Research Article
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Determination of Seasonal Changes of Feed Value of Common Grazable Species Aşağı Gökdere Macquis Shrublands

Year 2024, , 56 - 66, 01.07.2024


This study was conducted in the years of 2018-2020 to determine the feed value of common shrub species that can be grazed in the maquis area around Aşağı Gökdere village of Isparta. Ten species (Quercus coccifera, Quercus infectoria, Quercus cerris, Phillyrea latifolia, Spartium junceum, Crataegus monogyna, Paliurus spina-christi, Juniperus oxycedrus, Cistus creticus and Arbutus andrachne) were used in the study. Leaf samples were collected from these species in each season. Dry matter content, crude protein content, NDF, ADF, total digestible nutrients, relative feed value and tannin content were determined. According to the analysis of variance, the differences between seasons and shrub species were found to be statistically significant in all traits analyzed.
According to the two-year averages, when the seasons were compared, the highest crude protein content, total digestible nutrients and relative feed value were obtained in spring, decreased as the seasons progressed, and the lowest values were obtained in winter. The lowest dry matter ratios, ADF and NDF values were obtained in spring and they increased in parallel with the progression of the seasons. The lowest condensed tannin ratios were obtained in spring and summer, while the highest values were determined in autumn.
When the species were compared, the lowest dry matter and condensed tannins contents were found in Spartium junceum, while NDF and ADF ratios were found in P. spina-christi. The highest crude protein content was determined in Quercus infectoria, while total digestible nutrients and relative feed value were determined in P. spina-christi species. As a result, it was observed that shrubs, shrub-formed trees and shrubs in the maquis have an important potential as high quality feed for ruminants during the critical period in semi-arid and arid regions.

Ethical Statement

We declare that our study, the information of which is given above, is among the studies that do not require ethics committee permission because it does not use live materials other than plants.

Supporting Institution


Project Number



This study is derived from the phd thesis of Emre BIÇAKÇI. We would like to thank TUBITAK for supporting this thesis study with the project number 119O744.


  • Açıkgöz, E. (2001). Yem Bitkileri (3. Bs). Bursa: Güçlendirme Vakfı Yayınları.
  • Akyıldız, A. R. (1966). Yeşil Yemlerin Saklanması, Yedek Yemler, Ticaret Yemleri, Yemler Bilgisi. Ankara: Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları.
  • Alatürk, F., Alpars, T., Gökkuş, A., Coşkun, E., & Akbağ, H. (2014). Seasonal changes in the nutrient contents of some shrub species. COMU Journal of Agriculture Faculty, 2(1), 133-141.
  • Altın, M., Gökkuş, A., & Koç, A. (2021). Çayır Mera Islahı (2. Bs.). Ankara: Palme Yayınevi.
  • Ankom (2017). Ankom Technology. Analytical Procedures,, Access: 02.04.2019.
  • Aygün, C., Kara, İ., Hanoğlu Oral, H., Erdoğdu, İ., Atalay, A. K., & Sever, A. L. (2018). Determination of some shrub seasonal (spring, summer and fall) leaf yields, nutrient content and digestibility. Journal of Bahri Dagdas Animal Research, 7(1), 7-17.
  • Ayhan, V., Tolunay, A., Adiyaman, E., (2009). The effects of different vegetation periods on chemical composition of kermes oak (Quercus coccifera L.). Asian Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 4(2), 99-103.
  • Bakoğlu, A., Koç, A., & Gökkuş, A. (1999). Variation in biomass and chemical composition of dominant rangeland plants during the growing season. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 23, 495-508.
  • Barry, T. N., & Forss, D. A. (1983). The condensed tannin content of vegetative Lotus pedunculatus, its regulation by fertilizer application, and effect upon protein solubility. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 34, 1047–1056.
  • Baytekin, H., Yurtman, İ. Y., & Savaş, T. (2005). Süt keçiciliğinde kaba yem üretim organizasyonu: Çanakkale Koşulları için Yarı Entansif İşletme Modeli Temelinde bir Değerlendirme. In M, Kaymakçı (Ed.), Süt Keçiciliği Ulusal Kongresi (pp. 298-305).
  • Bouazza, L., Bodas, R., Boufennara, S., Bousseboua, H., & Lopez, S. (2012). Nutritive evaluation of foliage from fodder trees and shrubs characteristic of Algerian arid and semi–arid areas. Journal Animal Feeding Science, 21, 521–536.
  • Brooker, J. D., O'donovan, L. A., Skene, I., Clarke, K., Blackall, L., & Muslera, P. (1994). Streptococcus caprinus sp. nov., a tannin‐resistant ruminal bacterium from feral goats. Letters in Applied Microbiology, 18(6), 313-318.
  • Castle, M. E. (1982). Feeding high quality silage. Silage for milk production. Technical Bulletin 2.
  • Cevheri, A. C., & Avcıoğlu, R. (1998). Bornova koşullarında 11 farklı yonca çeşidinin verim ve diğer bazı verim özellikleri üzerinde araştırmalar. [Master’s thesis, Ege University].
  • Düzgüneş, O., Kesici, T., Kavuncu, O., & Gürbüz, F. (1987). Araştırma ve Deneme Metodları (İstatistik Metotları II). Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları.
  • Dökülgen, H., & Temel, S. (2015). Yaprağını döken karaçalı (Palirus spina-christi Mill.) türünde yaprak ve yaprak+sürgünlerinin mevsimsel besin içeriği değişimi. Journal of the Institute of Science & Technology, 5(3), 57-65.
  • Dzowela, B. H., Hove, L., Topps, J. H., & Mafongoya, P. L. (1995). Nutritional and anti–nutritional characteristics and rumen degradability of dry matter and nitrogen for some multipurpose tree species with potential for agroforestry in Zimbabwe. Animal Feeding Science Technology, 55, 207–214.
  • Frost, R. A., Wilson, L. M., Launchbaugh, K. L., & Hovde, E. M. (2008). Seasonal change in forage value of rangeland weeds in Northern Idaho. Invasive Plant Science and Manage, 1(4), 343-351.
  • González‐Andrés, F., & Ceresuela, J. L. (1998). Chemical composition of some Iberian Mediterranean leguminous shrubs potentially useful for forage in seasonally dry areas. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 41(2), 139-147.
  • Gökkuş, A., Özaslan Parlak, A., Hakyemez, H., Baytekin, H., & Parlak, M. (2009). Maki örtüsünde yer alan bitki türlerinin botanik özellikleri ile besleme değerlerindeki değişimin belirlenmesi. (TÜBİTAK Project Number: 106O458).
  • Griffin, J. L., & Jung. G. A. (1983). Leaf and stem forage quality of big bluestem and switchgrass. Agronomy Journal, 75(5), 723-726.
  • Gutman, M., Henkin, Z., & Hlzer, Z. (1999). Comparative performance of beef cattle on herbaceous and woody vegetation. Grassland and Science in Europe, 4, 365-371.
  • Gutteridge, R. C., & Shelton, H. M. (Eds.). (1994). Forage tree legumes in tropical agriculture. Cab International.
  • Hagerman, E. A. (1987). Radial diffusion method for determining tannin in plant extracts. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 13(3), 437-449.
  • Helrich, K. C. (Ed.). (1990). Official Methods of Analysis of the AOAC (15 bs). Virginia: Association of Official Analytical Chemists.
  • Holechek, J. L., Estell, R. E., Kuykendall, C. B., Valdez, R., Cardenas, M. & Nunez-Hernandez, G. (1989). Seeded wheatgrass yield and nutritive quality on New Mexico big sagebrush range. Journal Range Management, 42, 118-122.
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  • Jung H. G., & Allen, M. S. (1995). Characteristics of plant cell walls affecting intake and digestibility of forages by ruminants. Journal of Animal Science, 73, 2774–2790.
  • Kamalak, A. (2006). Determination of nutritive value of leaves of a native grown shrub, Glycyrrhiza glabra L. using in vitro and in situ measurements. Small Ruminant Research, 64, 268–278.
  • Khorchani, T., Hammadi, M., Abdouli, H., & Essid, H. (2000). Determination of chemical composition and in vitro digestibility in four halophytic shrubs in Southern Tunisia. Fodder and Shrub Development in Arid and Semi-Arid Zones, Vol.: 2, Proc. of the Workshop on Native and Exotic Fodder Shrubs in Arid and Semi-Arid Zones, 27 October – 2 November, Hammamet, Tunisia, pp. 540-550.
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  • Koç, A., Gökkuş, A., Bakoğlu, A., & Özaslan, A. (2000). Temporal variation in chemical properties of plant samples during grazing season from Palandoken rangelands Erzurum. Proceedings of the International Animal Nutrition Congress, 4-6 September, Isparta, Türkiye, pp. 471–478.
  • Kökten, K., Kaplan, M., Hatipoğlu, R., Saruhan, V., & Çınar, S. (2012). Nutritive value of Mediterranean shrubs. The Journal of Animal, Plant Sciences, 22(1), 188-194.
  • Le Houérou, H. N. (1981). Impact of man and his animals on Mediterranean vegetation. In Mediterranean-type shrublands: Eco-system of the World, 11, 479-521.
  • Lyons, R. K., Machen, R., & Forbes, T. D. A. (1996). Why Range Forage Quality Changes. Bulletin/Texas Agricultural Extension Service, No: 6036, Texas, USA.
  • Makkar, H. P. S. (2003). Effects and fate of tannins in ruminant animals, adaptation to tannins, and strategies to overcome detrimental effects of feeding tannin-rich feeds. Small Ruminant Research, 49, 241–256.
  • Moore, J. E., & Undersander, D. J. (2002). Relative forage quality: A proposal for replacement for relative feed value and quality index. Proceedings of the 13th Annual Florida Ruminant Nutrition Symposium, 10-11 January, Gainesville, USA, pp. 16-32.
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  • Papachristou, T. G., & Papanastasis V. P. (1994). Forage value of Mediterranean deciduous woody fodder species and its implication to management of silvo-pastoral systems for goats. Agroforestry Systems, 27, 269-282.
  • Parlak, A. O., Gokkus, A., Hakyemez, B. H., & Baytekin, H. (2011a). Shrub yield and forage quality in Mediterranean shrublands of west Turkey for a period of one year. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 6(7), 1726-1734.
  • Parlak, A. O., Gokkus, A., Hakyemez, B. H., & Baytekin, H. (2011b). Forage yield and quality of kermes oak and herbaceous species throughout a year in Mediterranean zone of western Turkey. Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment, 9(1), 510-515.
  • Parlak, A. O., Gokkus, A., Hakyemez, B. H., & Baytekin, H. (2011c). Forage quality of deciduous woody and herbaceous species throughout a year in Mediterranean shrublands of Western Turkey. Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences, 21(3), 513-518.
  • Pecetti, L., Tava, A., Pagnotta, M. A., & Russi, L. (2007). Variations in forage quality and chemical composition among Italian accessions of Bituminaria bituminosa (L.), Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 87(6), 985-991.
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Year 2024, , 56 - 66, 01.07.2024


Project Number



  • Açıkgöz, E. (2001). Yem Bitkileri (3. Bs). Bursa: Güçlendirme Vakfı Yayınları.
  • Akyıldız, A. R. (1966). Yeşil Yemlerin Saklanması, Yedek Yemler, Ticaret Yemleri, Yemler Bilgisi. Ankara: Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları.
  • Alatürk, F., Alpars, T., Gökkuş, A., Coşkun, E., & Akbağ, H. (2014). Seasonal changes in the nutrient contents of some shrub species. COMU Journal of Agriculture Faculty, 2(1), 133-141.
  • Altın, M., Gökkuş, A., & Koç, A. (2021). Çayır Mera Islahı (2. Bs.). Ankara: Palme Yayınevi.
  • Ankom (2017). Ankom Technology. Analytical Procedures,, Access: 02.04.2019.
  • Aygün, C., Kara, İ., Hanoğlu Oral, H., Erdoğdu, İ., Atalay, A. K., & Sever, A. L. (2018). Determination of some shrub seasonal (spring, summer and fall) leaf yields, nutrient content and digestibility. Journal of Bahri Dagdas Animal Research, 7(1), 7-17.
  • Ayhan, V., Tolunay, A., Adiyaman, E., (2009). The effects of different vegetation periods on chemical composition of kermes oak (Quercus coccifera L.). Asian Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 4(2), 99-103.
  • Bakoğlu, A., Koç, A., & Gökkuş, A. (1999). Variation in biomass and chemical composition of dominant rangeland plants during the growing season. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 23, 495-508.
  • Barry, T. N., & Forss, D. A. (1983). The condensed tannin content of vegetative Lotus pedunculatus, its regulation by fertilizer application, and effect upon protein solubility. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 34, 1047–1056.
  • Baytekin, H., Yurtman, İ. Y., & Savaş, T. (2005). Süt keçiciliğinde kaba yem üretim organizasyonu: Çanakkale Koşulları için Yarı Entansif İşletme Modeli Temelinde bir Değerlendirme. In M, Kaymakçı (Ed.), Süt Keçiciliği Ulusal Kongresi (pp. 298-305).
  • Bouazza, L., Bodas, R., Boufennara, S., Bousseboua, H., & Lopez, S. (2012). Nutritive evaluation of foliage from fodder trees and shrubs characteristic of Algerian arid and semi–arid areas. Journal Animal Feeding Science, 21, 521–536.
  • Brooker, J. D., O'donovan, L. A., Skene, I., Clarke, K., Blackall, L., & Muslera, P. (1994). Streptococcus caprinus sp. nov., a tannin‐resistant ruminal bacterium from feral goats. Letters in Applied Microbiology, 18(6), 313-318.
  • Castle, M. E. (1982). Feeding high quality silage. Silage for milk production. Technical Bulletin 2.
  • Cevheri, A. C., & Avcıoğlu, R. (1998). Bornova koşullarında 11 farklı yonca çeşidinin verim ve diğer bazı verim özellikleri üzerinde araştırmalar. [Master’s thesis, Ege University].
  • Düzgüneş, O., Kesici, T., Kavuncu, O., & Gürbüz, F. (1987). Araştırma ve Deneme Metodları (İstatistik Metotları II). Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları.
  • Dökülgen, H., & Temel, S. (2015). Yaprağını döken karaçalı (Palirus spina-christi Mill.) türünde yaprak ve yaprak+sürgünlerinin mevsimsel besin içeriği değişimi. Journal of the Institute of Science & Technology, 5(3), 57-65.
  • Dzowela, B. H., Hove, L., Topps, J. H., & Mafongoya, P. L. (1995). Nutritional and anti–nutritional characteristics and rumen degradability of dry matter and nitrogen for some multipurpose tree species with potential for agroforestry in Zimbabwe. Animal Feeding Science Technology, 55, 207–214.
  • Frost, R. A., Wilson, L. M., Launchbaugh, K. L., & Hovde, E. M. (2008). Seasonal change in forage value of rangeland weeds in Northern Idaho. Invasive Plant Science and Manage, 1(4), 343-351.
  • González‐Andrés, F., & Ceresuela, J. L. (1998). Chemical composition of some Iberian Mediterranean leguminous shrubs potentially useful for forage in seasonally dry areas. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 41(2), 139-147.
  • Gökkuş, A., Özaslan Parlak, A., Hakyemez, H., Baytekin, H., & Parlak, M. (2009). Maki örtüsünde yer alan bitki türlerinin botanik özellikleri ile besleme değerlerindeki değişimin belirlenmesi. (TÜBİTAK Project Number: 106O458).
  • Griffin, J. L., & Jung. G. A. (1983). Leaf and stem forage quality of big bluestem and switchgrass. Agronomy Journal, 75(5), 723-726.
  • Gutman, M., Henkin, Z., & Hlzer, Z. (1999). Comparative performance of beef cattle on herbaceous and woody vegetation. Grassland and Science in Europe, 4, 365-371.
  • Gutteridge, R. C., & Shelton, H. M. (Eds.). (1994). Forage tree legumes in tropical agriculture. Cab International.
  • Hagerman, E. A. (1987). Radial diffusion method for determining tannin in plant extracts. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 13(3), 437-449.
  • Helrich, K. C. (Ed.). (1990). Official Methods of Analysis of the AOAC (15 bs). Virginia: Association of Official Analytical Chemists.
  • Holechek, J. L., Estell, R. E., Kuykendall, C. B., Valdez, R., Cardenas, M. & Nunez-Hernandez, G. (1989). Seeded wheatgrass yield and nutritive quality on New Mexico big sagebrush range. Journal Range Management, 42, 118-122.
  • Horrocks, R. D., & Vallentine, J. F. (1999). Harvested forages. Academic Press.
  • Huston, J. E., & Pinchak, W. E. (1991). Range Animal Nutrition. In: Grazing Management: An Ecological Perspective (Ed: Heitschmidt, R.K., Taylor, C. A.), Timber Press Inc.
  • Jung H. G., & Allen, M. S. (1995). Characteristics of plant cell walls affecting intake and digestibility of forages by ruminants. Journal of Animal Science, 73, 2774–2790.
  • Kamalak, A. (2006). Determination of nutritive value of leaves of a native grown shrub, Glycyrrhiza glabra L. using in vitro and in situ measurements. Small Ruminant Research, 64, 268–278.
  • Khorchani, T., Hammadi, M., Abdouli, H., & Essid, H. (2000). Determination of chemical composition and in vitro digestibility in four halophytic shrubs in Southern Tunisia. Fodder and Shrub Development in Arid and Semi-Arid Zones, Vol.: 2, Proc. of the Workshop on Native and Exotic Fodder Shrubs in Arid and Semi-Arid Zones, 27 October – 2 November, Hammamet, Tunisia, pp. 540-550.
  • Koç, A. (2000). Turkish rangelands and shrub culture. Rangelands, 22(4), 25–26.
  • Koç, A., Gökkuş, A., Bakoğlu, A., & Özaslan, A. (2000). Temporal variation in chemical properties of plant samples during grazing season from Palandoken rangelands Erzurum. Proceedings of the International Animal Nutrition Congress, 4-6 September, Isparta, Türkiye, pp. 471–478.
  • Kökten, K., Kaplan, M., Hatipoğlu, R., Saruhan, V., & Çınar, S. (2012). Nutritive value of Mediterranean shrubs. The Journal of Animal, Plant Sciences, 22(1), 188-194.
  • Le Houérou, H. N. (1981). Impact of man and his animals on Mediterranean vegetation. In Mediterranean-type shrublands: Eco-system of the World, 11, 479-521.
  • Lyons, R. K., Machen, R., & Forbes, T. D. A. (1996). Why Range Forage Quality Changes. Bulletin/Texas Agricultural Extension Service, No: 6036, Texas, USA.
  • Makkar, H. P. S. (2003). Effects and fate of tannins in ruminant animals, adaptation to tannins, and strategies to overcome detrimental effects of feeding tannin-rich feeds. Small Ruminant Research, 49, 241–256.
  • Moore, J. E., & Undersander, D. J. (2002). Relative forage quality: A proposal for replacement for relative feed value and quality index. Proceedings of the 13th Annual Florida Ruminant Nutrition Symposium, 10-11 January, Gainesville, USA, pp. 16-32.
  • Mueller–Harvey, I., & Dhanoa, M.S. (1991). Varietal differences amongst sorghum crop residues in relation to their phenolic HPLC fingerprints and responses to different environments. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 57, 199–216.
  • Muruz, H., Baytok, E., Aksu, T., & Terzioglu, O. (2000). Meadow quality of Erciş Altındere agricultural experiment station. Van Veterinary Journal, 11(1), 66-70.
  • Narvaez, N., Brosh, A., & Pittroff, W. (2010). Seasonal dynamics of nutritional quality of California chaparral species. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 158, 44–56.
  • Nelson, C. J., & Moser, L. E. (1994). Plants Factors Affecting Forage Quality. In: Forage Quality, Evaluation and Utilization (Ed: Fahey, G.C.Jr.), Madison, USA, pp. 115–154.
  • National Research Council (2001). Nutrient requirements of dairy cattle. National Academic Science, Washington, DC., USA.
  • Papachristou, T. G., & Papanastasis V. P. (1994). Forage value of Mediterranean deciduous woody fodder species and its implication to management of silvo-pastoral systems for goats. Agroforestry Systems, 27, 269-282.
  • Parlak, A. O., Gokkus, A., Hakyemez, B. H., & Baytekin, H. (2011a). Shrub yield and forage quality in Mediterranean shrublands of west Turkey for a period of one year. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 6(7), 1726-1734.
  • Parlak, A. O., Gokkus, A., Hakyemez, B. H., & Baytekin, H. (2011b). Forage yield and quality of kermes oak and herbaceous species throughout a year in Mediterranean zone of western Turkey. Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment, 9(1), 510-515.
  • Parlak, A. O., Gokkus, A., Hakyemez, B. H., & Baytekin, H. (2011c). Forage quality of deciduous woody and herbaceous species throughout a year in Mediterranean shrublands of Western Turkey. Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences, 21(3), 513-518.
  • Pecetti, L., Tava, A., Pagnotta, M. A., & Russi, L. (2007). Variations in forage quality and chemical composition among Italian accessions of Bituminaria bituminosa (L.), Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 87(6), 985-991.
  • Piluzza, G., Sulas, L. & Bullitta, S. (2014). Tannins in forage plants and their role in animal husbandry and environmental sustainability. Grass and Forage Science, 69(1), 32-48.
  • Pollock, M. L., Legg, C. J., Holland, J. P., & Theobald, C. M. (2007). Assessment of expert opinion: seasonal sheep preference and plant response to grazing. Rangeland Ecology, Management, 60, 125-135.
  • Silva-Pando, F. J., Gonzalez Hernandez, M. P., & Castro Garcia, P. (1999). Nutritional characteristics of some common woody plants in shrublands of Galicia (Northwest Iberian Peninsula). Grassland and Science in Europe, 4, 121-125.
  • Steen, R. W. J. (1992). The performance of beef cattle given silages made from perennial ryegrasses of different maturity groups, cut on different dates. Grass Forage Science, 47, 239–248.
  • Temel, S., & Tan, M. (2013). Akdeniz Bölgesindeki Makiliklerde Bulunan Çalı Türlerin Gelişme Seyirleri. Journal of the Institute of Science & Technology, 3(2).
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There are 64 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Field Crops and Pasture Production (Other)
Journal Section Research Articles

Emre Bıçakçı 0000-0002-0258-4885

Mevlüt Türk 0000-0003-4493-887X

Project Number 119O744
Publication Date July 1, 2024
Submission Date February 27, 2024
Acceptance Date May 13, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Bıçakçı, E., & Türk, M. (2024). Determination of Seasonal Changes of Feed Value of Common Grazable Species Aşağı Gökdere Macquis Shrublands. Turkish Journal of Range and Forage Science, 5(1), 56-66.
AMA Bıçakçı E, Türk M. Determination of Seasonal Changes of Feed Value of Common Grazable Species Aşağı Gökdere Macquis Shrublands. Turk.J.R.For.Sci. July 2024;5(1):56-66. doi:10.51801/turkjrfs.1443063
Chicago Bıçakçı, Emre, and Mevlüt Türk. “Determination of Seasonal Changes of Feed Value of Common Grazable Species Aşağı Gökdere Macquis Shrublands”. Turkish Journal of Range and Forage Science 5, no. 1 (July 2024): 56-66.
EndNote Bıçakçı E, Türk M (July 1, 2024) Determination of Seasonal Changes of Feed Value of Common Grazable Species Aşağı Gökdere Macquis Shrublands. Turkish Journal of Range and Forage Science 5 1 56–66.
IEEE E. Bıçakçı and M. Türk, “Determination of Seasonal Changes of Feed Value of Common Grazable Species Aşağı Gökdere Macquis Shrublands”, Turk.J.R.For.Sci., vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 56–66, 2024, doi: 10.51801/turkjrfs.1443063.
ISNAD Bıçakçı, Emre - Türk, Mevlüt. “Determination of Seasonal Changes of Feed Value of Common Grazable Species Aşağı Gökdere Macquis Shrublands”. Turkish Journal of Range and Forage Science 5/1 (July 2024), 56-66.
JAMA Bıçakçı E, Türk M. Determination of Seasonal Changes of Feed Value of Common Grazable Species Aşağı Gökdere Macquis Shrublands. Turk.J.R.For.Sci. 2024;5:56–66.
MLA Bıçakçı, Emre and Mevlüt Türk. “Determination of Seasonal Changes of Feed Value of Common Grazable Species Aşağı Gökdere Macquis Shrublands”. Turkish Journal of Range and Forage Science, vol. 5, no. 1, 2024, pp. 56-66, doi:10.51801/turkjrfs.1443063.
Vancouver Bıçakçı E, Türk M. Determination of Seasonal Changes of Feed Value of Common Grazable Species Aşağı Gökdere Macquis Shrublands. Turk.J.R.For.Sci. 2024;5(1):56-6.

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