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Seasonal variations in tap water quality parameters in Çanakkale, Türkiye

Year 2022, Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 6 - 18, 29.06.2022


Water pollutants are a major problem for the world. Especially, heavy metals are significant environmental pollutants due to their tendency on accumulation in organisms and causing toxic effects on humans, animals, and aquatic organisms. Therefore, qualitative and quantitative analyses of pollutants are important. Especially the analysis of contaminants in tap water is important. In this study, unlike previous studies, physicochemical water quality parameters were also studied for the first time along with heavy metal analysis. Water-quality parameters (pH, temperature, conductivity, and dissolved oxygen) were determined in tap-water by YSI 556 MPS, other parameters such as biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) were determined by electrometric and titrimetric methods. Various anions were analysed with the UV-VIS spectroscopy technique. Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn were analysed as pollutants by ICP-OES. Amount of Cr, Cd, Ni, and Pb were found as detectable limits, but Cu, Fe, Mn, and Zn were found 0.003 ppm, 0.173 ppm, 0.009 ppm, and 2.343 ppm, respectively. The pH of the tap water was in the interval 6.64 and 7.12 (mean: 6.85 ± 0.12). Nitrite varied between 0.20 and 0.60 mg/L (average: 0.36±0.001 mg/L) revealing that the tap waters exceeded the TSE standards for first quality drinking waters (0.20 mg/L). The data were evaluated using the relevant statistical analyses


  • 1. H. Kacar, Determination of some heavy metals and anions concentrations with physico-chemical parameters as seasonal in the tap water of Çanakkale city (Turkey), Master’s thesis, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Institute of Science, 2013.
  • 2. H. Kacar, Seasonal variations of tap water quality parameters in the city center of Canakkale Turkey, 8th Black Sea Basin Conference on Analytical Chemistry, May 9-11, Istanbul, 2018, Turkey, PP13.
  • 3. H. Kacar, S. Yilmaz, M. Turkoglu, M. Sadikoglu, Seasonal Changes in concentrations of heavy metals in tap water from the city center of Canakkale Turkey, 8th Black Sea Basin Conference on Analytical Chemistry, May 9-11, Istanbul, 2018, Turkey, PP12.
  • 4. S. Alemdar, T. Kahraman, S. Ağaoğlu, M. Alişarlı, Some Microbiological and Physicochemical Properties of Drinking Water in Bitlis District, Ekoloji, 19, 2009, 29-38.
  • 5. C. Bakar, A. Baba, Metaller ve insan sağlığı: Yirminci yüzyıldan bugüne ve geleceğe miras kalan çevre sağlığı sorunu, 1. Tıbbi Jeoloji Çalıştayı, Oct 30 - Sep 1 Nevşehir, 2009, Turkey, 162-85.
  • 6. N. Menek, O. Uçarlı, S. Topçu, S. Zeyrekli, Y. Karaman, Investigation of Catalytic Effect Nitrite on Electrochemical Reduction of Cobalt Dimethylglyoxime Complex by Polarographic and Voltammetric Techniques, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 9, 2014, 2445-2453.
  • 7. İ. Uzun, B. Güler, T. Özyürek, O. Uçarlı, E. Bodrumlu, N. Menek, Assesment of the Nickel Ion Releases from the Broken Stainless Steel and Nickel Titanium Endodontic Instruments, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 9, 2014, 5812-5819.
  • 8. M. Turkoglu, H. Parlak, B. Büyükışık, A comparative study on Crtot concentrations of water, sediment and some benthic organisms of Izmir Bay, Rapport Commission Internationale Mer Méditerranée, 33, 1992, 186.
  • 9. M. Turkoglu, H. Parlak, Accumulation and distribution of total chromium in seawater, sediment and some organisms and its behavior processes in Izmir Bay (Aegean Sea), E.U. Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences, 16, 1999, 47-58.
  • 10. Ö. Öner, A. Çelik, Investigation of some pollution parameters in water and sediment samples collected from the Lower Gediz River basin, Ekoloji, 20, 2011, 48-52.
  • 11. M.T. Sağlam, K. Bellitürk, Su kirliliği ve toprak üzerindeki etkisi, Alatarım, 2, 2003, 46-49.
  • 12. M. Okcu, E. Tozlu, A. Kumlay, M. Pehluvan, Ağır Metallerin Bitkiler Üzerine Etkileri, Alinteri Journal of Agriculture Science, 17, 2012, 14-26.
  • 13. M. Turkoglu, Long Time variations of Mercury in surface waters of the Turkish Straits System, Rapport Commission Internationale Mer Méditerranée, 41, 2016, 162.
  • 14. İ.E. Ersoy, Çimento Sanayisi Çevresinde Dane Yemlerde ve Kanatlı Hayvan Ürünlerinde Olası Ağır Metal Kirliliklerinin Araştırılması, Doctoral Dissertation, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Institute of Science, 2012.
  • 15. T. Kahraman, S. Alemdar, M. Alişarlı, S. Ağaoğlu, Heavy metal levels of drinking water in Bitlis province, Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 28, 2012, 164-171.
  • 16. Ç. Güler, Su Kalitesi, T.C. Sağlık Bakanlığı Çevre Sağlığı Temel Kaynak Dizisi, 43, 1997, 95.
  • 17. Turkish Pharmacological Society, Human health effects of cyanide scattering, 2013, http://www.tfd.org.tr/uploads/file/ktcg/siyanur.pdf
  • 18. Çevre Mühendisleri Forumu, Chemical oxygen demand, 2012, http://www.cevremuhendisleri.net/threads/K.O.İ.-kimyasal-oksijen-ihtiyacı.5494/
  • 19. US EPA, Effect of pH, DIC, orthophosphate and sulphate on drinking water cuprosolvency, Washington, DC, US Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development (EPA/600/R-95/085), 1995.
  • 20. H. Durmaz, M. Ardıç, O. Aygün, N. Genli, Şanlıurfa ve Yöresindeki Kuyu Sularında Nitrat ve Nitrit Düzeyleri, Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 18, 2007, 51-54.
  • 21. M. Özdemir, B. Sırıken, Afyonkarahisar bölgesi kuyu sularında siyanür düzeylerinin belirlenmesi, Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 53, 2006, 37-40.
  • 22. US EPA, Clarification of Free and Total Cyanide Analysis for Safe Drinking Water Act Compliance, 2020, USA, Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water.
  • 23. A. Kovancı, Çanakkale şehir şebeke suyunda ağir metal analizi ve bakteriyolojik inceleme, Master’s thesis, Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Institute of Science, 2008.
  • 24. E. Süren, S. Yılmaz, M. Türkoğlu, S. Kaya, Concentrations of cadmium and lead heavy metals in Dardanelle’s seawater, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 125, 2007, 91–98.
  • 25. O.T. Yayintas, S. Yılmaz, M. Turkoglu, Y. Dilgin, Determination of heavy metal pollution with environmental physicochemical parameters in wastewater of Kocabaş Stream (Biga, Çanakkale, Turkey) by ICP-AES. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 127, 2007, 389-397.
  • 26. O.T Yayintas, S. Yılmaz, M. Turkoglu, F.A. Colakoglu, F. Cakir, Seasonal variation of some heavy metal pollution with environmental and microbiological parameters in sub-basin of Kocabaş Stream (Biga, Çanakkale, Turkey) by ICP-AES. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 134, 2007, 321-331.
  • 27. S. Kahraman, S.Ö. Tepeli, B. İleri, R. Yıldız, Determination of heavy metal pollution of Yenice and Davutkoy Ponds (Yenice, Çanakkale) used in agricultural irrigation, COMU J Agric Fac, 5, 2017, 115–122.
  • 28. C. Tokatlı, Drinking Water Quality Assessment in Villages Located in Meriç River Basın (Edirne, Turkey), Sigma J Eng & Nat Sci, 36, 2018, 871-886.
  • 29. C. Tokatlı, Drinking Water Quality Assessment of Ergene River Basin (Turkey) by Water Quality Index: Essential and Toxic Elements, Sains Malaysiana, 48, 2019, 2071–2081.
  • 30. M. Berthold, Available Cyanide Sampling and Analysis, Michigan Water Environment Association, 2010, https://www.mi-wea.org/docs/Available%20Cyanide%20Sampling%20and%20Analysis.pdf
  • 31. Water Research Center, Corrosive Drinking Water (Lead, Copper, Aluminum, Zinc and More), Water Research Center, 2019, https://water-research.net/index.php/drinking-water-issues-corrosive-water-lead-copper-aluminum-zinc-and-more
  • 32. Apec Water, How Exactly Does Dissolved Oxygen Affect Water Quality, Apec Water, 2019, https://www.freedrinkingwater.com/water_quality/quality1/1-how-dissolved-oxygen-affects-water-quality.htm
  • 33. Ö. Özdestan, A. Üren, Gıdalarda Nitrat ve Nitrit. Akademik Gıda, 8, 2010, 35-43.
  • 34. G.J.A. Speijers, G.F. van Went, M.E. van Apoldoorn, G.K. Montizaan, J.A. Janus, J.H. Canton, C.A.M. van Gestel, C.A. van der Heijden, E. Heijna-Marcus, A.G.A.C. Knaap, R. Luttik, D. de Zwart, Integrated criteria document nitrate; effects, Appendix to RIVM Report No 758473012, Bilthoven, National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, 1989, pp. 213-411.
  • 35. FAO/WHO, Toxicological evaluation of certain food additives and contaminants, Geneva, World Health Organization, Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives, WHO Food Additives Series No. 35, 1996.
  • 36. ICAIR Life Systems Inc., Drinking water criteria document on nitrate/nitrite. 1990, USA, Environmental Protection Agency Office of Drinking Water.
  • 37. C.N. Sawyer, P.L. McCarty, G.F. Parkin, Chemistry for Environmental Engineering and Science (5th ed.), 2003, New York, McGraw-Hill.
  • 38. American Water Works Association, & Water Environment Federation, Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater (22nd Ed. 5220 B, 5.06-5.21), 2012, USA, American Public Health Association.
  • 39. C. Richard, The United Nations World Water Development Report 2016: Water and Jobs, Chapter 2: The Global Perspective on Water, 2016, France, UNESCO.
  • 40. The report of the Scientific Review Committee, Nutrition recommendations, 1990, Canada, Department of National Health and Welfare.
  • 41. B. Gassmann, Requirements of Vitamin A, Iron, Folate and Vitamin B12, Report of Joint FAO/WHO Expert Consultation, 107 Seiten, 5 Abb., 24 Tab. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations; Rome 1988, Molecular Nutrition & Food Research, 35, 1991, 20.
  • 42. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, Toxicological profile for manganese, 2012, USA, Department of Health and Human Services Public Health Service.
  • 43. IPCS, Principles and methods for the assessment of risk from essential trace elements, (International Programme on Chemical Safety Environmental Health Criteria 228), 2002, Geneva, World Health Organization.
  • 44. US EPA, Drinking water criteria document for manganese, 1993, updated in 1994, USA, Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water.
  • 45. D.G. Barceloux, D. Barceloux, Manganese, Journal of Toxicology: Clinical Toxicology, 37, 1999, 293–307.
  • 46. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, Toxicological profile for copper, 2004, USA, Department of Health and Human Services Public Health Service.
  • 47. IPCS International Programme on Chemical Safety Environmental Health Criteria 200, Copper, 1998, Geneva, World Health Organization.
  • 48. US EPA Federal Register 56:26460-26564, Maximum contaminant level goals and national primary drinking water regulations for lead and copper (final rule), 1991, USA, Environmental Protection Agency.
  • 49. Health Canada, Guidelines for Canadian drinking water quality - Guideline technical document: Copper, 2019, https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/environmental-workplace-health/reports-publications/water-quality/copper.html
  • 50. US National Research Council, Copper in Drinking Water, 2000, USA, The National Academies Press.
  • 51. R. Pettersson, F. Rasmussen, Daily intake of copper from drinking water among young children in Sweden, Environmental Health Perspectives, 107, 1999, 441–446.
  • 52. B.P. Zietz, H.H. Dieter, M. Lakomek, H. Schneider, B. Keßler-Gaedtke, H. Dunkelberg, Epidemiological investigation on chronic copper toxicity to children exposed via the public drinking water supply, Science of The Total Environment, 302, 2003, 127-144. 53. C.G. Elinder, Zinc, In: L. Friberg, G.F. Nordberg, V.B. Vouk, (eds), Handbook on the toxicology of metals, (2nd ed.) Amsterdam, 1986, Elsevier Science Publishers.
  • 54. J.O. Nriagu, Zinc in the environment, Part I, Ecological cycling (pp. 453), 1980, USA, Wiley & Sons.
  • 55. L. Hiisvirta, J. Lehto, J. Kumpulainen, P. Koivistoinen, L. Pitkänen, Metals in drinking water, Vatten, 42, 1986, 201.
  • 56. P. Lahermo, M. Ilmasti, R. Juntunen, M. Taka, The geochemical atlas of Finland, Part 1: The hydrogeochemical mapping of Finnish groundwater, Geological Survey of Finland, Espoo, 1990.
  • 57. Y. Abalı, Ş. Targan, Ü. Süner, C. Süner, Chemical Analysis of Some Drinking Water in Manisa region, C.B.Ü. Soma Meslek Yüksekokulu Teknik Bilimler Dergisi, 2, 2008, 10.
Year 2022, Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 6 - 18, 29.06.2022



  • 1. H. Kacar, Determination of some heavy metals and anions concentrations with physico-chemical parameters as seasonal in the tap water of Çanakkale city (Turkey), Master’s thesis, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Institute of Science, 2013.
  • 2. H. Kacar, Seasonal variations of tap water quality parameters in the city center of Canakkale Turkey, 8th Black Sea Basin Conference on Analytical Chemistry, May 9-11, Istanbul, 2018, Turkey, PP13.
  • 3. H. Kacar, S. Yilmaz, M. Turkoglu, M. Sadikoglu, Seasonal Changes in concentrations of heavy metals in tap water from the city center of Canakkale Turkey, 8th Black Sea Basin Conference on Analytical Chemistry, May 9-11, Istanbul, 2018, Turkey, PP12.
  • 4. S. Alemdar, T. Kahraman, S. Ağaoğlu, M. Alişarlı, Some Microbiological and Physicochemical Properties of Drinking Water in Bitlis District, Ekoloji, 19, 2009, 29-38.
  • 5. C. Bakar, A. Baba, Metaller ve insan sağlığı: Yirminci yüzyıldan bugüne ve geleceğe miras kalan çevre sağlığı sorunu, 1. Tıbbi Jeoloji Çalıştayı, Oct 30 - Sep 1 Nevşehir, 2009, Turkey, 162-85.
  • 6. N. Menek, O. Uçarlı, S. Topçu, S. Zeyrekli, Y. Karaman, Investigation of Catalytic Effect Nitrite on Electrochemical Reduction of Cobalt Dimethylglyoxime Complex by Polarographic and Voltammetric Techniques, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 9, 2014, 2445-2453.
  • 7. İ. Uzun, B. Güler, T. Özyürek, O. Uçarlı, E. Bodrumlu, N. Menek, Assesment of the Nickel Ion Releases from the Broken Stainless Steel and Nickel Titanium Endodontic Instruments, International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 9, 2014, 5812-5819.
  • 8. M. Turkoglu, H. Parlak, B. Büyükışık, A comparative study on Crtot concentrations of water, sediment and some benthic organisms of Izmir Bay, Rapport Commission Internationale Mer Méditerranée, 33, 1992, 186.
  • 9. M. Turkoglu, H. Parlak, Accumulation and distribution of total chromium in seawater, sediment and some organisms and its behavior processes in Izmir Bay (Aegean Sea), E.U. Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences, 16, 1999, 47-58.
  • 10. Ö. Öner, A. Çelik, Investigation of some pollution parameters in water and sediment samples collected from the Lower Gediz River basin, Ekoloji, 20, 2011, 48-52.
  • 11. M.T. Sağlam, K. Bellitürk, Su kirliliği ve toprak üzerindeki etkisi, Alatarım, 2, 2003, 46-49.
  • 12. M. Okcu, E. Tozlu, A. Kumlay, M. Pehluvan, Ağır Metallerin Bitkiler Üzerine Etkileri, Alinteri Journal of Agriculture Science, 17, 2012, 14-26.
  • 13. M. Turkoglu, Long Time variations of Mercury in surface waters of the Turkish Straits System, Rapport Commission Internationale Mer Méditerranée, 41, 2016, 162.
  • 14. İ.E. Ersoy, Çimento Sanayisi Çevresinde Dane Yemlerde ve Kanatlı Hayvan Ürünlerinde Olası Ağır Metal Kirliliklerinin Araştırılması, Doctoral Dissertation, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Institute of Science, 2012.
  • 15. T. Kahraman, S. Alemdar, M. Alişarlı, S. Ağaoğlu, Heavy metal levels of drinking water in Bitlis province, Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 28, 2012, 164-171.
  • 16. Ç. Güler, Su Kalitesi, T.C. Sağlık Bakanlığı Çevre Sağlığı Temel Kaynak Dizisi, 43, 1997, 95.
  • 17. Turkish Pharmacological Society, Human health effects of cyanide scattering, 2013, http://www.tfd.org.tr/uploads/file/ktcg/siyanur.pdf
  • 18. Çevre Mühendisleri Forumu, Chemical oxygen demand, 2012, http://www.cevremuhendisleri.net/threads/K.O.İ.-kimyasal-oksijen-ihtiyacı.5494/
  • 19. US EPA, Effect of pH, DIC, orthophosphate and sulphate on drinking water cuprosolvency, Washington, DC, US Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development (EPA/600/R-95/085), 1995.
  • 20. H. Durmaz, M. Ardıç, O. Aygün, N. Genli, Şanlıurfa ve Yöresindeki Kuyu Sularında Nitrat ve Nitrit Düzeyleri, Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 18, 2007, 51-54.
  • 21. M. Özdemir, B. Sırıken, Afyonkarahisar bölgesi kuyu sularında siyanür düzeylerinin belirlenmesi, Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 53, 2006, 37-40.
  • 22. US EPA, Clarification of Free and Total Cyanide Analysis for Safe Drinking Water Act Compliance, 2020, USA, Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water.
  • 23. A. Kovancı, Çanakkale şehir şebeke suyunda ağir metal analizi ve bakteriyolojik inceleme, Master’s thesis, Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Institute of Science, 2008.
  • 24. E. Süren, S. Yılmaz, M. Türkoğlu, S. Kaya, Concentrations of cadmium and lead heavy metals in Dardanelle’s seawater, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 125, 2007, 91–98.
  • 25. O.T. Yayintas, S. Yılmaz, M. Turkoglu, Y. Dilgin, Determination of heavy metal pollution with environmental physicochemical parameters in wastewater of Kocabaş Stream (Biga, Çanakkale, Turkey) by ICP-AES. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 127, 2007, 389-397.
  • 26. O.T Yayintas, S. Yılmaz, M. Turkoglu, F.A. Colakoglu, F. Cakir, Seasonal variation of some heavy metal pollution with environmental and microbiological parameters in sub-basin of Kocabaş Stream (Biga, Çanakkale, Turkey) by ICP-AES. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 134, 2007, 321-331.
  • 27. S. Kahraman, S.Ö. Tepeli, B. İleri, R. Yıldız, Determination of heavy metal pollution of Yenice and Davutkoy Ponds (Yenice, Çanakkale) used in agricultural irrigation, COMU J Agric Fac, 5, 2017, 115–122.
  • 28. C. Tokatlı, Drinking Water Quality Assessment in Villages Located in Meriç River Basın (Edirne, Turkey), Sigma J Eng & Nat Sci, 36, 2018, 871-886.
  • 29. C. Tokatlı, Drinking Water Quality Assessment of Ergene River Basin (Turkey) by Water Quality Index: Essential and Toxic Elements, Sains Malaysiana, 48, 2019, 2071–2081.
  • 30. M. Berthold, Available Cyanide Sampling and Analysis, Michigan Water Environment Association, 2010, https://www.mi-wea.org/docs/Available%20Cyanide%20Sampling%20and%20Analysis.pdf
  • 31. Water Research Center, Corrosive Drinking Water (Lead, Copper, Aluminum, Zinc and More), Water Research Center, 2019, https://water-research.net/index.php/drinking-water-issues-corrosive-water-lead-copper-aluminum-zinc-and-more
  • 32. Apec Water, How Exactly Does Dissolved Oxygen Affect Water Quality, Apec Water, 2019, https://www.freedrinkingwater.com/water_quality/quality1/1-how-dissolved-oxygen-affects-water-quality.htm
  • 33. Ö. Özdestan, A. Üren, Gıdalarda Nitrat ve Nitrit. Akademik Gıda, 8, 2010, 35-43.
  • 34. G.J.A. Speijers, G.F. van Went, M.E. van Apoldoorn, G.K. Montizaan, J.A. Janus, J.H. Canton, C.A.M. van Gestel, C.A. van der Heijden, E. Heijna-Marcus, A.G.A.C. Knaap, R. Luttik, D. de Zwart, Integrated criteria document nitrate; effects, Appendix to RIVM Report No 758473012, Bilthoven, National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, 1989, pp. 213-411.
  • 35. FAO/WHO, Toxicological evaluation of certain food additives and contaminants, Geneva, World Health Organization, Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives, WHO Food Additives Series No. 35, 1996.
  • 36. ICAIR Life Systems Inc., Drinking water criteria document on nitrate/nitrite. 1990, USA, Environmental Protection Agency Office of Drinking Water.
  • 37. C.N. Sawyer, P.L. McCarty, G.F. Parkin, Chemistry for Environmental Engineering and Science (5th ed.), 2003, New York, McGraw-Hill.
  • 38. American Water Works Association, & Water Environment Federation, Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater (22nd Ed. 5220 B, 5.06-5.21), 2012, USA, American Public Health Association.
  • 39. C. Richard, The United Nations World Water Development Report 2016: Water and Jobs, Chapter 2: The Global Perspective on Water, 2016, France, UNESCO.
  • 40. The report of the Scientific Review Committee, Nutrition recommendations, 1990, Canada, Department of National Health and Welfare.
  • 41. B. Gassmann, Requirements of Vitamin A, Iron, Folate and Vitamin B12, Report of Joint FAO/WHO Expert Consultation, 107 Seiten, 5 Abb., 24 Tab. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations; Rome 1988, Molecular Nutrition & Food Research, 35, 1991, 20.
  • 42. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, Toxicological profile for manganese, 2012, USA, Department of Health and Human Services Public Health Service.
  • 43. IPCS, Principles and methods for the assessment of risk from essential trace elements, (International Programme on Chemical Safety Environmental Health Criteria 228), 2002, Geneva, World Health Organization.
  • 44. US EPA, Drinking water criteria document for manganese, 1993, updated in 1994, USA, Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water.
  • 45. D.G. Barceloux, D. Barceloux, Manganese, Journal of Toxicology: Clinical Toxicology, 37, 1999, 293–307.
  • 46. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, Toxicological profile for copper, 2004, USA, Department of Health and Human Services Public Health Service.
  • 47. IPCS International Programme on Chemical Safety Environmental Health Criteria 200, Copper, 1998, Geneva, World Health Organization.
  • 48. US EPA Federal Register 56:26460-26564, Maximum contaminant level goals and national primary drinking water regulations for lead and copper (final rule), 1991, USA, Environmental Protection Agency.
  • 49. Health Canada, Guidelines for Canadian drinking water quality - Guideline technical document: Copper, 2019, https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/environmental-workplace-health/reports-publications/water-quality/copper.html
  • 50. US National Research Council, Copper in Drinking Water, 2000, USA, The National Academies Press.
  • 51. R. Pettersson, F. Rasmussen, Daily intake of copper from drinking water among young children in Sweden, Environmental Health Perspectives, 107, 1999, 441–446.
  • 52. B.P. Zietz, H.H. Dieter, M. Lakomek, H. Schneider, B. Keßler-Gaedtke, H. Dunkelberg, Epidemiological investigation on chronic copper toxicity to children exposed via the public drinking water supply, Science of The Total Environment, 302, 2003, 127-144. 53. C.G. Elinder, Zinc, In: L. Friberg, G.F. Nordberg, V.B. Vouk, (eds), Handbook on the toxicology of metals, (2nd ed.) Amsterdam, 1986, Elsevier Science Publishers.
  • 54. J.O. Nriagu, Zinc in the environment, Part I, Ecological cycling (pp. 453), 1980, USA, Wiley & Sons.
  • 55. L. Hiisvirta, J. Lehto, J. Kumpulainen, P. Koivistoinen, L. Pitkänen, Metals in drinking water, Vatten, 42, 1986, 201.
  • 56. P. Lahermo, M. Ilmasti, R. Juntunen, M. Taka, The geochemical atlas of Finland, Part 1: The hydrogeochemical mapping of Finnish groundwater, Geological Survey of Finland, Espoo, 1990.
  • 57. Y. Abalı, Ş. Targan, Ü. Süner, C. Süner, Chemical Analysis of Some Drinking Water in Manisa region, C.B.Ü. Soma Meslek Yüksekokulu Teknik Bilimler Dergisi, 2, 2008, 10.
There are 56 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Analytical Chemistry
Journal Section Research Articles

Hasan Kaçar 0000-0002-3733-4050

Selehattin Yılmaz 0000-0003-4607-3523

Muhammet Türkoğlu 0000-0003-3084-6747

Murat Sadıkoglu 0000-0002-6701-6838

Publication Date June 29, 2022
Submission Date April 30, 2022
Acceptance Date May 21, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 4 Issue: 1


APA Kaçar, H., Yılmaz, S., Türkoğlu, M., Sadıkoglu, M. (2022). Seasonal variations in tap water quality parameters in Çanakkale, Türkiye. Turkish Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 4(1), 6-18. https://doi.org/10.51435/turkjac.1111456
AMA Kaçar H, Yılmaz S, Türkoğlu M, Sadıkoglu M. Seasonal variations in tap water quality parameters in Çanakkale, Türkiye. TurkJAC. June 2022;4(1):6-18. doi:10.51435/turkjac.1111456
Chicago Kaçar, Hasan, Selehattin Yılmaz, Muhammet Türkoğlu, and Murat Sadıkoglu. “Seasonal Variations in Tap Water Quality Parameters in Çanakkale, Türkiye”. Turkish Journal of Analytical Chemistry 4, no. 1 (June 2022): 6-18. https://doi.org/10.51435/turkjac.1111456.
EndNote Kaçar H, Yılmaz S, Türkoğlu M, Sadıkoglu M (June 1, 2022) Seasonal variations in tap water quality parameters in Çanakkale, Türkiye. Turkish Journal of Analytical Chemistry 4 1 6–18.
IEEE H. Kaçar, S. Yılmaz, M. Türkoğlu, and M. Sadıkoglu, “Seasonal variations in tap water quality parameters in Çanakkale, Türkiye”, TurkJAC, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 6–18, 2022, doi: 10.51435/turkjac.1111456.
ISNAD Kaçar, Hasan et al. “Seasonal Variations in Tap Water Quality Parameters in Çanakkale, Türkiye”. Turkish Journal of Analytical Chemistry 4/1 (June 2022), 6-18. https://doi.org/10.51435/turkjac.1111456.
JAMA Kaçar H, Yılmaz S, Türkoğlu M, Sadıkoglu M. Seasonal variations in tap water quality parameters in Çanakkale, Türkiye. TurkJAC. 2022;4:6–18.
MLA Kaçar, Hasan et al. “Seasonal Variations in Tap Water Quality Parameters in Çanakkale, Türkiye”. Turkish Journal of Analytical Chemistry, vol. 4, no. 1, 2022, pp. 6-18, doi:10.51435/turkjac.1111456.
Vancouver Kaçar H, Yılmaz S, Türkoğlu M, Sadıkoglu M. Seasonal variations in tap water quality parameters in Çanakkale, Türkiye. TurkJAC. 2022;4(1):6-18.