It was aimed to explore the connections among sleep quality, heart rate, sleep duration, quality of life, and step count in young adults. The study involved 116 young adults, comprising 61 women and 55 men. Sleep quality was evaluated using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), and sleep duration, heart rate, step count, and energy expenditure were monitored with the Fitbit® Inspire 2. Quality of life was evaluated using the Nottingham Health Profile (NHP) Questionnaire. Correlation analysis was performed using either Pearson or Spearman correlation analysis. The study found no significant relationships between sleep quality, sleep duration, heart rate, and step count (p< 0.05). A very strong positive correlation was found between sleep score and both time asleep (r = 0.730) and REM sleep (r = 0.743), as well as a strong correlation with deep sleep (r = 0.454). Time asleep had very strong positive correlations with REM sleep (r = 0.611) and light sleep (r = 0.782), and strong correlations with awake time (r = 0.438) and deep sleep (r = 0.466). Awake time and light sleep also showed a strong correlation (r = 0.585). Additionally, step count was strongly correlated with energy expenditure (r = 0.519), and a very strong correlation was observed between the section 1 score of the NHP and the PSQI (r = 0.649). These outcomes underscore the complex interplay between sleep and physical activity and emphasize the importance of considering multiple factors when assessing health and quality of life.
The study was conducted with the approval of Tokat Gaziosmanpaşa University Non-invasive Clinical Research Ethics Committee (Date: October 6, 2022; Decision No: 83116987-614).
Supporting Institution
The researchers thank the participants who voluntarily took part in the study.
Ağargün, M. Y., Kara, H., & Anlar, O. (1996). The validity and reliability of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index. Turkish Journal of Psychiatry, 7(2), 107–115.
Alruwaili, N. W., Alqahtani, N., Alanazi, M. H., Alanazi, B. S., Aljrbua, M. S., & Gatar, O. M. (2023). The effect of nutrition and physical activity on sleep quality among adults: a scoping review. Sleep Science Practice, 7, 8.
Anderson, T., Trisna, H., & Lilis, L. (2022). The correlation between night sleep duration and physical activity with cardiorespiratory fitness test results in healthy medical college students: a pilot study. J Anthr Sport Phys Educ, 6(1), 25-29.
Beattie, Z., Oyang, Y., Statan, A., Ghoreyshi, A., Pantelopoulos, A., Russell, A., & Heneghan, C. (2017). Estimation of sleep stages in a healthy adult population from optical plethysmography and accelerometer signals. Physiol Meas, 38(11), 1968-1979.
Buysse, D. J., Reynolds III, C. F., Monk, T. H., Berman, S. R., & Kupfer, D. J. (1989). The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index: a new instrument for psychiatric practice and research. Psychiatry Res, 28(2), 193–213.
Caspersen, C. J., Powell, K. E., & Christenson, G. M. (1985). Physical activity, exercise, and physical fitness: definitions and distinctions for health-related research. Public Health Rep, 100(2), 126-131.
Chevance, G., Baretta, D., Romain, A. J., Godino, J. G., & Bernard, P. (2022). Day-to-day associations between sleep and physical activity: A set of person-specific analyses in adults with overweight and obesity. J Behav Med, 45(1), 14–27.
De Zambotti, M., Goldstein, C., Cook, J., Menghini, L., Altini, M., Cheng, P., & Robillard, R. (2024). State of the science and recommendations for using wearable technology in sleep and circadian research. Sleep, 47(4), zsad325.
Feise, R. J., & Menke, J. M. (2001). Functional rating index: a new valid and reliable instrument to measure the magnitude of clinical change in spinal conditions. Spine, 26(1), 78–87.
Haghayegh, S., Khoshnevis, S., Smolensky, M. H., Diller, K. R., & Castriotta, R. J. (2019). Accuracy of wristband Fitbit models in assessing sleep: systematic review and meta-analysis. J Med Internet Res, 21(11), e16273.
Haghayegh, S., Khoshnevis, S., Smolensky, M. H., Diller, K. R., & Castriotta, R. J. (2020). Performance assessment of new-generation Fitbit technology in deriving sleep parameters and stages. Chronobiol Int, 37(1), 47–59.
Hunt, S. M., McKenna, S. P., McEwen, J., Williams, J., & Papp, E. (1981). The Nottingham Health Profile: subjective health status and medical consultations. Social Science & Medicine. Part A: Medical Psychology & Medical Sociology, 15(3), 221–229.
İyigün, G., Angin, E., Kirmizigil, B., Öksüz, S., Özdil, A., & Malkoç, M. (2017). The relationship between sleep quality, mental health, physical health, and quality of life in university students. Journal of Exercise Therapy and Rehabilitation, 4(3), 125–133.
Jaiswal, S. J., Pawelek, J. B., Warshawsky, S., Quer, G., Trieu, M., Pandit, J. A., & Owens, R. L. (2024). Using new technologies and wearables for characterizing sleep in population-based studies. Curr Sleep Med Rep, 10(1), 82–92.
Kücükdeveci, A. A., McKenna, S. P., Kutlay, S., Gürsel, Y., Whalley, D., & Arasil, T. (2000). The development and psychometric assessment of the Turkish version of the Nottingham Health Profile. Int J Rehabil Res, 23(1), 31–38.
Lee, S., Kim, J. H., & Chung, J. H. (2021). The association between sleep quality and quality of life: a population-based study. Sleep Med, 84, 121–126.
Mirjat, A. A., Mirjat, A. A., Naveed, M., Majeed, F., & Chong, S. (2020). Factors influencing sleep quality and effects of sleep on hypertension. Sleep and Vigilance, 4(2), 125–136.
Moussa-Chamari, I., Farooq, A., Romdhani, M., Washif, J. A., Bakare, U., Helmy, M., Al-Horani, R. A., Salamh, P., Robin, N., & Hue, O. (2024). The relationship between quality of life, sleep quality, mental health, and physical activity in an international sample of college students: A structural equation modeling approach. Front Public Health, 12, 1397924.
Nakie, G., Takelle, G. M., Rtbey, G., Andualem, F., Tinsae, T., Kassa, M. A., Tadesse, G., Fentahun, S., Wassie, Y. A., & Segon, T. (2024). Sleep quality and associated factors among university students in Africa: a systematic review and meta-analysis study. Front Psychiatry, 15, 1370757.
Ndahimana, D., & Kim, E.-K. (2017). Measurement methods for physical activity and energy expenditure: a review. Clin Nutr Res, 6(2), 68–80.
Özkan, I., Özarslan, A., & Bekler, F. (2015). The correlation among physical activity, quality of sleep and depression among the university students. Niğde University Journal of Physical Education And Sport Sciences, 9(9), 65–73.
Panel, C. C., Watson, N. F., Badr, M. S., Belenky, G., Bliwise, D. L., Buxton, O. M., Buysse, D., Dinges, D. F., Gangwisch, J., & Grandner, M. A. (2015). Recommended amount of sleep for a healthy adult: a joint consensus statement of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and Sleep Research Society. J Clin Sleep Med, 11(6), 591–592.
Pinheiro Volp, A. C., de Oliveira, F. C., Duarte Moreira Alves, R., Esteves, E. A., & Bressan, J. (2011). Energy expenditure: components and evaluation methods. Nutr Hosp, 26(3), 430-440.
Rowe, V. T., & Neville, M. (2019). Measuring reliability of movement with accelerometry: Fitbit® versus ActiGraph®. Am J Occup Ther, 73(2), 7302205150p1-7302205150p6.
Sayaca, Ç., & Karaman, A. (2021). Is there a relationship between daily step number and sleep quality? Acıbadem University Health Sciences Journal, 12(2), 296–300.
Van Camp, C. (2020). Accuracy of predicted energy expenditure from a Fitbit Inspire HR activity monitor during short-and long-duration exercise (Master Thesis, Eastern Michigan University).
Yoon, H., & Choi, S. H. (2023). Technologies for sleep monitoring at home: Wearables and nearables. Biomed Eng Lett, 13(3), 313–327.
Ağargün, M. Y., Kara, H., & Anlar, O. (1996). The validity and reliability of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index. Turkish Journal of Psychiatry, 7(2), 107–115.
Alruwaili, N. W., Alqahtani, N., Alanazi, M. H., Alanazi, B. S., Aljrbua, M. S., & Gatar, O. M. (2023). The effect of nutrition and physical activity on sleep quality among adults: a scoping review. Sleep Science Practice, 7, 8.
Anderson, T., Trisna, H., & Lilis, L. (2022). The correlation between night sleep duration and physical activity with cardiorespiratory fitness test results in healthy medical college students: a pilot study. J Anthr Sport Phys Educ, 6(1), 25-29.
Beattie, Z., Oyang, Y., Statan, A., Ghoreyshi, A., Pantelopoulos, A., Russell, A., & Heneghan, C. (2017). Estimation of sleep stages in a healthy adult population from optical plethysmography and accelerometer signals. Physiol Meas, 38(11), 1968-1979.
Buysse, D. J., Reynolds III, C. F., Monk, T. H., Berman, S. R., & Kupfer, D. J. (1989). The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index: a new instrument for psychiatric practice and research. Psychiatry Res, 28(2), 193–213.
Caspersen, C. J., Powell, K. E., & Christenson, G. M. (1985). Physical activity, exercise, and physical fitness: definitions and distinctions for health-related research. Public Health Rep, 100(2), 126-131.
Chevance, G., Baretta, D., Romain, A. J., Godino, J. G., & Bernard, P. (2022). Day-to-day associations between sleep and physical activity: A set of person-specific analyses in adults with overweight and obesity. J Behav Med, 45(1), 14–27.
De Zambotti, M., Goldstein, C., Cook, J., Menghini, L., Altini, M., Cheng, P., & Robillard, R. (2024). State of the science and recommendations for using wearable technology in sleep and circadian research. Sleep, 47(4), zsad325.
Feise, R. J., & Menke, J. M. (2001). Functional rating index: a new valid and reliable instrument to measure the magnitude of clinical change in spinal conditions. Spine, 26(1), 78–87.
Haghayegh, S., Khoshnevis, S., Smolensky, M. H., Diller, K. R., & Castriotta, R. J. (2019). Accuracy of wristband Fitbit models in assessing sleep: systematic review and meta-analysis. J Med Internet Res, 21(11), e16273.
Haghayegh, S., Khoshnevis, S., Smolensky, M. H., Diller, K. R., & Castriotta, R. J. (2020). Performance assessment of new-generation Fitbit technology in deriving sleep parameters and stages. Chronobiol Int, 37(1), 47–59.
Hunt, S. M., McKenna, S. P., McEwen, J., Williams, J., & Papp, E. (1981). The Nottingham Health Profile: subjective health status and medical consultations. Social Science & Medicine. Part A: Medical Psychology & Medical Sociology, 15(3), 221–229.
İyigün, G., Angin, E., Kirmizigil, B., Öksüz, S., Özdil, A., & Malkoç, M. (2017). The relationship between sleep quality, mental health, physical health, and quality of life in university students. Journal of Exercise Therapy and Rehabilitation, 4(3), 125–133.
Jaiswal, S. J., Pawelek, J. B., Warshawsky, S., Quer, G., Trieu, M., Pandit, J. A., & Owens, R. L. (2024). Using new technologies and wearables for characterizing sleep in population-based studies. Curr Sleep Med Rep, 10(1), 82–92.
Kücükdeveci, A. A., McKenna, S. P., Kutlay, S., Gürsel, Y., Whalley, D., & Arasil, T. (2000). The development and psychometric assessment of the Turkish version of the Nottingham Health Profile. Int J Rehabil Res, 23(1), 31–38.
Lee, S., Kim, J. H., & Chung, J. H. (2021). The association between sleep quality and quality of life: a population-based study. Sleep Med, 84, 121–126.
Mirjat, A. A., Mirjat, A. A., Naveed, M., Majeed, F., & Chong, S. (2020). Factors influencing sleep quality and effects of sleep on hypertension. Sleep and Vigilance, 4(2), 125–136.
Moussa-Chamari, I., Farooq, A., Romdhani, M., Washif, J. A., Bakare, U., Helmy, M., Al-Horani, R. A., Salamh, P., Robin, N., & Hue, O. (2024). The relationship between quality of life, sleep quality, mental health, and physical activity in an international sample of college students: A structural equation modeling approach. Front Public Health, 12, 1397924.
Nakie, G., Takelle, G. M., Rtbey, G., Andualem, F., Tinsae, T., Kassa, M. A., Tadesse, G., Fentahun, S., Wassie, Y. A., & Segon, T. (2024). Sleep quality and associated factors among university students in Africa: a systematic review and meta-analysis study. Front Psychiatry, 15, 1370757.
Ndahimana, D., & Kim, E.-K. (2017). Measurement methods for physical activity and energy expenditure: a review. Clin Nutr Res, 6(2), 68–80.
Özkan, I., Özarslan, A., & Bekler, F. (2015). The correlation among physical activity, quality of sleep and depression among the university students. Niğde University Journal of Physical Education And Sport Sciences, 9(9), 65–73.
Panel, C. C., Watson, N. F., Badr, M. S., Belenky, G., Bliwise, D. L., Buxton, O. M., Buysse, D., Dinges, D. F., Gangwisch, J., & Grandner, M. A. (2015). Recommended amount of sleep for a healthy adult: a joint consensus statement of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and Sleep Research Society. J Clin Sleep Med, 11(6), 591–592.
Pinheiro Volp, A. C., de Oliveira, F. C., Duarte Moreira Alves, R., Esteves, E. A., & Bressan, J. (2011). Energy expenditure: components and evaluation methods. Nutr Hosp, 26(3), 430-440.
Rowe, V. T., & Neville, M. (2019). Measuring reliability of movement with accelerometry: Fitbit® versus ActiGraph®. Am J Occup Ther, 73(2), 7302205150p1-7302205150p6.
Sayaca, Ç., & Karaman, A. (2021). Is there a relationship between daily step number and sleep quality? Acıbadem University Health Sciences Journal, 12(2), 296–300.
Van Camp, C. (2020). Accuracy of predicted energy expenditure from a Fitbit Inspire HR activity monitor during short-and long-duration exercise (Master Thesis, Eastern Michigan University).
Yoon, H., & Choi, S. H. (2023). Technologies for sleep monitoring at home: Wearables and nearables. Biomed Eng Lett, 13(3), 313–327.
Arıkan, H., & Kara, A. (2024). Relationship between sleep quality, sleep duration, heart rate, and step counts in young adults. Turkish Journal of Kinesiology, 10(4), 281-288.