Research Article
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Cattle Presence Development Trend and Projections in D-8 Countries

Year 2021, Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 34 - 46, 30.06.2021


The agriculture sector is one of the indispensable sectors with its place in its ancient history and its importance in the continuation of human life. Agriculture conceptually includes both vegetable and animal production. Today, the integration of these two production areas with each other and the relations of the agricultural sector with other sectors constitute the most important part of a sustainable life. It is stated that the less developed and developing countries in terms of both population and area in the world will reach a better point in the productivity and efficiency of agricultural production when they work together, not alone. For this reason, it is seen that countries around the world now act as groups / blocks. The aim of this study is to reveal the change in cattle breeding activities in D-8 countries, which is an economic cooperation organization, with time series data analysis. In the study, cattle numbers of D-8 countries were used between 1961-2018. As a result, it is predicted that there will be an increase in the number of animals in 6 countries (Turkey and Bangladesh will decrease). However, it can be stated that the number of animals per capita is in a decreasing trend in all countries. This situation may cause animal protein deficits to come to the fore in countries. For this reason, it is important to evaluate the issue at the point of sustainability with the relevant policy instruments and to take the necessary steps within the framework of food security.


  • Box GEP, Jenkins GM (1976). Time series analysis: forecasting and control, revised ed. Holden-Day.
  • Capper JL (2011). The environmental impact of beef production in the United States: 1977 compared with 2007. J Anim Sci, 89:4249-4261.
  • Çelik Ş (2013). Sert Kabuklu Meyvelerin Üretim Miktarının Box-Jenkins Tekniği İle Modellenmesi YYÜ TAR BİL DERG (YYU J AGR SCI) 2013, 23(1): 18–30).
  • D-8 OEC (D-8 Organisation for Economic Cooperation) (2020a). Brief History of D-8. Available at:
  • D-8 OEC (D-8 Organisation for Economic Cooperation) (2020b). Areas of Cooperation. Available at:
  • D-8 OEC (D-8 Organisation for Economic Cooperation) (2020c). Agriculture & Food Security:Animal Feed. Available at:
  • Box GEP and Jenkins GM (1976). Time series analysis: forecasting and control, Revised ed. Holden-Day.
  • Capper JL (2011). The environmental impact of beef production in the United States: 1977 compared with 2007. Journal of Animal Science, 89: 4249-4261.
  • Çelik Ş (2013). Sert kabuklu meyvelerin üretim miktarının Box-Jenkins tekniği ile modellenmesi,Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 23(1): 18-30).
  • D-8 OEC (D-8 Organisation for Economic Cooperation) (2020a). Brief history of D-8. Available at:
  • D-8 OEC (D-8 Organisation for Economic Cooperation) (2020b). Areas of cooperation. Available at: (25/08/2020).
  • D-8 OEC (D-8 Organisation for Economic Cooperation) (2020c). Agriculture & Food Security: Animal Feed. Available at: (25/08/2020)
  • Doğan HG and Saçlı Y (2019). Contribution of livestock to CO2 emission in D-8 (Developing-8) countries: An Empirical analyze of panel data. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 17(6): 12909-12919.
  • FAOSTAT (2020). Live animals data-2018. (25/08/2020).
  • Herrero M, Thornton PK, Notenbaert AM, Wood S, Msangi S, Freeman HA, Bossio D, Dixon J, Peters M, van de Steeg J, Lynam J, Parthasarathy Rao P, Macmillan S, Gerard B, McDermott J, Sere C and Rosegrant M (2010). Smart investments in sustainable food production: revisiting mixed crop-livestock systems. Science, 327: 822-825.
  • Karl-Heinz Röder (1985). Global Problems: A challenge to cooperation between states of different social systems. International Political Science Review, 6(1):35-43. (25/08/2020)
  • Metera E, Sakowski T, Sloniewski K and Romanowicz B (2010). Grazing as a tool to maintain biodiversity of grassland - a review. Animal Science Papers and Reports, 28: 315-334.
  • Otte J, Costales A, Dijkman J, Pica-Ciamarra U, Robinson T, Ahuja V and Ly C,Roland-Holst D (2012). Livestock sector development for poverty reduction: an economic and policy perspective - livestock's many virtues. Rome:Pro-Poor Livestock Policy Initiative, A Living from Livestock, FAO, UN, Available from: (20/08/2020)
  • Peker K, Kan M and Nadeem M. (2019). Corporate governance of climate change adaptation. Journal of Global Innovations in Agricultural and Social Sciences, 7(1): 1-5.
  • Randolph TF, Schelling E, Grace D, Nicholson CF, Leroy JL, Cole DC, Demment MW, Omore A, Zinsstag J and Ruel M (2007). Invited review: role of livestock in human nutrition and health for poverty reduction in developing countries. Journal of Animal Science, 85: 2788-2800.
  • Reynolds LP, Wulster-Radcliffe MC, Aaron DK and Davis TA (2015). Importance of animals in agricultural sustainability and food security, The Journal of Nutrition, 145(7): 1377-1379,
  • The Global Economy (2020). GDP share of agriculture-Country rankings. (20/08/2020)
  • UN (2015). Sustainable Development Goals. (20/08/2020).
  • UN (2018). Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)/Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Emerging challenges and shifting paradigms: new perspectives on international cooperation for development (LC/PUB.2018/16), Santiago, 2018.
  • Wei W (2006). Time series analysis, Addison Wesley Publishing Company, New York, 44,156.
  • WHO (2003). Diet, nutrition and the prevention of chronic diseases. WHO Technical Report Series, No. 916 (TRS 916). Available at: (20/08/2020).

D-8 Ülkelerinde Sığır Varlığı Gelişim Trendi ve Projeksiyonlar

Year 2021, Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 34 - 46, 30.06.2021


Tarım sektörü gerek kadim tarihindeki yeri gerekse insanoğlunun hayatının devamındaki önemi ile vazgeçilmesi mümkün olmayan sektörlerin başında gelmektedir. Tarım kavramsal olarak hem bitkisel hem de hayvansal üretimleri içermektedir. Günümüzde bu iki üretim alanının birbirleri ile olan entegrasyonu ve tarım sektörünün diğer sektörlerle olan ilişkileri sürdürülebilir bir hayatın en önemli parçasını oluşturmaktadır. Dünyada gerek nüfus gerekse alan bakımından az gelişmiş ve gelişmekte olan ülkelerin tarımsal üretimdeki verimlilik ve etkinliğinde ülkelerin tek başına değil ancak birlikte çalıştıklarında daha iyi noktaya gelecekleri ifade edilmektedir. Bu nedenledir ki Dünya üzerindeki ülkelerin artık gruplar/bloklar şeklinde hareket ettikleri görülmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı bir ekonomik iş birliği örgütü olan D-8 ülkelerinde büyükbaş hayvancılık faaliyetlerindeki değişimi zaman serisi veri analizi ile ortaya konulmasıdır. Çalışmada 1961-2018 yılları arasında D-8 ülkelerinin büyükbaş hayvan sayıları kullanılmıştır. Sonuç olarak Bangladeş ve Türkiye hariç diğer 6 ülkenin hayvan sayısında artış olacağı öngörülmektedir. Ancak, kişi başına düşen hayvan sayısının tüm ülkelerde azalış trendinde olduğu ifade edilebilir. Bu durum ülkelerin hayvansal protein açığının gündeme gelmesine neden olabilir. Bu nedenle ilgili politika enstrümanları ile konunun sürdürülebilirlik noktasında değerlendirilmesi ve gıda güvencesi çerçevesinde gerekli adımların atılması önemlidir.


  • Box GEP, Jenkins GM (1976). Time series analysis: forecasting and control, revised ed. Holden-Day.
  • Capper JL (2011). The environmental impact of beef production in the United States: 1977 compared with 2007. J Anim Sci, 89:4249-4261.
  • Çelik Ş (2013). Sert Kabuklu Meyvelerin Üretim Miktarının Box-Jenkins Tekniği İle Modellenmesi YYÜ TAR BİL DERG (YYU J AGR SCI) 2013, 23(1): 18–30).
  • D-8 OEC (D-8 Organisation for Economic Cooperation) (2020a). Brief History of D-8. Available at:
  • D-8 OEC (D-8 Organisation for Economic Cooperation) (2020b). Areas of Cooperation. Available at:
  • D-8 OEC (D-8 Organisation for Economic Cooperation) (2020c). Agriculture & Food Security:Animal Feed. Available at:
  • Box GEP and Jenkins GM (1976). Time series analysis: forecasting and control, Revised ed. Holden-Day.
  • Capper JL (2011). The environmental impact of beef production in the United States: 1977 compared with 2007. Journal of Animal Science, 89: 4249-4261.
  • Çelik Ş (2013). Sert kabuklu meyvelerin üretim miktarının Box-Jenkins tekniği ile modellenmesi,Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 23(1): 18-30).
  • D-8 OEC (D-8 Organisation for Economic Cooperation) (2020a). Brief history of D-8. Available at:
  • D-8 OEC (D-8 Organisation for Economic Cooperation) (2020b). Areas of cooperation. Available at: (25/08/2020).
  • D-8 OEC (D-8 Organisation for Economic Cooperation) (2020c). Agriculture & Food Security: Animal Feed. Available at: (25/08/2020)
  • Doğan HG and Saçlı Y (2019). Contribution of livestock to CO2 emission in D-8 (Developing-8) countries: An Empirical analyze of panel data. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 17(6): 12909-12919.
  • FAOSTAT (2020). Live animals data-2018. (25/08/2020).
  • Herrero M, Thornton PK, Notenbaert AM, Wood S, Msangi S, Freeman HA, Bossio D, Dixon J, Peters M, van de Steeg J, Lynam J, Parthasarathy Rao P, Macmillan S, Gerard B, McDermott J, Sere C and Rosegrant M (2010). Smart investments in sustainable food production: revisiting mixed crop-livestock systems. Science, 327: 822-825.
  • Karl-Heinz Röder (1985). Global Problems: A challenge to cooperation between states of different social systems. International Political Science Review, 6(1):35-43. (25/08/2020)
  • Metera E, Sakowski T, Sloniewski K and Romanowicz B (2010). Grazing as a tool to maintain biodiversity of grassland - a review. Animal Science Papers and Reports, 28: 315-334.
  • Otte J, Costales A, Dijkman J, Pica-Ciamarra U, Robinson T, Ahuja V and Ly C,Roland-Holst D (2012). Livestock sector development for poverty reduction: an economic and policy perspective - livestock's many virtues. Rome:Pro-Poor Livestock Policy Initiative, A Living from Livestock, FAO, UN, Available from: (20/08/2020)
  • Peker K, Kan M and Nadeem M. (2019). Corporate governance of climate change adaptation. Journal of Global Innovations in Agricultural and Social Sciences, 7(1): 1-5.
  • Randolph TF, Schelling E, Grace D, Nicholson CF, Leroy JL, Cole DC, Demment MW, Omore A, Zinsstag J and Ruel M (2007). Invited review: role of livestock in human nutrition and health for poverty reduction in developing countries. Journal of Animal Science, 85: 2788-2800.
  • Reynolds LP, Wulster-Radcliffe MC, Aaron DK and Davis TA (2015). Importance of animals in agricultural sustainability and food security, The Journal of Nutrition, 145(7): 1377-1379,
  • The Global Economy (2020). GDP share of agriculture-Country rankings. (20/08/2020)
  • UN (2015). Sustainable Development Goals. (20/08/2020).
  • UN (2018). Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)/Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Emerging challenges and shifting paradigms: new perspectives on international cooperation for development (LC/PUB.2018/16), Santiago, 2018.
  • Wei W (2006). Time series analysis, Addison Wesley Publishing Company, New York, 44,156.
  • WHO (2003). Diet, nutrition and the prevention of chronic diseases. WHO Technical Report Series, No. 916 (TRS 916). Available at: (20/08/2020).
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Agricultural Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

Hasan Gökhan Doğan 0000-0002-5303-1770

Mustafa Kan 0000-0001-9198-5906

Publication Date June 30, 2021
Submission Date September 1, 2020
Acceptance Date December 25, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 2 Issue: 1


APA Doğan, H. G., & Kan, M. (2021). D-8 Ülkelerinde Sığır Varlığı Gelişim Trendi ve Projeksiyonlar. Turkish Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research, 2(1), 34-46.


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