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Milli Dağ Bisikletçinin Bikefit (Bisiklet Ve Fiziksel Uyumluluk) Analizinin Mekanik ve Appa Bikefit Programıyla Karşılaştırmalı İncelenmesi

Year 2021, Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 177 - 188, 30.08.2021


Amaç; Çalışmamızda milli dağ bisikletçinin fiziksel yapısı ve bisiklet uyumluluk düzeyini mekanik
(gonyometre) ve APPA Bikefıt programında karşılaştırmalı analizinin yapılmasıdır.
Materyal Metot; Çalışmamıza bir (1) milli dağ bisikletçi gönüllü olarak katıldı. Katılımcının yaş 31 yıl, boy
174 cm, vücut ağırlığı 67 kg, sporculuk özgeçmişi 15 yıl, 9 kez millilik ve 2017 Türkiye Elit Olimpik 3., 2016 4.
2015 5., 2014 6. Ulusal derecelere sahipti. Herhangi bir fiziksel sağlık problemleri olmadığını beyan etmiştir.
Çalışmada mekanik ölçümler için gonyometre (açısal) ve APPA-Bikefit Analiz yazılım programı kullanıldı.
Çalışmada Gonyometre ve APPA Bikefit yazılım programından elde edilen veriler açısal olarak karşılaştırıldı.
Bulgular; Mekanik ölçümlerden (Gonyometre) ile APPA Bikefit Analiz programından elde edilen veriler
arasında açısal olarak önemli bir fark bulunamamıştır. Literatürde benzer yapılan çalışmalarda açısal olarak elde
edilen verilerin benzerlik gösterdiği belirlenmiştir.
Sonuç; Elde ettiğimiz verilere dayanarak APPA-Bikefit Analiz programı bisiklet ve fiziksel uyumluluk
duruşunun (eklem açı bölgelerinin) belirlenmesinde kullanılabilir olduğu belirlenmiştir. APPA Bikefit Analiz
programının pratik olarak kullanılabileceği öneri olarak tavsiye edilebilir.


  • Bateman, J. (2014). Influence of positional biomechanics on gross efficiency within cycling. Journal of Science and Cycling, 3(2), 4-4 - Bici e ciclismo
  • Bini, R. R., Hume, P. A., & Kilding, A. E. (2014). Saddle height effects on pedal forces, joint mechanical work and kinematics of cyclists and triathletes. European Journal of Sport Science, 14(1), 44-52. doi:10.1080/17461391.2012.725105
  • Bini, R., Daly, L., & Kingsley, M. (2020). Changes in body position on the bike during seated sprint cycling: Applications to bike fitting. European journal of sport science, 20(1), 35- 42.
  • Bouché, R. T., Vincent, P. M., & Sullivan, K. (2006). Bike fit evaluation: can it help diagnose and prevent cycling injuries. Podiatry Today, 19(12), 28-34.
  • Bouché, R. T., Vincent, P. M., & Sullivan, K. (2006). Bike fit evaluation: can it help diagnose and prevent cycling injuries. Podiatry Today, 19(12), 28-34.
  • Burt, P. (2014). Bike Fit: Optimise your bike position for high performance and injury avoidance. A&C Black.
  • Daly, L., Bini, R., & Kingsley, M. (2018). Changes In Body Posıtıon On The Bıke Durıng Sprınt Cyclıng: Applıcatıons To Bıke Fıttıng. ISBS Proceedings Archive, 36(1), 782.
  • Dettori, N. J., & Norvell, D. C. (2006). Non-traumatic bicycle injuries: A review of the literature. Sports Medicine, 36(1), 7-18. doi:10.2165/00007256
  • Disley, B. X., & Li, F. X. (2014). Metabolic and kinematic effects of self-selected Q Factor during bike fit. Research in Sports Medicine, 22(1), 12-22.
  • Ferrer-Roca, V., Roig, A., Galilea, P., & García-López, J. (2012). Influence of saddle height on lower limb kinematics in well-trained cyclists: static vs. dynamic evaluation in bike fitting. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 26(11), 3025-3029.
  • Fonda, B., Sarabon, N., & Li, F. X. (2014). Validity and reliability of different kinematics methods used for bike fitting. Journal of sports sciences, 32(10), 940-946.
  • Fronczek-Wojciechowska, M., Kopacz, K., Kosielski, P., & Padula, G. (2016). Optoelectronic analysis of cyclists’ position before and after a bike fit: A case study of a professional women’s cycling team. Gattı Omar, Martınıanı Gıulıano, Gaffurını Paolo, Introduction to cycling biomechanics and bikefitting, (Cycling technician, specialized in mechanics, biomechanics and bikefitting, physiotherapist, bikefitting consultant and postural re-education expert, Human Movement and Sport Science, with specific know-how in human motion capture and data science)
  • Hamley, E. J., & Thomas, V. (1967). Physiological and postural factors in the calibration of the bicycle ergometer. The Journal of physiology, 191(2), 55-56.
  • Hull, M., Hawkins, DA. 1990) Analysis of muscular work in multisegmental movements: application to cycling. In Winters JM, Woo S (Eds) Multiple Muscle Systems. Biomechanics and Movement Organisation.. London: Springer-Verlag.
  • Iriberri, J., Muriel, X., & Larrazabal, I. (2008). The bike fit of the road professional cyclist related to anthropometric measurements and the torque of de crank. The engineering of sport, 7, 483-488.
  • Murray, J., & Hébert-Losier, K. (2019). Bike fit practices do not match scientific evidence. In Summer Research Scholarship Programme 2018/2019 (pp. 29-29).
  • Peveler, W. W., & Green, M. (2010). The effect of extrinsic factors on simulated 20-km time trial performance. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 24(12), 3265-3269.
  • Peveler, W., Bishop, P., Smith, J., Richardson, M., & Whitehorn, E. (2005). Comparıng Methods For Settıng Saddle Heıght In Traıned Cyclısts. Journal of Exercise Physiology Online, 8(1).
  • Priego Quesada, J. I., Pérez-Soriano, P., Lucas-Cuevas, A. G., Salvador Palmer, R., & Cibrián Ortiz de Anda, R. M. (2017). Effect of bike-fit in the perception of comfort, fatigue and pain. Journal of sports sciences, 35(14), 1459-1465.
  • Ramachandran, P., Konz, S., Marcello, J., & Reid, J. (1983, October). The Effect of Bicycle TOE Clips and Seat Modifications. In Proceedings of the Human Factors Society Annual Meeting (Vol. 27, No. 8, pp. 671-673). Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications.
  • Silberman, M. R., Webner, D., Collina, S., & Shiple, B. J. (2005). Road bicycle fit. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine, 15(4), 271-276.
  • Swart, J., & Holliday, W. (2019). Cycling Biomechanics Optimization—the (R) Evolution of Bicycle Fitting. Current sports medicine reports, 18(12), 490-496.
  • Wadsworth, D. J., & Weinrauch, P. (2019). The role of a bike fit in cyclists with hip pain. a clinical commentary. International journal of sports physical therapy, 14(3), 468.
  • Wang, E. L., & Hull, M. L. (1997). Minimization of pedaling induced energy losses in off-road bicycle rear suspension systems. Vehicle System Dynamics, 28(4-5), 291-306.Wozniak
  • Timmer, C. A. (1991). Cycling biomechanics: a literature review. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy, 14(3), 106-113.
Year 2021, Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 177 - 188, 30.08.2021



  • Bateman, J. (2014). Influence of positional biomechanics on gross efficiency within cycling. Journal of Science and Cycling, 3(2), 4-4 - Bici e ciclismo
  • Bini, R. R., Hume, P. A., & Kilding, A. E. (2014). Saddle height effects on pedal forces, joint mechanical work and kinematics of cyclists and triathletes. European Journal of Sport Science, 14(1), 44-52. doi:10.1080/17461391.2012.725105
  • Bini, R., Daly, L., & Kingsley, M. (2020). Changes in body position on the bike during seated sprint cycling: Applications to bike fitting. European journal of sport science, 20(1), 35- 42.
  • Bouché, R. T., Vincent, P. M., & Sullivan, K. (2006). Bike fit evaluation: can it help diagnose and prevent cycling injuries. Podiatry Today, 19(12), 28-34.
  • Bouché, R. T., Vincent, P. M., & Sullivan, K. (2006). Bike fit evaluation: can it help diagnose and prevent cycling injuries. Podiatry Today, 19(12), 28-34.
  • Burt, P. (2014). Bike Fit: Optimise your bike position for high performance and injury avoidance. A&C Black.
  • Daly, L., Bini, R., & Kingsley, M. (2018). Changes In Body Posıtıon On The Bıke Durıng Sprınt Cyclıng: Applıcatıons To Bıke Fıttıng. ISBS Proceedings Archive, 36(1), 782.
  • Dettori, N. J., & Norvell, D. C. (2006). Non-traumatic bicycle injuries: A review of the literature. Sports Medicine, 36(1), 7-18. doi:10.2165/00007256
  • Disley, B. X., & Li, F. X. (2014). Metabolic and kinematic effects of self-selected Q Factor during bike fit. Research in Sports Medicine, 22(1), 12-22.
  • Ferrer-Roca, V., Roig, A., Galilea, P., & García-López, J. (2012). Influence of saddle height on lower limb kinematics in well-trained cyclists: static vs. dynamic evaluation in bike fitting. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 26(11), 3025-3029.
  • Fonda, B., Sarabon, N., & Li, F. X. (2014). Validity and reliability of different kinematics methods used for bike fitting. Journal of sports sciences, 32(10), 940-946.
  • Fronczek-Wojciechowska, M., Kopacz, K., Kosielski, P., & Padula, G. (2016). Optoelectronic analysis of cyclists’ position before and after a bike fit: A case study of a professional women’s cycling team. Gattı Omar, Martınıanı Gıulıano, Gaffurını Paolo, Introduction to cycling biomechanics and bikefitting, (Cycling technician, specialized in mechanics, biomechanics and bikefitting, physiotherapist, bikefitting consultant and postural re-education expert, Human Movement and Sport Science, with specific know-how in human motion capture and data science)
  • Hamley, E. J., & Thomas, V. (1967). Physiological and postural factors in the calibration of the bicycle ergometer. The Journal of physiology, 191(2), 55-56.
  • Hull, M., Hawkins, DA. 1990) Analysis of muscular work in multisegmental movements: application to cycling. In Winters JM, Woo S (Eds) Multiple Muscle Systems. Biomechanics and Movement Organisation.. London: Springer-Verlag.
  • Iriberri, J., Muriel, X., & Larrazabal, I. (2008). The bike fit of the road professional cyclist related to anthropometric measurements and the torque of de crank. The engineering of sport, 7, 483-488.
  • Murray, J., & Hébert-Losier, K. (2019). Bike fit practices do not match scientific evidence. In Summer Research Scholarship Programme 2018/2019 (pp. 29-29).
  • Peveler, W. W., & Green, M. (2010). The effect of extrinsic factors on simulated 20-km time trial performance. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 24(12), 3265-3269.
  • Peveler, W., Bishop, P., Smith, J., Richardson, M., & Whitehorn, E. (2005). Comparıng Methods For Settıng Saddle Heıght In Traıned Cyclısts. Journal of Exercise Physiology Online, 8(1).
  • Priego Quesada, J. I., Pérez-Soriano, P., Lucas-Cuevas, A. G., Salvador Palmer, R., & Cibrián Ortiz de Anda, R. M. (2017). Effect of bike-fit in the perception of comfort, fatigue and pain. Journal of sports sciences, 35(14), 1459-1465.
  • Ramachandran, P., Konz, S., Marcello, J., & Reid, J. (1983, October). The Effect of Bicycle TOE Clips and Seat Modifications. In Proceedings of the Human Factors Society Annual Meeting (Vol. 27, No. 8, pp. 671-673). Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications.
  • Silberman, M. R., Webner, D., Collina, S., & Shiple, B. J. (2005). Road bicycle fit. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine, 15(4), 271-276.
  • Swart, J., & Holliday, W. (2019). Cycling Biomechanics Optimization—the (R) Evolution of Bicycle Fitting. Current sports medicine reports, 18(12), 490-496.
  • Wadsworth, D. J., & Weinrauch, P. (2019). The role of a bike fit in cyclists with hip pain. a clinical commentary. International journal of sports physical therapy, 14(3), 468.
  • Wang, E. L., & Hull, M. L. (1997). Minimization of pedaling induced energy losses in off-road bicycle rear suspension systems. Vehicle System Dynamics, 28(4-5), 291-306.Wozniak
  • Timmer, C. A. (1991). Cycling biomechanics: a literature review. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy, 14(3), 106-113.
There are 25 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Physical Fitness
Journal Section 2021 Cilt: 2 Sayı : 2

Fatih Kilinç This is me

Publication Date August 30, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 2 Issue: 2


APA Kilinç, F. (2021). Milli Dağ Bisikletçinin Bikefit (Bisiklet Ve Fiziksel Uyumluluk) Analizinin Mekanik ve Appa Bikefit Programıyla Karşılaştırmalı İncelenmesi. Uluslararası Bozok Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 2(2), 177-188.