Research Article
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Year 2022, , 75 - 83, 30.12.2022



  • Ali, Y., Biswas, P. K., Shahriar, S. A., Nasif, S. O. and Raihan, R. R. 2018. Yield and Quality Response of Chickpe at Different Sowing Dates. Asian Journal of Research in Crop Science, 1 (4), 1–8.
  • Akdağ, C. and Şehirali, S. 1995. Bakteri (Rhizobium ssp.) Aşılama, Azot Dozları ve Ekim Sıklığının Nohut (Cicer arietinum L.) ‘ un Verim ve Verim Unsurlarına Etkileri . Journal of Agricultural Faculty of Gaziosmanpaşa University (JAFAG)
  • Azkan, N. 1989. Yemeklik Tane Baklagiller. U.Ü. Zir.Fak. Ders Notları No: 40, Bursa.
  • Erman, M. and Tüfenkçi, Ş. 2004. The Effect of Different Sowing Times on Yield and Yield-Related Characteristics of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). Ankara University Journal of Agricultural Sciences,10 (3), 342–345.
  • Eser, D. 1978. Edible grain Legumes, Ankara University Faculty of Agriculture lecture notes, Ankara98s.
  • Friedman, M. 1996. Nutritional value of proteins from different food sources. A review. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 44, 6±29.
  • Gregersen, P. L., Culetic, A., Boschian, L. and Krupinska, K. 2013. "Plant senescence and crop productivity". Plant Molecular Biology, 82(6), 603–622
  • Karadavut, U. and Sözen, Ö. 2020. Determination of Some Agronomic and Physiological Characteristics of Chickpea Plants (Cicer arietinum L.) Grown at Different Sowing Times. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Natural Sciences,7(4), 904–912.
  • Karasu, A. and Karadoğan, K. 1999. A Study on the Adaptation of Some Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Lines and Varieties in Isparta Conditions. Turkey 3rd Field Crops Congress, Adana, 3, 336–341.
  • Kayan, N., Olgun, M., Kutlu, İ., Ayter, N. and Gülmezoğlu, N. 2014. Determination of the Development Course of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Grown in Irrigated and Non-irrigated Conditions. Journal of Agricultural Sciences,14 (4), 31–73.
  • Mart, D., Türkeri, M., Ramazan, A., Atmaca, E., Dumrul, S. E., Çankaya, N. and Anlarsal, A. E. 2021. "Evaluation of Morphological , Quality and Yield Characteris tics of Some Regis tered Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L .) Varieties in The Eas tern-Mediterranean Region". Ekin Journal of Crop Breeding and Genetics, 7(2), 116–124
  • Muehlbauer, F. J., and Singh K. B. 1987. Genetics of chickpea. P. 99-125.In M.C. Saxena and K.B. Singh (ed) The chickpea, CAB Int, Oxon UK.
  • Özgün, Ö. S., Biçer, B. T. and Şakar, D. 2003. A Study on Determination of the Effects of Different Sowing Times on Yield and Yield Components of Chickpea in Diyarbakır-Bismil Ecological Conditions. Turkey 5th Field Crops Congress, Diyarbakir, 13-17 October, 2003, 2, 28–431.
  • Özgun, S. O., Bicer, B. T. and Sakar, D. 2004. "Agronomic and Morphological Characters of Chickpea Under Irrigated Conditions in Turkey". INT
  • Partigöç, F., Olgun, M., Yıldırım, T. and Kumlay, A. M. 2007. Determination of the most suitable rotation system and planting method in order to provide optimum yield in Muş. Journal of Field Crops Central Research Institute, 16 (1–2), 11–20.
  • Ray, K., Singh, D. and Laljat, B. 2017. Effect of Sowing Time and Seed Rate On Growth and Yield of Chickpea Cultivars. Advance Research Journal of Crop Improvement, 8 (1), 1–16.
  • Sarı, M. and Adak, M. S. 1998. Some Plant Characteristics and Yield Effects of Different Sowing Times in Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). Journal of Field Crops Central Research Institute, 7 (2), 57–64.
  • Sepetoğlu, H. 2002. Edible Grain Legumes. Aegean University. Faculty of Agriculture Lecture Notes:24/4. İzmir.
  • Slim, S.N., Saxena. M.C. 1993. Adaptation of Spring-Sown chickpea to the Mediterranean Basin.II. Factors ınfluencing Yield under Drought, Field Crops Research, 34, 137-146.
  • Şanlı, A. and Kaya, M. 2008. The Effects of Seed Applications and Different Sowing Times on Some Agronomic Characteristics of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). Journal of Süleyman Demirel University Faculty of Agriculture, 3(2), 42–51.
  • Şehirali, S. 1988. Edible Grain Legumes. Ankara University Faculty of Agriculture Publications: 1089, Textbook:314, Ankara
  • TUİK. 2022.
  • Toğay, N., Toğay, Y., Erman, M., Doğan, Y. and Çiğ, F. 2005. "Kuru ve Sulu Koşullarda Farklı Bitki Sıklıklarının Bazı Nohut (Cicer arietinum L.) Çeşitlerinde Verim ve Verim Öğelerine Etkileri". Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 11(4), 417–421.
  • Thudi, M., Bohra, A., Nayak, S. N., Varghese, N., Shah, T. M., Penmetsa, R. V., Thirunavukkarasu, N., Gudipati, S., Gaur, P. M., Kulwal, P. L., Upadhyaya, H. D., KaviKishor, P. B., Winter, P., Kahl, G., Town, C. D., Kilian, A., Cook, D. R. and Varshney, R. K. 2011. Novel SSR markers from BAC- end sequences, Dart arrays and a comprehensive genetic map with 1,291 marker loci for chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). PLoS One 6(11):1–12
  • Toğay, N., Toğay, Y., Erman, M., Doğan, Y. and Çiğ, F. 2005. The Effects of Different Plant Densities on Yield and Yield Components of Some Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Varieties in Dry and Irrigated Conditions. Journal of Agricultural Sciences,11(4), 417–421.
  • Topalak, C. and Ceyhan, E. 2015. Effects of Different Sowing Times on Grain Yield and Some Agricultural Characteristics in Chickpea. Selcuk University Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2 (2), 128–135.
  • Uzun, A., Özçelİk, H. and Yilmaz, S. 2012. Evaluation of some selected chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) lines in terms of agronomic and quality characteristics. Academic Journal of Agriculture,1(1), 29–36.
  • Varoğlu, H. and Abak, K. 2019. Effect of SowingDates on Yield and Quality Characteristics of ChickpeaVarieties under Mediterranean Climate Conditions. Legume Research, 42 (3), 360–364.
  • Yorgancılar, M.,Atalay, E., Bayrak H., Hakkı, E. E., Önder, M., and Babaoğlu, M. 2008. Determination of genetic diversity among chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) populations collected from Konya region using ISSR markers, Journal of Selçuk University Faculty of Agriculture, 22(46), 1-5.

Investıgatıon Of The Morphologıcal Characterıstıcs Of Chıckpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Cultivars Cultivated Under Irrıgated And Non-Irrıgated Conditions Sown In Winter And Early Sprıng

Year 2022, , 75 - 83, 30.12.2022


This research was carried out to determine the yield and physiological characteristics of İnci, Hasanbey, Seçkin and Aydın chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) cultivars at different sowing times and under irrigated and non-irrigated conditions in Çukurova climate conditions. Experiments were carried out in a divided plot design with four replications for two years, in 2012 and 2013 growing years. In the study, two different planting times (winter-early spring) and two different water applications (irrigated and non-irrigated) were applied and some properties related to yield and morphology were examined. The trials were conducted at the Doğankent location in the Eastern Mediterranean Agricultural Research Institute research area. In the experiments, the main plots were arranged according to sowing time, and the sub-plots consisted of cultivars, and irrigated and non-irrigated plots. As a result of the research, it was determined that sowing time and water applications affected agronomic and morphological characteristics. These changes were observed according to planting times and varieties.
In terms of morphological characteristics, it was determined that there were decreases in summer plantings and non-irrigated conditions in which planting time and irrigation were significantly effective in all four cultivars. Increases were determined in winter plantings compared to summer plantings. Increases in yield and hundred-seed weights under irrigated conditions, increases in yield values, flowering and pod binding values were observed in winter plantings. In terms of two-year average values, a yield of 196.29 kg da-1 was obtained in irrigated conditions and 158.11 kg da-1 in non-irrigated conditions in winter plantings. In terms of two-year average values, 139.67 kg da-1 yield was obtained in irrigated conditions and 121.14 kg da-1 yield was obtained in summer plantings.


  • Ali, Y., Biswas, P. K., Shahriar, S. A., Nasif, S. O. and Raihan, R. R. 2018. Yield and Quality Response of Chickpe at Different Sowing Dates. Asian Journal of Research in Crop Science, 1 (4), 1–8.
  • Akdağ, C. and Şehirali, S. 1995. Bakteri (Rhizobium ssp.) Aşılama, Azot Dozları ve Ekim Sıklığının Nohut (Cicer arietinum L.) ‘ un Verim ve Verim Unsurlarına Etkileri . Journal of Agricultural Faculty of Gaziosmanpaşa University (JAFAG)
  • Azkan, N. 1989. Yemeklik Tane Baklagiller. U.Ü. Zir.Fak. Ders Notları No: 40, Bursa.
  • Erman, M. and Tüfenkçi, Ş. 2004. The Effect of Different Sowing Times on Yield and Yield-Related Characteristics of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). Ankara University Journal of Agricultural Sciences,10 (3), 342–345.
  • Eser, D. 1978. Edible grain Legumes, Ankara University Faculty of Agriculture lecture notes, Ankara98s.
  • Friedman, M. 1996. Nutritional value of proteins from different food sources. A review. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 44, 6±29.
  • Gregersen, P. L., Culetic, A., Boschian, L. and Krupinska, K. 2013. "Plant senescence and crop productivity". Plant Molecular Biology, 82(6), 603–622
  • Karadavut, U. and Sözen, Ö. 2020. Determination of Some Agronomic and Physiological Characteristics of Chickpea Plants (Cicer arietinum L.) Grown at Different Sowing Times. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Natural Sciences,7(4), 904–912.
  • Karasu, A. and Karadoğan, K. 1999. A Study on the Adaptation of Some Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Lines and Varieties in Isparta Conditions. Turkey 3rd Field Crops Congress, Adana, 3, 336–341.
  • Kayan, N., Olgun, M., Kutlu, İ., Ayter, N. and Gülmezoğlu, N. 2014. Determination of the Development Course of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Grown in Irrigated and Non-irrigated Conditions. Journal of Agricultural Sciences,14 (4), 31–73.
  • Mart, D., Türkeri, M., Ramazan, A., Atmaca, E., Dumrul, S. E., Çankaya, N. and Anlarsal, A. E. 2021. "Evaluation of Morphological , Quality and Yield Characteris tics of Some Regis tered Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L .) Varieties in The Eas tern-Mediterranean Region". Ekin Journal of Crop Breeding and Genetics, 7(2), 116–124
  • Muehlbauer, F. J., and Singh K. B. 1987. Genetics of chickpea. P. 99-125.In M.C. Saxena and K.B. Singh (ed) The chickpea, CAB Int, Oxon UK.
  • Özgün, Ö. S., Biçer, B. T. and Şakar, D. 2003. A Study on Determination of the Effects of Different Sowing Times on Yield and Yield Components of Chickpea in Diyarbakır-Bismil Ecological Conditions. Turkey 5th Field Crops Congress, Diyarbakir, 13-17 October, 2003, 2, 28–431.
  • Özgun, S. O., Bicer, B. T. and Sakar, D. 2004. "Agronomic and Morphological Characters of Chickpea Under Irrigated Conditions in Turkey". INT
  • Partigöç, F., Olgun, M., Yıldırım, T. and Kumlay, A. M. 2007. Determination of the most suitable rotation system and planting method in order to provide optimum yield in Muş. Journal of Field Crops Central Research Institute, 16 (1–2), 11–20.
  • Ray, K., Singh, D. and Laljat, B. 2017. Effect of Sowing Time and Seed Rate On Growth and Yield of Chickpea Cultivars. Advance Research Journal of Crop Improvement, 8 (1), 1–16.
  • Sarı, M. and Adak, M. S. 1998. Some Plant Characteristics and Yield Effects of Different Sowing Times in Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). Journal of Field Crops Central Research Institute, 7 (2), 57–64.
  • Sepetoğlu, H. 2002. Edible Grain Legumes. Aegean University. Faculty of Agriculture Lecture Notes:24/4. İzmir.
  • Slim, S.N., Saxena. M.C. 1993. Adaptation of Spring-Sown chickpea to the Mediterranean Basin.II. Factors ınfluencing Yield under Drought, Field Crops Research, 34, 137-146.
  • Şanlı, A. and Kaya, M. 2008. The Effects of Seed Applications and Different Sowing Times on Some Agronomic Characteristics of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). Journal of Süleyman Demirel University Faculty of Agriculture, 3(2), 42–51.
  • Şehirali, S. 1988. Edible Grain Legumes. Ankara University Faculty of Agriculture Publications: 1089, Textbook:314, Ankara
  • TUİK. 2022.
  • Toğay, N., Toğay, Y., Erman, M., Doğan, Y. and Çiğ, F. 2005. "Kuru ve Sulu Koşullarda Farklı Bitki Sıklıklarının Bazı Nohut (Cicer arietinum L.) Çeşitlerinde Verim ve Verim Öğelerine Etkileri". Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 11(4), 417–421.
  • Thudi, M., Bohra, A., Nayak, S. N., Varghese, N., Shah, T. M., Penmetsa, R. V., Thirunavukkarasu, N., Gudipati, S., Gaur, P. M., Kulwal, P. L., Upadhyaya, H. D., KaviKishor, P. B., Winter, P., Kahl, G., Town, C. D., Kilian, A., Cook, D. R. and Varshney, R. K. 2011. Novel SSR markers from BAC- end sequences, Dart arrays and a comprehensive genetic map with 1,291 marker loci for chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). PLoS One 6(11):1–12
  • Toğay, N., Toğay, Y., Erman, M., Doğan, Y. and Çiğ, F. 2005. The Effects of Different Plant Densities on Yield and Yield Components of Some Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Varieties in Dry and Irrigated Conditions. Journal of Agricultural Sciences,11(4), 417–421.
  • Topalak, C. and Ceyhan, E. 2015. Effects of Different Sowing Times on Grain Yield and Some Agricultural Characteristics in Chickpea. Selcuk University Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2 (2), 128–135.
  • Uzun, A., Özçelİk, H. and Yilmaz, S. 2012. Evaluation of some selected chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) lines in terms of agronomic and quality characteristics. Academic Journal of Agriculture,1(1), 29–36.
  • Varoğlu, H. and Abak, K. 2019. Effect of SowingDates on Yield and Quality Characteristics of ChickpeaVarieties under Mediterranean Climate Conditions. Legume Research, 42 (3), 360–364.
  • Yorgancılar, M.,Atalay, E., Bayrak H., Hakkı, E. E., Önder, M., and Babaoğlu, M. 2008. Determination of genetic diversity among chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) populations collected from Konya region using ISSR markers, Journal of Selçuk University Faculty of Agriculture, 22(46), 1-5.
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

Dürdane Mart 0000-0002-2944-1227

Publication Date December 30, 2022
Submission Date November 21, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Mart, D. (2022). Investıgatıon Of The Morphologıcal Characterıstıcs Of Chıckpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Cultivars Cultivated Under Irrıgated And Non-Irrıgated Conditions Sown In Winter And Early Sprıng. Turkish Journal of Range and Forage Science, 3(2), 75-83.
AMA Mart D. Investıgatıon Of The Morphologıcal Characterıstıcs Of Chıckpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Cultivars Cultivated Under Irrıgated And Non-Irrıgated Conditions Sown In Winter And Early Sprıng. Turk.J.R.For.Sci. December 2022;3(2):75-83. doi:10.51801/turkjrfs.1207788
Chicago Mart, Dürdane. “Investıgatıon Of The Morphologıcal Characterıstıcs Of Chıckpea (Cicer Arietinum L.) Cultivars Cultivated Under Irrıgated And Non-Irrıgated Conditions Sown In Winter And Early Sprıng”. Turkish Journal of Range and Forage Science 3, no. 2 (December 2022): 75-83.
EndNote Mart D (December 1, 2022) Investıgatıon Of The Morphologıcal Characterıstıcs Of Chıckpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Cultivars Cultivated Under Irrıgated And Non-Irrıgated Conditions Sown In Winter And Early Sprıng. Turkish Journal of Range and Forage Science 3 2 75–83.
IEEE D. Mart, “Investıgatıon Of The Morphologıcal Characterıstıcs Of Chıckpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Cultivars Cultivated Under Irrıgated And Non-Irrıgated Conditions Sown In Winter And Early Sprıng”, Turk.J.R.For.Sci., vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 75–83, 2022, doi: 10.51801/turkjrfs.1207788.
ISNAD Mart, Dürdane. “Investıgatıon Of The Morphologıcal Characterıstıcs Of Chıckpea (Cicer Arietinum L.) Cultivars Cultivated Under Irrıgated And Non-Irrıgated Conditions Sown In Winter And Early Sprıng”. Turkish Journal of Range and Forage Science 3/2 (December 2022), 75-83.
JAMA Mart D. Investıgatıon Of The Morphologıcal Characterıstıcs Of Chıckpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Cultivars Cultivated Under Irrıgated And Non-Irrıgated Conditions Sown In Winter And Early Sprıng. Turk.J.R.For.Sci. 2022;3:75–83.
MLA Mart, Dürdane. “Investıgatıon Of The Morphologıcal Characterıstıcs Of Chıckpea (Cicer Arietinum L.) Cultivars Cultivated Under Irrıgated And Non-Irrıgated Conditions Sown In Winter And Early Sprıng”. Turkish Journal of Range and Forage Science, vol. 3, no. 2, 2022, pp. 75-83, doi:10.51801/turkjrfs.1207788.
Vancouver Mart D. Investıgatıon Of The Morphologıcal Characterıstıcs Of Chıckpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Cultivars Cultivated Under Irrıgated And Non-Irrıgated Conditions Sown In Winter And Early Sprıng. Turk.J.R.For.Sci. 2022;3(2):75-83.

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