Research Article
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Fair exploitation of Aras border river from the point of view of international law

Year 2024, Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 19 - 31, 03.07.2024


The Turkish government is trying to justify the construction of numerous dams on the Aras River by citing the principle of absolute territorial sovereignty, but in general, the principle of a country's absolute sovereignty over the river has been rejected by international law thinkers and governments. According to these principles, no country should stop or divert the natural flow of river water that naturally flows from its territory to the territory of another country, and should not use that river or the normal use of that river in a way that causes damage to the neighboring country. It is closed in its own land. It seems that international laws and documents based on them oblige governments to protect their rights in cases that have border waters, and the construction of many dams by the Turkish government is unjustified. The results show that based on the fair exploitation of border rivers and shared in international law, solutions and approaches based on the cooperation regime, the ways of fair exploitation of Aras border river can be operationalized and implemented. Guaranteeing the right to fair use of border and common rivers in international law includes general and specific guarantees. In international law, rules such as rational and wise use, fair and reasonable exploitation, and the obligation not to cause serious harm in the use of border and common rivers, including the Aras River, govern.

Project Number



  • [1] UNESCO, Internationally Shared (Transboundary) Aquifer Resources Management. Published by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, 2001, Paris, France.
  • [2] Sadeghi, Taj Mohammad (2015). Developments in the legal regime of international rivers with an emphasis on Arvandroud, Tehran: Publications of Shahr Danesh Legal Studies and Research Institute, first edition.
  • [3] Kordavani, P. (2013). Water resources and issues in Iran: surface and underground waters and their exploitation issues, volume 1, Tehran: Tehran University Press, 10th edition.
  • [4] Rumi, F. (2008). The security of the international system in the light of climate change. Foreign Policy, 86(22), 755-788.
  • [5] Caponera, D. Principles of law and water management, revision and update: Marcela Nani, translation and research: Mohsen Abdulahi
  • [6] Cech, T. (2004). Principles of Water Resources: History, Development, Management and Policy, 2nd Edition, NJ: John Wiley and Sons, 2004.
  • [7] Ziai Begdali, M.R. Public International Law, Ganj Danesh Publications, 70th edition.
  • [8] Pishgah Hadian, H., & Hejazi, A. (2010). Iran Common Hydro-Politics Challenges with Iraq & Afghanistan: The Case Study of Hirmand/Helmand & Arvand/Shatt Al-Arab From 2001-2010. Research Letter of International Relations, 3(12), 119-168.
  • [9] Sinai, V. (2011). Hydropolitics, security, and development of water cooperation in relations between Iran, Afghanistan, and Turkmenistan. Foreign Relations, 10(3), 185-212.
  • [10] Jafari Veldani, A. (2018). Use of water resources of border rivers of Iran and Iraq and international law. Law and Politics Research Quarterly, 26.
  • [11] Bess Corner, N. (1993). Water, Security and the Middle East, translated by Pirouz Izadi, Tehran: Research Institute of Defense and Strategic Sciences of Imam Hossein University (AS), first edition.
  • [12] McCaffrey, S. C. (1996). The Harmon Doctrine One Hundred Years Later: Buried, Not Praised. Natural Resources Journal, 36(3).
  • [13] Hafez Nia, M.R. (2016). Principles and Concepts of Geopolitics, Mashhad: Popeli Publications, fifth edition.
  • [14] Dalutiyar, M., & Gary, T (2010). Water Policy in the Middle East, translated by Rasool Afzali and Reza Al-Tiamini, Tehran: Nash Bin International.
  • [15] Zaki, Y., Delshadzadeh, J & Karimi, B. (2014). hydropolitical analysis of international rivers with an emphasis on Aras border river, Military and Security Geography Quarterly, Year 1, Number 1.
  • [16] Kalantari, J., & Hekmatara, H. (2019). hydropolitical investigation of Turkish dams in Aras Basin. 9th National Conference on Rain Catchment Surface Systems, Tabriz.
  • [17] Sanayi T. C. ve Teknoloji Bakanı, 2020 PERFORMANS PROGRAMI, Available at:
  • [18] Enerji Atlası (2016), Aras Nehri, Available at:
  • [19] Habertürk (2020), Karakurt barajında kilise, mezarlık ve tapu tartışması, Available at:
  • [20] Wolf, A. T. (1998). Criteria for equitable allocations: The heart of international water conflict. Natural Resources Forum. Vol. 23, February, 3-30
  • [21] Carey, J., Sunding, D. L., & Zilberman, D. (2009). Transaction costs and trading behavior in an immature water market. Environ.Dev. Econ., 7, 733-750.
  • [22] Mian Abadi, H. A Review of International Law on Water. 7th National Congress of Civil Engineering, Zahedan, Iran.
  • [23] Habibi, M.H. (2012). Environmental Laws (Volume 1), Publications of Tehran University Printing and Publishing Institute, 4th edition.
  • [24] Rezaei, M.T. (2014). Challenges and legal solutions of the common water exploitation system with a view to the legal regime of Iran's border waters. the second conference on the exchange of research, technical and engineering experiences, Mahab Quds publication, 32.
  • [25] Daneshfaraz, R., Norouzi, R., Abbaszadeh, H., Kuriqi, A., & Di Francesco, S. (2022). Influence of sill on the hydraulic regime in sluice gates: an experimental and numerical analysis. Fluids, 7(7), 244.
  • [26] Daneshfaraz, R., Norouzi, R., & Abbaszadeh, H. (2021). Numerical investigation on effective parameters on hydraulic flows in chimney proportional weirs. Iranian Journal of Soil and Water Research, 52(6), 1599-1616.
  • [27] Abbaszadeh, H., Norouzi, R., Süme, V., Daneshfaraz, R., & Tarinejad, R. (2023). Discharge coefficient of combined rectangular-triangular weirs using soft computing models. Journal of Hydraulic Structures, 9(1), 98-110.
  • [28] Abbaszadeh, H., Daneshfaraz, R., Sume, V., & Abraham, J. (2024). Experimental investigation and application of soft computing models for predicting flow energy loss in arc-shaped constrictions. AQUA—Water Infrastructure, Ecosystems and Society, 73(3), 637-661.
  • [29] Süme, V., Daneshfaraz, R., Kerim, A., Abbaszadeh, H., & Abraham, J. (2024). Investigation of clean energy production in drinking water networks. Water Resources Management, 38(6), 2189-2208.
  • [30] Daneshfaraz, R., Norouzi, R., Ebadzadeh, P., Di Francesco, S., & Abraham, J. P. (2023). Experimental study of geometric shape and size of sill effects on the hydraulic performance of sluice gates. Water, 15(2), 314.
  • [31] Daneshfaraz, R., Norouzi, R., & Ebadzadeh, P. (2022). Experimental and numerical study of sluice gate flow pattern with non-suppressed sill and its effect on discharge coefficient in free-flow conditions. Journal of Hydraulic Structures, 8(1), 1-20.
  • [32] Daneshfaraz, R., Norouzi, R., Ebadzadeh, P., & Kuriqi, A. (2023). Influence of sill integration in labyrinth sluice gate hydraulic performance. Innovative Infrastructure Solutions, 8(4), 118.
  • [33] Daneshfaraz, R., Noruzi, R., & Ebadzadeh, P. (2022). Experimental Investigation of non-suppressed sill effect with different geometry on flow pattern and discharge coefficient of sluice. Journal of Hydraulics, 17(3), 47-63.
  • [34] Norouzi, R., Ebadzadeh, P., Sume, V., & Daneshfaraz, R. (2023). Upstream vortices of a sluice gate: An experimental and numerical study. AQUA—Water Infrastructure, Ecosystems and Society, 72(10), 1906-1919.

Fair exploitation of Aras border river from the point of view of international law

Year 2024, Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 19 - 31, 03.07.2024


The Turkish government is trying to justify the construction of numerous dams on the Aras River by citing the principle of absolute territorial sovereignty, but in general, the principle of a country's absolute sovereignty over the river has been rejected by international law thinkers and governments. According to these principles, no country should stop or divert the natural flow of river water that naturally flows from its territory to the territory of another country, and should not use that river or the normal use of that river in a way that causes damage to the neighboring country. It is closed in its own land. It seems that international laws and documents based on them oblige governments to protect their rights in cases that have border waters, and the construction of many dams by the Turkish government is unjustified. The results show that based on the fair exploitation of border rivers and shared in international law, solutions and approaches based on the cooperation regime, the ways of fair exploitation of Aras border river can be operationalized and implemented. Guaranteeing the right to fair use of border and common rivers in international law includes general and specific guarantees. In international law, rules such as rational and wise use, fair and reasonable exploitation, and the obligation not to cause serious harm in the use of border and common rivers, including the Aras River, govern.

Ethical Statement


Supporting Institution


Project Number





  • [1] UNESCO, Internationally Shared (Transboundary) Aquifer Resources Management. Published by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, 2001, Paris, France.
  • [2] Sadeghi, Taj Mohammad (2015). Developments in the legal regime of international rivers with an emphasis on Arvandroud, Tehran: Publications of Shahr Danesh Legal Studies and Research Institute, first edition.
  • [3] Kordavani, P. (2013). Water resources and issues in Iran: surface and underground waters and their exploitation issues, volume 1, Tehran: Tehran University Press, 10th edition.
  • [4] Rumi, F. (2008). The security of the international system in the light of climate change. Foreign Policy, 86(22), 755-788.
  • [5] Caponera, D. Principles of law and water management, revision and update: Marcela Nani, translation and research: Mohsen Abdulahi
  • [6] Cech, T. (2004). Principles of Water Resources: History, Development, Management and Policy, 2nd Edition, NJ: John Wiley and Sons, 2004.
  • [7] Ziai Begdali, M.R. Public International Law, Ganj Danesh Publications, 70th edition.
  • [8] Pishgah Hadian, H., & Hejazi, A. (2010). Iran Common Hydro-Politics Challenges with Iraq & Afghanistan: The Case Study of Hirmand/Helmand & Arvand/Shatt Al-Arab From 2001-2010. Research Letter of International Relations, 3(12), 119-168.
  • [9] Sinai, V. (2011). Hydropolitics, security, and development of water cooperation in relations between Iran, Afghanistan, and Turkmenistan. Foreign Relations, 10(3), 185-212.
  • [10] Jafari Veldani, A. (2018). Use of water resources of border rivers of Iran and Iraq and international law. Law and Politics Research Quarterly, 26.
  • [11] Bess Corner, N. (1993). Water, Security and the Middle East, translated by Pirouz Izadi, Tehran: Research Institute of Defense and Strategic Sciences of Imam Hossein University (AS), first edition.
  • [12] McCaffrey, S. C. (1996). The Harmon Doctrine One Hundred Years Later: Buried, Not Praised. Natural Resources Journal, 36(3).
  • [13] Hafez Nia, M.R. (2016). Principles and Concepts of Geopolitics, Mashhad: Popeli Publications, fifth edition.
  • [14] Dalutiyar, M., & Gary, T (2010). Water Policy in the Middle East, translated by Rasool Afzali and Reza Al-Tiamini, Tehran: Nash Bin International.
  • [15] Zaki, Y., Delshadzadeh, J & Karimi, B. (2014). hydropolitical analysis of international rivers with an emphasis on Aras border river, Military and Security Geography Quarterly, Year 1, Number 1.
  • [16] Kalantari, J., & Hekmatara, H. (2019). hydropolitical investigation of Turkish dams in Aras Basin. 9th National Conference on Rain Catchment Surface Systems, Tabriz.
  • [17] Sanayi T. C. ve Teknoloji Bakanı, 2020 PERFORMANS PROGRAMI, Available at:
  • [18] Enerji Atlası (2016), Aras Nehri, Available at:
  • [19] Habertürk (2020), Karakurt barajında kilise, mezarlık ve tapu tartışması, Available at:
  • [20] Wolf, A. T. (1998). Criteria for equitable allocations: The heart of international water conflict. Natural Resources Forum. Vol. 23, February, 3-30
  • [21] Carey, J., Sunding, D. L., & Zilberman, D. (2009). Transaction costs and trading behavior in an immature water market. Environ.Dev. Econ., 7, 733-750.
  • [22] Mian Abadi, H. A Review of International Law on Water. 7th National Congress of Civil Engineering, Zahedan, Iran.
  • [23] Habibi, M.H. (2012). Environmental Laws (Volume 1), Publications of Tehran University Printing and Publishing Institute, 4th edition.
  • [24] Rezaei, M.T. (2014). Challenges and legal solutions of the common water exploitation system with a view to the legal regime of Iran's border waters. the second conference on the exchange of research, technical and engineering experiences, Mahab Quds publication, 32.
  • [25] Daneshfaraz, R., Norouzi, R., Abbaszadeh, H., Kuriqi, A., & Di Francesco, S. (2022). Influence of sill on the hydraulic regime in sluice gates: an experimental and numerical analysis. Fluids, 7(7), 244.
  • [26] Daneshfaraz, R., Norouzi, R., & Abbaszadeh, H. (2021). Numerical investigation on effective parameters on hydraulic flows in chimney proportional weirs. Iranian Journal of Soil and Water Research, 52(6), 1599-1616.
  • [27] Abbaszadeh, H., Norouzi, R., Süme, V., Daneshfaraz, R., & Tarinejad, R. (2023). Discharge coefficient of combined rectangular-triangular weirs using soft computing models. Journal of Hydraulic Structures, 9(1), 98-110.
  • [28] Abbaszadeh, H., Daneshfaraz, R., Sume, V., & Abraham, J. (2024). Experimental investigation and application of soft computing models for predicting flow energy loss in arc-shaped constrictions. AQUA—Water Infrastructure, Ecosystems and Society, 73(3), 637-661.
  • [29] Süme, V., Daneshfaraz, R., Kerim, A., Abbaszadeh, H., & Abraham, J. (2024). Investigation of clean energy production in drinking water networks. Water Resources Management, 38(6), 2189-2208.
  • [30] Daneshfaraz, R., Norouzi, R., Ebadzadeh, P., Di Francesco, S., & Abraham, J. P. (2023). Experimental study of geometric shape and size of sill effects on the hydraulic performance of sluice gates. Water, 15(2), 314.
  • [31] Daneshfaraz, R., Norouzi, R., & Ebadzadeh, P. (2022). Experimental and numerical study of sluice gate flow pattern with non-suppressed sill and its effect on discharge coefficient in free-flow conditions. Journal of Hydraulic Structures, 8(1), 1-20.
  • [32] Daneshfaraz, R., Norouzi, R., Ebadzadeh, P., & Kuriqi, A. (2023). Influence of sill integration in labyrinth sluice gate hydraulic performance. Innovative Infrastructure Solutions, 8(4), 118.
  • [33] Daneshfaraz, R., Noruzi, R., & Ebadzadeh, P. (2022). Experimental Investigation of non-suppressed sill effect with different geometry on flow pattern and discharge coefficient of sluice. Journal of Hydraulics, 17(3), 47-63.
  • [34] Norouzi, R., Ebadzadeh, P., Sume, V., & Daneshfaraz, R. (2023). Upstream vortices of a sluice gate: An experimental and numerical study. AQUA—Water Infrastructure, Ecosystems and Society, 72(10), 1906-1919.
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Water Resources and Water Structures
Journal Section Articles

Mohammad Musazadeh This is me

Project Number -
Publication Date July 3, 2024
Submission Date June 29, 2024
Acceptance Date July 2, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 8 Issue: 1


APA Musazadeh, M. (2024). Fair exploitation of Aras border river from the point of view of international law. Türk Hidrolik Dergisi, 8(1), 19-31.
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