Research Article
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Ontological Insecurity, Anxiety, and Hubris: An Affective Account of Turkey-KRG Relations

Year 2022, , 99 - 115, 09.04.2022


Given Iraqi Kurds’ special place in Turkey’s ‘biographical narrative’, Turkey-Iraqi Kurdish Regional Government (KRG) relations are not simply strategic or economic but also highly affectively charged. These relations involve emotional encounters filled with anxiety, pride, anger, and disappointment that generate concerns for not only Turkey’s physical security but also its ontological security. This paper traces the emotional context of TurkeyKRG relationship. It suggests that a combination of Turkey’s deep-rooted ‘anxiety’ and ‘hubris’ toward the Iraqi Kurds prevented the emergence of a close partnership between these two actors and fostered merely a ‘fragile rapprochement’ since 2008.


  • Adısönmez, Umut Can and Recep Onursal (2020). “Governing Anxiety, Trauma andCrisis: The Political Discourse on Ontological (In)Security After the July 15 Coup Attempt in Turkey”, Middle East Critique, Vol. 29, No 3, p. 291-306.
  • “Başbakan Erdoğan’ın Konuşmasının Tam Metni” (30 September 2012). T24.
  • Berenskoetter, Felix (2014). “Parameters of a National Biography”, European Journal of International Relations, Vol. 20, No 1, p. 262-288.
  • Browning, Christopher C. and Pertti Joenniemi (2017). “Ontological Security, Self-Articulation and the Securitization of Identity”, Cooperation and Conflict, Vol. 52, No 1, p. 31-47.
  • Browning, Christopher S. (2015). “Nation Branding, National Self-Esteem, and the Constitution of Subjectivity in Late Modernity”, Foreign Policy Analysis, Vol. 11, No 2, p. 195-214.
  • Cash, John (2020). “Psychoanalysis, Cultures of Anarchy, and Ontological Insecurity”, International Theory, Vol. 12, No 2, p. 306-321.
  • Clément, Maéva and Eric Sangar (eds.) (2018). Researching Emotions in International Relations: Methodological Perspectives on the Emotional Turn. Cham, Palgrave Macmillan.
  • “Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan’dan Hamaney’e: Orta Doğu’yu Bölmek İstiyorlar. Barzani Affedilemez Bir Hata Yaptı” (5 October 2017). BBC Turkish.
  • “Cumhurbaşkanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’ın 25’inci Dönem İkinci Yasama Yılı Açış Konuşması”, (2015). TBMM Tutanak Dergisi, Vol. 2.
  • Çandar, Cengiz (8 November 2014). “Erbil’den Ankara’ya Bakış: Hayal Kırıklığı…”, Hürriyet.
  • Çandar, Cengiz (2012). Mezopotamya Ekspresi: Bir Tarih Yolculuğu. İstanbul, İletişim Yayınları.
  • “Çavuşoğlu: IKBY Referandumu Irak’ı İç Savaşa Kadar Götürür” (16 August 2017). BBC Turkish.
  • “Çevik, ‘Biz Barzani’yi Kendisinden Fazla Düşünüyoruz…’” (21 September 2017). Yeniçağ.
  • Davutoğlu, Ahmet (2012). “Principles of Turkish Foreign Policy and Regional Political Structuring”, Turkey Policy Brief Series, No 3, 2012.
  • “Davutoğlu Barzani ile Görüştü” (31 October 2009). Hürriyet.
  • “Davutoğlu’ndan ‘Kak Mesut’ Savunması” (7 July 2010). Milliyet.
  • Demir, Metehan (22 February 2008). “MGK’dan Talabani’ye Sarı Işık”, Hürriyet.
  • “Diyarbakır’da Barzani-Erdoğan Mitingi” (16 November 2013). Sözcü.
  • Doeser, Fredrik (2011). “Domestic Politics and Foreign Policy Change in Small States: The Fall of the Danish ‘Footnote Policy’”, Cooperation and Conflict, Vol. 46, No 2, p. 222-241.
  • “Erdoğan’dan Barzani’ye ‘İhanet’ Suçlaması” (26 September 2017). Deutsche Welle Türkiye.
  • “Erdoğan’dan IKBY Referandumu Açıklaması: Hükümet Nihai Kararı 22 Eylül’de Verecek”, (15 September 2017). BBC Turkish.
  • “Erdoğan’dan İbrahim Tatlıses’li Mesaj” (30 March 2011). Vatan.
  • “Erdoğan’dan Yine ‘Yanılmışız’ İtirafı: ‘Kürdistan Referandumu’ Sonuçları” (26 September 2017). Cumhuriyet.
  • Giddens, Anthony (1991). Modernity and Self-Identity. New York, Polity Press.
  • Gustafsson, Karl (2021). “Why is Anxiety’s Positive Potential So Rarely Realised? Creativity and Change in International Politics”, Journal of International Relations and Development, Vol. 24, No 4, p. 1044-1049.
  • Hall, Todd (2015). Emotional Diplomacy: Official Emotion on the International Stage. Ithaca, Cornell University Press.
  • Heper, Metin (2007). The State and the Kurds in Turkey: The Question of Assimilation. New York, Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Hysman, Jacques E. C. (2006). The Psychology of Nuclear Proliferation: Identity, Emotions and Foreign Policy. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
  • Judge, Timothy A., Ronald F. Piccolo, and Tomek Kosalka (2009). “The Bright and Dark Sides of Leader Traits: A Review and Theoretical Extension of the Leader Trait Paradigm.”, The Leadership Quarterly, Vol. 20, No 6, p. 855–875.
  • Kalın, İbrahim (26 September 2017). “KRG referendum: A Dangerous Precedent with Consequences”, Daily Sabah.
  • “Kapalı Kapılarda Geçen 4 Saat” (28 September 2010). T24.
  • Kardaş, Şaban (2018). “Transformation of Turkey’s Regional Policies: The Case of the KRG Referendum Debacle”, The International Spectator, Vol. 53, No 4, p. 16-34.
  • Kayhan Pusane, Özlem (2020). “The Role of Context in Desecuritization: Turkish Foreign Policy Towards Northern Iraq (2008-2017)”, Turkish Studies, Vol. 21, No 3, p. 392-413.
  • Kayhan Pusane, Özlem (2014). “Turkey’s Kurdish Opening: Long Awaited Achievements and Failed Expectations”, Turkish Studies, Vol. 15, No 1, p. 83.
  • Kayhan Pusane, Özlem (2015). “Turkey’s Military Victory over the PKK and Its Failure to End the PKK Insurgency”, Middle Eastern Studies, Vol. 51, No 5, p. 732.
  • Kinnvall, Catarina (2004). “Globalization and Religious Nationalism: Self, Identity, and the Search for Ontological Security”, Political Psychology, Vol. 25, No 5, p. 741-767.
  • Kinnvall, Catarina and Jennifer Mitzen (2020). “Anxiety, Fear, and Ontological Security in World Politics: Thinking With and Beyond Giddens”, International Theory, Vol. 12, No 2, p. 240-256.
  • Koschut, Simon (2017). “Introduction to Discourse and Emotions in International Relations”, International Studies Review, Vol. 19, No 3, p. 482-487.
  • Kumral, Mehmet Akif (2020). Exploring Emotions in Turkey-Iran Relations: Affective Politics of Partnership and Rivalry. Cham, Palgrave Macmillan.
  • ‘“Kürdistan’ Bayrağı Türk Protokolünde” (29 October 2010). TimeTurk.
  • Lundgren, Asa (2007). The Unwelcome Neighbour: Turkey’s Kurdish Policy. London, I.B. Tauris.
  • “Maliye Bakanı Erbil’de Açılışta Sürpriz Yaptı” (14 April 2011). Haber7.
  • Mintz, Alex (2014). “How Do Leaders Make Decisions? A Poliheuristic Perspective”, Journal of Conflict Resolution, Vol. 48, No 1, p. 3-13.
  • Mitzen, Jennifer (2018). “Anxious Community: EU as (In)security Community”, European Security, Vol. 27, No 3, p. 393-413.
  • Mitzen, Jennifer (2006). “Ontological Security in World Politics: State Identity and the Security Dilemma”, European Journal of International Relations, Vol. 12, No 3, p. 341-370.
  • “MHP Genel Başkanı Bahçeli: Kuzey Irak’taki Referandum Türkiye İçin Gerekirse Savaş Sebebi Sayılmalı” (24 August 2017). BBC Turkish.
  • “MHP Lideri Bahçeli: Korsan Referandum Yok Hükmündedir” (25 September 2017). Hürriyet.
  • Oktav, Özden Z. (2010). “Çok Boyutlu Türk Dış Politikasına Bir Örnek: Türkiye-Irak-Bölgesel Kürt Yönetimi Arasında Gelişen İlişkiler ve Nedenleri”, Ortadoğu Etütleri, Vol. 2, No 2, p. 53-74.
  • Owen, David and Jonathan Davidson (2009). “Hubris Syndrome: An Acquired Personality Disorder? A Study of US Presidents and UK Prime Ministers over the last 100 years,”, Brain, Vol. 132, No 5, p. 1396–1406.
  • Özçelik, Murat (2018). Oyun Kuruculuktan Oyun Bozuculuğa. İstanbul, Karakarga Yayınları.
  • Park, Bill (2019). “Explaining Turkey’s Reaction to the September 2017 Independence Referendum in the KRG: Final Divorce or Relationship Reset?”, Ethnopolitics, Vol. 18, No 1, p. 46-60.
  • Prakash, Deepa and Aslı Ilgıt (2017). “More than a Feeling: Emotional Responses to International Criticism in Erdoğan’s Turkey”, Review of International Studies, Vol. 43, No 1, p. 130-151.
  • Romano, David (2015). “Iraqi Kurdistan and Turkey: Temporary Marriage?”, Middle East Policy, Vol. 12, No 1, p. 89-101.
  • Rumelili, Bahar (ed.) (2015). Conflict Resolution and Ontological Security: Peace Anxieties. London, Routledge.
  • Rumelili, Bahar (2015). “Identity and Desecuritisation: The Pitfalls of Conflating Ontological and Physical security”, Journal of International Relations and Development, 18, p.52–74.
  • Rumelili, Bahar (2020). “Integrating Anxiety into International Relations Theory: Hobbes, Existentialism, and Ontological Security”, International Theory, Vol. 12, No 2, p. 257-272.
  • Rumelili, Bahar and Ayşe Betül Çelik (2017). “Ontological Insecurity in Asymmetric Conflicts: Reflections on Agonistic Peace in Turkey’s Kurdish Issue”, Security Dialogue, Vol. 48, No 4, p. 279-296.
  • Rumelili, Bahar and Umut Can Adısönmez (2020). “Uluslararası İlişkilerde Kimlik-Güvenlik İlişkisine Dair Yeni bir Paradigma: Ontolojik Güvenlik Teorisi”, Uluslararası İlişkiler, Vol. 17, No 66, p. 23-39.
  • Sasley, Brent (2010). “Affective Attachments and Foreign Policy: Israel and the 1993 Oslo Accords”, European Journal of International Relations, Vol. 16, No 4, p. 687-709.
  • Scheuer, Michael (2004). Imperial Hubris: Why the West is Losing the War on Terror. Washington, DC, Potomac Books. Selcen, Aydın (2019). Gözden Irakta. İstanbul, İletişim Yayınları.
  • Shadid, Anthony (28 May 2011). “Can Turkey Unify the Arabs?”, The New York Times.
  • Steele, Brent J. (2008). Ontological Security in International Relations: Self-identity and the IR State. New York, Routledge.
  • Steele, Brent J. and Alexandra Homolar (2019). “Ontological Insecurities and the Politics of Contemporary Populism”, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Vol. 32, No 3, p. 214-221.
  • Subotic, Jelena (2016). “Narrative, Ontological Security, and Foreign Policy Change”, Foreign Policy Analysis, Vol. 12, No 4, p. 610-627.
  • Subotic, Jelena and Ayşe Zarakol (2013). “Cultural Intimacy International Relations”, European Journal of International Relations, Vol. 19, No 4, p. 915-938.
  • Tocci, Natalie (2013). “Turkey’s Kurdish Gamble”, The International Spectator, Vol. 48, No 3, p. 67-77.
  • Tol, Gönül (2014). “Untangling the Turkey-KRG Energy Partnership: Looking Beyond Economic Drivers”, Policy Brief 14, Global Turkey in Europe.
  • Tracy, Jessica L. and Richard W. Robins (2007). “The Psychological Structure of Pride: A Tale of Two Facets.”, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol. 92, No. 3, p. 506 –525.
  • “Türkiye’nin Muhatabı Kabile Reisi Değildir” (7 June 2007). Yeni Şafak.
  • “Uçaktaki Gazeteciler Yazdı: ‘Kürdistan’ dedi mi?” (25 March 2009). NTV.
  • “Üçlü Zirve ilk kez Erbil’de Yapıldı” (22 December 2009). Sabah.
  • Walsh, James I. (2006). “Policy Failure and Policy Change: British Security Policy After the Cold War”, Comparative Political Studies, Vol. 39, No 4, p. 490-518.
  • Wastnidge, Edward (2019). “Imperial Grandeur and Selective Memory: Re-assessing Neo-Ottomanism in Turkish Foreign and Domestic Politics,” Middle East Critique, Vol. 28, No 1, p.7-28.
  • Yalçın, Zübeyde (17 October 2014). “Dışarıdaki Kürtlerin Hamisi de Türkiye”, Sabah.
  • Yılmaz, Arzu (21 November 2014). “Kürtlere ‘Hamilik’ Yarışı”, Birikim.
  • Zarakol, Ayşe (2010). “Ontological (In)security and State Denial of Historical Crimes: Turkey and Japan”, International Relations, Vol. 24, No 1, p. 3-23.
  • 17 Temmuz 2017 Tarihli Toplantı (2017). MGK.

Ontolojik Güvensizlik, Endişe ve Kibir: Türkiye-IKBY İlişkilerinin Duygusal Çerçevesi

Year 2022, , 99 - 115, 09.04.2022


Iraklı Kürtlerin Türkiye’nin ‘biyografik anlatıları’ içindeki özel yeri nedeniyle Türkiye-Irak Kürt Bölgesel Yönetimi (IKBY) ilişkileri yalnızca stratejik ve ekonomik değil, aynı zamanda kaygı, gurur, öfke ve hayal kırıklıklarıyla dolu temaslar da içeren duygu yüklü bir ilişki olagelmiştir. Bu çerçevede, IKBY Türkiye’nin yalnızca fiziksel güvenliği için değil, ontolojik güvenliği için de endişe kaynağı olmuştur. Bu makale, Türkiye-IKBY ilişkilerindeki duyguların izini sürerek Türkiye’nin Iraklı Kürtlere karşı geliştirdiği kökleşmiş ‘kaygı’ ve ‘kibir’ duygularının bu iki aktör arasında 2008’den itibaren yakın bir ortaklığın ortaya çıkmasını engellediğini ve ilişkilerin yalnızca kırılgan bir yakınlaşma ile sınırlı kalmasına sebep olduğunu ileri sürmektedir.


  • Adısönmez, Umut Can and Recep Onursal (2020). “Governing Anxiety, Trauma andCrisis: The Political Discourse on Ontological (In)Security After the July 15 Coup Attempt in Turkey”, Middle East Critique, Vol. 29, No 3, p. 291-306.
  • “Başbakan Erdoğan’ın Konuşmasının Tam Metni” (30 September 2012). T24.
  • Berenskoetter, Felix (2014). “Parameters of a National Biography”, European Journal of International Relations, Vol. 20, No 1, p. 262-288.
  • Browning, Christopher C. and Pertti Joenniemi (2017). “Ontological Security, Self-Articulation and the Securitization of Identity”, Cooperation and Conflict, Vol. 52, No 1, p. 31-47.
  • Browning, Christopher S. (2015). “Nation Branding, National Self-Esteem, and the Constitution of Subjectivity in Late Modernity”, Foreign Policy Analysis, Vol. 11, No 2, p. 195-214.
  • Cash, John (2020). “Psychoanalysis, Cultures of Anarchy, and Ontological Insecurity”, International Theory, Vol. 12, No 2, p. 306-321.
  • Clément, Maéva and Eric Sangar (eds.) (2018). Researching Emotions in International Relations: Methodological Perspectives on the Emotional Turn. Cham, Palgrave Macmillan.
  • “Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan’dan Hamaney’e: Orta Doğu’yu Bölmek İstiyorlar. Barzani Affedilemez Bir Hata Yaptı” (5 October 2017). BBC Turkish.
  • “Cumhurbaşkanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’ın 25’inci Dönem İkinci Yasama Yılı Açış Konuşması”, (2015). TBMM Tutanak Dergisi, Vol. 2.
  • Çandar, Cengiz (8 November 2014). “Erbil’den Ankara’ya Bakış: Hayal Kırıklığı…”, Hürriyet.
  • Çandar, Cengiz (2012). Mezopotamya Ekspresi: Bir Tarih Yolculuğu. İstanbul, İletişim Yayınları.
  • “Çavuşoğlu: IKBY Referandumu Irak’ı İç Savaşa Kadar Götürür” (16 August 2017). BBC Turkish.
  • “Çevik, ‘Biz Barzani’yi Kendisinden Fazla Düşünüyoruz…’” (21 September 2017). Yeniçağ.
  • Davutoğlu, Ahmet (2012). “Principles of Turkish Foreign Policy and Regional Political Structuring”, Turkey Policy Brief Series, No 3, 2012.
  • “Davutoğlu Barzani ile Görüştü” (31 October 2009). Hürriyet.
  • “Davutoğlu’ndan ‘Kak Mesut’ Savunması” (7 July 2010). Milliyet.
  • Demir, Metehan (22 February 2008). “MGK’dan Talabani’ye Sarı Işık”, Hürriyet.
  • “Diyarbakır’da Barzani-Erdoğan Mitingi” (16 November 2013). Sözcü.
  • Doeser, Fredrik (2011). “Domestic Politics and Foreign Policy Change in Small States: The Fall of the Danish ‘Footnote Policy’”, Cooperation and Conflict, Vol. 46, No 2, p. 222-241.
  • “Erdoğan’dan Barzani’ye ‘İhanet’ Suçlaması” (26 September 2017). Deutsche Welle Türkiye.
  • “Erdoğan’dan IKBY Referandumu Açıklaması: Hükümet Nihai Kararı 22 Eylül’de Verecek”, (15 September 2017). BBC Turkish.
  • “Erdoğan’dan İbrahim Tatlıses’li Mesaj” (30 March 2011). Vatan.
  • “Erdoğan’dan Yine ‘Yanılmışız’ İtirafı: ‘Kürdistan Referandumu’ Sonuçları” (26 September 2017). Cumhuriyet.
  • Giddens, Anthony (1991). Modernity and Self-Identity. New York, Polity Press.
  • Gustafsson, Karl (2021). “Why is Anxiety’s Positive Potential So Rarely Realised? Creativity and Change in International Politics”, Journal of International Relations and Development, Vol. 24, No 4, p. 1044-1049.
  • Hall, Todd (2015). Emotional Diplomacy: Official Emotion on the International Stage. Ithaca, Cornell University Press.
  • Heper, Metin (2007). The State and the Kurds in Turkey: The Question of Assimilation. New York, Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Hysman, Jacques E. C. (2006). The Psychology of Nuclear Proliferation: Identity, Emotions and Foreign Policy. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
  • Judge, Timothy A., Ronald F. Piccolo, and Tomek Kosalka (2009). “The Bright and Dark Sides of Leader Traits: A Review and Theoretical Extension of the Leader Trait Paradigm.”, The Leadership Quarterly, Vol. 20, No 6, p. 855–875.
  • Kalın, İbrahim (26 September 2017). “KRG referendum: A Dangerous Precedent with Consequences”, Daily Sabah.
  • “Kapalı Kapılarda Geçen 4 Saat” (28 September 2010). T24.
  • Kardaş, Şaban (2018). “Transformation of Turkey’s Regional Policies: The Case of the KRG Referendum Debacle”, The International Spectator, Vol. 53, No 4, p. 16-34.
  • Kayhan Pusane, Özlem (2020). “The Role of Context in Desecuritization: Turkish Foreign Policy Towards Northern Iraq (2008-2017)”, Turkish Studies, Vol. 21, No 3, p. 392-413.
  • Kayhan Pusane, Özlem (2014). “Turkey’s Kurdish Opening: Long Awaited Achievements and Failed Expectations”, Turkish Studies, Vol. 15, No 1, p. 83.
  • Kayhan Pusane, Özlem (2015). “Turkey’s Military Victory over the PKK and Its Failure to End the PKK Insurgency”, Middle Eastern Studies, Vol. 51, No 5, p. 732.
  • Kinnvall, Catarina (2004). “Globalization and Religious Nationalism: Self, Identity, and the Search for Ontological Security”, Political Psychology, Vol. 25, No 5, p. 741-767.
  • Kinnvall, Catarina and Jennifer Mitzen (2020). “Anxiety, Fear, and Ontological Security in World Politics: Thinking With and Beyond Giddens”, International Theory, Vol. 12, No 2, p. 240-256.
  • Koschut, Simon (2017). “Introduction to Discourse and Emotions in International Relations”, International Studies Review, Vol. 19, No 3, p. 482-487.
  • Kumral, Mehmet Akif (2020). Exploring Emotions in Turkey-Iran Relations: Affective Politics of Partnership and Rivalry. Cham, Palgrave Macmillan.
  • ‘“Kürdistan’ Bayrağı Türk Protokolünde” (29 October 2010). TimeTurk.
  • Lundgren, Asa (2007). The Unwelcome Neighbour: Turkey’s Kurdish Policy. London, I.B. Tauris.
  • “Maliye Bakanı Erbil’de Açılışta Sürpriz Yaptı” (14 April 2011). Haber7.
  • Mintz, Alex (2014). “How Do Leaders Make Decisions? A Poliheuristic Perspective”, Journal of Conflict Resolution, Vol. 48, No 1, p. 3-13.
  • Mitzen, Jennifer (2018). “Anxious Community: EU as (In)security Community”, European Security, Vol. 27, No 3, p. 393-413.
  • Mitzen, Jennifer (2006). “Ontological Security in World Politics: State Identity and the Security Dilemma”, European Journal of International Relations, Vol. 12, No 3, p. 341-370.
  • “MHP Genel Başkanı Bahçeli: Kuzey Irak’taki Referandum Türkiye İçin Gerekirse Savaş Sebebi Sayılmalı” (24 August 2017). BBC Turkish.
  • “MHP Lideri Bahçeli: Korsan Referandum Yok Hükmündedir” (25 September 2017). Hürriyet.
  • Oktav, Özden Z. (2010). “Çok Boyutlu Türk Dış Politikasına Bir Örnek: Türkiye-Irak-Bölgesel Kürt Yönetimi Arasında Gelişen İlişkiler ve Nedenleri”, Ortadoğu Etütleri, Vol. 2, No 2, p. 53-74.
  • Owen, David and Jonathan Davidson (2009). “Hubris Syndrome: An Acquired Personality Disorder? A Study of US Presidents and UK Prime Ministers over the last 100 years,”, Brain, Vol. 132, No 5, p. 1396–1406.
  • Özçelik, Murat (2018). Oyun Kuruculuktan Oyun Bozuculuğa. İstanbul, Karakarga Yayınları.
  • Park, Bill (2019). “Explaining Turkey’s Reaction to the September 2017 Independence Referendum in the KRG: Final Divorce or Relationship Reset?”, Ethnopolitics, Vol. 18, No 1, p. 46-60.
  • Prakash, Deepa and Aslı Ilgıt (2017). “More than a Feeling: Emotional Responses to International Criticism in Erdoğan’s Turkey”, Review of International Studies, Vol. 43, No 1, p. 130-151.
  • Romano, David (2015). “Iraqi Kurdistan and Turkey: Temporary Marriage?”, Middle East Policy, Vol. 12, No 1, p. 89-101.
  • Rumelili, Bahar (ed.) (2015). Conflict Resolution and Ontological Security: Peace Anxieties. London, Routledge.
  • Rumelili, Bahar (2015). “Identity and Desecuritisation: The Pitfalls of Conflating Ontological and Physical security”, Journal of International Relations and Development, 18, p.52–74.
  • Rumelili, Bahar (2020). “Integrating Anxiety into International Relations Theory: Hobbes, Existentialism, and Ontological Security”, International Theory, Vol. 12, No 2, p. 257-272.
  • Rumelili, Bahar and Ayşe Betül Çelik (2017). “Ontological Insecurity in Asymmetric Conflicts: Reflections on Agonistic Peace in Turkey’s Kurdish Issue”, Security Dialogue, Vol. 48, No 4, p. 279-296.
  • Rumelili, Bahar and Umut Can Adısönmez (2020). “Uluslararası İlişkilerde Kimlik-Güvenlik İlişkisine Dair Yeni bir Paradigma: Ontolojik Güvenlik Teorisi”, Uluslararası İlişkiler, Vol. 17, No 66, p. 23-39.
  • Sasley, Brent (2010). “Affective Attachments and Foreign Policy: Israel and the 1993 Oslo Accords”, European Journal of International Relations, Vol. 16, No 4, p. 687-709.
  • Scheuer, Michael (2004). Imperial Hubris: Why the West is Losing the War on Terror. Washington, DC, Potomac Books. Selcen, Aydın (2019). Gözden Irakta. İstanbul, İletişim Yayınları.
  • Shadid, Anthony (28 May 2011). “Can Turkey Unify the Arabs?”, The New York Times.
  • Steele, Brent J. (2008). Ontological Security in International Relations: Self-identity and the IR State. New York, Routledge.
  • Steele, Brent J. and Alexandra Homolar (2019). “Ontological Insecurities and the Politics of Contemporary Populism”, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Vol. 32, No 3, p. 214-221.
  • Subotic, Jelena (2016). “Narrative, Ontological Security, and Foreign Policy Change”, Foreign Policy Analysis, Vol. 12, No 4, p. 610-627.
  • Subotic, Jelena and Ayşe Zarakol (2013). “Cultural Intimacy International Relations”, European Journal of International Relations, Vol. 19, No 4, p. 915-938.
  • Tocci, Natalie (2013). “Turkey’s Kurdish Gamble”, The International Spectator, Vol. 48, No 3, p. 67-77.
  • Tol, Gönül (2014). “Untangling the Turkey-KRG Energy Partnership: Looking Beyond Economic Drivers”, Policy Brief 14, Global Turkey in Europe.
  • Tracy, Jessica L. and Richard W. Robins (2007). “The Psychological Structure of Pride: A Tale of Two Facets.”, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol. 92, No. 3, p. 506 –525.
  • “Türkiye’nin Muhatabı Kabile Reisi Değildir” (7 June 2007). Yeni Şafak.
  • “Uçaktaki Gazeteciler Yazdı: ‘Kürdistan’ dedi mi?” (25 March 2009). NTV.
  • “Üçlü Zirve ilk kez Erbil’de Yapıldı” (22 December 2009). Sabah.
  • Walsh, James I. (2006). “Policy Failure and Policy Change: British Security Policy After the Cold War”, Comparative Political Studies, Vol. 39, No 4, p. 490-518.
  • Wastnidge, Edward (2019). “Imperial Grandeur and Selective Memory: Re-assessing Neo-Ottomanism in Turkish Foreign and Domestic Politics,” Middle East Critique, Vol. 28, No 1, p.7-28.
  • Yalçın, Zübeyde (17 October 2014). “Dışarıdaki Kürtlerin Hamisi de Türkiye”, Sabah.
  • Yılmaz, Arzu (21 November 2014). “Kürtlere ‘Hamilik’ Yarışı”, Birikim.
  • Zarakol, Ayşe (2010). “Ontological (In)security and State Denial of Historical Crimes: Turkey and Japan”, International Relations, Vol. 24, No 1, p. 3-23.
  • 17 Temmuz 2017 Tarihli Toplantı (2017). MGK.
There are 77 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Political Science
Journal Section Research Article

Özlem Kayhan Pusane 0000-0002-2188-8526

Aslı Ilgıt This is me 0000-0001-6560-3388

Publication Date April 9, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Kayhan Pusane, Ö., & Ilgıt, A. (2022). Ontological Insecurity, Anxiety, and Hubris: An Affective Account of Turkey-KRG Relations. Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi, 19(73), 99-115.
AMA Kayhan Pusane Ö, Ilgıt A. Ontological Insecurity, Anxiety, and Hubris: An Affective Account of Turkey-KRG Relations. uidergisi. April 2022;19(73):99-115. doi:10.33458/uidergisi.1085441
Chicago Kayhan Pusane, Özlem, and Aslı Ilgıt. “Ontological Insecurity, Anxiety, and Hubris: An Affective Account of Turkey-KRG Relations”. Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi 19, no. 73 (April 2022): 99-115.
EndNote Kayhan Pusane Ö, Ilgıt A (April 1, 2022) Ontological Insecurity, Anxiety, and Hubris: An Affective Account of Turkey-KRG Relations. Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi 19 73 99–115.
IEEE Ö. Kayhan Pusane and A. Ilgıt, “Ontological Insecurity, Anxiety, and Hubris: An Affective Account of Turkey-KRG Relations”, uidergisi, vol. 19, no. 73, pp. 99–115, 2022, doi: 10.33458/uidergisi.1085441.
ISNAD Kayhan Pusane, Özlem - Ilgıt, Aslı. “Ontological Insecurity, Anxiety, and Hubris: An Affective Account of Turkey-KRG Relations”. Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi 19/73 (April 2022), 99-115.
JAMA Kayhan Pusane Ö, Ilgıt A. Ontological Insecurity, Anxiety, and Hubris: An Affective Account of Turkey-KRG Relations. uidergisi. 2022;19:99–115.
MLA Kayhan Pusane, Özlem and Aslı Ilgıt. “Ontological Insecurity, Anxiety, and Hubris: An Affective Account of Turkey-KRG Relations”. Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi, vol. 19, no. 73, 2022, pp. 99-115, doi:10.33458/uidergisi.1085441.
Vancouver Kayhan Pusane Ö, Ilgıt A. Ontological Insecurity, Anxiety, and Hubris: An Affective Account of Turkey-KRG Relations. uidergisi. 2022;19(73):99-115.