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Beliren yetişkinlikte romantik ilişki doyumu

Year 2021, , 319 - 332, 31.10.2021


Bu çalışmanın amacı, şu anki romantik ilişkinin süresi, statüsü, önemi ve önceki romantik ilişkilerin toplam sayısı gibi çeşitli ilişki özellikleri ile birlikte öz şefkat ve sosyal görünüş kaygısı gibi bireysel faktörlerin, beliren yetişkinlerin romantik ilişki doyumunu ne ölçüde yordadığını araştırmaktır. Araştırmaya 284 üniversite öğrencisi katılmıştır ancak çalışmaya katılan öğrencilerden 34’ü çeşitli nedenlerle araştırma kapsamı dışında bırakılmıştır. Bu nedenle analizler, 250 öğrencinin verileri (%59.6 kadın, % 40.4 erkek) kullanılarak yapılmıştır. Veri toplama aracı olarak, İlişki Doyumu Ölçeği, Öz Şefkat Ölçeği, Sosyal Görünüş Kaygısı Ölçeği ve araştırmacılar tarafından geliştirilen demografik bilgi formu kullanılmıştır. Hiyerarşik regresyon analizi bulgularına göre, devam eden ilişkinin önemi, daha önceki ilişkilerin sayısı ve öz şefkat beliren yetişkinlerin romantik ilişki doyumunu pozitif yönde yordayan değişkenlerdir. Ancak şu anki romantik ilişkinin süresinin, statüsünün ve sosyal görünüş kaygısının beliren yetişkinlerin romantik ilişki doyumunu anlamlı bir şekilde yordamadığı bulunmuştur. Bu çalışma kapsamında test edilen model, beliren yetişkinlerin romantik ilişki doyumunu açıklayan varyansın %37’sini açıklamaktadır.


  • Arnett, J. J. (2000). Emerging adulthood: A theory of development from the late teens through the twenties. American Psychologist, 55, 469-480.
  • Baker, L. R., & McNulty, J. K. (2011). Self-compassion and relationship maintenance: The moderating roles of conscientiousness and gender. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 100(5), 853-873.
  • Barry, C. M. N., Madsen, S. D., Nelson, L. J., Carroll, J. S., & Badger, S. (2009). Friendship and romantic relationship qualities in emerging adulthood: Differential associations with identity development and achieved adulthood criteria. Journal of Adult Development, 16(4), 209-222.
  • Barry, C. T., Loflin, D. C., & Doucette, H. (2015). Adolescent self- compassion: Associations with narcissism, self-esteem, aggression, and internalizing symptoms in at risk males. Personality and Individual Differences, 77, 118-123.
  • Berscheid, E., Snyder, M., & Omoto, A. M. (1989). Issues in studying relationships: Conceptualizing and measuring closeness. In C. Hendrick (Ed.), Close relationships: Review of personality and social psychology (pp. 63-91). Sage.
  • Biber, D. D., & Ellis, R. (2019). The effect of self-compassion on the self-regulation of health behaviors: A systematic review. Journal of Health Psychology, 24(14), 2060-2071.
  • Bluth, K., & Blanton, P. W. (2014). Mindfulness and self-compassion: Exploring pathways to adolescent emotional well-being. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 23(7), 1298-1309. 1007/ s10826-013-9846-7
  • Bluth, K., Campo, R. A., Futch, W. S., & Gaylord, S. A. (2017). Age and gender differences in the associations of self-compassion and emotional well-being in a large adolescent sample. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 46(4), 840-853.
  • Bucher, A., Neubauer, A. B., Voss, A., & Oetzbach, C. (2019). Together is better: Higher committed relationships increase life satisfaction and reduce loneliness. Journal of Happiness Studies, 20(8), 2445-2469.
  • Carver, K., Joyner, K., & Udry, J. R. (2003). National estimates of adolescent romantic relationships. In P. Florsheim (Ed.), Adolescent romantic relations and sexual behavior: Theory, research, and practical implications (pp. 23-56). Lawrence Erlbaum.
  • Castilho, P., Carvalho, S. A., Marques, S., & Pinto-Gouveia, J. (2017). Self-compassion and emotional intelligence in adolescence: A multigroup mediational study of the impact of shame memories on depressive symptoms. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 26(3), 759-768.
  • Claes, L., Hart, T. A., Smits, D., Van Den Eynde, F., Mueller, A., & Mitchell, J. E. (2012). Validation of the social appearance anxiety scale in female eating disorder patients. European Eating Disorder Review, 20, 406–409.
  • Clark, M. S., & Beck, L. A. (2011). Initiating and evaluating close relationships: A task central to emerging adults. In F. D. Fincham & M. Cui (Eds.), Advances in personal relationships: Romantic relationships in emerging adulthood (pp. 190-212). Cambridge University Press.
  • Cohen, J. E. (1988). Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
  • Coyne, S. M., Stockdale, L., Busby, D., Iverson, B., & Grant, D. M. (2011). I luv u :): A descriptive study of the media use of individuals in romantic relationships. Family Relations, 60, 150-162.
  • Cramer, D. (2004). Satisfaction with a romantic relationship, depression, support and conflict. Psychology and Psychotherapy, 77, 449-461.
  • Curun, F. (2001). The effects of sexism and sex role orientation on romantic relationship satisfaction. Unpublished master’s thesis, Middle East Technical University, Ankara.
  • Deniz, M., Kesici, S., & Sümer, A. S. (2008). The validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the Self-Compassion Scale. Social Behavior and Personality: An International Journal, 36(9), 1151-1160.
  • Doğan, T. (2010). Adaptation of the Social Appearance Anxiety Scale (SAAS) to Turkish: A validity and reliability study. Hacettepe University Faculty of Education, 39, 151-159.
  • Epstein, N. B., & Baucom, D. H. (2002). Why couples are the way they are: Individual influences. In N. B. Epstein & D. H. Baucom (Eds.), Enhanced cognitive-behavioral therapy for couples: A contextual approach (pp. 105–143). American Psychological Association.
  • Frazier, P., & Esterly, E. (1990). Correlates of relationship beliefs: Gender, relationship experience and relationship satisfaction. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 7, 331-352.
  • Furman, W. (2002). The emerging field of adolescent romantic relationships. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 11(5), 117-180.
  • Ganem, P. A., Heer, H. D., & Morera, O. F. (2009). Does body dissatisfaction predict mental health outcomes in a sample of predominantly Hispanic college students? Personality and Individual Differences, 46(4), 557-561.
  • Gattario, K. H., & Frisén, A. (2019). From negative to positive body image: Men’s and women’s journeys from early adolescence to emerging adulthood. Body Image, 28, 53-65.
  • Goswami, S., Sachdeva, S., & Sachdeva, R. (2012). Body image satisfaction among female college students. Industrial Psychiatry Journal, 21(2), 168-172.
  • Green, S. B. (1991). How many subjects does it take to do a regression analysis? Multivariate Behavioral Research, 26, 499‐510.
  • Grossbard, J. R., Lee, C. M., Neighbors, C., & Larimer, M. E. (2009). Body image concerns and contingent self-esteem in male and female college students. Sex Roles, 60, 198-207.
  • Gouveia, M. J., Canavarro, M. C., & Moreira, H. (2019). Associations between mindfulness, self-compassion, difficulties in emotion regulation, and emotional eating among adolescents with overweight/obesity. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 28(1), 273-285.
  • Hart, T. A., Flora, D. B., Palyo, S. A., Fresco, D. M., Holle, C., & Heimberg, R. G. (2008). Development and examination of the social appearance anxiety scale. Assessment, 15(1), 48-59.
  • Hendrick, S. S. (1988). A generic measure of relationship satisfaction. Journal of Marriage and Family, 50, 93-98.
  • Kağıtçıbaşı, Ç. (2010). Benlik, aileve insane gelişimi: Kültürel psikoloji[Family, Self and Human Development Across Cultures].Koç Üniversitesi Yayınları [Koç University Press]
  • Kang, J. Y. M., Johnson, K. K. P., & Kim, J. (2013). Clothing functions and use of clothing to alter mood. International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education, 6(1), 43-52.
  • Kırıt Gülaydın, G., & Semerci, B. (2018). Examine the relationship satisfactions of adults who are experiencing a romantic relationship in terms of attachment styles, self-esteem and interpersonal relationship types. Psikoloji Araştırmaları, 3(6), 14-25.
  • Küçükarslan, M., & Gizir, C. A. (2014). An investigation of university students’ romantic relationship beliefs related to some variables. Turkish Psychological Counseling and Guidance Journal, 5(42), 148-159.
  • Jacobson, E. H. K., Wilson, K. G., Kurz, A. S., & Kellum, K. K. (2018). Examining self-compassion in romantic relationships. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 8, 69-73.
  • Levinson, C. A., & Rodebaugh, T. L. (2012). Social anxiety and eating disorder comorbidity: The role of negative social evaluation fears. Eating Behaviors, 13(1), 27-35.
  • Levinson, C. A., Rodebaugh, T. L., White, E. K., Menatti, A. R., Weeks, J. W., Lacovino, J. M., & Warren, C. S. (2013). Social appearance anxiety, perfectionism, and fear of negative evaluation. Distinct or shared risk factors for social anxiety and eating disorders? Appetite, 67, 125-133.
  • Lynch, T. R., Robins, C. J., & Morse, J. Q. (2001). Couple functioning in depression: The roles of sociotropy and autonomy. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 57(1), 93-103.<93::AID-JCLP10>3.0.CO;2-6
  • Makadi, E., & Koszycki, D. (2020). Exploring Connections Between Self-Compassion, Mindfulness, and Social Anxiety. Mindfulness, 11(2), 480-492.
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  • Mattson, R. E., Rogge, R. D., Johnson, M. D., Davidson, E. K. B., & Fincham, F. D. (2013). The positive and negative semantic dimensions of relationship satisfaction. Personal Relationships, 20, 328-355.
  • Mavruk Özbiçer, S., & Atıcı, M. (2018). University students’ emotional intelligence and romantic relationship satisfaction: A quantitative study. Journal of Human Sciences, 15(1), 265-279.
  • Metts, S., & Cupach, W.R. (1990). The influence of relationship beliefs and problem solving responses on satisfaction in romantic relationships. Human Communication Research, 17(1), 170-185.
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  • Neff, K., &Beretvas, S. (2013). The role of self-compassion in romantic relationships. Self and Identity, 12(1), 78-98.
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  • Neff, K. D., Pisitsungkagarn, K., & Hseih, Y. (2008). Self-compassion and self-construal in the United States, Thailand, and Taiwan. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 39(3), 267-285.
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Romantic relationship satisfaction in emerging adulthood

Year 2021, , 319 - 332, 31.10.2021


The aim of the study was to explore the extent to which the length, status and importance of current romantic relationship, the number of previous romantic relationship, as well as individual factors, such as levels of self-compassion, and anxiety about social appearance, are predictors of the romantic relationship satisfaction of young adults. The study included 284 university students but 34 of them were removed for several reasons and analysis was carried out with 250 participants (59.6% female, 40.4% male). Relationship Assessment Scale, Self-Compassion Scale, Social Appearance Anxiety Scale, and demographic information form were used to collect data. Hierarchical regression analysis results showed that the importance of the current romantic relationship, the number of previous romantic relationships, and levels of self-compassion were positive predictors but the length and the status of the relationship, along with the level of anxiety regarding social appearance were not significant predictors of romantic relationship satisfaction. The model explained 37% of the variance in the romantic relationship satisfaction of young adults.


  • Arnett, J. J. (2000). Emerging adulthood: A theory of development from the late teens through the twenties. American Psychologist, 55, 469-480.
  • Baker, L. R., & McNulty, J. K. (2011). Self-compassion and relationship maintenance: The moderating roles of conscientiousness and gender. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 100(5), 853-873.
  • Barry, C. M. N., Madsen, S. D., Nelson, L. J., Carroll, J. S., & Badger, S. (2009). Friendship and romantic relationship qualities in emerging adulthood: Differential associations with identity development and achieved adulthood criteria. Journal of Adult Development, 16(4), 209-222.
  • Barry, C. T., Loflin, D. C., & Doucette, H. (2015). Adolescent self- compassion: Associations with narcissism, self-esteem, aggression, and internalizing symptoms in at risk males. Personality and Individual Differences, 77, 118-123.
  • Berscheid, E., Snyder, M., & Omoto, A. M. (1989). Issues in studying relationships: Conceptualizing and measuring closeness. In C. Hendrick (Ed.), Close relationships: Review of personality and social psychology (pp. 63-91). Sage.
  • Biber, D. D., & Ellis, R. (2019). The effect of self-compassion on the self-regulation of health behaviors: A systematic review. Journal of Health Psychology, 24(14), 2060-2071.
  • Bluth, K., & Blanton, P. W. (2014). Mindfulness and self-compassion: Exploring pathways to adolescent emotional well-being. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 23(7), 1298-1309. 1007/ s10826-013-9846-7
  • Bluth, K., Campo, R. A., Futch, W. S., & Gaylord, S. A. (2017). Age and gender differences in the associations of self-compassion and emotional well-being in a large adolescent sample. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 46(4), 840-853.
  • Bucher, A., Neubauer, A. B., Voss, A., & Oetzbach, C. (2019). Together is better: Higher committed relationships increase life satisfaction and reduce loneliness. Journal of Happiness Studies, 20(8), 2445-2469.
  • Carver, K., Joyner, K., & Udry, J. R. (2003). National estimates of adolescent romantic relationships. In P. Florsheim (Ed.), Adolescent romantic relations and sexual behavior: Theory, research, and practical implications (pp. 23-56). Lawrence Erlbaum.
  • Castilho, P., Carvalho, S. A., Marques, S., & Pinto-Gouveia, J. (2017). Self-compassion and emotional intelligence in adolescence: A multigroup mediational study of the impact of shame memories on depressive symptoms. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 26(3), 759-768.
  • Claes, L., Hart, T. A., Smits, D., Van Den Eynde, F., Mueller, A., & Mitchell, J. E. (2012). Validation of the social appearance anxiety scale in female eating disorder patients. European Eating Disorder Review, 20, 406–409.
  • Clark, M. S., & Beck, L. A. (2011). Initiating and evaluating close relationships: A task central to emerging adults. In F. D. Fincham & M. Cui (Eds.), Advances in personal relationships: Romantic relationships in emerging adulthood (pp. 190-212). Cambridge University Press.
  • Cohen, J. E. (1988). Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
  • Coyne, S. M., Stockdale, L., Busby, D., Iverson, B., & Grant, D. M. (2011). I luv u :): A descriptive study of the media use of individuals in romantic relationships. Family Relations, 60, 150-162.
  • Cramer, D. (2004). Satisfaction with a romantic relationship, depression, support and conflict. Psychology and Psychotherapy, 77, 449-461.
  • Curun, F. (2001). The effects of sexism and sex role orientation on romantic relationship satisfaction. Unpublished master’s thesis, Middle East Technical University, Ankara.
  • Deniz, M., Kesici, S., & Sümer, A. S. (2008). The validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the Self-Compassion Scale. Social Behavior and Personality: An International Journal, 36(9), 1151-1160.
  • Doğan, T. (2010). Adaptation of the Social Appearance Anxiety Scale (SAAS) to Turkish: A validity and reliability study. Hacettepe University Faculty of Education, 39, 151-159.
  • Epstein, N. B., & Baucom, D. H. (2002). Why couples are the way they are: Individual influences. In N. B. Epstein & D. H. Baucom (Eds.), Enhanced cognitive-behavioral therapy for couples: A contextual approach (pp. 105–143). American Psychological Association.
  • Frazier, P., & Esterly, E. (1990). Correlates of relationship beliefs: Gender, relationship experience and relationship satisfaction. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 7, 331-352.
  • Furman, W. (2002). The emerging field of adolescent romantic relationships. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 11(5), 117-180.
  • Ganem, P. A., Heer, H. D., & Morera, O. F. (2009). Does body dissatisfaction predict mental health outcomes in a sample of predominantly Hispanic college students? Personality and Individual Differences, 46(4), 557-561.
  • Gattario, K. H., & Frisén, A. (2019). From negative to positive body image: Men’s and women’s journeys from early adolescence to emerging adulthood. Body Image, 28, 53-65.
  • Goswami, S., Sachdeva, S., & Sachdeva, R. (2012). Body image satisfaction among female college students. Industrial Psychiatry Journal, 21(2), 168-172.
  • Green, S. B. (1991). How many subjects does it take to do a regression analysis? Multivariate Behavioral Research, 26, 499‐510.
  • Grossbard, J. R., Lee, C. M., Neighbors, C., & Larimer, M. E. (2009). Body image concerns and contingent self-esteem in male and female college students. Sex Roles, 60, 198-207.
  • Gouveia, M. J., Canavarro, M. C., & Moreira, H. (2019). Associations between mindfulness, self-compassion, difficulties in emotion regulation, and emotional eating among adolescents with overweight/obesity. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 28(1), 273-285.
  • Hart, T. A., Flora, D. B., Palyo, S. A., Fresco, D. M., Holle, C., & Heimberg, R. G. (2008). Development and examination of the social appearance anxiety scale. Assessment, 15(1), 48-59.
  • Hendrick, S. S. (1988). A generic measure of relationship satisfaction. Journal of Marriage and Family, 50, 93-98.
  • Kağıtçıbaşı, Ç. (2010). Benlik, aileve insane gelişimi: Kültürel psikoloji[Family, Self and Human Development Across Cultures].Koç Üniversitesi Yayınları [Koç University Press]
  • Kang, J. Y. M., Johnson, K. K. P., & Kim, J. (2013). Clothing functions and use of clothing to alter mood. International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education, 6(1), 43-52.
  • Kırıt Gülaydın, G., & Semerci, B. (2018). Examine the relationship satisfactions of adults who are experiencing a romantic relationship in terms of attachment styles, self-esteem and interpersonal relationship types. Psikoloji Araştırmaları, 3(6), 14-25.
  • Küçükarslan, M., & Gizir, C. A. (2014). An investigation of university students’ romantic relationship beliefs related to some variables. Turkish Psychological Counseling and Guidance Journal, 5(42), 148-159.
  • Jacobson, E. H. K., Wilson, K. G., Kurz, A. S., & Kellum, K. K. (2018). Examining self-compassion in romantic relationships. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 8, 69-73.
  • Levinson, C. A., & Rodebaugh, T. L. (2012). Social anxiety and eating disorder comorbidity: The role of negative social evaluation fears. Eating Behaviors, 13(1), 27-35.
  • Levinson, C. A., Rodebaugh, T. L., White, E. K., Menatti, A. R., Weeks, J. W., Lacovino, J. M., & Warren, C. S. (2013). Social appearance anxiety, perfectionism, and fear of negative evaluation. Distinct or shared risk factors for social anxiety and eating disorders? Appetite, 67, 125-133.
  • Lynch, T. R., Robins, C. J., & Morse, J. Q. (2001). Couple functioning in depression: The roles of sociotropy and autonomy. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 57(1), 93-103.<93::AID-JCLP10>3.0.CO;2-6
  • Makadi, E., & Koszycki, D. (2020). Exploring Connections Between Self-Compassion, Mindfulness, and Social Anxiety. Mindfulness, 11(2), 480-492.
  • Malouff, J. M., Schutte, N. S., & Thorsteinsson, E. B. (2014). Trait emotional intelligence and romantic relationship satisfaction: A meta-analysis. The American Journal of Family Therapy, 42(1), 53-66.
  • Mattson, R. E., Rogge, R. D., Johnson, M. D., Davidson, E. K. B., & Fincham, F. D. (2013). The positive and negative semantic dimensions of relationship satisfaction. Personal Relationships, 20, 328-355.
  • Mavruk Özbiçer, S., & Atıcı, M. (2018). University students’ emotional intelligence and romantic relationship satisfaction: A quantitative study. Journal of Human Sciences, 15(1), 265-279.
  • Metts, S., & Cupach, W.R. (1990). The influence of relationship beliefs and problem solving responses on satisfaction in romantic relationships. Human Communication Research, 17(1), 170-185.
  • Neff, K. D. (2003a). Development and validation of a scale to measure self-compassion. Self and Identity, 2, 223-250.
  • Neff, K. D. (2003b). Self-compassion: An alternative conceptualization of a healthy attitude toward oneself. Self and Identity, 2, 85-102.
  • Neff, K., &Beretvas, S. (2013). The role of self-compassion in romantic relationships. Self and Identity, 12(1), 78-98.
  • Neff, K., & Davidson, O. (2016). Self-compassion: Embracing suffering with kindness. In I. Ivtzan, & T. Lomas (Eds.). Mindfulness in positive psychology: The science of meditation and wellbeing. Routledge.
  • Neff, K. D., & McGehee, P. (2010). Self-compassion and psychological resilience among adolescents and young adults. Self and Identity, 9(3), 225-240.
  • Neff, K. D., Pisitsungkagarn, K., & Hseih, Y. (2008). Self-compassion and self-construal in the United States, Thailand, and Taiwan. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 39(3), 267-285.
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There are 77 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Studies on Education
Journal Section Research Articles

Funda Barutçu Yıldırım 0000-0003-3630-1019

Gökçen Aydın 0000-0003-0781-7817

Gökçe Sancak Aydın 0000-0003-1305-1221

Publication Date October 31, 2021
Acceptance Date September 8, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Barutçu Yıldırım, F., Aydın, G., & Sancak Aydın, G. (2021). Romantic relationship satisfaction in emerging adulthood. Turkish Journal of Education, 10(4), 319-332.

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