Research Article
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The Seasonal Variation of Forage's Chemical Composition of a Semi-Arid Rangeland According to Altitude and Aspects

Year 2023, , 27 - 37, 30.06.2023


This study was carried out on Kop Mountain, which is located at the intersection of Eastern Anatolia and Eastern Black Sea in Turkey. Forage samples were taken from the semi-arid rangeland sites were analyzed for status of the chemical composition according to altitude and aspect. In addition, the seasonal variation of the chemical composition was investigated by repeated analyzes in 3 different periods. In terms of aspect, the highest crude protein ratio (13.40%) occurred in the north, the lowest ratio (10.11%) occurred in the east, while the higher crude protein ratio (11.88%) was observed in the backslope in terms of altitude. The highest crude protein rate (15.15%) was found in May. The highest rate (53.67%) was found in the east and the lowest (45.86%) in the North in terms of NDF. NDF rates in May, July, and October were 48.27%, 47.11%, and 58.17%, respectively. The highest value (33.30%) was recorded in the west and the lowest value (27.66%) was recorded in the North in terms of ADF. ADF values observed in May, July and October were determined as 26.98%, 30.93%, and 36.63%, respectively. According to the results of the research, it was determined that while the crude protein ratio decreased with the maturation of the plants, the elements forming the cell wall increased; and seasonal conditions changed and affected the forage quality.

Supporting Institution

Research Fund of the Ataturk University

Project Number



  • Adesogan, A.T., Givens, D.I. and Owen, E., 2000. Measuring chemical composition and nutritive value in forages. In Field and Laboratory Methods for Grassland and Animal Production Research (Ed. L Mannetje and R.M. Jones), CABI, Cambridge, 263-278.
  • Andrae, J., 2003. What is forage quality? content/dam/caes subsite/forages/docs/georgia-cattlemens/2003/nov03.pdf (accessed 05 April 2021). Ankom Technology, 2020. The Ankom 200 Fiber Analyzer. Fairport, NY. http:// (accessed 15 April 2019).
  • Anonymous, 2022. Rangeland Pasture and Feed Plants Statistics, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. (accessed 01 January 2022).
  • Avcı, M., Kaplan, O., Yertürk, M. and Aslan, M., 2006. Nutrient and botanical composition of pasture in Ceylanpınar Agriculture Farm. Y.Y.Ü. Vet. Fak Derg., 17 (1-2): 9-13.
  • Barney, H.J., 2009. The importance of fiber in feeding dairy cattle, Engormix, Dairy Cattle Technical Articles. (accessed 01 February 2021).
  • Ball, D.M., Collins, M., Lacefield, G.D., Martin, N.P., Mertens, D.A., Olson, K.E., Putnam, D.H., Undersander, D.J. and Wolf, M.W., 2001. Understanding forage quality. American Farm Bureau Federation Publication 1-01, Park Ridge, USA p. 21. Collins, M. and Fritz, J.O., 2003. Forage Quality (R.F., Barnes, C.J., Nelson, M., Collins, K.J., Moore, Eds.), Forages: An Introduction to Grassland Agriculture, 6th ed., Iowa State Press, Ames, pp. 363-390.
  • Çomaklı, B., Fayetörbay, D. and Daşcı, M., 2012. Changing of Botanical Composition and Canopy Coverage Ratio in Rangelands at Different Altitudes. J. of Agricultural Faculty of Atatürk Univ., Erzurum, 43 (1): 17-21.
  • Darambazar, E., DelCurto, T., Ackerman, C., Pulsipher, G. and Damiran, D., 2003. Changes in forage quantity and quality with continued cattle grazing in a mountain riparian pasture. Proc. Western Section, American Society Anim. Sci., 54: 324-328.
  • Deak, A., Hall, M.H., Sanderson, M.A. and Archibald, D.D., 2007, Production and nutritive value of grazed simple and complex forage mixtures. Agronomy Journal, 99, 3, 814-821.
  • Dovel, J., 1996. Cutting height effect on wetland meadow forage yield and quality. J. Range Manage, 49: 151-156.
  • Gökkuş, A., Avcı, M., Aydın, A., Mermer, A. and Ulutaş, Z. (1993). Effects of altitude, slope and direction on the rangeland vegetation. East Anatolian Agricultural Research Institute, Erzurum, No:13. (in Turkish, with English abstract)
  • Holechek, J. L., Pieper, R. D. and Herbel, C. H., 2004. Range Management: Principles and Practicies. Prentice Hall, New Jersey, p. 607.
  • Kamstra, L.D., Schentzel, D.L. Lewis, J.K. and Elderkin, R.L., 1968. Maturity studies with western wheatgrass. J. Range Manage., 21: 235-239.
  • Kaya, İ., Öncüer, A. and Ünal,Y., 2004. Nutritive value of pastures in Kars district. 1. Botanical and nutrient composition at different stages of maturity. Turkish J. Veterinary Anim. Sci., 28: 275-280.
  • Koç, A., Kaya, A., Güllap, M.K., Erkovan, H.İ., Macit, M. and Karaoğlu, M., 2014. The effect of supplemental concentrate feed on live weight gain of yearling heifers over grazing season in subirrigated rangelands of East Anatolia. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 38, 3, 278-284.
  • Lacefield, G., Henning, J.C., Collins, M. and Swetnam, L., 1999. Quality hay production. Unıversıty of Kentucky College of Agrıculture, Agr.-62, 3 (77): 1-4.
  • Linn, J.G. and Martin, N.P., 1999. Forage Quality Tests and Đnterpretations. University of Minnesota Extension Service, AG-FO-2637. Minneapolis, MN, USA, p.12.
  • Martiniello, P., Paolette, R. and Berardo, N., 1997. Effect of phenological stages on dry matter and quality components in lucerne. European J. Agron., 6: 79–87.
  • Mountousis, I., Papanikolaou, K., Stanogias, G., Chatzitheodoridis, F. and Roukos, C., 2008. Seasonal variation of chemical composition and dry matter digestibility of rangelands in NW Greece, Journal of Central European Agriculture, 9, 3, 547-555.
  • Pieper, R.D., Kelsey, R.J. and Nelson, A.B., 1974. Nutritive quality of nitrogen fertilized and unfertilized blue grama. J. Range Manage., 27: 470-472.
  • Rayburn, E.D., 2020. Understanding Forage Analysis Important to Livestock Producers. West Virginia Univ. Extension Service. agriculture/pasture-hay-forage/quality/understanding-forage-analysis (accessed 01 January 2022).
  • Rayburn, E.D., Wallbrown, R.M. and Prigge, E.C., 2006. Pasture Forage Quality in West Virginia: An On-Farm Research Report for 1999 to 2001. (accessed 12 January 2022).
  • Reuss, S., 2001. Enhanced Forage Evaluation: NDF Digestibility. UW Extension. (accessed 01 January 2022).
  • Shaver, R.D., 2004. Forage Quality Variation, Mid-South Ruminant Nutrition Conference. animal/forage-quality-variation-randy-shaver/17198948 (accessed 05 January 2022).
  • Tan, M., Severoğlu, S. and Yazıcı, A., 2019. Determination of Nutritive Value of Some Forage Legume and Grass Species Growing in Meadows and Pastures. Iğdır Univ. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, 9(3): 1776-1784.
  • Tarhan, H. and Çaçan, E., 2020. Monthly Change of Rangeland Yield and Quality Depending on Directions and Determination of Grazing Start Time in Bingöl Province. Duzce Üniv. Journal of Science and Technology, 8, 110-122.
  • Teka, H., Madakadze, I.C., Angassa, A., Hassen, A., 2012. Effect of seasonal variation on the nutritional quality of key herbaceous species in semi-arid areas of Borana, Ethiopia, Indian Journal of Animal Nutrition, 29, 4, 324-332.
  • Twidwell, E.K., Johnson, K.D., Cherney, J.H. and Volenec, J.J., 1988. Forage quality and digestion kinetics of switchgrass herbage and morphological components. Crop Sci., 28: 778–782.
  • Yıldız, N. and Bircan, H., 1994. Applied Statistics (4th Edition), Atatürk Univ. Agriculture Faculty Lecture Publications, Erzurum, 704. (in Turkish)
Year 2023, , 27 - 37, 30.06.2023


Project Number



  • Adesogan, A.T., Givens, D.I. and Owen, E., 2000. Measuring chemical composition and nutritive value in forages. In Field and Laboratory Methods for Grassland and Animal Production Research (Ed. L Mannetje and R.M. Jones), CABI, Cambridge, 263-278.
  • Andrae, J., 2003. What is forage quality? content/dam/caes subsite/forages/docs/georgia-cattlemens/2003/nov03.pdf (accessed 05 April 2021). Ankom Technology, 2020. The Ankom 200 Fiber Analyzer. Fairport, NY. http:// (accessed 15 April 2019).
  • Anonymous, 2022. Rangeland Pasture and Feed Plants Statistics, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. (accessed 01 January 2022).
  • Avcı, M., Kaplan, O., Yertürk, M. and Aslan, M., 2006. Nutrient and botanical composition of pasture in Ceylanpınar Agriculture Farm. Y.Y.Ü. Vet. Fak Derg., 17 (1-2): 9-13.
  • Barney, H.J., 2009. The importance of fiber in feeding dairy cattle, Engormix, Dairy Cattle Technical Articles. (accessed 01 February 2021).
  • Ball, D.M., Collins, M., Lacefield, G.D., Martin, N.P., Mertens, D.A., Olson, K.E., Putnam, D.H., Undersander, D.J. and Wolf, M.W., 2001. Understanding forage quality. American Farm Bureau Federation Publication 1-01, Park Ridge, USA p. 21. Collins, M. and Fritz, J.O., 2003. Forage Quality (R.F., Barnes, C.J., Nelson, M., Collins, K.J., Moore, Eds.), Forages: An Introduction to Grassland Agriculture, 6th ed., Iowa State Press, Ames, pp. 363-390.
  • Çomaklı, B., Fayetörbay, D. and Daşcı, M., 2012. Changing of Botanical Composition and Canopy Coverage Ratio in Rangelands at Different Altitudes. J. of Agricultural Faculty of Atatürk Univ., Erzurum, 43 (1): 17-21.
  • Darambazar, E., DelCurto, T., Ackerman, C., Pulsipher, G. and Damiran, D., 2003. Changes in forage quantity and quality with continued cattle grazing in a mountain riparian pasture. Proc. Western Section, American Society Anim. Sci., 54: 324-328.
  • Deak, A., Hall, M.H., Sanderson, M.A. and Archibald, D.D., 2007, Production and nutritive value of grazed simple and complex forage mixtures. Agronomy Journal, 99, 3, 814-821.
  • Dovel, J., 1996. Cutting height effect on wetland meadow forage yield and quality. J. Range Manage, 49: 151-156.
  • Gökkuş, A., Avcı, M., Aydın, A., Mermer, A. and Ulutaş, Z. (1993). Effects of altitude, slope and direction on the rangeland vegetation. East Anatolian Agricultural Research Institute, Erzurum, No:13. (in Turkish, with English abstract)
  • Holechek, J. L., Pieper, R. D. and Herbel, C. H., 2004. Range Management: Principles and Practicies. Prentice Hall, New Jersey, p. 607.
  • Kamstra, L.D., Schentzel, D.L. Lewis, J.K. and Elderkin, R.L., 1968. Maturity studies with western wheatgrass. J. Range Manage., 21: 235-239.
  • Kaya, İ., Öncüer, A. and Ünal,Y., 2004. Nutritive value of pastures in Kars district. 1. Botanical and nutrient composition at different stages of maturity. Turkish J. Veterinary Anim. Sci., 28: 275-280.
  • Koç, A., Kaya, A., Güllap, M.K., Erkovan, H.İ., Macit, M. and Karaoğlu, M., 2014. The effect of supplemental concentrate feed on live weight gain of yearling heifers over grazing season in subirrigated rangelands of East Anatolia. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 38, 3, 278-284.
  • Lacefield, G., Henning, J.C., Collins, M. and Swetnam, L., 1999. Quality hay production. Unıversıty of Kentucky College of Agrıculture, Agr.-62, 3 (77): 1-4.
  • Linn, J.G. and Martin, N.P., 1999. Forage Quality Tests and Đnterpretations. University of Minnesota Extension Service, AG-FO-2637. Minneapolis, MN, USA, p.12.
  • Martiniello, P., Paolette, R. and Berardo, N., 1997. Effect of phenological stages on dry matter and quality components in lucerne. European J. Agron., 6: 79–87.
  • Mountousis, I., Papanikolaou, K., Stanogias, G., Chatzitheodoridis, F. and Roukos, C., 2008. Seasonal variation of chemical composition and dry matter digestibility of rangelands in NW Greece, Journal of Central European Agriculture, 9, 3, 547-555.
  • Pieper, R.D., Kelsey, R.J. and Nelson, A.B., 1974. Nutritive quality of nitrogen fertilized and unfertilized blue grama. J. Range Manage., 27: 470-472.
  • Rayburn, E.D., 2020. Understanding Forage Analysis Important to Livestock Producers. West Virginia Univ. Extension Service. agriculture/pasture-hay-forage/quality/understanding-forage-analysis (accessed 01 January 2022).
  • Rayburn, E.D., Wallbrown, R.M. and Prigge, E.C., 2006. Pasture Forage Quality in West Virginia: An On-Farm Research Report for 1999 to 2001. (accessed 12 January 2022).
  • Reuss, S., 2001. Enhanced Forage Evaluation: NDF Digestibility. UW Extension. (accessed 01 January 2022).
  • Shaver, R.D., 2004. Forage Quality Variation, Mid-South Ruminant Nutrition Conference. animal/forage-quality-variation-randy-shaver/17198948 (accessed 05 January 2022).
  • Tan, M., Severoğlu, S. and Yazıcı, A., 2019. Determination of Nutritive Value of Some Forage Legume and Grass Species Growing in Meadows and Pastures. Iğdır Univ. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, 9(3): 1776-1784.
  • Tarhan, H. and Çaçan, E., 2020. Monthly Change of Rangeland Yield and Quality Depending on Directions and Determination of Grazing Start Time in Bingöl Province. Duzce Üniv. Journal of Science and Technology, 8, 110-122.
  • Teka, H., Madakadze, I.C., Angassa, A., Hassen, A., 2012. Effect of seasonal variation on the nutritional quality of key herbaceous species in semi-arid areas of Borana, Ethiopia, Indian Journal of Animal Nutrition, 29, 4, 324-332.
  • Twidwell, E.K., Johnson, K.D., Cherney, J.H. and Volenec, J.J., 1988. Forage quality and digestion kinetics of switchgrass herbage and morphological components. Crop Sci., 28: 778–782.
  • Yıldız, N. and Bircan, H., 1994. Applied Statistics (4th Edition), Atatürk Univ. Agriculture Faculty Lecture Publications, Erzurum, 704. (in Turkish)
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

İbrahim Hakan Karabulut 0000-0002-9740-9085

Binali Çomaklı 0000-0001-6393-3869

Project Number 7276
Publication Date June 30, 2023
Submission Date March 14, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Karabulut, İ. H., & Çomaklı, B. (2023). The Seasonal Variation of Forage’s Chemical Composition of a Semi-Arid Rangeland According to Altitude and Aspects. Turkish Journal of Range and Forage Science, 4(1), 27-37.
AMA Karabulut İH, Çomaklı B. The Seasonal Variation of Forage’s Chemical Composition of a Semi-Arid Rangeland According to Altitude and Aspects. Turk.J.R.For.Sci. June 2023;4(1):27-37. doi:10.51801/turkjrfs.1264845
Chicago Karabulut, İbrahim Hakan, and Binali Çomaklı. “The Seasonal Variation of Forage’s Chemical Composition of a Semi-Arid Rangeland According to Altitude and Aspects”. Turkish Journal of Range and Forage Science 4, no. 1 (June 2023): 27-37.
EndNote Karabulut İH, Çomaklı B (June 1, 2023) The Seasonal Variation of Forage’s Chemical Composition of a Semi-Arid Rangeland According to Altitude and Aspects. Turkish Journal of Range and Forage Science 4 1 27–37.
IEEE İ. H. Karabulut and B. Çomaklı, “The Seasonal Variation of Forage’s Chemical Composition of a Semi-Arid Rangeland According to Altitude and Aspects”, Turk.J.R.For.Sci., vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 27–37, 2023, doi: 10.51801/turkjrfs.1264845.
ISNAD Karabulut, İbrahim Hakan - Çomaklı, Binali. “The Seasonal Variation of Forage’s Chemical Composition of a Semi-Arid Rangeland According to Altitude and Aspects”. Turkish Journal of Range and Forage Science 4/1 (June 2023), 27-37.
JAMA Karabulut İH, Çomaklı B. The Seasonal Variation of Forage’s Chemical Composition of a Semi-Arid Rangeland According to Altitude and Aspects. Turk.J.R.For.Sci. 2023;4:27–37.
MLA Karabulut, İbrahim Hakan and Binali Çomaklı. “The Seasonal Variation of Forage’s Chemical Composition of a Semi-Arid Rangeland According to Altitude and Aspects”. Turkish Journal of Range and Forage Science, vol. 4, no. 1, 2023, pp. 27-37, doi:10.51801/turkjrfs.1264845.
Vancouver Karabulut İH, Çomaklı B. The Seasonal Variation of Forage’s Chemical Composition of a Semi-Arid Rangeland According to Altitude and Aspects. Turk.J.R.For.Sci. 2023;4(1):27-3.

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