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Eklemeli Üretim Tekniği ile Üretilen Farklı Kimyasal Yapıya Sahip Hareketli Protez Yapay Dişlerinin Renk Stabilitesine Yüzey Bitirme ve Yaşlandırma İşlemlerinin Etkisi

Year 2023, Volume: 2 Issue: 3, 232 - 240, 26.01.2024


Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, eklemeli üretim tekniği ile üç boyutlu (3B) yazıcı ile üretilen hareketli protezlerde kullanılan farklı kimyasal yapıya sahip yapay dişlerin renk değişimine yüzey bitirme ve termal devirlendirme ile yaşlandırma işlemlerinin etkisini in vitro olarak incelemektir.
Gereç ve Yöntem: Bu çalışmada üç boyutlu yazıcı ile üretilen iki farklı yapay diş rezin materyali; metilmetakrilak (MMA) içermeyen (PowerResins Temp; DentaFab, Türkiye) ve metilmetakrilat oligomer içerikli (Flexcera™Smile; Desktop Health, Envision TEC™ systems, Almanya) kullanıldı. Her bir materyalden 15x10x3 mm boyutlarında 30 adet olacak şekilde, toplam 60 adet örnek hazırlandı. Örnekler farklı yüzey bitirme işlemleri uygulanması amacı ile iki gruba ayrıldı (n=15). Birinci grupta örneklere yüzey işlemi olarak farklı grenlerde silisyum karbür zımpara kâğıtları (VIBRATITE 996A, Çin) kullanılarak zımpara işlemi uygulandı. İkinci grupta ise 400 gritlik zımpara uygulamasının ardından pomza ile yüzey düzeltildi ve en
son Evrensel Parlatma Pastası, (Ivoclar Vivadent, Schaan, Lihtenştayn) kullanılarak bitirme işlemi tamamlandı. Yüzey bitirme işlemlerinin ardından örneklerin birinci renk ölçümleri (T0) bir pektrofotometre (VITA Easyshade® V, Almanya) kullanılarak yapıldı. Ardından örneklere 5.000 kez 5-55°C de termal devirlendirme yöntemi ile yapay yaşlandırma işlemi uygulandıktan sonra ikinci renk ölçümleri (T1) tamamlandı. Renk farklılıklarının (ΔE00) belirlenmesinde CIE2000 formülü kullanıldı. Veriler iki yönlü varyans analiz kullanılarak istatistik olarak değerlendirildi (p<0.05).
Bulgular: Üç boyutlu yazıcı ile üretilen iki farklı yapay diş materyali karşılaştırıldığında en yüksek renk değişimi ΔE00 değerleri MMA içermeyen yapay diş rezini ile elde edilmiştir (p<0.001). Yüzey bitim işlemleri karşılaştırıldığında ise en yüksek ΔE00 değerlerin polisaj patı kullanılan grruplarda elde edildiği görülmüştür. (p<0.018).
Sonuç: Üç boyutlu yazıcı ile üretilen farklı kimyasal yapıya sahip hareketli protez yapay diş rezinlerinin termal devirlendirme sonrasında renk stabilitesi açısından materyalin ve yüzey bitirme işleminin etkili olduğu görülmüştür.


  • 1. Al-Rafee M. The epidemiology of edentulism and the associated factors: A literature Review. J Family Med Prim Care. 2020;9(4):1841.
  • 2. Messias A, Karasan D, Nicolau P, Pjetursson BE, Guerra F. Rehabilitation of full-arch edentulism with fixed or removable dentures retained by root-form dental implants: A systematic review of outcomes and outcome measures used in clinical research in the last 10 years. J Clin Periodontol. 2023;50(S25):38-54.
  • 3. Xie Q, Ding T, Yang G. Rehabilitation of oral function with removable dentures - still an option? J Oral Rehabil. 2015;42(3):234-242.
  • 4. Sivaramakrishnan G, Sridharan K. Comparison of implant supported mandibular overdentures and conventional dentures on quality of life: a systematic review and metaanalysis of randomized controlled studies. Aust Dent J. 2016;61(4):482-488.
  • 5. Ali Z, Baker S, Barabari P, Martin N. Efficacy of Removable Partial Denture Treatment: A Retrospective Oral Health- Related Quality of Life Evaluation. Eur J Prosthodont Restor Dent. 2017;25(2):101-107.
  • 6. Senih Çalıkkocaoğlu. Tam Protezler Cilt 2. Özyurt yayınevi. 2021: 426-427
  • 7. Nallaswamy D. Textbook of Prosthodontics. 2nd Edition. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers; 2017: 4
  • 8. Yıldırım MP, Yanıkoğlu N, Atatürk FB, et al. Farklı Solüsyonlarda Bekletilen Akrilik Dişlerin Renklenme Düzeylerinin Incelenmesi. EÜ Dişhek Fak Derg.2012; 33(1): 32-37
  • 9. Mudliar VL, Tieh MT, Aarts JM, Paras A, Choi JJE. Wear of Modern Denture Teeth—A Systematic Review. Oral 2022;2(1):95-111.
  • 10. Anusavice KJ SCRHR. Phillip’s Scince of Dental Materials. In: 12th Ed. Elsevier Inc.; 2013:463.
  • 11. Şahin O, Dede DÖ, Köroʇlu A, Yilmaz B. Influence of surface sealant agents on the surface roughness and color stability of artificial teeth. J Prosthet Dent. 2015;114(1):130- 137.
  • 12. Dimitrova M, Chuchulska B, Zlatev S, Kazakova R. Colour Stability of 3D-Printed and Prefabricated Denture Teeth after Immersion in Different Colouring Agents—An In Vitro Study. Polymers (Basel). 2022;14(15).
  • 13. Al Taweel SM, Fouzan A Al, Al-Otaibi HN, Labban N, Alshehri HA. Thermal-cycling, simulated brushing, and beverages induced color changes and roughness of CAD/ CAM poly (methyl methacrylate) denture resins. Mater Res Express. 2021;8(12): 125401.
  • 14. Tieh MT, Waddell JN, Choi JJE. Optical Properties and Color Stability of Denture Teeth—A Systematic Review. Journal of Prosthodontics. 2022;31(5):385-398.
  • 15. Barão VAR, Ogawa ES, Moreno A, Mesquita MF, Wee AG, Assunção WG. Long-term clinical evaluation of the color stability and stainability of acrylic resin denture teeth. J Prosthet Dent. 2015;113(6):628-635.
  • 16. Shishehian A, Firouz F, Khazaee S, Rajabi H, Farhadian M, Niaghiha F. Evaluating the color stability of 3D-printed resins against various solutions. Eur J Transl Myol. 2023;33(3):11493.
  • 17. Dimitrova M, Corsalini M, Kazakova R, et al. Color Stability Determination of CAD/CAM Milled and 3D Printed Acrylic Resins for Denture Bases: A Narrative Review. J of Compos Sci. 2022; 6(7):201.
  • 18. Shahrubudin N, Lee TC, Ramlan R. An overview on 3D printing technology: Technological, materials, and applications. In: Procedia Manufacturing. Vol 35. Elsevier. 2019:1286-1296.
  • 19. Koh ES, Cha HS, Kim TH, Ahn JS, Lee JH. Color stability of three dimensional-printed denture teeth exposed to various colorants. The J K Acad Prosthodont. 2020;58(1):1.
  • 20. Alfouzan AF, Alotiabi HM, Labban N, NejerAl-Otaibi H, Al Taweel SM, AlShehri HA. Color stability of 3D-printed denture resins: Effect of aging, mechanical brushing and immersion in staining medium. J Adv Prosthodont. 2021;13(3):160-171.
  • 21. Lee EH, Ahn JS, Lim YJ, Kwon HB, Kim MJ. Effect of layer thickness and printing orientation on the color stability and stainability of a 3D-printed resin material. J Prosthet Dent. 2022;127(5):784.e1-784.e7.
  • 22. Gruber S, Kamnoedboon P, Özcan M, Srinivasan M. CAD/ CAM Complete Denture Resins: An In Vitro Evaluation of Color Stability. J Prosthodont. 2021;30(5):430-439.
  • 23. Yao Q, Morton D, Eckert GJ, Lin WS. The effect of surface treatments on the color stability of CAD-CAM interim fixed dental prostheses. J Prosthet Dent. 2021;126(2):248- 53.
  • 24. Manabe A, Kato Y, Finger WJ, Kanehira M, Komatsu M. Discoloration of coating resins exposed to staining solutions in vitro. Dent Mater J. 2009;28(3):338-343.
  • 25. Ghinea R, Pérez MM, Herrera LJ, Rivas MJ, Yebra A, Paravina RD. Color difference thresholds in dental ceramics. J Dent. 2010;38 Suppl 2: e57-64.
  • 26. Harorlı OT, Barutcigil C. Color recovery effect of commercial mouth rinses on a discolored composite. J Esthet Restor Dent. 2014;26(4):256-263.
  • 27. Assunção WG, Barão VAR, Pita MS, Goiato MC. Effect of polymerization methods and thermal cycling on color stability of acrylic resin denture teeth. J Prosthet Dent. 2009;102(6):385-392.
  • 28. Lin CT, Lee SY, Tsai TY, Dong DR, Shih YH. Degradation of repaired denture base materials in simulated oral fluid. J Oral Rehabil. 2000;27(3):190-198.
  • 29. Eliasson ST, Dahl JE. Effect of thermal cycling on temperature changes and bond strength in different test specimens. Biomater Investig Dent. 2020;7(1):16-24.
  • 30. Silva C de S, Machado AL, Chaves C de AL, Pavarina AC, Vergani CE. Effect of thermal cycling on denture base and autopolymerizing reline resins. J Appl Oral Sci. 2013;21(3):219-224.
  • 31. Gad MM, Fouda SM, Abualsaud R, et al. Strength and Surface Properties of a 3D-Printed Denture Base Polymer. J Prosthodont. 2022;31(5):412-418.
  • 32. Berli C, Thieringer FM, Sharma N, et al. Comparing the Mechanical Properties of Pressed, Milled, and 3D-Printed Resins for Occlusal Devices. J prosthet dent. 2020;124(6):780-786.
  • 33. Gad MM, Alshehri SZ, Alhamid SA, et al. Water Sorption, Solubility, and Translucency of 3D-Printed Denture Base Resins. Dent J (Basel). 2022;10(3):42.
  • 34. Perea-Lowery L, Gibreel M, Vallittu PK, Lassila L V. 3D-Printed vs. Heat-Polymerizing and Autopolymerizing Denture Base Acrylic Resins. Materials (Basel). 2021;14(19): 5781.
  • 35. Greil V, Mayinger F, Reymus M, Stawarczyk B. Water sorption, water solubility, degree of conversion, elastic indentation modulus, edge chipping resistance and flexural strength of 3D-printed denture base resins. J Mech Behav Biomed Mater. 2023; 137:105565.
  • 36. Lin CH, Lin YM, Lai YL, Lee SY. Mechanical Properties, Accuracy, and Cytotoxicity of UV-Polymerized 3D Printing Resins Composed of Bis-EMA, UDMA, and TEGDMA. J Prosthet Dent. 2020; 123(2):349-354.
  • 37. Kessler A, Reymus M, Hickel R, Kunzelmann KH. Threebody wear of 3D printed temporary materials. Dent Mater J. 2019;35(12):1805-1812.
  • 38. Güler AU, Güler E, Yücel AC, Ertaş E. Effects of polishing procedures on color stability of composite resins. J Appl Oral Sci. 2009;17(2):108-112.
  • 39. Mutlu-Sagesen L, Ergün G, Ozkan Y, Bek B. Color stability of different denture teeth materials: an in vitro study. J Oral Sci. 2001;43(3):193-205.
  • 40. Joiner A. Tooth colour: a review of the literature. J Dent. 2004;32 Suppl 1:3-12.
  • 41. Rutkunas V, Sabaliauskas V, Mizutani H. Effects of different food colorants and polishing techniques on color stability of provisional prosthetic materials. Dent Mater J. 2010;29(2):167-176.

The Effect of Surface Finishing and Ageing Processes on the Color Stability of Removable Denture Artificial Teeth with Different Chemical Structures Produced by Additive Manufacturing Technique

Year 2023, Volume: 2 Issue: 3, 232 - 240, 26.01.2024


Objective: The aim of this study is to evaluate color stability after thermal cycling of two different types of 3D printed denture teeth resin materials.
Material and Method: In this study, 60 (15x10x3) artificial tooth resin materials were produced with two different threedimensional printers: PowerResins Temp (DentaFab, Turkey and Flexcera™ Smile,Desktop Health, Envision TEC™ systems, Germany). The final surface polishing of the samples was completed according to two methods and divided into two groups (n = 15). After the polishing process, the samples were artificially aged using a thermal cycle device for 5,000 cycles (5-55°C). A Spectrophotometer (VITA Easyshade® V, Germany) was used to measure color change values before (T0) and after (T1) thermal cycling. CIE2000 formula was used to determine ΔE values. Data were analyzed according to two-way analysis of variance statistics (p< 0.05).
Results: When two different artificial tooth materials produced with a 3D printer were compared, the highest color change ΔE00 values were obtained with MMA free artificial tooth resin (p<0.001). When the surface finishing treatments were compared, it was seen that the highest ΔE00 values were
obtained in the groups where polished using polishing paste (p<0.018).
Conclusion: It has been observed that the material and surface finishing process are effective in terms of color stability after thermal cycling of removable denture artificial tooth resins with different chemical structures produced with a threedimensional printer.


  • 1. Al-Rafee M. The epidemiology of edentulism and the associated factors: A literature Review. J Family Med Prim Care. 2020;9(4):1841.
  • 2. Messias A, Karasan D, Nicolau P, Pjetursson BE, Guerra F. Rehabilitation of full-arch edentulism with fixed or removable dentures retained by root-form dental implants: A systematic review of outcomes and outcome measures used in clinical research in the last 10 years. J Clin Periodontol. 2023;50(S25):38-54.
  • 3. Xie Q, Ding T, Yang G. Rehabilitation of oral function with removable dentures - still an option? J Oral Rehabil. 2015;42(3):234-242.
  • 4. Sivaramakrishnan G, Sridharan K. Comparison of implant supported mandibular overdentures and conventional dentures on quality of life: a systematic review and metaanalysis of randomized controlled studies. Aust Dent J. 2016;61(4):482-488.
  • 5. Ali Z, Baker S, Barabari P, Martin N. Efficacy of Removable Partial Denture Treatment: A Retrospective Oral Health- Related Quality of Life Evaluation. Eur J Prosthodont Restor Dent. 2017;25(2):101-107.
  • 6. Senih Çalıkkocaoğlu. Tam Protezler Cilt 2. Özyurt yayınevi. 2021: 426-427
  • 7. Nallaswamy D. Textbook of Prosthodontics. 2nd Edition. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers; 2017: 4
  • 8. Yıldırım MP, Yanıkoğlu N, Atatürk FB, et al. Farklı Solüsyonlarda Bekletilen Akrilik Dişlerin Renklenme Düzeylerinin Incelenmesi. EÜ Dişhek Fak Derg.2012; 33(1): 32-37
  • 9. Mudliar VL, Tieh MT, Aarts JM, Paras A, Choi JJE. Wear of Modern Denture Teeth—A Systematic Review. Oral 2022;2(1):95-111.
  • 10. Anusavice KJ SCRHR. Phillip’s Scince of Dental Materials. In: 12th Ed. Elsevier Inc.; 2013:463.
  • 11. Şahin O, Dede DÖ, Köroʇlu A, Yilmaz B. Influence of surface sealant agents on the surface roughness and color stability of artificial teeth. J Prosthet Dent. 2015;114(1):130- 137.
  • 12. Dimitrova M, Chuchulska B, Zlatev S, Kazakova R. Colour Stability of 3D-Printed and Prefabricated Denture Teeth after Immersion in Different Colouring Agents—An In Vitro Study. Polymers (Basel). 2022;14(15).
  • 13. Al Taweel SM, Fouzan A Al, Al-Otaibi HN, Labban N, Alshehri HA. Thermal-cycling, simulated brushing, and beverages induced color changes and roughness of CAD/ CAM poly (methyl methacrylate) denture resins. Mater Res Express. 2021;8(12): 125401.
  • 14. Tieh MT, Waddell JN, Choi JJE. Optical Properties and Color Stability of Denture Teeth—A Systematic Review. Journal of Prosthodontics. 2022;31(5):385-398.
  • 15. Barão VAR, Ogawa ES, Moreno A, Mesquita MF, Wee AG, Assunção WG. Long-term clinical evaluation of the color stability and stainability of acrylic resin denture teeth. J Prosthet Dent. 2015;113(6):628-635.
  • 16. Shishehian A, Firouz F, Khazaee S, Rajabi H, Farhadian M, Niaghiha F. Evaluating the color stability of 3D-printed resins against various solutions. Eur J Transl Myol. 2023;33(3):11493.
  • 17. Dimitrova M, Corsalini M, Kazakova R, et al. Color Stability Determination of CAD/CAM Milled and 3D Printed Acrylic Resins for Denture Bases: A Narrative Review. J of Compos Sci. 2022; 6(7):201.
  • 18. Shahrubudin N, Lee TC, Ramlan R. An overview on 3D printing technology: Technological, materials, and applications. In: Procedia Manufacturing. Vol 35. Elsevier. 2019:1286-1296.
  • 19. Koh ES, Cha HS, Kim TH, Ahn JS, Lee JH. Color stability of three dimensional-printed denture teeth exposed to various colorants. The J K Acad Prosthodont. 2020;58(1):1.
  • 20. Alfouzan AF, Alotiabi HM, Labban N, NejerAl-Otaibi H, Al Taweel SM, AlShehri HA. Color stability of 3D-printed denture resins: Effect of aging, mechanical brushing and immersion in staining medium. J Adv Prosthodont. 2021;13(3):160-171.
  • 21. Lee EH, Ahn JS, Lim YJ, Kwon HB, Kim MJ. Effect of layer thickness and printing orientation on the color stability and stainability of a 3D-printed resin material. J Prosthet Dent. 2022;127(5):784.e1-784.e7.
  • 22. Gruber S, Kamnoedboon P, Özcan M, Srinivasan M. CAD/ CAM Complete Denture Resins: An In Vitro Evaluation of Color Stability. J Prosthodont. 2021;30(5):430-439.
  • 23. Yao Q, Morton D, Eckert GJ, Lin WS. The effect of surface treatments on the color stability of CAD-CAM interim fixed dental prostheses. J Prosthet Dent. 2021;126(2):248- 53.
  • 24. Manabe A, Kato Y, Finger WJ, Kanehira M, Komatsu M. Discoloration of coating resins exposed to staining solutions in vitro. Dent Mater J. 2009;28(3):338-343.
  • 25. Ghinea R, Pérez MM, Herrera LJ, Rivas MJ, Yebra A, Paravina RD. Color difference thresholds in dental ceramics. J Dent. 2010;38 Suppl 2: e57-64.
  • 26. Harorlı OT, Barutcigil C. Color recovery effect of commercial mouth rinses on a discolored composite. J Esthet Restor Dent. 2014;26(4):256-263.
  • 27. Assunção WG, Barão VAR, Pita MS, Goiato MC. Effect of polymerization methods and thermal cycling on color stability of acrylic resin denture teeth. J Prosthet Dent. 2009;102(6):385-392.
  • 28. Lin CT, Lee SY, Tsai TY, Dong DR, Shih YH. Degradation of repaired denture base materials in simulated oral fluid. J Oral Rehabil. 2000;27(3):190-198.
  • 29. Eliasson ST, Dahl JE. Effect of thermal cycling on temperature changes and bond strength in different test specimens. Biomater Investig Dent. 2020;7(1):16-24.
  • 30. Silva C de S, Machado AL, Chaves C de AL, Pavarina AC, Vergani CE. Effect of thermal cycling on denture base and autopolymerizing reline resins. J Appl Oral Sci. 2013;21(3):219-224.
  • 31. Gad MM, Fouda SM, Abualsaud R, et al. Strength and Surface Properties of a 3D-Printed Denture Base Polymer. J Prosthodont. 2022;31(5):412-418.
  • 32. Berli C, Thieringer FM, Sharma N, et al. Comparing the Mechanical Properties of Pressed, Milled, and 3D-Printed Resins for Occlusal Devices. J prosthet dent. 2020;124(6):780-786.
  • 33. Gad MM, Alshehri SZ, Alhamid SA, et al. Water Sorption, Solubility, and Translucency of 3D-Printed Denture Base Resins. Dent J (Basel). 2022;10(3):42.
  • 34. Perea-Lowery L, Gibreel M, Vallittu PK, Lassila L V. 3D-Printed vs. Heat-Polymerizing and Autopolymerizing Denture Base Acrylic Resins. Materials (Basel). 2021;14(19): 5781.
  • 35. Greil V, Mayinger F, Reymus M, Stawarczyk B. Water sorption, water solubility, degree of conversion, elastic indentation modulus, edge chipping resistance and flexural strength of 3D-printed denture base resins. J Mech Behav Biomed Mater. 2023; 137:105565.
  • 36. Lin CH, Lin YM, Lai YL, Lee SY. Mechanical Properties, Accuracy, and Cytotoxicity of UV-Polymerized 3D Printing Resins Composed of Bis-EMA, UDMA, and TEGDMA. J Prosthet Dent. 2020; 123(2):349-354.
  • 37. Kessler A, Reymus M, Hickel R, Kunzelmann KH. Threebody wear of 3D printed temporary materials. Dent Mater J. 2019;35(12):1805-1812.
  • 38. Güler AU, Güler E, Yücel AC, Ertaş E. Effects of polishing procedures on color stability of composite resins. J Appl Oral Sci. 2009;17(2):108-112.
  • 39. Mutlu-Sagesen L, Ergün G, Ozkan Y, Bek B. Color stability of different denture teeth materials: an in vitro study. J Oral Sci. 2001;43(3):193-205.
  • 40. Joiner A. Tooth colour: a review of the literature. J Dent. 2004;32 Suppl 1:3-12.
  • 41. Rutkunas V, Sabaliauskas V, Mizutani H. Effects of different food colorants and polishing techniques on color stability of provisional prosthetic materials. Dent Mater J. 2010;29(2):167-176.
There are 41 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Prosthodontics
Journal Section Research Articles

Azzahraa Al-omırı 0009-0008-9742-9677

Duygu Saraç 0000-0003-1076-9334

Publication Date January 26, 2024
Submission Date December 22, 2023
Acceptance Date January 18, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 2 Issue: 3


Vancouver Al-omırı A, Saraç D. Eklemeli Üretim Tekniği ile Üretilen Farklı Kimyasal Yapıya Sahip Hareketli Protez Yapay Dişlerinin Renk Stabilitesine Yüzey Bitirme ve Yaşlandırma İşlemlerinin Etkisi. J Turkish Dent Res. 2024;2(3):232-40.


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