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Khalaj Princesses in Afghanistan in the 8th Century, The Khalajs and Their Language in Central Iran Today

Yıl 2018, , 231 - 254, 03.08.2018


This article is the transcript of the lecture “Khalaj Princesses in Afghanistan in the 8th century. The Khalaj and their language in Central Iran Today”, delivered by Prof. Dr. Semih Tezcan at the Hacettepe University Institute of Turcology on 12th March 2009. Sources referred to during the lecture are mentioned in footnotes. In his lecture, Prof. Tezcan told about fieldwork in Iran, which led to the discovery and description of Khalaj, gave an account of research on this language and stressed the importance of Khalaj for Turcology. He further spoke about Turkic words appearing in documents in the Middle-Iranian Bactrian language, edited by Nicholas Sims-Williams, in which Khalaj princesses are mentioned, and emphasized the importance of this documentation for Turcology: This is the first mentioning of the Khalaj, before the earliest Arab sources.


  • Doerfer, G. (1987a). Lexik und Sprachgeographie des Chaladsch, Textband. Wiesbaden: Harrasowitz.
  • Doerfer, G. (1987b). Lexik und Sprachgeographie des Chaladsch, Kartenband. Wiesbaden: Harrasowitz.
  • Doerfer, G. (1988). Grammatik des Chaladsch. Wiesbaden: Harrasowitz.
  • Doerfer, G. ve Tezcan, S. (1980). Wörterbuch des Chaladsch, (Dialekt von Xarrab). Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó.
  • Doerfer, G. ve Tezcan, S. (1994). Folklore-Texte der Chaladsch. Wiesbaden: Harrasowitz.
  • Erdal, M. (2004). A Grammar of Old Turkic. Leiden - Boston: Brill.
  • Erdal, M. (2016). Helitbär and some other early Turkic names and titles. Turkic Languages. V. 20: 170-178.
  • Kıral, F. (2000a). Reflections on miş in Khalaj. L. Johanson, & B. Utas içinde, Evidentials. Turkic, Iranian and Neighbouring Languages (s. 89-101). Berlin-New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
  • Kıral, F. (2000b). Copied relative construction in Khalaj. Studies on Turkish and Turkic Languages.Turcologica, 46, 181-188.
  • Kıral, F. (2006). Weiteres zum Imperativ im Chaladsch. International Journal of Uralic and Altaic Studies (20), 183-198.
  • Minorsky, V. (1940). The Turkish Dialect of the Khalaj. Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies, Vol. 10.2: 417-439.
  • Minorsky, V. (1950). Ḫalaç Türk Diyalekti. TDED, IV (1-2): 83-106.
  • Mogaddem, M. (1318). Guyeşhå-ye Väsf vä Åşteyån vä Täfräş. İran-Kude ıı. Tahran.
  • Sims-Williams, N. (2000). Bactrian Documents from Northern Afghanistan, Vol I: Legal and Economic Documents. Oxford; New York: The Nour Foundation in association with Azimuth Editions and Oxford University Press.
  • Sims-Williams, N. (2002). Ancient Afghanistan and its invaders: Linguistic evidence from the Bactrian documents and inscriptions. In: Sims-Williams, N, (ed.), Indo-Iranian Languages and Peoples. Oxford University Press: 225-242.
  • Tezcan, N. (2013). Semih Tezcan’ın Yaşamından Kısa Bir Özet. AİBÜ Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, Semih Tezcan’a Armağan, Cilt: 13, Yıl: 13: 1-22.
  • Tezcan, S. (1974). Zum Stand der Chaladsch-Forschung. G. Hazai ve P. Zieme (Yay. Haz.), Sprache, Geschichte und Kultur der altaischen Völker, Protokollband der XII. Tagung der Permanent International Altaistic Conference içinde (ss. 613-619). Schriften zur Geschichte und Kultur des Alten Orients 5, Berlin: Akademie Verlag.
  • Törbat, T., Batsükh, D., Bemmann, J., Höllmann, Ö. ve Zieme, P. (2009). A Rock Tomb of the Ancient Turkic Period in the Zhargalant Khairkhan Mountains, Khovd Aimag, with the oldest Preserved Horse- head Fiddle in Mongolia - A Preliminary Report. Bonn Contributions to Asian Archaeology, 4.: 365-383.


Yıl 2018, , 231 - 254, 03.08.2018


Bu yazı, 12 Mart 2009 tarihinde Hacettepe Üniversitesi Türkiyat Araştırmaları Enstitüsü'nde Prof.Dr. Semih Tezcan tarafından verilen "8. yüzyılda Afganistan'da Halaç Prensesleri, Günümüzde Orta İran'da Halaçlar ve Dilleri" adlı konferansın deşifre edilmiş hâlidir. Konferansta atıfta bulunulan kaynaklar dipnotlarda gösterilmiştir. Tezcan konferansında, Halaççanın keşfine ve açıklanmasına yol açan Orta İran saha çalışmalarını anlatmış ve bu dil üzerine yaptığı araştırmalar üzerine açıklamalar yapmış ve Halaççanın Türkoloji açısından önemini vurgulamıştır. O ayrıca Nicholas Sims-Williams tarafından yayımlanan, Halaç prenseslerinden söz edilen Orta-İran Bahter dili adlı çalışmadaki belgelerde görülen Türkçe kelimeler ile ilgili konuşmuş ve bu dokümantasyonun Türkoloji açısından önemini vurgulamıştır: Bu, en erken Arap kaynaklarından önce Halaçlar hakkında verilen ilk bilgidir.


  • Doerfer, G. (1987a). Lexik und Sprachgeographie des Chaladsch, Textband. Wiesbaden: Harrasowitz.
  • Doerfer, G. (1987b). Lexik und Sprachgeographie des Chaladsch, Kartenband. Wiesbaden: Harrasowitz.
  • Doerfer, G. (1988). Grammatik des Chaladsch. Wiesbaden: Harrasowitz.
  • Doerfer, G. ve Tezcan, S. (1980). Wörterbuch des Chaladsch, (Dialekt von Xarrab). Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó.
  • Doerfer, G. ve Tezcan, S. (1994). Folklore-Texte der Chaladsch. Wiesbaden: Harrasowitz.
  • Erdal, M. (2004). A Grammar of Old Turkic. Leiden - Boston: Brill.
  • Erdal, M. (2016). Helitbär and some other early Turkic names and titles. Turkic Languages. V. 20: 170-178.
  • Kıral, F. (2000a). Reflections on miş in Khalaj. L. Johanson, & B. Utas içinde, Evidentials. Turkic, Iranian and Neighbouring Languages (s. 89-101). Berlin-New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
  • Kıral, F. (2000b). Copied relative construction in Khalaj. Studies on Turkish and Turkic Languages.Turcologica, 46, 181-188.
  • Kıral, F. (2006). Weiteres zum Imperativ im Chaladsch. International Journal of Uralic and Altaic Studies (20), 183-198.
  • Minorsky, V. (1940). The Turkish Dialect of the Khalaj. Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies, Vol. 10.2: 417-439.
  • Minorsky, V. (1950). Ḫalaç Türk Diyalekti. TDED, IV (1-2): 83-106.
  • Mogaddem, M. (1318). Guyeşhå-ye Väsf vä Åşteyån vä Täfräş. İran-Kude ıı. Tahran.
  • Sims-Williams, N. (2000). Bactrian Documents from Northern Afghanistan, Vol I: Legal and Economic Documents. Oxford; New York: The Nour Foundation in association with Azimuth Editions and Oxford University Press.
  • Sims-Williams, N. (2002). Ancient Afghanistan and its invaders: Linguistic evidence from the Bactrian documents and inscriptions. In: Sims-Williams, N, (ed.), Indo-Iranian Languages and Peoples. Oxford University Press: 225-242.
  • Tezcan, N. (2013). Semih Tezcan’ın Yaşamından Kısa Bir Özet. AİBÜ Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, Semih Tezcan’a Armağan, Cilt: 13, Yıl: 13: 1-22.
  • Tezcan, S. (1974). Zum Stand der Chaladsch-Forschung. G. Hazai ve P. Zieme (Yay. Haz.), Sprache, Geschichte und Kultur der altaischen Völker, Protokollband der XII. Tagung der Permanent International Altaistic Conference içinde (ss. 613-619). Schriften zur Geschichte und Kultur des Alten Orients 5, Berlin: Akademie Verlag.
  • Törbat, T., Batsükh, D., Bemmann, J., Höllmann, Ö. ve Zieme, P. (2009). A Rock Tomb of the Ancient Turkic Period in the Zhargalant Khairkhan Mountains, Khovd Aimag, with the oldest Preserved Horse- head Fiddle in Mongolia - A Preliminary Report. Bonn Contributions to Asian Archaeology, 4.: 365-383.
Toplam 18 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Dilbilim (Diğer)
Bölüm Semih Tezcan Anısına...

Mikail Cengiz 0000-0003-3081-6855

Marcel Erdal 0000-0002-1604-4193

Yayımlanma Tarihi 3 Ağustos 2018
Gönderilme Tarihi 15 Mart 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018

Kaynak Göster

APA Cengiz, M., & Erdal, M. (2018). 8. YÜZYILDA AFGANİSTAN’DA HALAÇ PRENSESLERİ, GÜNÜMÜZDE ORTA İRAN’DA HALAÇLAR VE DİLLERİ. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Türkiyat Araştırmaları (HÜTAD)(28), 231-254. https://doi.org/10.20427/turkiyat.1433920

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