Research Article
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Year 2022, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 181 - 193, 30.06.2022



  • Akpinar EK, Midilli A and Bicer Y (2003). Experimental investigation of drying behavior and conditions of pumpkin slices via a cyclone-type dryer. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 83: 1480-1489.
  • Anthony Cemaluk C. Egbuonu and Daniel C. Nzewi (2016) Influence of blanching on some nutrient and anti-nutrient compositions of bitter yam (Dioscorea dumetorum). Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 16(2): 1-8.
  • Brennan JG (2006). Evaporation and dehydration. In: Food Processing Handbook, Brennan, J.G. (Ed.). Wiley-VCH Verlag, GmbH and Co., Weinheim, Germany, pp: 71-121.
  • Buta MB and Emire SA (2015) Effects of fermentation on the nutritional quality of qpm and soybean blends for the production of weaning food. Journal Food Process Technology, 6:11.
  • Chaves-Lopez C, Serio A., Grande-Tovar CD, Cuervo-Mulet R, Delgado-Ospina J, and Paparella A (2014). Traditional fermented foods and beverages from a microbiological and nutritional perspective: The Colombian Heritage. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 13: 1031-1048.
  • Coumans WJ (2000). Models for drying kinetics based on drying curves of slabs. Chemical Engineering and Processing, 39: 53-68.
  • Doymaz I (2011). Thin-layer drying characteristics of sweet potato slices and mathematical modeling. Heat Mass Transfer, 47: 277-285.
  • Falade KO and Abbo ES (2007). Air-drying and rehydration characteristics of date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) fruits. Journal of Food Engineering, 79: 724-730.
  • Hotz C and Gibson RS (2007). Traditional food-processing and preparation practices to enhance the bioavailability of micronutrients in plants-based diets. Journal of Nutrition, 137: 1097-1100.
  • Dai JW, Qin W, Wu ZJ, Zhang P and Zhang LH (2017). Drying characteristics and quality of Yam slices of different thickness during microwave intermittent drying. Advances in Engineering Research, 136: 183-188.
  • Lape IM and Trèche S (1994). Nutritional quality of yam (Dioscorea dumetorum and D rotundata) flours for growing rats. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 66(4): 447-455.
  • Lyonga SN and Ayuk-Takem JA (1982) Investigation on selection and production of edible yam (Dioscorea spp.) in the Western Highlands of United Republic of Cameroon,” in Yams—Ignames, J. Miege and S. N. Lyonga, Eds., pp. 161–172, Clarendon Press, Oxford, UK.
  • Maskan M (2001). Kinetics of color change of kiwifruits during hot air and microwave drying. Journal. of Food Engineering, 48: 169-175.
  • Minkah E (2007). Drying and milling characteristics of upland and lowland rice variety. An unpublished thesis submitted to the department of Agriculture Engineering.
  • Mujumdar AS and Law CL (2010). Drying Technology: Trends and applications in postharvest processing. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 3: 843-852.
  • Nguyen MH and Price WE (2007). Air-drying of banana: Influence of experimental parameters, slabthickness, banana maturity and harvesting season. Journal of Food Engineering, 79: 200-207.
  • Nkhata SG, Ayua E, Kamau EH and Shingiro JB (2018) Fermentation and germination improve nutritional value of cereals and legumes through activation of endogenous enzymes. Food Science Nutrition, 6: 2446- 2458.
  • Oduro I, Ellis WO, Sulemana A and Oti-Boateng P (2007). Breakfast meal from breadfruit and soybean composite, Discovery and Innovation, 19: 238-242.
  • Ojediran JO, Okonkwo CE, Adeyi AJ, Adeyi O, Olaniran AF, George NE and Olayanju AT (2020). Drying characteristics of yam slices (Dioscorea rotundata) in a convective hot air dryer: application of ANFIS in the prediction of drying kinetics. Heliyon, 6: e03555.
  • Okeke Chineze G, Eje BE and Eze PC (2020). Drying characteristics of Yam varieties: A comparative analysis. Scientific Journal of Agricultural Engineering. Year XLV No: 1, 20-37.
  • Oladele EP and Oshodi AA (2008). Effect of Fermentation on some chemical and nutritive properties of Berlandier Nettle Spurge (Jatropha Cathartica) and Physic Nut (Jathropha Curcas) seeds. Parkistan Journal of Nutrition 7(2): 292-296.
  • Omemu AM (2011). Fermentation dynamics during production of ogi, a Nigerian fermented cereal porridge. Report and Opinion, 3(4): 8-17.
  • Owuamanam CI, Iwuoha CI, Onuegbu CN, Ogueke CC and Nwosu JN (2013). Quality characteristics of processed flours from Trifoliate Yam (Dioscorea dumetorum) as influenced by steeping and boiling in varying concentration of trona solution over time. American Journal of Food Technology, 8: 162-172.
  • Saeed IE, Sopian K and Zainol AZ (2008). Thin-layer drying of Roselle (I): Mathematical modeling and drying experiments. Agricultural Engineering International: the CIGR Ejournal 10: 1-25.
  • Sefa-Dedeh S and Afoakwa EO (2002). Biochemical and textural changes in Trifoliate Yam Dioscorea dumetorum tubers after harvest, Food Chemistry, 79(1): 27-40.
  • Siadjeu C, Mayland-Quellhorst E and Albach D (2018). Genetic diversity and population structure of Trifoliate Yam (Dioscorea dumetorum Kunth) in Cameroon revealed by genotyping -by- equencing (GBS). BMC Plant Biology, 18: 359.
  • Singh GD, Sharma R, Bawa AS and Saxena DC (2008). Drying and rehydration characteristics of water chestnut (Trapa natans) as a function of drying air temperature. Journal of Food Engineering 87: 213-221.
  • Ugwuanyi Nnadi O, Eze Paul C and Ide Patrick E (2020). Comparative studies on proximate compositions and functional properties of Trifoliate Yam flour varieties. University of Belgrade Faculty of Agriculture Institute of Agricultural Engineering Scientific Journal Agricultural Engineering, Year XLV, No. 2, 2020. Pp: 8-20.
  • Ukpabi UJ and Ndimele C (2014). Evaluation of the quality of gari produced in Imo State Nigeria. Nigerian Food Journal, 8: 105-110.
  • Zhao J, Wang AJ and Fan XW (2016). Microwave vacuum freeze-drying of yam chip preparation. Food Science and Technology, 5(27): 89-91.

Effect of Fermentation on Drying Characteristics of Three Varieties of Trifoliate Yam

Year 2022, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 181 - 193, 30.06.2022


This study determined the effect of fermentation on drying characteristics of trifoliate yam varieties (white, yellow and deep-yellow trifoliate yam). Thin layer drying method was adopted using oven dry method at constant drying temperature of 700C with air velocity of 2.35 m s-1 and relative humidity 35%. The unfermented samples shoed lower values of drying constant than the fermented samples. The drying constant of unfermented samples of Trifoliate Yam A, B and C (A= Deep-Yellow, B= White, C= Yellow) were -0.729, 1.3972 and 0.2787, respectively. While, the drying constant of fermented samples of Trifoliate Yam D, E and F (D= Deep-Yellow, E= White, F= Yellow) were -0.776,-0.763 and 1.5815, respectively. The drying rate of the samples solely dependent on the magnitude of drying constants sequel to this, fermented samples with larger magnitude of drying constant will dry faster than the unfermented samples with lower drying constant. Best fit equations and relationship between moisture content and drying time were developed with correlation coefficient (R2) higher than 0.94. The sample A, B, C, D, E and F reached a constant moisture ratio of 0.021, 0.015, 0.021, 0.015, 0.014 and 0.016 at drying time of 540, 600, 600, 480, 540 and 540 minutes, respectively. Sample B and C had highest drying time followed by sample A, E and F while sample D had the lowest value of drying time. The fermentation had significant effect on the drying characteristics of trifoliate yam slices and drying of trifoliate yam samples occurred solely in the falling rate period which showed that internal moisture diffusion phenomenon is dominant and controlled the drying process.


  • Akpinar EK, Midilli A and Bicer Y (2003). Experimental investigation of drying behavior and conditions of pumpkin slices via a cyclone-type dryer. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 83: 1480-1489.
  • Anthony Cemaluk C. Egbuonu and Daniel C. Nzewi (2016) Influence of blanching on some nutrient and anti-nutrient compositions of bitter yam (Dioscorea dumetorum). Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 16(2): 1-8.
  • Brennan JG (2006). Evaporation and dehydration. In: Food Processing Handbook, Brennan, J.G. (Ed.). Wiley-VCH Verlag, GmbH and Co., Weinheim, Germany, pp: 71-121.
  • Buta MB and Emire SA (2015) Effects of fermentation on the nutritional quality of qpm and soybean blends for the production of weaning food. Journal Food Process Technology, 6:11.
  • Chaves-Lopez C, Serio A., Grande-Tovar CD, Cuervo-Mulet R, Delgado-Ospina J, and Paparella A (2014). Traditional fermented foods and beverages from a microbiological and nutritional perspective: The Colombian Heritage. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 13: 1031-1048.
  • Coumans WJ (2000). Models for drying kinetics based on drying curves of slabs. Chemical Engineering and Processing, 39: 53-68.
  • Doymaz I (2011). Thin-layer drying characteristics of sweet potato slices and mathematical modeling. Heat Mass Transfer, 47: 277-285.
  • Falade KO and Abbo ES (2007). Air-drying and rehydration characteristics of date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) fruits. Journal of Food Engineering, 79: 724-730.
  • Hotz C and Gibson RS (2007). Traditional food-processing and preparation practices to enhance the bioavailability of micronutrients in plants-based diets. Journal of Nutrition, 137: 1097-1100.
  • Dai JW, Qin W, Wu ZJ, Zhang P and Zhang LH (2017). Drying characteristics and quality of Yam slices of different thickness during microwave intermittent drying. Advances in Engineering Research, 136: 183-188.
  • Lape IM and Trèche S (1994). Nutritional quality of yam (Dioscorea dumetorum and D rotundata) flours for growing rats. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 66(4): 447-455.
  • Lyonga SN and Ayuk-Takem JA (1982) Investigation on selection and production of edible yam (Dioscorea spp.) in the Western Highlands of United Republic of Cameroon,” in Yams—Ignames, J. Miege and S. N. Lyonga, Eds., pp. 161–172, Clarendon Press, Oxford, UK.
  • Maskan M (2001). Kinetics of color change of kiwifruits during hot air and microwave drying. Journal. of Food Engineering, 48: 169-175.
  • Minkah E (2007). Drying and milling characteristics of upland and lowland rice variety. An unpublished thesis submitted to the department of Agriculture Engineering.
  • Mujumdar AS and Law CL (2010). Drying Technology: Trends and applications in postharvest processing. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 3: 843-852.
  • Nguyen MH and Price WE (2007). Air-drying of banana: Influence of experimental parameters, slabthickness, banana maturity and harvesting season. Journal of Food Engineering, 79: 200-207.
  • Nkhata SG, Ayua E, Kamau EH and Shingiro JB (2018) Fermentation and germination improve nutritional value of cereals and legumes through activation of endogenous enzymes. Food Science Nutrition, 6: 2446- 2458.
  • Oduro I, Ellis WO, Sulemana A and Oti-Boateng P (2007). Breakfast meal from breadfruit and soybean composite, Discovery and Innovation, 19: 238-242.
  • Ojediran JO, Okonkwo CE, Adeyi AJ, Adeyi O, Olaniran AF, George NE and Olayanju AT (2020). Drying characteristics of yam slices (Dioscorea rotundata) in a convective hot air dryer: application of ANFIS in the prediction of drying kinetics. Heliyon, 6: e03555.
  • Okeke Chineze G, Eje BE and Eze PC (2020). Drying characteristics of Yam varieties: A comparative analysis. Scientific Journal of Agricultural Engineering. Year XLV No: 1, 20-37.
  • Oladele EP and Oshodi AA (2008). Effect of Fermentation on some chemical and nutritive properties of Berlandier Nettle Spurge (Jatropha Cathartica) and Physic Nut (Jathropha Curcas) seeds. Parkistan Journal of Nutrition 7(2): 292-296.
  • Omemu AM (2011). Fermentation dynamics during production of ogi, a Nigerian fermented cereal porridge. Report and Opinion, 3(4): 8-17.
  • Owuamanam CI, Iwuoha CI, Onuegbu CN, Ogueke CC and Nwosu JN (2013). Quality characteristics of processed flours from Trifoliate Yam (Dioscorea dumetorum) as influenced by steeping and boiling in varying concentration of trona solution over time. American Journal of Food Technology, 8: 162-172.
  • Saeed IE, Sopian K and Zainol AZ (2008). Thin-layer drying of Roselle (I): Mathematical modeling and drying experiments. Agricultural Engineering International: the CIGR Ejournal 10: 1-25.
  • Sefa-Dedeh S and Afoakwa EO (2002). Biochemical and textural changes in Trifoliate Yam Dioscorea dumetorum tubers after harvest, Food Chemistry, 79(1): 27-40.
  • Siadjeu C, Mayland-Quellhorst E and Albach D (2018). Genetic diversity and population structure of Trifoliate Yam (Dioscorea dumetorum Kunth) in Cameroon revealed by genotyping -by- equencing (GBS). BMC Plant Biology, 18: 359.
  • Singh GD, Sharma R, Bawa AS and Saxena DC (2008). Drying and rehydration characteristics of water chestnut (Trapa natans) as a function of drying air temperature. Journal of Food Engineering 87: 213-221.
  • Ugwuanyi Nnadi O, Eze Paul C and Ide Patrick E (2020). Comparative studies on proximate compositions and functional properties of Trifoliate Yam flour varieties. University of Belgrade Faculty of Agriculture Institute of Agricultural Engineering Scientific Journal Agricultural Engineering, Year XLV, No. 2, 2020. Pp: 8-20.
  • Ukpabi UJ and Ndimele C (2014). Evaluation of the quality of gari produced in Imo State Nigeria. Nigerian Food Journal, 8: 105-110.
  • Zhao J, Wang AJ and Fan XW (2016). Microwave vacuum freeze-drying of yam chip preparation. Food Science and Technology, 5(27): 89-91.
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

Ide Patrıck Ejıke 0000-0001-9375-0289

Ugwuanti-nnadi Obiageli 0000-0002-1341-2261

Eje Brendan Ekete 0000-0001-5793-6502

Publication Date June 30, 2022
Submission Date March 25, 2022
Acceptance Date May 23, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 3 Issue: 1


APA Patrıck Ejıke, I., Obiageli, U.-n., & Ekete, E. B. (2022). Effect of Fermentation on Drying Characteristics of Three Varieties of Trifoliate Yam. Turkish Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research, 3(1), 181-193.


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