Research Article
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Monitoring The Agricultural Area Changes in Central Anatolia With MODIS Satellite Data

Year 2021, , 53 - 59, 15.12.2021


Parameters such as industrialization, population growth, rapid and uncontrolled urbanization and climate change are among the reasons that affect the existence of agricultural areas. It is necessary to monitor, protect and plan agricultural areas in order to meet the nutritional needs of the increasing population. In order to protect agricultural areas, it is necessary to monitor with secure and fast updateable data. With the increase in technology, remote sensing methods provide very valuable data. Thus, it has become a common and effective method for estimating the area coverage of land cover classes. In this study, with the help of remotely sensed data, the dynamics of change of agricultural lands in the Central Anatolia Region between 2001-2019 were examined. In this direction, MCD12Q1.006 MODIS Land Cover Type Yearly Global 500 m data was used to examine the spatial changes, CHIRPS Daily data set to monitor precipitation data, TUIK data to analyze population data and ERA5 Daily dataset to examine temperature data. When the results obtained as a result of the study were examined, it was observed that there was an increase in agricultural areas. When the factors that triggered this change were examined, it was observed that the agricultural area change had a significant relationship with the population data.


  • Avdan, U., Kaplan, G., AVDAN, Z. Y., MATÇI, D. K., ERDEM, F., MIZIK, E., & Ozudogru, I. (2021). Comparison of Remote Sensing Soil Electrical Conductivity from PlanetScope and Ground Measured Data in Wheat and Beet Yields.
  • Beşel, C., & Kayıkçı, E. T. (2016). Meteorolojik verilerin zaman serisi ve tanımlayıcı istatistikler ile yorumlanması; Karadeniz Bölgesi örneği. In: Uluslararası Coğrafya Sempozyumu Bildiriler Kitabı’nın İçinde (Özçağlar A ….
  • Butt, A., Shabbir, R., Ahmad, S. S., & Aziz, N. (2015). Land use change mapping and analysis using Remote Sensing and GIS: A case study of Simly watershed, Islamabad, Pakistan. The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Science, 18(2), 251-259.
  • Chen, W., Moriya, K., Sakai, T., Koyama, L., & Cao, C. (2016). Mapping a burned forest area from Landsat TM data by multiple methods. Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, 7(1), 384-402.
  • Cochand, F., Brunner, P., Hunkeler, D., Rössler, O., & Holzkämper, A. (2021). Cross-sphere modelling to evaluate impacts of climate and land management changes on groundwater resources. Science of the Total Environment, 798, 148759.
  • Cover, M. L., & Change, L.-C. (1999). MODIS land cover product algorithm theoretical basis document (ATBD) version 5.0. MODIS documentation, 42-47.
  • Fallah Shamsi, S. R., Zare, S., & Abtahi, S. A. (2013). Soil salinity characteristics using moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) images and statistical analysis. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 59(4), 471-489.
  • Haberl, H., Erb, K. H., Krausmann, F., Gaube, V., Bondeau, A., Plutzar, C., . . . Fischer-Kowalski, M. (2007). Quantifying and mapping the human appropriation of net primary production in earth's terrestrial ecosystems. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 104(31), 12942-12947.
  • Kendall, M. (1975). Rank Correlation Methods 4th edn ed C Griffin. In: New York: Hafner Press.
  • Kuruca, M., KÜÇÜK, D., & AVDAN, U. (2021). The potential of Göktürk 2 satellite images for mapping burnt forest areas. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 45(1), 91-101.
  • Lerner, D. N., & Harris, B. (2009). The relationship between land use and groundwater resources and quality. Land use policy, 26, S265-S273.
  • Li, W., Fu, H., Yu, L., & Cracknell, A. (2016). Deep learning based oil palm tree detection and counting for high-resolution remote sensing images. Remote Sensing, 9(1), 22.
  • Mann, H. B. (1945). On a test for randomness based on signs of differences. The Annals of Mathematical Statistics, 16(2), 193-199.
  • Ocer, N. E., Kaplan, G., Erdem, F., Kucuk Matci, D., & Avdan, U. (2020). Tree extraction from multi-scale UAV images using Mask R-CNN with FPN. Remote sensing letters, 11(9), 847-856.
  • Özkaya, U., & Öztürk, Ş. Roof-KSA: Binaların Semantik Bölütlemesi İçin Az Parametreye Sahip Konvolüsyonel Sinir Ağı Modeli. Bilecik Şeyh Edebali Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 7(2), 1094-1105.
  • Sharma, R. C., Hara, K., Hirayama, H., Harada, I., Hasegawa, D., Tomita, M., . . . Hara, M. (2017). Production of Multi-Features Driven Nationwide Vegetation Physiognomic Map and Comparison to MODIS Land Cover Type Product. Advances in Remote Sensing, 6(01), 54.
  • Tadese, M., Kumar, L., Koech, R., & Kogo, B. K. (2020). Mapping of land-use/land-cover changes and its dynamics in Awash River Basin using remote sensing and GIS. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, 19, 100352.
  • Vijith, H., & Dodge-Wan, D. (2020). Applicability of MODIS land cover and Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) for the assessment of spatial and temporal changes in strength of vegetation in tropical rainforest region of Borneo. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, 18, 100311.

İç Anadolu Bölgesi’ ndeki Tarım Alanı Değişimlerinin Modis Uydu Verisi ile İzlenmesi

Year 2021, , 53 - 59, 15.12.2021


Sanayileşme, nüfus artışı, hızlı ve kontrolsüz kentleşme ve iklim değişikliği gibi parametreler tarım alanların varlığını etkileyen sebeplerdendir. Artan nüfusun beslenme ihtiyaçlarının karşılanabilmesi için tarım alanlarının izlenmesi korunması ve planlanması gerekmektedir. Tarım alanlarının korunabilmesi için güvenli ve hızlı güncellenebilir verilerle izlenmesi gerekmektedir. Teknolojinin artmasıyla beraber uzaktan algılama yöntemleri çok değerli veriler sağlamaktadır. Böylece, arazi örtüsü sınıflarının alan kapsamını tahmin etmek için yaygın ve etkili bir yöntem haline gelmiştir. Bu çalışmada uzaktan algılanmış veriler yardımıyla İç Anadolu Bölgesindeki tarım arazilerin 2001-2019 yılları arasındaki değişim dinamikleri incelenmiştir. Bu doğrultuda alansal değişimlerini incelemek için Google Earth Engine(GEE) kullanılarak MCD12Q1.006 MODIS Land Cover Type Yearly Global 500 m verileri, yağış verilerini izlemek amacıyla Climate Hazards Group InfraRed Precipitation with Station Data (CHIRPS) veri seti, nüfus verilerini incelemek için TUIK verileri ve sıcaklık verilerini incelemek amacıyla ERA5 Daily veri seti kullanılmıştır. Çalışma sonucunda elde edilen sonuçlar incelendiğinde tarım alanlarında artış olduğu gözlemlenmiştir. Bu değişimi tetikleyen faktörler incelendiğinde tarımsal alan değişiminin nüfus verisiyle anlamlı bir ilişkisi olduğu gözlemlenmiştir.


  • Avdan, U., Kaplan, G., AVDAN, Z. Y., MATÇI, D. K., ERDEM, F., MIZIK, E., & Ozudogru, I. (2021). Comparison of Remote Sensing Soil Electrical Conductivity from PlanetScope and Ground Measured Data in Wheat and Beet Yields.
  • Beşel, C., & Kayıkçı, E. T. (2016). Meteorolojik verilerin zaman serisi ve tanımlayıcı istatistikler ile yorumlanması; Karadeniz Bölgesi örneği. In: Uluslararası Coğrafya Sempozyumu Bildiriler Kitabı’nın İçinde (Özçağlar A ….
  • Butt, A., Shabbir, R., Ahmad, S. S., & Aziz, N. (2015). Land use change mapping and analysis using Remote Sensing and GIS: A case study of Simly watershed, Islamabad, Pakistan. The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Science, 18(2), 251-259.
  • Chen, W., Moriya, K., Sakai, T., Koyama, L., & Cao, C. (2016). Mapping a burned forest area from Landsat TM data by multiple methods. Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, 7(1), 384-402.
  • Cochand, F., Brunner, P., Hunkeler, D., Rössler, O., & Holzkämper, A. (2021). Cross-sphere modelling to evaluate impacts of climate and land management changes on groundwater resources. Science of the Total Environment, 798, 148759.
  • Cover, M. L., & Change, L.-C. (1999). MODIS land cover product algorithm theoretical basis document (ATBD) version 5.0. MODIS documentation, 42-47.
  • Fallah Shamsi, S. R., Zare, S., & Abtahi, S. A. (2013). Soil salinity characteristics using moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) images and statistical analysis. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 59(4), 471-489.
  • Haberl, H., Erb, K. H., Krausmann, F., Gaube, V., Bondeau, A., Plutzar, C., . . . Fischer-Kowalski, M. (2007). Quantifying and mapping the human appropriation of net primary production in earth's terrestrial ecosystems. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 104(31), 12942-12947.
  • Kendall, M. (1975). Rank Correlation Methods 4th edn ed C Griffin. In: New York: Hafner Press.
  • Kuruca, M., KÜÇÜK, D., & AVDAN, U. (2021). The potential of Göktürk 2 satellite images for mapping burnt forest areas. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 45(1), 91-101.
  • Lerner, D. N., & Harris, B. (2009). The relationship between land use and groundwater resources and quality. Land use policy, 26, S265-S273.
  • Li, W., Fu, H., Yu, L., & Cracknell, A. (2016). Deep learning based oil palm tree detection and counting for high-resolution remote sensing images. Remote Sensing, 9(1), 22.
  • Mann, H. B. (1945). On a test for randomness based on signs of differences. The Annals of Mathematical Statistics, 16(2), 193-199.
  • Ocer, N. E., Kaplan, G., Erdem, F., Kucuk Matci, D., & Avdan, U. (2020). Tree extraction from multi-scale UAV images using Mask R-CNN with FPN. Remote sensing letters, 11(9), 847-856.
  • Özkaya, U., & Öztürk, Ş. Roof-KSA: Binaların Semantik Bölütlemesi İçin Az Parametreye Sahip Konvolüsyonel Sinir Ağı Modeli. Bilecik Şeyh Edebali Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 7(2), 1094-1105.
  • Sharma, R. C., Hara, K., Hirayama, H., Harada, I., Hasegawa, D., Tomita, M., . . . Hara, M. (2017). Production of Multi-Features Driven Nationwide Vegetation Physiognomic Map and Comparison to MODIS Land Cover Type Product. Advances in Remote Sensing, 6(01), 54.
  • Tadese, M., Kumar, L., Koech, R., & Kogo, B. K. (2020). Mapping of land-use/land-cover changes and its dynamics in Awash River Basin using remote sensing and GIS. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, 19, 100352.
  • Vijith, H., & Dodge-Wan, D. (2020). Applicability of MODIS land cover and Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) for the assessment of spatial and temporal changes in strength of vegetation in tropical rainforest region of Borneo. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, 18, 100311.
There are 18 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Software Engineering (Other)
Journal Section Research Articles

Dilek Küçük Matcı 0000-0002-4078-8782

Publication Date December 15, 2021
Acceptance Date November 3, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


IEEE D. Küçük Matcı, “İç Anadolu Bölgesi’ ndeki Tarım Alanı Değişimlerinin Modis Uydu Verisi ile İzlenmesi”, TJRS, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 53–59, 2021, doi: 10.51489/tuzal.1002691.
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