermal gradients. Rep. No.: UC SESM 73-1. Ubi. Calif., Berkeley, Calif., 1973.
- 6. Butcher, E.G., et al.: "Comparison between furna(:C tests and experimental fires". Her Majesty' s Stationary Office, Symposium No. 2, London, 1967.
- 7. Butcher, F. G.. Bedford, G. K., Ferdell, P. I.: Further experiments on temperatures reached by steel in building fires. Contribution in symposium Behavior of structural steel in fire. Her Majesty’s Stationary Office, London, 1968.
- 8. Böhm, B. Fully developed polyethylen and wood compartment fires with application tp structural design. Technical University of Denmark, 1977
- 9. Christopher D.Eamoni, Elin Jensen,: Reliability analysis of reinforced concrete columns exposed to fire. Fire Safety Journal, Volume 62, Part C, November 2013, Pages 221-229
- 10. CEB (Comité Euro-International du Beton): “Design of concrete structures of fire resistance” Paris., 1983.
- 11. DIN 4102.: Brandverhalten von Baustoffen und Bauteilen (Fire behavior of building materials and structural members) Teile (Parts) 1-3, Teile (Parts) 5-7, and Teil (Part) 4., DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung E.V., Beuth Verlag, Berlin, (1981)
- 12. DIN V18230 – Baulicher Brandschutz im Indus-triebau. (Fire safety in industrial buildings) Beuth Verlag, Berlin, (1989).
- 13. DIN 4102.: Brandverhalten von Baustoffen und Bauteilen (Fire behavior of building materials and structural elements) Teile (Parts) 1-3, Teile (Parts) -75, and Teil (Part) 4., DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung E.V., Beuth Verlag, Berlin, (1981)
- 14. ECCS (European convention for constructional Steelwork), Technical Committee 3.Fire safety of steel structures. Part 1. Amsterdam. 1983.
- 15. Elin Jensen.: Reliability analysis of reinforced concrete columns. Chemical Engineering, Fire safety. June 28, 2017.
- 16. Elin Jensen.: Reliability analysis of reinforced concrete columns. Chemical Engineering, Fire safety. June 28, 2017.
- 17. Faris Ali, Ali Nadjai, Gordon Silcock, Abid Abu-Tair. Outcomes of a major research on fire resistance of concrete columns. Fire Safety Journal. Volume 39, Issue 6, September 2004, Pages 433-445
- 18. Haksever, A.: Poteaux en beton arme en cas d’incandie naturelle. Essais et theorie. Bulletin of the Technical University of İstanbul. Vol. 39, Nr. 1, 1986.
- 19. Haksever, A.: Kapalı hacimlerdeki tabii yangınların analizi için yeni bir model (A new model for the analysis of real fires in enclosures, Turkish)., Dissertation, İstanbul Technical University, (1989).
- 20. Hinrichs, B. B.: Das Verhalten von Brandschutz-platten, -tapeten und Zwischendecken bei Brand-versuchen in natürlichen Naβstab. VFdB-Zeitschrift 12 (1963) Heft 4 and 13 (1964) Heft 2. Verlag W. Kohlhammer GmbH, Stuttgart, 1963-64.
- 21. Hopfmann, W.: Groβbrand in Zellhornbetrieb. Mit-teilung des Bayerischen Landesamtes für Feuerschutz. München 1963.
- 22. ISO.: International Organization for Standardization ISO Central Secretariat. Chemin de Blandonnet 8, CP 401. 1214 Vernier, Geneva, Switzerland.
- 23. Jingsi Huo, Jiaguang Zhang, Zhiwei Wang, YanXiao. Effects of sustained axial load and cooling phase on post-fire behaviour of reinforced concrete stub columns. Fire Safety Journal. Volume 59, July 2013, Pages 76-87.
- 24. Xing Zhang, Sashi Kunnath, Yan Xiao. Experimental study of reinforced concrete columns damaged by fire following an earthquake. Congress on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics (ASEM17) 28 August - 1 September, 2017, llsan(Seoul), Korea.
- 25. Jean-Marc Franssen, Dan Pintea, Jean-Claude Dotreppe.: Considering the effects of localized fires in the numerical analysis of a building structure. Fire Safety Journal, Volume 42, Issues 6–7, September–October 2007, Pages 473-481.
- 26. Kamila Horová, Tomáš Jána, Yong C.Wang,, František Wald. Temperatures and thermal boundary conditions in reverse channel connec-tions to concrete filled steel sections during standard and real fire tests. Fire Safety Journal, Volume 78, November 2015, Pages 55-70.
- 27. Kasparek, K. H. Über den Einfluß der Beweh-rung und Schnittkraftverlaufs auf die Traglasten exentrisch beanspruchter Stahlbeton-Druck-glieder mit Rehteckquer-schnitt. Diss. Technische Universiät Darm-stadt. 1968.
- 28. Kawagoe, K., Sekine, T.: Estimation of fire temperature time curve in rooms. Rep. No 11. Building Research Institute. Tokya. 1963.
- 29. Kordina, K. etal.: Beton Brandschutz-Hand-buch. Düsseldorf, Beton Verlag, 1981.
- 30. Knublauch, E. : "Über Ausführung und Aussage-fähigkeit des Normbrandversuches nach DIN 4102, Blatt 2, im Hinblick auf die Nachbildung natür-licher Schadensfeuer". BAM-Bcrichte Nr. 16, Berlin, August 1972.
- 31. Kordina, K. : "Jahresbericl;t 1973/74 des Sonderfor-schungsbereiches 148".TU Braunschweig, . Dezember 1974.
- 32. Kordina, K., etal, SFB148, Subproject A, Jahresbericht 1975/1977. Tchnische Universität Braunschweig. 1977.
- 33. Kordina, K. : "Erwärmungsvorgänge an balkenartigen Stahlbetonbauteilen unter Brandbeanspruchung". DAfStB, Heft 230, Verlag W. Ernst & Sohn, Berlin, 1975.
- 34. Liermann. K. Zum Trag- und Verformungsver-halten Stahlbetonbrückenpfeilers mit Rollenlager. iBMB., Heft 20, 1972
- 35. Lie, T. T., Allen, D. E. Calculation of the fire resistance reinforced concrete columns. Technical paper, No. 378, Ottawa, 1972.
- 36. Magnusson, S.E. and Thelandersson, S.: Temperature-Time Curves of complete Pro-cess of Fire Development. Acta Polytechnica Scandinavica, Civil Engineering and Building, Construction Series No. 65, Stockholm, ( 1970).
- 37. Patrick Bamonte, Nataša Kalaba, Roberto Felicetti.: Computational study on prestressed concrete members exposed to real fires. Fire Safety Journal, Volume 97, April 2018, Pages 54–65.
- 38. Pettersson, Ove., Ödeen, Kai.: Brandteknisk dimensionering. Principer, underlag, exempel. Tryckt hos LieberTryck, Stockholm, (1978).
- 39. Pettersson, 0.: "The connection between a real fiie eposure and the heating conditions according to standard fire resistance tests, with special application to steel structures". Lund, 1973.
- . Quast, U., Spannungsabhängige und thermische Dehnungen (Stress and thermal dependant expansions), Beton- und Stahlbetonbau, (2009).
- 41. Quast, U., Richter, E. Vereinfachte Berech-nung von Stahlbetonstützen unter Brand Beanspruchung, Beton- und Stahlbetonbau. 103 (2008), Heft 2.
- 42. Quintiere, I.: The growth of fire in building compartments. Presented in NBS/ASTN Sympo¬sium on fire standards and safety. Gaithersburg, Maryland. 1976.
- 43. Roitman, M.: Grundlagen der Brandschutz-Nornierung im Bauwesen. Berlin. 1972.
- 44. SFB 148.: “Sonderforschungsbereich 148, Brand-verhalten von Bauteilen” (A special research field Nr. 148, Fire behavior of structural members). Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany. 1971-1986. Subproject A: Fire behavior of structural members. Subproject B3: behavior of structural concrete members at Material elevated temperatures. Subproject C3 Research on compartment fires.
- 45. Samantha Foster, Magdaléna Chladná, Christina Hsieh, Ian Burgess, Roger Plank.: Thermal and structural behavior of a full-scale composite building subject to a severe compartment fire. Fire Safety Journal, Volume 42, Issue 3, April 2007, Pages 183-199
- 46. Schneider, U. und. Haksever, A.: Bestim-mung der äquivalenten Branddauer von sta-tisch bestimmt gelagerten Stahlbetonbalken bei natürlichen Bränden. Bericht des Instituts für Baustoffe, Massivbau und Brandschutz der technischen Universität Braunschweig. Dez. 1976
- 47. Schneider, U. : "Über die Möglichkeit der Um-rechnung von natürlichen Bränden auf die Brandbeanspruchung nach DIN 4102". Zentral-blatt für Industriebau, 19. Jahrgang, Heft 1 , S. 24/29, C.R.Vincentz Verlag, Hannover, Januar 1973.
- 48. Tamás Balogh László, GergelyVigh.: Complex and comprehensive method for reliability cal-culation of structures under fire exposure. Fire Safety Journal Volume 86, November 2016, Pages 41-52.
- 49. Twilt, L.: "European recommendation for fire safety of building structures" Part II, Delft, März 1975.
- 50. Ulf Wickström.: Temperature Calculation of Insulated Steel Columns Exposed to Real Fire. Fire Safety Journal, Volume 4, Issue 4, 1981–1982, Pages 219-225.
- 51. Workshop CIB W14, Design guide structural fire safety .1989. 33