Research Article
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Classification and generation of the enclaves in Karapınar-Karacadağ volcanic rocks (Central Anatolia)

Year 2021, , 30 - 46, 15.12.2021


Karapınar-Karacadağ Volcanic Rocks (KKVR) have very complex magmatic history and outcropped the southwestern part of the Cappadocia Volcanic Province (Central Anatolia). Here we present the petrography and whole-rock chemistry of the enclave-bearing rocks to constrain their source and evolution history. These petrographic observation and geochemical data reveal that the enclaves in the Karapınar-Karacadağ volcanic rocks are magma mixing/mingling enclaves (MME), magma segregation enclaves (MSE), and xenoliths. Here we discriminated these enclaves into eight different types according to their mineral composition and textural features. The magma mixing/mingling enclaves (Type 1, 7, 8) are the mixing products of coeval more felsic and mafic magmas. They show hypocrystalline porphyritic, holocrystalline granular, and intergranular textures, and rich in mafic minerals, and have characteristic petrographic features such as quenched amphibole, bladed biotite, ocelli-quartz, sieved and cellular plagioclases. In andesites they range from basalt to andesite in composition. However, in basalts, they are in basaltic composition. The magma segregation enclaves (Type 2, 4, 5, 6), which are observed in almost all the KKVRs, are cognate xenolith because of plucking from the different parts of the magma chamber. They are holocrystalline and granular in texture. The magma segregation enclaves contained in the andesitic host rocks are hornblende gabbro and pyroxene gabbro in composition, whereas in the basaltic host rocks they are dunite, lherzolite, and basalt in composition. The xenolithic enclaves (Type 3) are observed in the basalts as quartz, plagioclase, biotite, and amphibole xenocrysts. Major oxides and trace element data of the studied rocks indicate that the MSEs are more primitive than their host rocks, and all of the enclaves (MME-MSE) are in accordance with their hosts. According to petrographic observations and geochemical data we propose that fractional crystallization, magma mixing and assimilation processes have a key role in the evolution of the KKVRs and their enclaves. 

Supporting Institution

Selçuk Üniversitesi ÖYP koordinatörlüğü

Project Number



This study is part of the Ph.D. thesis of the first author and funded by Selçuk University ÖYP project number 2016-ÖYP-041. We thank Prof. Dr. Yusuf Kağan Kadığlu and Dr. Kıymet Deniz for realizing the XRF analyses. The authors thank to the Editor Dr. Mustafa Haydar Terzi, and two anonymous reviewers for their critical and constructive comments that improved the quality of this paper.


  • Aydar, E., Gündoğdu, N., Bayhan, H., & Gourgaud, A. (1994). Kapadokya bölgesinin Kuvaterner yaşlı volkanizmasının volkanik-yapısal ve petrolojik incelenmesi. TÜBİTAK Yerbilimleri Dergisi, 3, 25-42.
  • Barbarin, B., & Didier, J. (1991). Review of the main hypotheses proposed for the genesis and evolution of mafic microgranular enclaves. In Enclaves and granite petrology.
  • Barbarin, B., & Didier, J. (1992). Genesis and evolution of mafic microgranular enclaves through various types of interaction between coexisting felsic and mafic magmas. Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 83(1-2), 145-153.
  • Best, M.G. (2003). Igneous and metamorphic petrology (2 ed.): John Wiley & Sons.
  • Browne, B. L., Eichelberger, J. C., Patino, L. C., Vogel, T. A., Uto, K., & Hoshizumi, H. (2006). Magma mingling as indicated by texture and Sr/Ba ratios of plagioclase phenocrysts from Unzen volcano, SW Japan. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 154(1), 103-116.
  • Cantagrel, J.M., Didier, J., & Gourgaud, A. (1984). Magma mixing: origin of intermediate rocks and “enclaves” from volcanism to plutonism. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 35(1), 63-76.
  • Chappell, B.W. (1996). Magma mixing and the production of compositional variation within granite suites: evidence from the granites of southeastern Australia. Journal of Petrology, 37(3), 449-470.
  • Chappell, B.W., White, A.J.R., & Wyborn, D. (1987). The importance of residual source material (restite) in granite petrogenesis. Journal of Petrology, 28(6), 1111-1138.
  • Chen, Y., Chappell, B.W., & White, A.J.R. (1991). Mafic enclaves of some I-type granites of the Palaeozoic Lachlan Fold Belt, southeastern Australia. In Enclaves and granite petrology (pp. 113-124).
  • Dahlquist, J.A. (2002). Mafic microgranular enclaves: early segregation from metaluminous magma (Sierra de Chepes), Pampean Ranges, NW Argentina. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 15(6), 643-655.
  • Di Giuseppe, P., Agostini, S., Manetti, P., Savaşçın, M.Y., & Conticelli, S. (2018). Sub-lithospheric origin of Na-alkaline and calc-alkaline magmas in a post-collisional tectonic regime: Sr-Nd-Pb isotopes in recent monogenetic volcanism of Cappadocia, Central Turkey. Lithos, 316-317, 304-322.
  • Didier, J. (1973). Granites and their enclaves: the bearing of enclaves on the origin of granites.
  • Didier, J. (1991). The different types of enclaves in granites-Nomenclature. Enclaves and granite petrology, 19-23.
  • Dogan-Kulahci, G.D., Temel, A., Gourgaud, A., Varol, E., Guillou, H., & Deniel, C. (2018). Contemporaneous alkaline and calc-alkaline series in Central Anatolia (Turkey): Spatio-temporal evolution of a post-collisional Quaternary basaltic volcanism. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 356, 56-74.
  • Ercan, T. (1987). Orta Anadolu'daki senozoyik volkanizmasi. Maden Tetkik ve Arama Dergisi, 107, 119-140.
  • Ercan, T., Fujitami, T., Matsuda, J., Tokel, S., & Notsu, K. (1990). Hasandagı-Karacadag (Orta Anadolu) dolaylarındaki senozoyik yaslı volkanizmanın kökeni ve evrimi. Jeomorfoloji Dergisi, 18, 39-54.
  • Gençoğlu Korkmaz, G., & Kurt, H. (2021). Interpretation of the magma chamber processes with the help of Textural Stratigraphy of the Plagioclases (Konya-Central Anatolia). Avrupa Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi (25), 222-237.
  • Gençoğlu Korkmaz, G., Kurt, H., Asan, K., & Leybourne, M. (2022). Ar-Ar Geochronology and Sr-Nd-Pb-O isotopic systematics of the post-collisional Karapınar-Karacadağı volcanic complex (Central Anatolia, Turkey): An alternative model for orogenic geochemical signature in sodic alkali basalts. Journal of Geosciences (In press).
  • Gençoğlu Korkmaz, G., Kurt, H., Asan, K., & Kadıoğlu, Y. (2018). The first mineralogical and petrographical investigations of enclaves and their host rocks from the Karapınar-Karacadağ area (SE Konya, Turkey). Paper presented at the 36th National and the 3rd International Geosciences Congress
  • Gill, R. (2010). Igneous rocks and processes: A practical guide. The Geographical Journal, 176(4), 375-376.
  • Güllü, B., & Kadıoğlu, Y.K. (2019). The Petro-chemical properties of Meke and Acigol (Karapinar-Konya) volcanites. PAU Journal of Engineering Sciences, 25(3), 325-335.
  • Hibbard, M. (1991). Textural anatomy of twelve magma-mixed granitoid systems. Enclaves and granite petrology, 431-444.
  • Ilbeyli, N., & Pearce, J. (2005). Petrogenesis of Igneous Enclaves in Plutonic Rocks of the Central Anatolian Crystalline Complex, Turkey. International Geology Review, 47(10), 1011-1034.
  • Irvine, T., & Baragar, W.R.A. (1971). A Guide to the Chemical Classification of the Common Volcanic Rocks. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 8(5), 523-548.
  • Kadioğlu, Y.K., & Zoroğlu, O. (2008). Nature of Beypazari Granitoid: Geology and geochemistry, Northwest Anatolia, Turkey. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 2(1), 12-14.
  • Kadioglu, Y.K., & Gülec, N. (1996). Mafic microgranular enclaves and interaction between felsic and mafic magmas in the agacoren intrusive suite: evidence from petrographic features and mineral chemistry. International Geology Review, 38(9), 854-867.
  • Kadioglu, Y.K., & Güleç, N. (1999). Types and genesis of the enclaves in Central Anatolian granitoids. Geological Journal, 34, 243-256.
  • Keller, J. (1974). Quaternary Maar Volcanism near Karapinar in Central Anatolia. Symposium on Volcanism and Associated Metallogenesis, Bucharest.
  • Kocak, K., Zedef, V., & Kansun, G. (2011). Magma mixing/mingling in the Eocene Horoz (Nigde) granitoids, Central southern Turkey: evidence from mafic microgranular enclaves. Mineralogy and Petrology, 103(1), 149-167.
  • Kretz, R. (1983). Symbols for rock-forming minerals. American Mineralogist, 68(1-2), 277-279.
  • Kumar, S. (2010). Mafic to hybrid microgranular enclaves in the Ladakh batholith, northwest Himalaya: Implications on calc-alkaline magma chamber processes. Journal of the Geological Society of India, 76(1), 5-25.
  • Kumar, S., Rino, V., & Pal, A.B. (2004). Field Evidence of Magma Mixing from Microgranular Enclaves Hosted in Palaeoproterozoic Malanjkhand Granitoids, Central India. Gondwana Research, 7(2), 539-548.
  • Kumar, S., & Singh, R.N. (2014). Modelling of magmatic and allied processes. Springer International Publishing.
  • Le Bas, M.J., Le Maitre, R.W., Streckeisen, A., & Zanettin, B.A. (1986). A Chemical classification of volcanic rocks based on the total alkali-silica diagram. Journal of petrology, 27(3), 745-750.
  • Maury, R., & Didier, J. (1991). Xenoliths and the role of assimilation. In Enclaves and granite petrology.
  • Middlemost, E.A. (1994). Naming materials in the magma/igneous rock system. Earth-Science Reviews, 37(3-4), 215-224.
  • Notsu, K., Fujitani, T., Ui, T., Matsuda, J., & Ercan, T. (1995). Geochemical Features of Collision-Related Volcanic-Rocks in Central and Eastern Anatolia, Turkey. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 64(3-4), 171-191.
  • Noyes, H.J., Frey, F.A., & Wones, D.R. (1983). A tale of two plutons: geochemical evidence bearing on the origin and differentiation of the Red Lake and Eagle Peak plutons, central Sierra Nevada, California. The Journal of Geology, 91(5), 487-509.
  • Okay, A.I., & Tüysüz, O. (1999). Tethyan sutures of northern Turkey. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 156(1), 475-515.
  • Özdamar, Ş., Zou, H., Billor, M.Z., & Hames, W.E. (2021). Petrogenesis of mafic microgranular enclaves (MMEs) in the oligocene-miocene granitoid plutons from northwest Anatolia, Turkey. Geochemistry, 81(2).
  • Pearce, J. (1983). Role of the sub-continental lithosphere in magma genesis at active continental margin. Continental Basalts and Mantle Xenoliths, 230-249.
  • Peccerillo, A. (2005). Plio-quaternary volcanism in Italy. New York: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
  • Platzman, E.S., Tapirdamaz, C., & Sanver, M. (1998). Neogene anticlockwise rotation of central Anatolia (Turkey): preliminary palaeomagnetic and geochronological results. Tectonophysics, 299(1-3), 175-189.
  • Poli, G. (1992). Geochemistry of Tuscan Archipelago granitoids, central Italy: the role of hybridization processes in their genesis. The Journal of Geology, 100(1), 41-56.
  • Reid, M.R., Schleiffarth, W.K., Cosca, M.A., Delph, J.R., Blichert‐Toft, J., & Cooper, K.M. (2017). Shallow melting of MORB‐like mantle under hot continental lithosphere, C entral A natolia. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 18(5), 1866-1888.
  • Shelley, D. (1993). Igneous and Metamorphic Rocks Under the Microscope. Classification, Textures, Microstructures and Mineral Preferred Orientations (Vol. 130). Tindle, A.G., & Pearce, J.A. (1983). Assimilation and partial melting of continental crust: evidence from the mineralogy and geochemistry of autoliths and xenoliths. Lithos, 16(3), 185-202.
  • Uslular, G., & Gençalioğlu-Kuşcu, G. (2019). Mantle source heterogeneity in monogenetic basaltic systems: A case study of Eğrikuyu monogenetic field (Central Anatolia, Turkey). Geosphere, 15(2), 29.
  • Winter, J.D. (2014). Principles of Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology, Pearson New International Edition. Zhang, G., Peng, R., Qiu, H., Wen, H., Feng, Y., Chen, B., Zhang, L., Liu, S., & Liu T. (2020). Origin of Northeast Fujian Basalts and limitations on the heterogeneity of mantle sources for Cenozoic Alkaline Magmatism across SE China: Evidence from Zircon U-Pb Dating, Petrological, Whole-Rock Geochemical, and Isotopic Studies. Minerals, 10(9), 770.
  • Zhang, S.H., & Zhao, Y. (2017). Cogenetic origin of mafic microgranular enclaves in calc-alkaline granitoids: The Permian plutons in the northern North China Block. Geosphere, 13(2), 482-517.
Year 2021, , 30 - 46, 15.12.2021


Project Number



  • Aydar, E., Gündoğdu, N., Bayhan, H., & Gourgaud, A. (1994). Kapadokya bölgesinin Kuvaterner yaşlı volkanizmasının volkanik-yapısal ve petrolojik incelenmesi. TÜBİTAK Yerbilimleri Dergisi, 3, 25-42.
  • Barbarin, B., & Didier, J. (1991). Review of the main hypotheses proposed for the genesis and evolution of mafic microgranular enclaves. In Enclaves and granite petrology.
  • Barbarin, B., & Didier, J. (1992). Genesis and evolution of mafic microgranular enclaves through various types of interaction between coexisting felsic and mafic magmas. Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 83(1-2), 145-153.
  • Best, M.G. (2003). Igneous and metamorphic petrology (2 ed.): John Wiley & Sons.
  • Browne, B. L., Eichelberger, J. C., Patino, L. C., Vogel, T. A., Uto, K., & Hoshizumi, H. (2006). Magma mingling as indicated by texture and Sr/Ba ratios of plagioclase phenocrysts from Unzen volcano, SW Japan. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 154(1), 103-116.
  • Cantagrel, J.M., Didier, J., & Gourgaud, A. (1984). Magma mixing: origin of intermediate rocks and “enclaves” from volcanism to plutonism. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 35(1), 63-76.
  • Chappell, B.W. (1996). Magma mixing and the production of compositional variation within granite suites: evidence from the granites of southeastern Australia. Journal of Petrology, 37(3), 449-470.
  • Chappell, B.W., White, A.J.R., & Wyborn, D. (1987). The importance of residual source material (restite) in granite petrogenesis. Journal of Petrology, 28(6), 1111-1138.
  • Chen, Y., Chappell, B.W., & White, A.J.R. (1991). Mafic enclaves of some I-type granites of the Palaeozoic Lachlan Fold Belt, southeastern Australia. In Enclaves and granite petrology (pp. 113-124).
  • Dahlquist, J.A. (2002). Mafic microgranular enclaves: early segregation from metaluminous magma (Sierra de Chepes), Pampean Ranges, NW Argentina. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 15(6), 643-655.
  • Di Giuseppe, P., Agostini, S., Manetti, P., Savaşçın, M.Y., & Conticelli, S. (2018). Sub-lithospheric origin of Na-alkaline and calc-alkaline magmas in a post-collisional tectonic regime: Sr-Nd-Pb isotopes in recent monogenetic volcanism of Cappadocia, Central Turkey. Lithos, 316-317, 304-322.
  • Didier, J. (1973). Granites and their enclaves: the bearing of enclaves on the origin of granites.
  • Didier, J. (1991). The different types of enclaves in granites-Nomenclature. Enclaves and granite petrology, 19-23.
  • Dogan-Kulahci, G.D., Temel, A., Gourgaud, A., Varol, E., Guillou, H., & Deniel, C. (2018). Contemporaneous alkaline and calc-alkaline series in Central Anatolia (Turkey): Spatio-temporal evolution of a post-collisional Quaternary basaltic volcanism. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 356, 56-74.
  • Ercan, T. (1987). Orta Anadolu'daki senozoyik volkanizmasi. Maden Tetkik ve Arama Dergisi, 107, 119-140.
  • Ercan, T., Fujitami, T., Matsuda, J., Tokel, S., & Notsu, K. (1990). Hasandagı-Karacadag (Orta Anadolu) dolaylarındaki senozoyik yaslı volkanizmanın kökeni ve evrimi. Jeomorfoloji Dergisi, 18, 39-54.
  • Gençoğlu Korkmaz, G., & Kurt, H. (2021). Interpretation of the magma chamber processes with the help of Textural Stratigraphy of the Plagioclases (Konya-Central Anatolia). Avrupa Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi (25), 222-237.
  • Gençoğlu Korkmaz, G., Kurt, H., Asan, K., & Leybourne, M. (2022). Ar-Ar Geochronology and Sr-Nd-Pb-O isotopic systematics of the post-collisional Karapınar-Karacadağı volcanic complex (Central Anatolia, Turkey): An alternative model for orogenic geochemical signature in sodic alkali basalts. Journal of Geosciences (In press).
  • Gençoğlu Korkmaz, G., Kurt, H., Asan, K., & Kadıoğlu, Y. (2018). The first mineralogical and petrographical investigations of enclaves and their host rocks from the Karapınar-Karacadağ area (SE Konya, Turkey). Paper presented at the 36th National and the 3rd International Geosciences Congress
  • Gill, R. (2010). Igneous rocks and processes: A practical guide. The Geographical Journal, 176(4), 375-376.
  • Güllü, B., & Kadıoğlu, Y.K. (2019). The Petro-chemical properties of Meke and Acigol (Karapinar-Konya) volcanites. PAU Journal of Engineering Sciences, 25(3), 325-335.
  • Hibbard, M. (1991). Textural anatomy of twelve magma-mixed granitoid systems. Enclaves and granite petrology, 431-444.
  • Ilbeyli, N., & Pearce, J. (2005). Petrogenesis of Igneous Enclaves in Plutonic Rocks of the Central Anatolian Crystalline Complex, Turkey. International Geology Review, 47(10), 1011-1034.
  • Irvine, T., & Baragar, W.R.A. (1971). A Guide to the Chemical Classification of the Common Volcanic Rocks. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 8(5), 523-548.
  • Kadioğlu, Y.K., & Zoroğlu, O. (2008). Nature of Beypazari Granitoid: Geology and geochemistry, Northwest Anatolia, Turkey. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 2(1), 12-14.
  • Kadioglu, Y.K., & Gülec, N. (1996). Mafic microgranular enclaves and interaction between felsic and mafic magmas in the agacoren intrusive suite: evidence from petrographic features and mineral chemistry. International Geology Review, 38(9), 854-867.
  • Kadioglu, Y.K., & Güleç, N. (1999). Types and genesis of the enclaves in Central Anatolian granitoids. Geological Journal, 34, 243-256.
  • Keller, J. (1974). Quaternary Maar Volcanism near Karapinar in Central Anatolia. Symposium on Volcanism and Associated Metallogenesis, Bucharest.
  • Kocak, K., Zedef, V., & Kansun, G. (2011). Magma mixing/mingling in the Eocene Horoz (Nigde) granitoids, Central southern Turkey: evidence from mafic microgranular enclaves. Mineralogy and Petrology, 103(1), 149-167.
  • Kretz, R. (1983). Symbols for rock-forming minerals. American Mineralogist, 68(1-2), 277-279.
  • Kumar, S. (2010). Mafic to hybrid microgranular enclaves in the Ladakh batholith, northwest Himalaya: Implications on calc-alkaline magma chamber processes. Journal of the Geological Society of India, 76(1), 5-25.
  • Kumar, S., Rino, V., & Pal, A.B. (2004). Field Evidence of Magma Mixing from Microgranular Enclaves Hosted in Palaeoproterozoic Malanjkhand Granitoids, Central India. Gondwana Research, 7(2), 539-548.
  • Kumar, S., & Singh, R.N. (2014). Modelling of magmatic and allied processes. Springer International Publishing.
  • Le Bas, M.J., Le Maitre, R.W., Streckeisen, A., & Zanettin, B.A. (1986). A Chemical classification of volcanic rocks based on the total alkali-silica diagram. Journal of petrology, 27(3), 745-750.
  • Maury, R., & Didier, J. (1991). Xenoliths and the role of assimilation. In Enclaves and granite petrology.
  • Middlemost, E.A. (1994). Naming materials in the magma/igneous rock system. Earth-Science Reviews, 37(3-4), 215-224.
  • Notsu, K., Fujitani, T., Ui, T., Matsuda, J., & Ercan, T. (1995). Geochemical Features of Collision-Related Volcanic-Rocks in Central and Eastern Anatolia, Turkey. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 64(3-4), 171-191.
  • Noyes, H.J., Frey, F.A., & Wones, D.R. (1983). A tale of two plutons: geochemical evidence bearing on the origin and differentiation of the Red Lake and Eagle Peak plutons, central Sierra Nevada, California. The Journal of Geology, 91(5), 487-509.
  • Okay, A.I., & Tüysüz, O. (1999). Tethyan sutures of northern Turkey. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 156(1), 475-515.
  • Özdamar, Ş., Zou, H., Billor, M.Z., & Hames, W.E. (2021). Petrogenesis of mafic microgranular enclaves (MMEs) in the oligocene-miocene granitoid plutons from northwest Anatolia, Turkey. Geochemistry, 81(2).
  • Pearce, J. (1983). Role of the sub-continental lithosphere in magma genesis at active continental margin. Continental Basalts and Mantle Xenoliths, 230-249.
  • Peccerillo, A. (2005). Plio-quaternary volcanism in Italy. New York: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
  • Platzman, E.S., Tapirdamaz, C., & Sanver, M. (1998). Neogene anticlockwise rotation of central Anatolia (Turkey): preliminary palaeomagnetic and geochronological results. Tectonophysics, 299(1-3), 175-189.
  • Poli, G. (1992). Geochemistry of Tuscan Archipelago granitoids, central Italy: the role of hybridization processes in their genesis. The Journal of Geology, 100(1), 41-56.
  • Reid, M.R., Schleiffarth, W.K., Cosca, M.A., Delph, J.R., Blichert‐Toft, J., & Cooper, K.M. (2017). Shallow melting of MORB‐like mantle under hot continental lithosphere, C entral A natolia. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 18(5), 1866-1888.
  • Shelley, D. (1993). Igneous and Metamorphic Rocks Under the Microscope. Classification, Textures, Microstructures and Mineral Preferred Orientations (Vol. 130). Tindle, A.G., & Pearce, J.A. (1983). Assimilation and partial melting of continental crust: evidence from the mineralogy and geochemistry of autoliths and xenoliths. Lithos, 16(3), 185-202.
  • Uslular, G., & Gençalioğlu-Kuşcu, G. (2019). Mantle source heterogeneity in monogenetic basaltic systems: A case study of Eğrikuyu monogenetic field (Central Anatolia, Turkey). Geosphere, 15(2), 29.
  • Winter, J.D. (2014). Principles of Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology, Pearson New International Edition. Zhang, G., Peng, R., Qiu, H., Wen, H., Feng, Y., Chen, B., Zhang, L., Liu, S., & Liu T. (2020). Origin of Northeast Fujian Basalts and limitations on the heterogeneity of mantle sources for Cenozoic Alkaline Magmatism across SE China: Evidence from Zircon U-Pb Dating, Petrological, Whole-Rock Geochemical, and Isotopic Studies. Minerals, 10(9), 770.
  • Zhang, S.H., & Zhao, Y. (2017). Cogenetic origin of mafic microgranular enclaves in calc-alkaline granitoids: The Permian plutons in the northern North China Block. Geosphere, 13(2), 482-517.
There are 49 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Geological Sciences and Engineering (Other)
Journal Section Research Articles

Gülin Gençoğlu Korkmaz 0000-0003-0185-2806

Huseyin Kurt 0000-0001-7991-2085

Kürşad Asan This is me 0000-0003-4244-1747

Project Number 2016-ÖYP-041
Publication Date December 15, 2021
Submission Date November 2, 2021
Acceptance Date December 1, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Gençoğlu Korkmaz, G., Kurt, H., & Asan, K. (2021). Classification and generation of the enclaves in Karapınar-Karacadağ volcanic rocks (Central Anatolia). Turkish Journal of Geosciences, 2(2), 30-46.