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The effect of using digital mind mapping on cognitive achievement and performance level of some basic skills in handball

Year 2015, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 25 - 31, 01.07.2016


This study aims to identify the effect of using digital mind maps to on the cognitive achievement and the performance level of some basic skills in handball. Research population includes the first-year students at the Faculty of Physical Education in Port Said consisting of 200 students. Research Sample both researchers randomly selected the sample of first year students. The total sample size reaches 180 students with a 90.00%, after excluding failed students, re-registered students, the students of other levels of curriculum, practitioners to previous experiences and irregular students. The total number was 20 students with a percentage of (10.00%). They were divided into: Basic Sample: includes 80 students with a 44.44%. They were divided into two equal groups of 40 students. First Exploratory Sample: includes 60 students from the same research population and from outside the basic sample in order to find Tests Validity of the tests with a 33.33%. Second Exploratory Sample: includes 40 students from the same research population and from outside the basic sample in order to find Tests Reliability of the tests and identify the extent of pilot program appropriateness for the sample under discussion with a 22.22%. The first-year students were selected, according to the study plan, which contains a handball curriculum for the students of this educational level. Statistical Treatments: Both researchers conducted data statistically processes, using a statistical package for Social Sciences, SPSS ver. 20.0, in order to identify: arithmetic mean, standard deviation, median, skewness coefficient, correlation coefficient, discriminant validity coefficient, "t" test per one group, "t" test per two groups. The use of mind maps has a positive effect better than (explanation and model) method on the cognitive achievement and the performance level of some basic skills in handball. Active learning techniques, such as the method of digital mind maps in teaching handball curriculum for the students of Faculty of Physical Education should be used.


  • Al-Haliq MA, Oudat MA, Al-Taieb MA. The effect of using video on developing physical fitness of physical education students at the Hashemite University.
  • Asian Social Science 2014; 10(1): 21-27. (In Arabic).
  • Al-khiat FA, Bilbas HM. Effect of using stations’ style according to cooperative learning and self-learning in acquiring some essential skills of the handball. Journal of Physical Education Sciences Second Edition, University of Babylon, Iraq 2010; 3: 134-164.
  • Awajan WS. Design and examine effectiveness of a learning program using mind maps in developing students’ cognitive performance skills in child education in Islam at Princess Alia College. International Interdisciplinary Journal of Education 2013; 2: 554-560.
  • Badr N. The effects of Bosu ball training on teaching and improving the performance of certain handball basic skills. Science, Movement and Health 2013; 13 (2): 498505.
  • Bower GH, Clark MC, Lesgold AM, Winzenz D. Hierarchical retrieval schemes in recall of categorized word lists. Journal of Verbal Learning Verbal Behav 1969; 8: 323- 343. Accesed 2015, schemes.pdf
  • Buzan T. How to Mind Map: The Ultimate Thinking Tool That Will Change Your Life Sixth Edition. Thorson. London, 2009: 18.
  • Buzan T. The ultimate book of Mind Maps. Unlock Your Creativity. Boost Your Memory. Change Your Life. London, 2005: 17- 23.
  • Cowan N. The magical number 4 in short-term memory: a reconsideration of mental storage capacity. Behav Brain Sci 2001; 24: 87114.
  • Czerwinski J, Taborsky F. Basic Handball, European Handball Federation, AVIS - Werbung, Austria, 1997: 1-58.
  • Davies M. Concept mapping, mind mapping and argument mapping: what are the differences and do they matter? High Educ 2011; 62: 279-301. Guerrero JM, Ramos P. Mind Mapping for Reading and Understanding Scientific Literature. International Journal of Current Advanced Research 2015; 4(11): 485487.
  • Hariri M. The attitudes of EFL learners towards using mind mapping software on their reading comprehension. International Journal of Language Learning and Applied Linguistics World 2013; 4 (4): 334-341.
  • Hemo WIA. The impact of reciprocal learning style and competitive on the achievement cognitive skills in handball, Ph.D. thesis, Faculty of Physical Education for Boys, Helwan University, Egypt, 2010.
  • Ingemann M. The Power of Mind Mapping. Accesed 2015, g/tpomm.pdf.
  • Jbeili IM. The Impact of Digital Mind Maps on Science Achievement among Sixth Grade Students in Saudi Arabia. 13th International Educational Technology Conference. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 2013; 103:1078-1087.
  • Lamberski R J. The effect of a verbal and visual color code on self-paced instruction and testing for retention on different tasks, PhD thesis, Pennsylvania State University, USA, 1980.
  • Lih-Juan C. The Effects of Verbal Elaboration and Visual Elaboration on Student Learning. International Journal of Instructional Media 1997; 24(4): 333.
  • Madu, BC, Metu IC. Effect of Mind Map as a Note-Taking Approach on Students’ Achievements’ in Economics. Journal of Emerging Trends in Economics and Management Sciences 2012; 3(2): 47-251.
  • Mani A. Effectiveness of Digital Mind Mapping Over PaperBased Mind Mapping On Students’ Academic Achievement in Environmental Science. Proceedings of Edmedia: World Conference on Educational Media and Technology, 2011: 1116-1121.
  • Mento AJ, Martinelli P, Jones RM. Mind mapping in executive education: applications and outcomes. Journal of Management Development 1999; 18(4): 390-407
  • Nada N, Kholief M, Tawfik S, Metwally N. Mobile Knowledge Tool-kit to Create a Paradigm Shift in Higher Education, Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management 2009; 7 (2): 255-260.
  • Novak JD, Cañas AJ. The Theory Underlying Concept Maps and How to Construct Them, Technical Report IHMC CmapTools 2006-01 Rev 01-2008, Florida Institute for Human and Machine Cognition. Accesed 2015. TheoryUnderlyingConceptMaps.pdf
  • Riley NR, Ahlberg M. Investigating the use of ICT-based concept mapping techniques on creativityin literacy tasks. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 2004; 20: 244256.
  • Shepard RN. Recognition Memory for Words, Sentences, and Pictures. Journal of Verbal Learning Verbal Behav 1967; 6:156– 163.
  • Stankovic N, Besic C, Papic, M, Aleksic, V. The evaluation of using mind maps in teaching, TTEM- Technics Technologies Education Management 2011; 6 (2): 337.
  • Tee TK, Azman MN, Muhammad SM, Mohamad MM, Yunos Jd, Yee MH, Othman W. Buzan Mind Mapping: An Efficient Technique for Note-Taking. International Journal of Social, Human Science and Engineering 2014; 8 (1): 28-3.
  • Tungprapa T. Effect of Using the Electronic Mind Map in the Educational Research Methodology Course for MasterDegree Students in the Faculty of Education. International Journal of Information and Education Technology 2015; 5(11): 303-307.
  • Van Schaik P, Ling J. Design parameters in web pages: frame location and differential background contrast in visual search performance. International Journal of Cognitive Ergonomics 2001; 5(4): 459-471.
  • Ying L, Guoqing Z, Guozhen M, Yuwei B. The Effect of Mind Mapping on Teaching and Learning Meta-Analysis; Standard Journal of Education and Essay 2014; 2(1): 017031.
  • Zipp GP. Using Mind Maps as a Teaching and Learning Tool to Promote Student Engagement. Accesed 2015.
Year 2015, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 25 - 31, 01.07.2016



  • Al-Haliq MA, Oudat MA, Al-Taieb MA. The effect of using video on developing physical fitness of physical education students at the Hashemite University.
  • Asian Social Science 2014; 10(1): 21-27. (In Arabic).
  • Al-khiat FA, Bilbas HM. Effect of using stations’ style according to cooperative learning and self-learning in acquiring some essential skills of the handball. Journal of Physical Education Sciences Second Edition, University of Babylon, Iraq 2010; 3: 134-164.
  • Awajan WS. Design and examine effectiveness of a learning program using mind maps in developing students’ cognitive performance skills in child education in Islam at Princess Alia College. International Interdisciplinary Journal of Education 2013; 2: 554-560.
  • Badr N. The effects of Bosu ball training on teaching and improving the performance of certain handball basic skills. Science, Movement and Health 2013; 13 (2): 498505.
  • Bower GH, Clark MC, Lesgold AM, Winzenz D. Hierarchical retrieval schemes in recall of categorized word lists. Journal of Verbal Learning Verbal Behav 1969; 8: 323- 343. Accesed 2015, schemes.pdf
  • Buzan T. How to Mind Map: The Ultimate Thinking Tool That Will Change Your Life Sixth Edition. Thorson. London, 2009: 18.
  • Buzan T. The ultimate book of Mind Maps. Unlock Your Creativity. Boost Your Memory. Change Your Life. London, 2005: 17- 23.
  • Cowan N. The magical number 4 in short-term memory: a reconsideration of mental storage capacity. Behav Brain Sci 2001; 24: 87114.
  • Czerwinski J, Taborsky F. Basic Handball, European Handball Federation, AVIS - Werbung, Austria, 1997: 1-58.
  • Davies M. Concept mapping, mind mapping and argument mapping: what are the differences and do they matter? High Educ 2011; 62: 279-301. Guerrero JM, Ramos P. Mind Mapping for Reading and Understanding Scientific Literature. International Journal of Current Advanced Research 2015; 4(11): 485487.
  • Hariri M. The attitudes of EFL learners towards using mind mapping software on their reading comprehension. International Journal of Language Learning and Applied Linguistics World 2013; 4 (4): 334-341.
  • Hemo WIA. The impact of reciprocal learning style and competitive on the achievement cognitive skills in handball, Ph.D. thesis, Faculty of Physical Education for Boys, Helwan University, Egypt, 2010.
  • Ingemann M. The Power of Mind Mapping. Accesed 2015, g/tpomm.pdf.
  • Jbeili IM. The Impact of Digital Mind Maps on Science Achievement among Sixth Grade Students in Saudi Arabia. 13th International Educational Technology Conference. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 2013; 103:1078-1087.
  • Lamberski R J. The effect of a verbal and visual color code on self-paced instruction and testing for retention on different tasks, PhD thesis, Pennsylvania State University, USA, 1980.
  • Lih-Juan C. The Effects of Verbal Elaboration and Visual Elaboration on Student Learning. International Journal of Instructional Media 1997; 24(4): 333.
  • Madu, BC, Metu IC. Effect of Mind Map as a Note-Taking Approach on Students’ Achievements’ in Economics. Journal of Emerging Trends in Economics and Management Sciences 2012; 3(2): 47-251.
  • Mani A. Effectiveness of Digital Mind Mapping Over PaperBased Mind Mapping On Students’ Academic Achievement in Environmental Science. Proceedings of Edmedia: World Conference on Educational Media and Technology, 2011: 1116-1121.
  • Mento AJ, Martinelli P, Jones RM. Mind mapping in executive education: applications and outcomes. Journal of Management Development 1999; 18(4): 390-407
  • Nada N, Kholief M, Tawfik S, Metwally N. Mobile Knowledge Tool-kit to Create a Paradigm Shift in Higher Education, Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management 2009; 7 (2): 255-260.
  • Novak JD, Cañas AJ. The Theory Underlying Concept Maps and How to Construct Them, Technical Report IHMC CmapTools 2006-01 Rev 01-2008, Florida Institute for Human and Machine Cognition. Accesed 2015. TheoryUnderlyingConceptMaps.pdf
  • Riley NR, Ahlberg M. Investigating the use of ICT-based concept mapping techniques on creativityin literacy tasks. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 2004; 20: 244256.
  • Shepard RN. Recognition Memory for Words, Sentences, and Pictures. Journal of Verbal Learning Verbal Behav 1967; 6:156– 163.
  • Stankovic N, Besic C, Papic, M, Aleksic, V. The evaluation of using mind maps in teaching, TTEM- Technics Technologies Education Management 2011; 6 (2): 337.
  • Tee TK, Azman MN, Muhammad SM, Mohamad MM, Yunos Jd, Yee MH, Othman W. Buzan Mind Mapping: An Efficient Technique for Note-Taking. International Journal of Social, Human Science and Engineering 2014; 8 (1): 28-3.
  • Tungprapa T. Effect of Using the Electronic Mind Map in the Educational Research Methodology Course for MasterDegree Students in the Faculty of Education. International Journal of Information and Education Technology 2015; 5(11): 303-307.
  • Van Schaik P, Ling J. Design parameters in web pages: frame location and differential background contrast in visual search performance. International Journal of Cognitive Ergonomics 2001; 5(4): 459-471.
  • Ying L, Guoqing Z, Guozhen M, Yuwei B. The Effect of Mind Mapping on Teaching and Learning Meta-Analysis; Standard Journal of Education and Essay 2014; 2(1): 017031.
  • Zipp GP. Using Mind Maps as a Teaching and Learning Tool to Promote Student Engagement. Accesed 2015.
There are 30 citations in total.


Other ID JA48ZB32KT
Journal Section Original Research Articles

Khaled Thabet Awad This is me

Ahmed Maget Hegazy This is me

Publication Date July 1, 2016
Submission Date July 1, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 1 Issue: 1


APA Awad, K. T., & Hegazy, A. M. (2016). The effect of using digital mind mapping on cognitive achievement and performance level of some basic skills in handball. Turkish Journal of Kinesiology, 1(1), 25-31.

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