Research Article
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Effect of Moisture Content on the Mechanical Properties of Watermelon Seed Varieties

Year 2021, Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 308 - 320, 31.12.2021


The effect of moisture content on the mechanical properties of agricultural material is essential during design and adjustment of machines used during harvest, cleaning, separation, handling and storage. This study determined some mechanical properties of Black and Brown colored of watermelon seed grown in Nigeria under different moisture contents range of 6.5 to 27.8% (d.b). The results for the mechanical properties obtained ranged from 15.68-29.54 N for compressive force; 1.95-3.40 mm for compressive extension; 0.13-0.33 N mm-2 for compressive strength; and 0.17-1.93 kJ for deformation energy at vertical loading position while at horizontal loading position, results obtained ranged from 14.71-38.36 N for compressive force; 1.94-4.20 mm for compressive extension; 0.16-0.32 N mm-2 for compressive strength; and 1.47-76.39 kJ for deformation energy for Black colored watermelon seed. The compressive force, compressive extension, compressive strength, deformation energy ranged from 14.18-36.49 N, 1.85-5.20 mm, 0.19 0.76 N mm-2, 26.23-189.75 kJ at vertical loading position and 16.47-41.82 N, 1.68-11.08 mm, 0.34- 0.57 N mm-2, 27.67-319.99 kJ at horizontal loading position for Brown colored watermelon seed. The correlation between the mechanical properties and moisture content was statistically significant at (p≤0.05) level. It is also economical to load Black colored in vertical loading position at 27.8% moisture content and Brown colored in vertical loading position at 27.8% moisture content to reduce energy demand when necessary to crack or compress the seed. This research has generated data that are efficiently enough to design and fabricate processing and storage structures for Black and Brown water melon seeds.


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  • Altuntas E and Yildiz M (2005). Effect of moisture content on some physical and mechanical properties of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) grains. Journal of Food Engineering 78: 174-183.
  • Amoah R, Abano EE and Anyidoho EK (2016). Effect of moisture and loading orientation on some physical and mechanical properties of ‘Tafo Hybrid’ and ‘Amelonado’ cocoa beans. Journal of Food Process Engineering, 40(1): 1-9.
  • Aviara NA, Onuh OA and Ehiabhi SE (2012). Influence of moisture content and loading orientation on some mechanical properties of Mucuna flagellipes nut. Research in Agricultural Engineering, 58: 66-72.
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  • Ide PE, Eze PC and Offor BC (2019) Effect of moisture content on the physico-mechanical properties of Mucuna sloanei. International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Research (IJSER), 7(2): 91-96.
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  • Manuwa SI and Muhammad HA (2011). Effects of moisture content and compression axis on mechanical properties of shea kernel. Journal of Food Engineering, 105: 144-148.
  • Mohsenin NN (1986). Physical properties of plant and animal material structure, physical characteristics and mechanical properties of 2 AUlf891, Seiten, Zahlr. ABB. Und Tab. Gordon and Breach Science Publisher, New York Press: 140.
  • Mustafa, RA, Abdul Hamid, Azizah and Mohamed, Suhaila (2010) Total phenolic compounds, flavonoids, and radical scavenging activity of 21 selected tropical plants. Journal of Food Science, 75(1): 28-35.
  • Paksoy M, Aydin C, Türkmen Ö and Seymen M (2010). Modeling of some physical properties of watermelon (Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Mansf.) seeds depending on moisture contents and mineral compositions. Pakistan Journal of Botonic, 42(4):2775-2783.
  • Obi OF, Offorha LC and Yıldız F (2015). Moisture-dependent physical properties of melon (Citrullus colocynthis L.) seed and kernel relevant in bulk handling. Cogent Food & Agriculture, 1(1): 1020743.
  • Okey Francis Obi and Lucky Chikadibia Offorha (2015). Moisture-dependent physical properties of melon (Citrullus colocynthis L.) seed and kernel relevantin bulk handling, Cogent Food & Agriculture, 1(1): 1-14.
  • Oni KC and Olaoye JO (2001). Some physical and mechanical properties of selected grain crops. Department of Agricultural Engineering, University of Ilorin. Proceedings of Nigerian Institution of Agricultural Engineers, 23: 315-318.
  • Sadeghi M, Hemmat A and Ashtiani H (2005). Physico-mechanical properties of rough rice (Oryza sativa L.) grain as affected by variety and moisture content. Agricultural Engineering International. CIGR E-journal. 12(3): 129-136.
  • Sarpong RA and Ekow E (2016). Effect of moisture and loading orientation on some physical and mechanical properties of ‘TafoHybrid’ and “Amelonado” Cocoa Beans. Journal of Food Process Engineering, 40(1):1-9.
  • Seyed M. A. Razavi and Elnaz Milani (2006) Some physical properties of the watermelon seeds Seyed. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 1(3): 65-69.
  • Razavi SMA and Milani E (2006). Some physical properties of the watermelon seeds. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 1(3): 65-69.
  • Singh KK and Goswami TK (1998). Mechanical properties of cumin seed (Cuminum cyminum linn.) under compressive loading. Journal of Food Engineering, 36: 311-321.
  • Vursavus K and Ozguven F (2004). Mechanical behaviour of apricot pit under compression loading. Journal of Food Engineering, 65: 255–261.
  • Zareiforoush H, Mohtasebi SS, Tavakoli H and Alizadeh MR (2010). Effect of loading rate on mechanical properties of rice straw. Australian Journal of Crop Science, 4(3): 190-194.
Year 2021, Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 308 - 320, 31.12.2021



  • Agu O and Oluka I (2013). Selected physical and mechanical properties of Nerica paddy. Journal of Experimental Research, 1: 49-62.
  • Altuntas E and Yildiz M (2005). Effect of moisture content on some physical and mechanical properties of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) grains. Journal of Food Engineering 78: 174-183.
  • Amoah R, Abano EE and Anyidoho EK (2016). Effect of moisture and loading orientation on some physical and mechanical properties of ‘Tafo Hybrid’ and ‘Amelonado’ cocoa beans. Journal of Food Process Engineering, 40(1): 1-9.
  • Aviara NA, Onuh OA and Ehiabhi SE (2012). Influence of moisture content and loading orientation on some mechanical properties of Mucuna flagellipes nut. Research in Agricultural Engineering, 58: 66-72.
  • Aviara NA, Power PP and Abbas T (2013). Moisture-dependent on physical properties of Moringa oleifera seed relevant in bulk handling and mechanical processing. Industrial Crop and Production, 42: 96-104.
  • Aydın C and Özcan M (2002). Some physico-mechanical properties of terebinth (Pistacia terebinthus L.) fruits. Journal of Food Engineering, 53: 97-101.
  • Bart-Plange A, Mohammed-Kamil AP, Addo A and Teye E (2012). Some physical and mechanical properties of cashew nut and kernel growth. International of Journal of Science and Nature (I.J.S.N), 3(2): 406-415.
  • Baumler E, Cuniberti A, Nolasco SM and Riccobene IC (2006). Moisture dependent physical and compression properties of safflower seed. Journal of Food Engineering. 72: 134-140.
  • Eze PC and Eze CN (2017). Determination of some physical and mechanical properties of horse eye-bean (Mucuna sloanei) from South East Nigeria. Journal of Experimental Research, 5(1): 33-41.
  • Gladvin G, Sudhaakr G, Swathi V and Santhisri KV (2017) Mineral and Vitamin Gordon and Breach. Green healthy farmer 2019. Kenaf seeds. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 52(6): 3254-3263.
  • Guner M, Dursun E and Dursun IG (2003). Mechanical behaviour of hazelnut under compression loading. Biosystem Engineering, 85(4): 485-491.
  • Ide PE, Eze PC and Offor BC (2019) Effect of moisture content on the physico-mechanical properties of Mucuna sloanei. International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Research (IJSER), 7(2): 91-96.
  • Kibar H, Esen B and Ozturk T (2010). The effect of moisture content on physical and mechanical properties of rice. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 8(3): 741-748.
  • Koya OA, Idowu A and Faborode MO (2002). Some properties of palm kernel and shell relevant in nut cracking and product seperation. Journal of Agricultural Engineering, 12: 33-43.
  • Maduako JN, Istifanus AB and Maunde FA (2001). Determination of some mechanical properties of bambara nuts (Vigna subterranea Verds) relevant to shelling. Department of Agricultural Engineering, Federal University of Technology, Yola. pp 1-10.
  • Manuwa SI and Muhammad HA (2011). Effects of moisture content and compression axis on mechanical properties of shea kernel. Journal of Food Engineering, 105: 144-148.
  • Mohsenin NN (1986). Physical properties of plant and animal material structure, physical characteristics and mechanical properties of 2 AUlf891, Seiten, Zahlr. ABB. Und Tab. Gordon and Breach Science Publisher, New York Press: 140.
  • Mustafa, RA, Abdul Hamid, Azizah and Mohamed, Suhaila (2010) Total phenolic compounds, flavonoids, and radical scavenging activity of 21 selected tropical plants. Journal of Food Science, 75(1): 28-35.
  • Paksoy M, Aydin C, Türkmen Ö and Seymen M (2010). Modeling of some physical properties of watermelon (Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Mansf.) seeds depending on moisture contents and mineral compositions. Pakistan Journal of Botonic, 42(4):2775-2783.
  • Obi OF, Offorha LC and Yıldız F (2015). Moisture-dependent physical properties of melon (Citrullus colocynthis L.) seed and kernel relevant in bulk handling. Cogent Food & Agriculture, 1(1): 1020743.
  • Okey Francis Obi and Lucky Chikadibia Offorha (2015). Moisture-dependent physical properties of melon (Citrullus colocynthis L.) seed and kernel relevantin bulk handling, Cogent Food & Agriculture, 1(1): 1-14.
  • Oni KC and Olaoye JO (2001). Some physical and mechanical properties of selected grain crops. Department of Agricultural Engineering, University of Ilorin. Proceedings of Nigerian Institution of Agricultural Engineers, 23: 315-318.
  • Sadeghi M, Hemmat A and Ashtiani H (2005). Physico-mechanical properties of rough rice (Oryza sativa L.) grain as affected by variety and moisture content. Agricultural Engineering International. CIGR E-journal. 12(3): 129-136.
  • Sarpong RA and Ekow E (2016). Effect of moisture and loading orientation on some physical and mechanical properties of ‘TafoHybrid’ and “Amelonado” Cocoa Beans. Journal of Food Process Engineering, 40(1):1-9.
  • Seyed M. A. Razavi and Elnaz Milani (2006) Some physical properties of the watermelon seeds Seyed. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 1(3): 65-69.
  • Razavi SMA and Milani E (2006). Some physical properties of the watermelon seeds. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 1(3): 65-69.
  • Singh KK and Goswami TK (1998). Mechanical properties of cumin seed (Cuminum cyminum linn.) under compressive loading. Journal of Food Engineering, 36: 311-321.
  • Vursavus K and Ozguven F (2004). Mechanical behaviour of apricot pit under compression loading. Journal of Food Engineering, 65: 255–261.
  • Zareiforoush H, Mohtasebi SS, Tavakoli H and Alizadeh MR (2010). Effect of loading rate on mechanical properties of rice straw. Australian Journal of Crop Science, 4(3): 190-194.
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

Paul Chukwuka Eze 0000-0002-1210-6625

Eze Chıkaodılı 0000-0002-3786-8650

Ide Patrıck Ejıke 0000-0002-2626-371X

Publication Date December 31, 2021
Submission Date August 1, 2021
Acceptance Date September 27, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 2 Issue: 2


APA Eze, P. C., Chıkaodılı, E., & Patrıck Ejıke, I. (2021). Effect of Moisture Content on the Mechanical Properties of Watermelon Seed Varieties. Turkish Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research, 2(2), 308-320.


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