Current Issue

Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 11/5/24

Year: 2023

Turkish Journal of Veterinary Surgery aims to publish clinical, paraclinical and experimental studies, especially in the field of veterinary surgery, other veterinary clinical fields and health sciences.

The name of the journal, which was previously published as the Journal of Veterinary Surgery and has not been published since 2009, has been changed to the Turkish Journal of Veterinary Surgery, and with this new format, the journal started its publication life again by publishing its first issue in 2022.

Articles submitted for publication in the Turkish Journal of Veterinary Surgery must not have been published anywhere before. In addition, articles submitted should not be sent to any other journal for publication until the editor sends a letter to the authors confirming that the article has been accepted. Once articles are accepted for publication, they cannot be published elsewhere without the permission of the editor. Publishing rights of accepted articles belong to the Turkish Journal of Veterinary Surgery. All accepted articles are submitted for review by the editor. The author is responsible for all scientific content of the articles accepted for publication. The scientific content of articles accepted for publication cannot be changed. For research articles with experimental plans, the ethics committee report must be submitted to the editor by the responsible author. Research articles without an ethics committee report are not evaluated. Article submission to the Turkish Journal of Veterinary Surgery is only possible via the online system. The "Copyright Transfer Agreement Form", which includes the declaration of transfer of publishing rights, must be signed by all authors and entered into the system together with the article in PDF format.

Article preparation

The language of article writing is Turkish and English. Articles written in English have priority publication rights. The article should be written in Times New Roman font, 12 point font, in A4 paper format, and 2 line spacing, 2.5 cm margins and page numbers should be used. Additionally, each line should be numbered and the numbers should start again on each page. The first letters of the words in the article title should be written in capital letters and the title should be written in bold font. The first letter of chapter titles and subtitles should be capitalized, slanted to the left and bold font (Introduction), Latin terms (plexus brachialis), names of microorganisms (Staphylococcus aureus) and statistical expressions (p<0.05) should be written in italics. Abbreviations (s: second, min: minute, s: hour, µL: microlitre, L: liter, g: gram, etc.) must comply with the nomenclature. Turkish Language Association should be taken into account in Turkish articles, and Oxford Dictionary and spelling rules should be taken into consideration in English articles. The abbreviations mentioned in the article should not consist of expressions that will be misunderstood by the reader. Tables and figures should be descriptive and presented in the order in which they appear in the text. The points that need to be explained in the table should be written in 8 font size using footnotes under the table. The resolution of the figures must be at least 300 dpi and in jpeg format. Table and figure titles should be written after the references section. Table and figure file names must be uploaded to the system one by one, with different file names. Excluding figures, tables, abstracts and references, the number of pages should not exceed 15 pages for original research articles and reviews, 6 pages for case reports and short papers, and 2 pages for letters to the editor and what is your diagnosis?

Title Page: Should be prepared separately from the article. At the top and centered in bold font, there should be the Turkish and English name of the article, the full names and surnames of the authors, the full names and addresses of the places they work such as universities, departments, institutes, ORCID numbers, and the address, telephone and e-mail information of the author to whom correspondence will be made. The title page should be uploaded to the system separately and should not be submitted with the manuscript.

Abstract: On the first page of the article, the Turkish title, Turkish abstract, Turkish keywords, English title, English abstract and English keywords should be given in order. The number of keywords should be at least 3 and at most 5. Articles written in a foreign language must have a Turkish abstract. In research articles and short papers, the abstract format should include purpose, material and methods, results and conclusion sections; in review article, case report, letter to the editor and what is your diagnosis, the abstract format should be descriptive. The abstract should have maximum 300 words.

Research Article: These are unpublished studies that have reached a conclusion based on sufficient scientific examination, observations and experiments. In the presentation of these articles, there must be a Title page, Turkish and English abstract and keywords, Introduction, Materials-Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgments (if any), References, Table and Figure captions sections.

Review: These are scientific articles that examine an important subject based on the literature, synthesize it and come to a conclusion. These articles should consist of the Title page, Turkish and English abstract, keywords, Introduction, Conclusion and References sections.

Short Communication: These are studies in which the preliminary reports or findings of short scientific studies based on scientific investigations, observations and experiments are published. It should contain the same sections as the research paper.

Case Report: These are rare cases encountered in clinical practice. Case reports should generally consist of a Title page, Turkish and English abstract and keywords, Introduction, Description of the Case, Discussion and References sections.

Letter to the Editor: These are articles that contain topics and problems of scientific and practical importance and a brief presentation of an interesting phenomenon. The section should not be specified in the manuscript.

What is your diagnosis? These are articles in which the diagnosis is asked on the figure(s) after a brief description of interesting cases of clinical practical importance. At the end of the article, the question of “What is your diagnosis?” should be asked and the answer should be given separately at the bottom.

Acknowledgments: If the article belongs to a doctoral or master's thesis, has been previously presented on a scientific platform, or if support has been received from any person or institution (project, etc.) in the article work, it should be stated here.

References: The list of references should be prepared in order of appearance in the article. The refereence should be given as a superscript at the end of the sentence (For example: reported.9). The writing style of the literature mentioned in the references list should be as follows.

Article: Bleakley S., Phipps K., Petrovsky B., Monnet E.: Median sternotomy versus intercostal thoracotomy for lung lobectomy: A comparison of short-term outcome in 134 dogs. Vet. Surg. 2018, 47(1): 104-113.

Book: Fossum T.W.: Small Animal Surgery. 3. Edition. Mosby Elsevier, St. Louis, 2007, page: 867-879.

Book chapter: Grandage J.: Functional anatomy of the digestive system. In: Slatter D., Editor, Textbook of Small Animal Surgery. 3. Edition, Saunders, Philadelphia, 2003, page: 499-519.

Proceeding: Bayram A.S., Erol M.M., Salci H., Görgül O.S., Gebitekin C.: Basic interrupted vs. continuous suturing techniques in bronchial anostomosis following “sleeve” lobectomy in dogs. 15th European Conference on General Thoracic Surgery. Abstracts Book 2007 ESTS meeting (oral presentation), Leuven-Belgium 3-6 June 2007, page: S188,024-F.

Thesis: Salcı H.: The comparison of different bronchial closure techniques following pneumonectomy in dogs (Doctoral thesis) Bursa: Uludağ University, 2006, pages: 1-21.

• All articles submitted for publication to the Turkish Journal of Veterinary Surgery are reviewed by the chief editor and branch editor for plagiarism. As a result of the control, articles that are similar to other studies are rejected, or articles that are thought to be similar are sent to the authors for re-editing by the editor.
• Articles uploaded to the system for publication are checked by the editor-in-chief and the branch editor, and if deemed appropriate, they are submitted to referee evaluation with a double-blind referee system.
• The title page of the article should include the ORCID numbers of the authors, author contributions, whether there is a conflict of interest, and ethics committee information.
• Authors must accept all responsibilities of the article they upload to the system and transfer the copyright to the Turkish Journal of Veterinary Surgery. Authors of articles sent to the journal must fill out a "Copyright Transfer Agreement Form”, sign it with a wet signature and upload it to the system. Articles of authors who do not submit the Copyright Transfer Agreement Form with wet signature will not be taken into consideration.
• Personal information such as author names and e-mail addresses entered into the Turkish Journal of Veterinary Surgery system is used only for the scientific purposes of this journal. This information is not used for any other purpose and is not shared with other people.
• Turkish Journal of Veterinary Surgery is archived electronically in the "DergiPark" system and other indexes where the journal is located.
Article Evaluation Processes
The following steps are followed in order to ensure an impartial evaluation process of the articles sent to the Turkish Journal of Veterinary Surgery;
1. Uploading the article to the system by the corresponding author,
2. Preliminary review of the article by the editor-in-chief,
3. Appointment of the branch editor, direct rejection of the article as a result of evaluation of its suitability for the journal and its originality, or appointment of a referee for the appropriate article,
4. Referee invitation (at least two referees),
5. Reviewers' evaluations,
6. Editor's review of referee evaluations,
7. The editor transmits decision information, including referee evaluations, to the corresponding author,
8. Sending the articles that received Major / Minor Revision during the peer-review process to the author for re-editing.
9. Second evaluation by the referees of the article sent to the corresponding author for review,
10. Notifying the corresponding author of the editor's decision as Acceptance / Rejection (if minor corrections are made by the referees, the editor may not send the article back to the referees),
11. Articles that complete the process positively are sent to the Language and / or Statistics Editor by the editor-in-chief,
12. The editor-in-chief assigns the final publishable version of the article to the issue and publishes the article.
For authors;
• Authors are responsible for submitting original works and cannot represent any data, text or figures belonging to others' works as their own.
• The correspondig author must ensure that there are no authors in the author list who have not contributed to the article, must obtain the approval of all authors who have contributed to the study, and declare that all authors have seen and approved the final version of the study and have agreed to be published.
• Studies describing the same research findings cannot be published in more than one journal. For this reason, authors should not submit scientific data previously published in another journal as an article to the journal. Additionally, it is ethically unacceptable to submit an article for publication to more than one journal at the same time.
• If support has been received for the study in the article, other information such as project information (project number, etc.), financial support sources, master's and doctoral thesis study notification should be provided.
• Authors must indicate the refences they used in the article in the reference list.

For referees;
• Articles submitted to the journal for publication are evaluated by the editors by sending them to at least two referees. The editor evaluates the article objectively by examining the decisions of all referees.
• Referees assist the editors in deciding whether to publish the article and the authors in making the necessary improvements in the article. Referee opinions are the fundamental component at the heart of scientific evaluation.
• Referees who have been sent an article for evaluation must notify their positive or negative decision as to whether they can evaluate, and the referees who will evaluate must notify their decision regarding the article within the evaluation period given to them.
• Articles sent to referees for evaluation should not be shared with other authors. A similar situation applies to referees who reject the invitation to evaluate.
• The evaluation of the article by the referees should be made objectively, the criticisms made should contribute to the development of the article by the authors, and the expressions used should be stated with supporting arguments in the article.
• Privileged information or ideas obtained through peer review must be kept confidential and must not be used by the referee for personal gain. A similar situation applies to referees who reject the invitation to evaluate.
• Articles evaluated by referees must be uploaded to the journal system as separate files together with the journal's “Referee Evaluation Report”.

Article submission / processing procedures are determined free of charge.