Geochemical evaluation of the genetic relationship of Kısacık (Ayvacık, Çanakkale/Türkiye) epithermal gold mineralization using trace and rare earth elements
Year 2023,
Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 124 - 136, 29.12.2023
Alaaddin Vural
The Kısacık gold deposit is situated in the Biga Peninsula, Northwest Anatolia, Türkiye. The aim of this study is to investigate the genetic relationship between the Kısacık gold deposit and the surrounding rocks using trace element and rare earth element (REE) geochemistry. The results show that the gold mineralizations in the Kısacık area have a compatible pattern with the Alakeçi-Kısacık Volcanics and the Kuşçayırı plutonic rocks in the near vicinity of the area. The gold mineralizations in the Kısacık area are consistent with the trace and rare earth element (REE) patterns of the upper continental and lower continental crust, as shown by comparison with spider diagrams normalized to different geological settings. The gold enrichments in the listvenites and ultramafic rocks in the area are also consistent with the trace and REE element patterns of these rock types. The results of this study support the conclusion that the gold mineralization in the Kısacık area is related to hydrothermal fluids that leached elements from the Alakeçi-Kısacık Volcanics. In addition, hydrothermal fluids from plutonic rocks were also effective in the mineralization process. These results suggest that the gold mineralization in the Kısacık area is related to hydrothermal fluids that leached elements from the Alakeçi-Kısacık Volcanics.
Ethical Statement
Etik iznine ihtiyaç yoktur
Supporting Institution
MTA Genel Müdürlüğü ve Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırmalar Koordinatörlüğü (Proje No: 20.F5114.01.03
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