In this study, a novel composite – nano-Fe₃O₄/pomegranate peel biochar/alginate hydrogel beads (nFe₃O₄-PPBC/Alg) – was synthesized as an alternative adsorbent for removing Cr(VI) ions from aqueous solutions. The adsorbent material was characterized using FT-IR analysis and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Cr (VI) removal efficiencies were calculated using the standard batch adsorption method to determine the optimal pH, adsorbent dose, contact time, and initial concentration. Various adsorption isotherms, such as Freundlich, Langmuir, and Dubinin–Radushkevich, were employed to describe the adsorption behavior at equilibrium. The Langmuir adsorption isotherm was found to be the most suitable for describing the observed adsorption phenomena, with the adsorption capacity of nFe₃O₄-PPBC/Alg determined to be 303.03 mg/g for Cr (VI). To investigate the adsorption processes on the nFe₃O₄-PPBC/Alg, kinetic models, including pseudo-first-order and pseudo-second-order models, were applied. The pseudo-second-order kinetic model provided the best fit to the experimental data. This study demonstrated that nFe₃O₄-PPBC/Alg is an effective adsorbent for the removal of Cr (VI) from aqueous solutions.
S. Dutta, R.K. Sharma, Sustainable magnetically retrievable nanoadsorbents for selective removal of heavy metal ions from different charged wastewaters, Sep Sci Technol, 11, 2019, 371–416.
J. Niu, P. Ding, X. Jia, G. Hu, Z. Li, Study of the properties and mechanism of deep reduction and efficient adsorption of Cr (VI) by low-cost Fe3O4-modified ceramsite, Sci Total Environ, 688, 2019, 994–1004.
K. Staszak, I. Kruszelnicka, D. Ginter-Kramarczyk, W. Góra, M. Baraniak, G. Lota, M. Regel-Rosocka, Advances in the removal of Cr (III) from spent industrial effluents—A review, Materials, 16(1), 2022, 378.
D. Lohan, R. Jain, A. Srivastava, S. Dutta, D. Mohan, R.K. Sharma, Surface engineering approaches for the design of magnetic biochar-composites for removal of heavy metals: a comprehensive review, J Environm Chem Eng, 2023, 111448.
G. Venkatrajan, J. Venkatesan, N. Madankumar, S. Pushparaju, Effective chromium removal of metal anchored alginate-chitosan binary bio-composites. Int J Biol Macromol, 264, 2024, 130408.
J. Bajpai, R. Shrivastava, A.K. Bajpai, Dynamic and equilibrium studies on adsorption of Cr (VI) ions onto binary bio-polymeric beads of cross linked alginate and gelatin, Colloids Surf A: Physicochem Eng Asp, 236(1-3), 2004, 81–90.
Ş. Parlayıcı, A. Avcı, E. Pehlivan, Fabrication of novel chitosan-humic acid-graphene oxide composite to improve adsorption properties for Cr (VI), Arab J Geosci, 12, 2019,1–13.
P. Chen, R. Cheng, G. Meng, Z. Ren, J. Xu, P. Song, H. Wang, L. Zhang, Performance of the graphite felt flow-through electrode in hexavalent chromium reduction using a single-pass mode, J Hazard Mater, 416, 2021, 125768.
Y. Liu, X. Ke, X. Wu, C. Ke, R. Chen, X. Chen, X. Zheng, Y. Jin, B. Van der Bruggen, Simultaneous removal of trivalent chromium and hexavalent chromium from soil using a modified bipolar membrane electrodialysis system, Environ Sci Technol, 54(20), 2020, 13304–13313.
A. Kuanar, S.K. Kabi, M. Rath, N.K. Dhal, R. Bhuyan, S. Das, D. Kar, A comparative review on bioremediation of chromium by bacterial, fungal, algal and microbial consortia, Geomicrobiol J, 39(6), 2022, 515–530.
Y. Tian, X. Sun, N. Chen, X. Cui, H. Yu, Y. Feng, D. Xi, W. He, Efficient removal of hexavalent chromium from wastewater using a novel sodium alginate-biochar composite adsorbent, J Water Process Eng, 64, 2024, 105655.
B. Devi, M. Goswami, A. Devi, Entrapment behaviours of trivalent and hexavalent chromium from aqueous medium using edible alkali-derived activated carbon of Eichhornia crassipes (water hyacinth), Environ Sci Pollut Res, 31(4), 2024, 6025–6039.
Ş. Parlayıcı, E. Pehlivan, An ecologically sustainable specific method using new magnetic alginate-biochar from acorn cups (Quercus coccifera L.) for decolorization of dyes, Polymer Bull, 80(10), 2023, 11167–11191.
L. Li, Q. Liao, B. Hou, C. He, J. Liu, B. Li, M. Yu, Y. Liu, B. Lai, B. Yang, Synchronous reduction and removal of hexavalent chromium from wastewater by modified magnetic chitosan beads, Sep Purif Technol, 304, 2023, 122363.
Q. Feng, B. Wang, M. Chen, P. Wu, X. Lee, Y. Xing, Invasive plants as potential sustainable feedstocks for biochar production and multiple applications: a review, Resour Conserv Recycl, 164, 2021, 105204.
C. Zhao, B. Wang, B.K.G. Theng, P. Wu, F. Liu, S. Wang, X. Lee, M. Chen, L. Li, X. Zhang, Formation and mechanisms of nano-metal oxide-biochar composites for pollutants removal: a review, Sci Total Environ, 767, 2021, 145305.
S. Fan, J. Zhou, Y. Zhang, Z. Feng, H. Hu, Z. Huang, Y. Qin, Preparation of sugarcane bagasse succinate/alginate porous gel beads via a self-assembly strategy: Improving the structural stability and adsorption efficiency for heavy metal ions, Bioresour Technol, 306, 2020, 123128.
Y. He, J. Chen, J. Lv, Y. Huang, S. Zhou, W. Li, Y. Li, F. Chang, H. Zhang, T. Wagberg, G. Hu, Separable amino-functionalized biochar/alginate beads for efficient removal of Cr (VI) from original electroplating wastewater at room temperature, J Clean Product, 373, 2022, 133790.
R. Sun, S. Gao, K. Zhang, W. T. Cheng, G. Hu, Recent advances in alginate-based composite gel spheres for removal of heavy metals, Int J Biol Macromol, 2024, 131853.
R. Wen, B. Tu, X. Guo, X. Hao, X. Wu, H. Tao, An ion release controlled Cr (VI) treatment agent: Nano zero-valent iron/carbon/alginate composite gel, Int J Biol Macromol, 146, 2020, 692–704.
A. F. Hassan, A. M. Abdel-Mohsen, H. Elhadidy, Adsorption of arsenic by activated carbon, calcium alginate and their composite beads, Int J Biol Macromol, 68, 2014, 125–130.
F. Amalina, A.S. Abd Razak, S. Krishnan, A.W. Zularisam, M. Nasrullah, A comprehensive assessment of the method for producing biochar, its characterization, stability, and potential applications in regenerative economic sustainability–a review, Clean Mater, 3, 2022, 100045.
B.H. Hameed, A.A. Ahmad, Batch adsorption of methylene blue from aqueous solution by garlic peel, an agricultural waste biomass, J Hazard Mater, 164(2-3), 2009, 870–875.
Ş. Parlayici, E. Pehlivan, Comparative study of Cr (VI) removal by bio-waste adsorbents: equilibrium, kinetics, and thermodynamics, J Anal Sci Technol, 10(1), 2019, 1–8.
A.P. Mikolajczyk, D.L.B. Fortela, J.C. Berry, W.M. Chirdon, R.A. Hernandez, D.D. Gang, M.E. Zappi, Evaluating the suitability of linear and nonlinear regression approaches for the Langmuir adsorption model as applied toward biomass-based adsorbents: Testing residuals and assessing model validity, Langmuir 2024, 40(39), 20428–20442.
S. Periyasamy, V. Gopalakannan, N. Viswanathan, Hydrothermal assisted magnetic nano-hydroxyapatite encapsulated alginate beads for efficient Cr (VI) uptake from water, J Environ Chem Eng, 6(1), 2018, 1443–1454.
V. Gopalakannan, N. Viswanathan, Synthesis of magnetic alginate hybrid beads for efficient chromium (VI) removal, Int J Biol Macromol, 72, 2015, 862–867.
W. Mao, L. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Y. Wang, N. Wen, Y. Guan, Adsorption and photocatalysis removal of arsenite, arsenate, and hexavalent chromium in water by the carbonized composite of manganese-crosslinked sodium alginate, Chemosphere, 292, 2022, 133391.
H. Chaudhary, K. S. Rao, Impact of biochar produced at different pyrolysis conditions on heavy metal contaminated soil, Environ Geochem Health, 46(9), 2024, 307.
Y. Cao, J. Huang, X. Peng, D. Cao, A. Galaska, S. Qiu, J. Liu, M.A. Khan, D. Young, J.E. Ryu, H. Feng, N. Yerra, Z. Guo, Poly (vinylidene fluoride) derived fluorine-doped magnetic carbon nanoadsorbents for enhanced chromium removal, Carbon, 115, 2017, 503–514.
J. Wang, K. Pan, Q. He, B. Cao, Polyacrylonitrile/polypyrrole core/shell nanofiber mat for the removal of hexavalent chromium from aqueous solution, J Hazard Mater, 244, 2013, 121–129.
C. Luo, Z. Tian, B. Yang, L. Zhang, S. Yan, Manganese dioxide/iron oxide/acid oxidized multi-walled carbon nanotube magnetic nanocomposite for enhanced hexavalent chromium removal, Chem Eng J, 234, 2013, 256–265.
Gelişmiş bir biyosorbent olarak nano-Fe3O4 / nar Kabuğu biochar / aljinat Kompozit kullanılarak yüksek verimli altı değerlikli krom giderimi
Year 2025,
Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 22 - 32, 31.01.2025
Bu çalışmada, yeni bir kompozit – nano-Fe₃O₄/nar kabuğu biyokömür/aljinat hidrojel boncukları (nFe₃O₄-PPBC/Alg) – sulu çözeltilerden Cr(VI) iyonlarının uzaklaştırılması için alternatif bir adsorban olarak sentezlendi. Adsorban malzeme, FT-IR analizi ve taramalı elektron mikroskobu (SEM) kullanılarak karakterize edildi. Cr (VI) giderme verimlilikleri, optimal pH, adsorban dozu, temas süresi ve başlangıç konsantrasyonunu belirlemek için standart kesikli kap adsorpsiyon yöntemi kullanılarak hesaplandı. Dengedeki adsorpsiyon davranışını tanımlamak için Freundlich, Langmuir ve Dubinin-Radushkevich gibi çeşitli adsorpsiyon izotermleri kullanıldı. Langmuir adsorpsiyon izoterminin, gözlenen adsorpsiyon fenomenini tanımlamak için en uygun olduğu bulundu ve nFe₃O₄-PPBC/Alg adsorpsiyon kapasitesi Cr (VI) için 303.03 mg/g olarak belirlendi. nFe₃O₄-PPBC/Alg üzerindeki adsorpsiyon süreçlerini araştırmak için, sözde birinci dereceden ve sözde ikinci dereceden modeller dahil olmak üzere kinetik modeller uygulandı. Sözde ikinci dereceden kinetik model, deneysel verilere en iyi uyumu sağladı. Bu çalışma, nFe₃O₄-PPBC/Alg'nin sulu çözeltilerden Cr (VI)'nın uzaklaştırılması için etkili bir adsorban olduğunu göstermiştir.
S. Dutta, R.K. Sharma, Sustainable magnetically retrievable nanoadsorbents for selective removal of heavy metal ions from different charged wastewaters, Sep Sci Technol, 11, 2019, 371–416.
J. Niu, P. Ding, X. Jia, G. Hu, Z. Li, Study of the properties and mechanism of deep reduction and efficient adsorption of Cr (VI) by low-cost Fe3O4-modified ceramsite, Sci Total Environ, 688, 2019, 994–1004.
K. Staszak, I. Kruszelnicka, D. Ginter-Kramarczyk, W. Góra, M. Baraniak, G. Lota, M. Regel-Rosocka, Advances in the removal of Cr (III) from spent industrial effluents—A review, Materials, 16(1), 2022, 378.
D. Lohan, R. Jain, A. Srivastava, S. Dutta, D. Mohan, R.K. Sharma, Surface engineering approaches for the design of magnetic biochar-composites for removal of heavy metals: a comprehensive review, J Environm Chem Eng, 2023, 111448.
G. Venkatrajan, J. Venkatesan, N. Madankumar, S. Pushparaju, Effective chromium removal of metal anchored alginate-chitosan binary bio-composites. Int J Biol Macromol, 264, 2024, 130408.
J. Bajpai, R. Shrivastava, A.K. Bajpai, Dynamic and equilibrium studies on adsorption of Cr (VI) ions onto binary bio-polymeric beads of cross linked alginate and gelatin, Colloids Surf A: Physicochem Eng Asp, 236(1-3), 2004, 81–90.
Ş. Parlayıcı, A. Avcı, E. Pehlivan, Fabrication of novel chitosan-humic acid-graphene oxide composite to improve adsorption properties for Cr (VI), Arab J Geosci, 12, 2019,1–13.
P. Chen, R. Cheng, G. Meng, Z. Ren, J. Xu, P. Song, H. Wang, L. Zhang, Performance of the graphite felt flow-through electrode in hexavalent chromium reduction using a single-pass mode, J Hazard Mater, 416, 2021, 125768.
Y. Liu, X. Ke, X. Wu, C. Ke, R. Chen, X. Chen, X. Zheng, Y. Jin, B. Van der Bruggen, Simultaneous removal of trivalent chromium and hexavalent chromium from soil using a modified bipolar membrane electrodialysis system, Environ Sci Technol, 54(20), 2020, 13304–13313.
A. Kuanar, S.K. Kabi, M. Rath, N.K. Dhal, R. Bhuyan, S. Das, D. Kar, A comparative review on bioremediation of chromium by bacterial, fungal, algal and microbial consortia, Geomicrobiol J, 39(6), 2022, 515–530.
Y. Tian, X. Sun, N. Chen, X. Cui, H. Yu, Y. Feng, D. Xi, W. He, Efficient removal of hexavalent chromium from wastewater using a novel sodium alginate-biochar composite adsorbent, J Water Process Eng, 64, 2024, 105655.
B. Devi, M. Goswami, A. Devi, Entrapment behaviours of trivalent and hexavalent chromium from aqueous medium using edible alkali-derived activated carbon of Eichhornia crassipes (water hyacinth), Environ Sci Pollut Res, 31(4), 2024, 6025–6039.
Ş. Parlayıcı, E. Pehlivan, An ecologically sustainable specific method using new magnetic alginate-biochar from acorn cups (Quercus coccifera L.) for decolorization of dyes, Polymer Bull, 80(10), 2023, 11167–11191.
L. Li, Q. Liao, B. Hou, C. He, J. Liu, B. Li, M. Yu, Y. Liu, B. Lai, B. Yang, Synchronous reduction and removal of hexavalent chromium from wastewater by modified magnetic chitosan beads, Sep Purif Technol, 304, 2023, 122363.
Q. Feng, B. Wang, M. Chen, P. Wu, X. Lee, Y. Xing, Invasive plants as potential sustainable feedstocks for biochar production and multiple applications: a review, Resour Conserv Recycl, 164, 2021, 105204.
C. Zhao, B. Wang, B.K.G. Theng, P. Wu, F. Liu, S. Wang, X. Lee, M. Chen, L. Li, X. Zhang, Formation and mechanisms of nano-metal oxide-biochar composites for pollutants removal: a review, Sci Total Environ, 767, 2021, 145305.
S. Fan, J. Zhou, Y. Zhang, Z. Feng, H. Hu, Z. Huang, Y. Qin, Preparation of sugarcane bagasse succinate/alginate porous gel beads via a self-assembly strategy: Improving the structural stability and adsorption efficiency for heavy metal ions, Bioresour Technol, 306, 2020, 123128.
Y. He, J. Chen, J. Lv, Y. Huang, S. Zhou, W. Li, Y. Li, F. Chang, H. Zhang, T. Wagberg, G. Hu, Separable amino-functionalized biochar/alginate beads for efficient removal of Cr (VI) from original electroplating wastewater at room temperature, J Clean Product, 373, 2022, 133790.
R. Sun, S. Gao, K. Zhang, W. T. Cheng, G. Hu, Recent advances in alginate-based composite gel spheres for removal of heavy metals, Int J Biol Macromol, 2024, 131853.
R. Wen, B. Tu, X. Guo, X. Hao, X. Wu, H. Tao, An ion release controlled Cr (VI) treatment agent: Nano zero-valent iron/carbon/alginate composite gel, Int J Biol Macromol, 146, 2020, 692–704.
A. F. Hassan, A. M. Abdel-Mohsen, H. Elhadidy, Adsorption of arsenic by activated carbon, calcium alginate and their composite beads, Int J Biol Macromol, 68, 2014, 125–130.
F. Amalina, A.S. Abd Razak, S. Krishnan, A.W. Zularisam, M. Nasrullah, A comprehensive assessment of the method for producing biochar, its characterization, stability, and potential applications in regenerative economic sustainability–a review, Clean Mater, 3, 2022, 100045.
B.H. Hameed, A.A. Ahmad, Batch adsorption of methylene blue from aqueous solution by garlic peel, an agricultural waste biomass, J Hazard Mater, 164(2-3), 2009, 870–875.
Ş. Parlayici, E. Pehlivan, Comparative study of Cr (VI) removal by bio-waste adsorbents: equilibrium, kinetics, and thermodynamics, J Anal Sci Technol, 10(1), 2019, 1–8.
A.P. Mikolajczyk, D.L.B. Fortela, J.C. Berry, W.M. Chirdon, R.A. Hernandez, D.D. Gang, M.E. Zappi, Evaluating the suitability of linear and nonlinear regression approaches for the Langmuir adsorption model as applied toward biomass-based adsorbents: Testing residuals and assessing model validity, Langmuir 2024, 40(39), 20428–20442.
S. Periyasamy, V. Gopalakannan, N. Viswanathan, Hydrothermal assisted magnetic nano-hydroxyapatite encapsulated alginate beads for efficient Cr (VI) uptake from water, J Environ Chem Eng, 6(1), 2018, 1443–1454.
V. Gopalakannan, N. Viswanathan, Synthesis of magnetic alginate hybrid beads for efficient chromium (VI) removal, Int J Biol Macromol, 72, 2015, 862–867.
W. Mao, L. Zhang, Y. Zhang, Y. Wang, N. Wen, Y. Guan, Adsorption and photocatalysis removal of arsenite, arsenate, and hexavalent chromium in water by the carbonized composite of manganese-crosslinked sodium alginate, Chemosphere, 292, 2022, 133391.
H. Chaudhary, K. S. Rao, Impact of biochar produced at different pyrolysis conditions on heavy metal contaminated soil, Environ Geochem Health, 46(9), 2024, 307.
Y. Cao, J. Huang, X. Peng, D. Cao, A. Galaska, S. Qiu, J. Liu, M.A. Khan, D. Young, J.E. Ryu, H. Feng, N. Yerra, Z. Guo, Poly (vinylidene fluoride) derived fluorine-doped magnetic carbon nanoadsorbents for enhanced chromium removal, Carbon, 115, 2017, 503–514.
J. Wang, K. Pan, Q. He, B. Cao, Polyacrylonitrile/polypyrrole core/shell nanofiber mat for the removal of hexavalent chromium from aqueous solution, J Hazard Mater, 244, 2013, 121–129.
C. Luo, Z. Tian, B. Yang, L. Zhang, S. Yan, Manganese dioxide/iron oxide/acid oxidized multi-walled carbon nanotube magnetic nanocomposite for enhanced hexavalent chromium removal, Chem Eng J, 234, 2013, 256–265.
Parlayıcı, Ş., & Pehlivan, E. (2025). Highly efficient hexavalent chromium removal using nano-Fe3O4/pomegranate peel biochar/Alginate composite as an advanced biosorbent. Turkish Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 7(1), 22-32.
Parlayıcı Ş, Pehlivan E. Highly efficient hexavalent chromium removal using nano-Fe3O4/pomegranate peel biochar/Alginate composite as an advanced biosorbent. TurkJAC. January 2025;7(1):22-32. doi:10.51435/turkjac.1595052
Parlayıcı, Şerife, and Erol Pehlivan. “Highly Efficient Hexavalent Chromium Removal Using Nano-Fe3O4/Pomegranate Peel biochar/Alginate Composite As an Advanced Biosorbent”. Turkish Journal of Analytical Chemistry 7, no. 1 (January 2025): 22-32.
Parlayıcı Ş, Pehlivan E (January 1, 2025) Highly efficient hexavalent chromium removal using nano-Fe3O4/pomegranate peel biochar/Alginate composite as an advanced biosorbent. Turkish Journal of Analytical Chemistry 7 1 22–32.
Ş. Parlayıcı and E. Pehlivan, “Highly efficient hexavalent chromium removal using nano-Fe3O4/pomegranate peel biochar/Alginate composite as an advanced biosorbent”, TurkJAC, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 22–32, 2025, doi: 10.51435/turkjac.1595052.
Parlayıcı, Şerife - Pehlivan, Erol. “Highly Efficient Hexavalent Chromium Removal Using Nano-Fe3O4/Pomegranate Peel biochar/Alginate Composite As an Advanced Biosorbent”. Turkish Journal of Analytical Chemistry 7/1 (January 2025), 22-32.
Parlayıcı Ş, Pehlivan E. Highly efficient hexavalent chromium removal using nano-Fe3O4/pomegranate peel biochar/Alginate composite as an advanced biosorbent. TurkJAC. 2025;7:22–32.
Parlayıcı, Şerife and Erol Pehlivan. “Highly Efficient Hexavalent Chromium Removal Using Nano-Fe3O4/Pomegranate Peel biochar/Alginate Composite As an Advanced Biosorbent”. Turkish Journal of Analytical Chemistry, vol. 7, no. 1, 2025, pp. 22-32, doi:10.51435/turkjac.1595052.
Parlayıcı Ş, Pehlivan E. Highly efficient hexavalent chromium removal using nano-Fe3O4/pomegranate peel biochar/Alginate composite as an advanced biosorbent. TurkJAC. 2025;7(1):22-3.