Research Article
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Optimization of Some Physical and Functional Properties of Extruded Soybean Crud Residue-Base Floating Fish Feed

Year 2022, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 31 - 50, 30.06.2022


The effect of some extrusion factors on soybean crud residue-based floating fish feed was investigated. Extrusion was conducted at 20%, 25%, and 30% moisture content level, die size of 2 mm, 4 mm and 6 mm, and screw speed of 150 rpm, 200 rpm, and 250 rpm. Pearson square method of fish feed formulation was used to attain a 35% protein content of catfish feed protein requirement. Optimized value of extrusion factors moisture content, die size, and screw speed were 30%, 6 mm, and 150 rpm respectively and the optimized result of responses, expansion rate (ER) floatation rate (FR) sinking velocity (SV) specific mechanical energy (SME) swelling capacity (SC) water absorption index (WAI) water solubility index (WSI) hydration capacity (HC) and hydration index (HI) are 32.73%, 95.87%, 0.024 m s-1, 16.97 kJ kg-1, 1.73, 1.61, 2.76, 0.51, and 0.67 respectively. Feed moisture content and die size have the most significant effect on the physical and functional properties of the extrudate. Coefficient of determination R2 ranges from 0.65 to 0.96, lack of fit not-significant, desirability in optimization of 0.806, suggesting adequacy of research. Soybean crud residue base floating fish feed has been formed and evaluated with an outcome of high efficacy. This extruded producing model can be used for both domestic and industrial scales of catfish feed production.

Supporting Institution

federal university of technology

Project Number

Optimization of Some Physical and Functional Properties of Extruded Soybean Crud Residue-base Floating Fish Feed




  • Adeleye OO, Awodiran ST, Ajayi AO and Ogunmoyela TF (2020). Influence of extrusion cooking on physicochemical properties and starch digestion kinetics of Sphenostylis stenocarpa, Cajanus cajan, and Vigna subterranean grains. Plos One, 15(12).
  • Alam MS, Kaur J, Khaira H and Gupta K (2016). Extrusion and extruded products: changes in quality attributes as affected by extrusion process parameters: A Review, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 3: 445-475.
  • Annor GA, Sakyi-Dawson E, Saalia FK, Sefa-Dedeh S, Afoakwa EO, Tano-Debrah K and Budu AS (2009). Response surface methodology for studying the quality characteristics of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) – based tempeh. Journal of Food Process Engineering, 1-20.
  • Azam M and Singh M. (2017). Effect of operating parameters on physical properties of kodo based soy fortified ready to eat extruded snacks, International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 8: 2667-2677.
  • Beuchat LR (1977) Function and electrophoretic characteristics of succinylated peanut protein. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 25: 258-261.
  • Bo L (2008). Effect of drying methods on the functional properties of bean curd dregs, Journal of Henan Institute of Science and Technology (Natural Sciences Edition), 3.
  • Brachet M, Arroyo J, Bannelier C, Cazals A and Fortun-Lamothe L (2015). Hydration capacity: A new criterion for feed formulation, Animal Feed Science and Technology, 209: 174-185.
  • BSI (1985). British Standard of Measurement, BS 25 (1985). BSI, British Standards.
  • Efren D and Damian R (2018), world’s largest science, technology and medicine open access Book Publisher, pp. 1-21.
  • Elvis DM, Joseph RF and Sam A (2015). Assessment of lindane and atrazine residues in maize produced in Ghana using Gas Chromatography-Electron Capture Detector (GC-ECD) and Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS). Journal of Environmental Protection, 6(10).
  • Emmanuel KA, Peluola A, Micheal A, Lateef OS and Goke JB (2004). Application of response surface methodology for studying the product characteristics of extruded rice/cowpea/groundnut blends. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 55: 431-439.
  • Enwemiwe VN (2018). Methodology in production of local integrated fish meal: Our affordability in Abraka, Delta State, Nigeria, International Journal of Advance Research and Publications, 2(1): 567-578.
  • FAO (2009). Food and Agriculture Organization of the United States, http://Faostat.Fao.Org/Site/339/Default.Aspx
  • Filli KB, Nkama I, Abubakar UM and Jideani VA (2010). Influence of extrusion variables on some functional properties of extruded millet-soybean for the manufacture of ‘Fura’: A Nigerian traditional food, African Journal of Food Science, 4(6): 342-352.
  • Gbenyi, D. I., Nkama, I. and Badau, M. H. (2016). Physical and functional properties of extruded sorghum-cowpea blends: A response surface analysis. Journal of Food Science and Quality Management, 50: 21.
  • Geetha HP, Mathad PF, Udaykumar N and Ramachandra CT (2016). International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 6(2): 11-22.
  • Hamada SH, Abo EAE, El-Sayed HR and Ahmed MG (2017). Effect of extrusion process on nutritional, functional properties and antioxidant activity of germinated chickpea incorporated corn extrudates. American Journal of Food Science and Nutrition Research, 4(1): 59-66.
  • Hongyuan C and Alan F (2010). Modelling extrudate expansion in a twin-screw food extrusion cooking process through dimensional analysis methodology. Food and Bioproducts processing, 8(8): 188-194.
  • Joglekar AM and May AT (1987). Product excellence through design of experiments. Cereal Foods World, 32: 857-868.
  • Kamble DB and Rani S (2020). Bio-active components, in vitro digestibility, microstructure and application of soybean residue (Okara): A review. Legume Science, 32(2): 1-9.
  • Kocira S (2019) Effect of amino acid on biostimulant yield nutrraceutical potential of soybean. Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research. 79(1): 17-25.
  • Marcin M, Agnieszka W, Sławomir K, Agnieszka K, Agnieszka S, Tomasz O, Maciej C, Karol K and Arkadiusz M (2020) Effect of extrusion-cooking conditions on the pasting properties of extruded white and red bean seeds International Journal of Agrophysics, 34: 25-32.
  • Minneapolis MN USA (2018). 11 Stat-Ease Microsoft Window, Version 11, Minneapolis MN USA.
  • Nagaraju M, Virendra KT and Ankita S (2021). Effect of extrusion on physical and functional properties of millet based extrudates: Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 9(6): 1850-1854.
  • Ojo ST, Olukunle OJ, Aduewa TO and Ukwenya AG (2015). Performance evaluation of floating fish feed Extrude. Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science, 7(12): 103-113.
  • Olaowale AO and Oluniyi SO (2019). Comparative analysis of sinking time index and water stability of different level of inclusion of cassava flour and brewer yeast in a test diet. International Journal Of Scientific And Engineering Research, 10(5): 1251-1265.
  • Olomola A (1990). Captured fisheries and aquaculture in Nigeria. A comparative economic analysis. In Africa Rural Social Science Series Report No.13.
  • Orire AM and Emine GI (2019), effect of crude protein levels and binders on feed buoyancy, Journal of Aquaculture Research and Development, 10(2): 1-5.
  • Orire AM and Sadiku SOE (2015), Development of Farm Made Floating Feed for Aquaculture Species. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture and Food, 2: 293-303.
  • Pelembe LAM, Erasmus C and Taylor JRN (2002). Development of a protein-rich composite sorghumcowpea instant porridge by extrusion cooking process. Lebensmittel Wissenschaft Und-Technologie, 35: 120-127.
  • Sharmila B., and Athmaselvi K. A., (2017). Development of ready to eat extruded snacks from blend of under-utilized legumes and millets. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, 9(6): 947-954.
  • Shuhong Li, Dan Zhu, Kejuan Li, Yingnan Yang, Zhongfang Lei, Zhenya Zhang, (2013). Soybean curd residue: Composition, utilization, and related limiting factors. International Scholarly Research Notices, Article ID 423590, 8 pages,
  • Shuyang W (2018). Effect of extrusion temperature and moisture on physical, functional and nutritional properties of Kabuli chickpea, sorghum, maize and their blends. A Thesis Submitted to The College of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies in Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements of The Degree of Master of Science in The Department of Food and Bio-product Sciences University of Saskatchewan Saskatoon. pp 1-84.
  • Singh S, Gamlath S and Wakeling L (2007). Nutritional aspects of food extrusion: A review. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 42(8): 916-929.
  • Solomon SG, Ataguba GA and Abeje A (2011). Water stability and floatation test of fish pellets using local starch sources and yeast (Saccahromyces cerevisae). International Journal of Latest Trends Agricultural Food Science, 1(1).
  • Twum LA and Akash P (2018). Development and optimization of the physical and functional properties of extruded products. Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 2(29): 1-11.
  • Yatin MK, Garg VKS and Sharma DK (2015). Effect of feed and machine parameters on physical properties of extrudate during extrusion cooking of pearl millet, sorghum and soybean flour blends. International Journal of Food and Nutritional Science, 4(5): 58-63.
Year 2022, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 31 - 50, 30.06.2022


Project Number

Optimization of Some Physical and Functional Properties of Extruded Soybean Crud Residue-base Floating Fish Feed


  • Adeleye OO, Awodiran ST, Ajayi AO and Ogunmoyela TF (2020). Influence of extrusion cooking on physicochemical properties and starch digestion kinetics of Sphenostylis stenocarpa, Cajanus cajan, and Vigna subterranean grains. Plos One, 15(12).
  • Alam MS, Kaur J, Khaira H and Gupta K (2016). Extrusion and extruded products: changes in quality attributes as affected by extrusion process parameters: A Review, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 3: 445-475.
  • Annor GA, Sakyi-Dawson E, Saalia FK, Sefa-Dedeh S, Afoakwa EO, Tano-Debrah K and Budu AS (2009). Response surface methodology for studying the quality characteristics of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) – based tempeh. Journal of Food Process Engineering, 1-20.
  • Azam M and Singh M. (2017). Effect of operating parameters on physical properties of kodo based soy fortified ready to eat extruded snacks, International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 8: 2667-2677.
  • Beuchat LR (1977) Function and electrophoretic characteristics of succinylated peanut protein. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 25: 258-261.
  • Bo L (2008). Effect of drying methods on the functional properties of bean curd dregs, Journal of Henan Institute of Science and Technology (Natural Sciences Edition), 3.
  • Brachet M, Arroyo J, Bannelier C, Cazals A and Fortun-Lamothe L (2015). Hydration capacity: A new criterion for feed formulation, Animal Feed Science and Technology, 209: 174-185.
  • BSI (1985). British Standard of Measurement, BS 25 (1985). BSI, British Standards.
  • Efren D and Damian R (2018), world’s largest science, technology and medicine open access Book Publisher, pp. 1-21.
  • Elvis DM, Joseph RF and Sam A (2015). Assessment of lindane and atrazine residues in maize produced in Ghana using Gas Chromatography-Electron Capture Detector (GC-ECD) and Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS). Journal of Environmental Protection, 6(10).
  • Emmanuel KA, Peluola A, Micheal A, Lateef OS and Goke JB (2004). Application of response surface methodology for studying the product characteristics of extruded rice/cowpea/groundnut blends. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 55: 431-439.
  • Enwemiwe VN (2018). Methodology in production of local integrated fish meal: Our affordability in Abraka, Delta State, Nigeria, International Journal of Advance Research and Publications, 2(1): 567-578.
  • FAO (2009). Food and Agriculture Organization of the United States, http://Faostat.Fao.Org/Site/339/Default.Aspx
  • Filli KB, Nkama I, Abubakar UM and Jideani VA (2010). Influence of extrusion variables on some functional properties of extruded millet-soybean for the manufacture of ‘Fura’: A Nigerian traditional food, African Journal of Food Science, 4(6): 342-352.
  • Gbenyi, D. I., Nkama, I. and Badau, M. H. (2016). Physical and functional properties of extruded sorghum-cowpea blends: A response surface analysis. Journal of Food Science and Quality Management, 50: 21.
  • Geetha HP, Mathad PF, Udaykumar N and Ramachandra CT (2016). International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 6(2): 11-22.
  • Hamada SH, Abo EAE, El-Sayed HR and Ahmed MG (2017). Effect of extrusion process on nutritional, functional properties and antioxidant activity of germinated chickpea incorporated corn extrudates. American Journal of Food Science and Nutrition Research, 4(1): 59-66.
  • Hongyuan C and Alan F (2010). Modelling extrudate expansion in a twin-screw food extrusion cooking process through dimensional analysis methodology. Food and Bioproducts processing, 8(8): 188-194.
  • Joglekar AM and May AT (1987). Product excellence through design of experiments. Cereal Foods World, 32: 857-868.
  • Kamble DB and Rani S (2020). Bio-active components, in vitro digestibility, microstructure and application of soybean residue (Okara): A review. Legume Science, 32(2): 1-9.
  • Kocira S (2019) Effect of amino acid on biostimulant yield nutrraceutical potential of soybean. Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research. 79(1): 17-25.
  • Marcin M, Agnieszka W, Sławomir K, Agnieszka K, Agnieszka S, Tomasz O, Maciej C, Karol K and Arkadiusz M (2020) Effect of extrusion-cooking conditions on the pasting properties of extruded white and red bean seeds International Journal of Agrophysics, 34: 25-32.
  • Minneapolis MN USA (2018). 11 Stat-Ease Microsoft Window, Version 11, Minneapolis MN USA.
  • Nagaraju M, Virendra KT and Ankita S (2021). Effect of extrusion on physical and functional properties of millet based extrudates: Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 9(6): 1850-1854.
  • Ojo ST, Olukunle OJ, Aduewa TO and Ukwenya AG (2015). Performance evaluation of floating fish feed Extrude. Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science, 7(12): 103-113.
  • Olaowale AO and Oluniyi SO (2019). Comparative analysis of sinking time index and water stability of different level of inclusion of cassava flour and brewer yeast in a test diet. International Journal Of Scientific And Engineering Research, 10(5): 1251-1265.
  • Olomola A (1990). Captured fisheries and aquaculture in Nigeria. A comparative economic analysis. In Africa Rural Social Science Series Report No.13.
  • Orire AM and Emine GI (2019), effect of crude protein levels and binders on feed buoyancy, Journal of Aquaculture Research and Development, 10(2): 1-5.
  • Orire AM and Sadiku SOE (2015), Development of Farm Made Floating Feed for Aquaculture Species. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture and Food, 2: 293-303.
  • Pelembe LAM, Erasmus C and Taylor JRN (2002). Development of a protein-rich composite sorghumcowpea instant porridge by extrusion cooking process. Lebensmittel Wissenschaft Und-Technologie, 35: 120-127.
  • Sharmila B., and Athmaselvi K. A., (2017). Development of ready to eat extruded snacks from blend of under-utilized legumes and millets. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, 9(6): 947-954.
  • Shuhong Li, Dan Zhu, Kejuan Li, Yingnan Yang, Zhongfang Lei, Zhenya Zhang, (2013). Soybean curd residue: Composition, utilization, and related limiting factors. International Scholarly Research Notices, Article ID 423590, 8 pages,
  • Shuyang W (2018). Effect of extrusion temperature and moisture on physical, functional and nutritional properties of Kabuli chickpea, sorghum, maize and their blends. A Thesis Submitted to The College of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies in Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements of The Degree of Master of Science in The Department of Food and Bio-product Sciences University of Saskatchewan Saskatoon. pp 1-84.
  • Singh S, Gamlath S and Wakeling L (2007). Nutritional aspects of food extrusion: A review. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 42(8): 916-929.
  • Solomon SG, Ataguba GA and Abeje A (2011). Water stability and floatation test of fish pellets using local starch sources and yeast (Saccahromyces cerevisae). International Journal of Latest Trends Agricultural Food Science, 1(1).
  • Twum LA and Akash P (2018). Development and optimization of the physical and functional properties of extruded products. Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 2(29): 1-11.
  • Yatin MK, Garg VKS and Sharma DK (2015). Effect of feed and machine parameters on physical properties of extrudate during extrusion cooking of pearl millet, sorghum and soybean flour blends. International Journal of Food and Nutritional Science, 4(5): 58-63.
There are 37 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

Saheed Abiola Olaoye 0000-0002-2859-7262

Olanrewaju Owoseni 0000-0001-7084-2009

Ayoola Olalusi 0000-0003-4564-6182

Project Number Optimization of Some Physical and Functional Properties of Extruded Soybean Crud Residue-base Floating Fish Feed
Publication Date June 30, 2022
Submission Date October 11, 2021
Acceptance Date December 23, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 3 Issue: 1


APA Olaoye, S. A., Owoseni, O., & Olalusi, A. (2022). Optimization of Some Physical and Functional Properties of Extruded Soybean Crud Residue-Base Floating Fish Feed. Turkish Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research, 3(1), 31-50.


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