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Year 2017, Volume: 8 Issue: 45, 121 - 141, 25.11.2022


Ülkelerin enerjiye duydukları ihtiyacın hızla artması, enerji ilişkilerinin uluslararası ilişkilerde önemli bir faktör haline gelmesine neden olmaktadır. Boru hatlarıyla petrol ve doğalgazın taşınması, sadece alıcı ve satıcı ülkeleri değil boru hatlarının geçtiği ülkeleri de birbirine bağlamaktadır. Bu çalışmada ticari kaygıları ön planda tutarak inşa edilecek boru hatlarının ülkeler arasında karşılıklı bağımlılık yaratarak, ülkelerin işbirliğini artırmaya ve aralarındaki sorunların çözülmesine ya da gerginliklerin ilişkilerin kesilmesine ya da silahlı çatışmaya dönüşmesini engellemeye katkı sağlayıp sağlamadığı incelenecektir. Bu çerçevede öncelikle inşası tamamlanmış boru hatları örnekleri değerlendirilecektir. Sonrasında Rusya ile Koreler arasında inşa edilmesi düşünülen Rusya-Trans-Kore Boru Hattı analiz edilecektir


  • Akpinar, E., Başıbüyük, A. 2011 . “Jeoekonomik Önemi Giderek Artan Bir Enerji Kaynağı: Doğalgaz”, Turkish Studies - International Periodical For The Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic, 6 3 : 119-136.
  • Ali, S. H. 2010 . Energizing Peace: The Role of Pipelines in Regional Cooperation. Brookings Doha Center Analysis Paper, No. 2.
  • Barnes, J., vd., 2006 . “Introduction to the Study”, Natural Gas and Geopolitics: From 1970 to 2040. David G. Victor, Amy M. Jaffe and Mark H. Hayes eds , Cambridge University Press, 1-24.
  • Can, S. “Avrupa Birliği-Libya İlişkileri”, birligi-libya-iliskileri/#sthash.qau2vCEc.dpuf>, 10.10.2015 .
  • Eom, G. H. 2012 , “Major Issues and Strategies ofthe Korea-Russia PNG Pipeline Natural Gas Project”, 2012 Korean-Russian Jeju Forum: Russia’s Policy toward Korean Peninsula 13 Ağustos 2012 , Jeju Peace Institute, 48-61.
  • Meyer, P. F. 2005 . “Russia’s Interests and Objectives on the Korean Peninsula”, International Journal of Korean Studies, 9 2 : 145-170.
  • Meyer, P. F. 2006 . “Russo-North Korean Relations Under Kim Jong Il”, Young Whan Kihl ve Hong Nack Kim eds. , North Korea: The Politics of Regime Survival. Armonk: M.E. Sharpe Inc., 203-224.
  • “Gas Pipeline Through N. Korea 'Part of a Bigger Game'”, The Chosun Ilbo, 26 Ağustos 2011, 82600507.html>, 24.12.2013 .
  • Greenstream, , 10.10.2015 .
  • Grieder, T. 2008 . “Russia and South Korea Sign Major Gas Pipeline Deal”, IHS Global Insight, 30 Eylül 2008.
  • Horne, A. 1996 . A Savage War of Peace: Algeria 1954-1962. New York: Review Books Classics.
  • Hayes, M. H. 2004 , Algerian Gas to Europe: The Transmed Pipeline and Early Spanish Gas Import Projects. Working Paper Series n. 27, Baker Institute Energy Forum.
  • Joo, S. H. ve LEE, Y. 2018 . “Putin and trilateral economic cooperation between Moscow, Seoul, and Pyongyang: motivation, feasibility, and Korean peace process”, Asia Europe Journal, 16: 81-99.
  • Kashiem, M. A. A. 2010 . “The Treaty of Friendship, Partnership and Cooperation between Libya and Italy: From an Awkward Past to a Promising Equal Partnership”, California Italian Studies, 1 1 : 1-15.
  • “Korea, South”, CIA The World Factbook, factbook/geos/ks.html>, 13.10.2015 .
  • Kim, D. J. 2012 . “Russian Influence on North Korea: Views of Former South Korean Ambassadors to Russia”, The Korean Journal of Defense Analysis, 24 3 : 391-404.
  • Lee, K., Kim, J. ve Jae, S. 2014 . Geopolitics of the Russo-Korean Gas Pipeline Project and Energy Cooperation in Northeast Asia. Study Series, 2014-04.
  • Lee, Y. S. 2012 . “The Gas Pipeline connecting South Korea, North Korea, and Russia: Effects, Points of Contention, and Tasks”, [KINU Research Abstract] KINU Policy Study, 11-05, , 10.10.2015 .
  • “Meeting with journalists following talks with Chairman of the State Defense Commission of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Kim Jong Il,” Official site of the President of Russia, 24 Ağustos 2011, , 06.03.2014 .
  • Metz, H. C. ed. 1994 . Algeria: A Country Study. Washington: GPO for the Library of Congress, , 24.09.2015 .
  • Mok, J. W. ve Hong, S. G. 2012 . “The Russo-Korean Cooperation for Natural Resources: The Prospect of the Trans-Siberian Gas Pipeline Project”, International Journal of Korean Studies, 16 2 : 130-156.
  • “On meeting dedicated to Russian natural gas supplies to Republic of Korea”, 22 Ocak 2010, Gazprom, 6/>, 04.03.2014 .
  • Ronzitti, N. 2009 . “The Treaty on Friendship, Partnership and Cooperation between Italy and Libya: New Prospects for Cooperation in the Mediterranean?”, Bulletin of Italian Politics, 1 1 : 125-133.
  • “Russia and North Korea Agree Debt Write-Off Deal”, RIA Novosti, 18 Eylül 2012, 21.02.2018 .
  • “Russia-Korea gas pipeline compendium”, pipeline-compendium/>, 13.10.2017 .
  • “Russia/South Korea economy: Landmark gas deal”, EIU ViewsWire, 30 Eylül 2008, =14141#top , 05.03.2014 .
  • Salmon, A. 2018 . “Moon in Russia: Gas pipeline no longer a pipe dream”, Asia Times, 23 Haziran 2018, longer-a-pipe-dream/> 01.11.2017 .
  • Sung, D. K. 2013 . “Putin’s Strategy on the Trans-Korean Gas Pipeline: In the Context of Pragmatic Realism”, Pacific Focus, 28 1 : 43-61.
  • Touval, S. 1999 . The Boundary Politics of Independent Africa. Harvard University Press.
  • “Trans-Mediterranean Natural Gas Pipeline, Algeria”, pipeline/>, 24.09.2015 .
  • “Transmed”, , 24.09.2015 .
  • Tümertekin, E. 1997 . Ekonomik Coğrafya: Küreselleşme ve Kalkınma. Çantay Kitapevi. İstanbul.
  • Stevens, P. 2003 . Cross-Border Oil and Gas Pipelines: Problems and Prospects, Joint UNDP/World Bank Energy Sector Management Assistance Programme ESMAP 2003, deroilandgaspipelines.pdf>, 12.10.2015 .
  • Varvelli, A. 2012 . “Italy and new Libya between continuity and change”, ISPI, Policy Brief, 219: 1-7.
  • Vorontsov, A. 2012 . “The Korea-Russia Gas Pipeline Project: Past, Present, and Future”, SERI Quarterly, 5 1 : 139-144.
  • Zhdannikov, D. and Moon, A 2008 . “UPDATE 3-Russia, S.Korea agree $90 billion gas deal”, Reuters, 29 Eylül 2008, idUSLT47922420080929>
Year 2017, Volume: 8 Issue: 45, 121 - 141, 25.11.2022


The rapid increase in the need of energy of countries, causing energy relations to become an important factor in international relations. The transportation of oil and natural gas through pipelines bind not only the buyer and seller countries but also the countries where pipelines pass through. In this study, it will be examined whether the pipelines to be built by prioritizing commercial concerns create mutual dependence between countries, to increase the cooperation of countries and to solve the problems between them or to prevent tensions from interrupting the relations or preventing them from turning into armed conflict. In this context, first of all, the pipelines that have been constructed will be evaluated. Then, the Russian-Trans-Korean Pipeline, which is planned to be built between Russia and Korea, will be analyzed


  • Akpinar, E., Başıbüyük, A. 2011 . “Jeoekonomik Önemi Giderek Artan Bir Enerji Kaynağı: Doğalgaz”, Turkish Studies - International Periodical For The Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic, 6 3 : 119-136.
  • Ali, S. H. 2010 . Energizing Peace: The Role of Pipelines in Regional Cooperation. Brookings Doha Center Analysis Paper, No. 2.
  • Barnes, J., vd., 2006 . “Introduction to the Study”, Natural Gas and Geopolitics: From 1970 to 2040. David G. Victor, Amy M. Jaffe and Mark H. Hayes eds , Cambridge University Press, 1-24.
  • Can, S. “Avrupa Birliği-Libya İlişkileri”, birligi-libya-iliskileri/#sthash.qau2vCEc.dpuf>, 10.10.2015 .
  • Eom, G. H. 2012 , “Major Issues and Strategies ofthe Korea-Russia PNG Pipeline Natural Gas Project”, 2012 Korean-Russian Jeju Forum: Russia’s Policy toward Korean Peninsula 13 Ağustos 2012 , Jeju Peace Institute, 48-61.
  • Meyer, P. F. 2005 . “Russia’s Interests and Objectives on the Korean Peninsula”, International Journal of Korean Studies, 9 2 : 145-170.
  • Meyer, P. F. 2006 . “Russo-North Korean Relations Under Kim Jong Il”, Young Whan Kihl ve Hong Nack Kim eds. , North Korea: The Politics of Regime Survival. Armonk: M.E. Sharpe Inc., 203-224.
  • “Gas Pipeline Through N. Korea 'Part of a Bigger Game'”, The Chosun Ilbo, 26 Ağustos 2011, 82600507.html>, 24.12.2013 .
  • Greenstream, , 10.10.2015 .
  • Grieder, T. 2008 . “Russia and South Korea Sign Major Gas Pipeline Deal”, IHS Global Insight, 30 Eylül 2008.
  • Horne, A. 1996 . A Savage War of Peace: Algeria 1954-1962. New York: Review Books Classics.
  • Hayes, M. H. 2004 , Algerian Gas to Europe: The Transmed Pipeline and Early Spanish Gas Import Projects. Working Paper Series n. 27, Baker Institute Energy Forum.
  • Joo, S. H. ve LEE, Y. 2018 . “Putin and trilateral economic cooperation between Moscow, Seoul, and Pyongyang: motivation, feasibility, and Korean peace process”, Asia Europe Journal, 16: 81-99.
  • Kashiem, M. A. A. 2010 . “The Treaty of Friendship, Partnership and Cooperation between Libya and Italy: From an Awkward Past to a Promising Equal Partnership”, California Italian Studies, 1 1 : 1-15.
  • “Korea, South”, CIA The World Factbook, factbook/geos/ks.html>, 13.10.2015 .
  • Kim, D. J. 2012 . “Russian Influence on North Korea: Views of Former South Korean Ambassadors to Russia”, The Korean Journal of Defense Analysis, 24 3 : 391-404.
  • Lee, K., Kim, J. ve Jae, S. 2014 . Geopolitics of the Russo-Korean Gas Pipeline Project and Energy Cooperation in Northeast Asia. Study Series, 2014-04.
  • Lee, Y. S. 2012 . “The Gas Pipeline connecting South Korea, North Korea, and Russia: Effects, Points of Contention, and Tasks”, [KINU Research Abstract] KINU Policy Study, 11-05, , 10.10.2015 .
  • “Meeting with journalists following talks with Chairman of the State Defense Commission of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Kim Jong Il,” Official site of the President of Russia, 24 Ağustos 2011, , 06.03.2014 .
  • Metz, H. C. ed. 1994 . Algeria: A Country Study. Washington: GPO for the Library of Congress, , 24.09.2015 .
  • Mok, J. W. ve Hong, S. G. 2012 . “The Russo-Korean Cooperation for Natural Resources: The Prospect of the Trans-Siberian Gas Pipeline Project”, International Journal of Korean Studies, 16 2 : 130-156.
  • “On meeting dedicated to Russian natural gas supplies to Republic of Korea”, 22 Ocak 2010, Gazprom, 6/>, 04.03.2014 .
  • Ronzitti, N. 2009 . “The Treaty on Friendship, Partnership and Cooperation between Italy and Libya: New Prospects for Cooperation in the Mediterranean?”, Bulletin of Italian Politics, 1 1 : 125-133.
  • “Russia and North Korea Agree Debt Write-Off Deal”, RIA Novosti, 18 Eylül 2012, 21.02.2018 .
  • “Russia-Korea gas pipeline compendium”, pipeline-compendium/>, 13.10.2017 .
  • “Russia/South Korea economy: Landmark gas deal”, EIU ViewsWire, 30 Eylül 2008, =14141#top , 05.03.2014 .
  • Salmon, A. 2018 . “Moon in Russia: Gas pipeline no longer a pipe dream”, Asia Times, 23 Haziran 2018, longer-a-pipe-dream/> 01.11.2017 .
  • Sung, D. K. 2013 . “Putin’s Strategy on the Trans-Korean Gas Pipeline: In the Context of Pragmatic Realism”, Pacific Focus, 28 1 : 43-61.
  • Touval, S. 1999 . The Boundary Politics of Independent Africa. Harvard University Press.
  • “Trans-Mediterranean Natural Gas Pipeline, Algeria”, pipeline/>, 24.09.2015 .
  • “Transmed”, , 24.09.2015 .
  • Tümertekin, E. 1997 . Ekonomik Coğrafya: Küreselleşme ve Kalkınma. Çantay Kitapevi. İstanbul.
  • Stevens, P. 2003 . Cross-Border Oil and Gas Pipelines: Problems and Prospects, Joint UNDP/World Bank Energy Sector Management Assistance Programme ESMAP 2003, deroilandgaspipelines.pdf>, 12.10.2015 .
  • Varvelli, A. 2012 . “Italy and new Libya between continuity and change”, ISPI, Policy Brief, 219: 1-7.
  • Vorontsov, A. 2012 . “The Korea-Russia Gas Pipeline Project: Past, Present, and Future”, SERI Quarterly, 5 1 : 139-144.
  • Zhdannikov, D. and Moon, A 2008 . “UPDATE 3-Russia, S.Korea agree $90 billion gas deal”, Reuters, 29 Eylül 2008, idUSLT47922420080929>
There are 36 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Özlem Demirkıran This is me

Publication Date November 25, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 8 Issue: 45
