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Avrupa Birliği Terörle Mücadele Söyleminin Dış Boyutu: İyi Yönetişim, Arap “Baharı” ve “Yabancı Savaşçılar”

Year 2017, , 59 - 74, 01.09.2017


Bu makalenin ana amacı, AB’nin terörle mücadele söylemleri üzerine yapılan çalışmalara, bu söylemin “dış boyutu” konusunu inceleyerek katkıda bulunmaktır. Bu amaçla makale, “söylemsel tarihsel” yaklaşım kavramlarından faydalanmakta ve AB’nin terörle mücadele söyleminin uluslararası yönünün derinlemesine bir dilsel incelemesini sunmaktadır. Makale, bu söylemin iki ana temasını iyi yönetişim ve Arap “Baharı” olarak tanımlamakta ve bu iki konunun terörle mücadeleye ilişkin “doğallaştırılmasında” ve “normalleştirmesinde” kullanılan dilsel araçları göstermektedir. Analiz AB’nin söylemsel inşasının siyasi ve normatif etkilerini de tartışmaktadır.


  • Amoore, Louise and Marieke de Goede. Risk and the War on Terror. London, Routledge, 2008.
  • Aydın-Düzgit, Senem. “Critical Discourse Analysis in Analysing European Union Foreign Policy: Prospects and Challenges”, Cooperation and Conflict, Vol.49, No.3, 2014, p.354-367.
  • Aydın-Düzgit, Senem. Constructions of European Identity: Debates and Discourses on Turkey and the EU, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.
  • Aydın-Düzgit, Senem. “Avrupa-Birliği-Türkiye İlişkilerinde Postyapısalcı Yaklaşım: Almanya Örneğinde Dış Politika ve Söylem Analizi”, Uluslararası İlişkiler, Vol.8, No.29, 2011, p.49-70.
  • Baker-Beall, Christopher. “The Evolution of the European Union’s ‘Fight against Terrorism’ Discourse: Constructing the Terrorist ‘Other’”, Cooperation and Conflict, Vol.49, No.2, 2014, p.212-238.
  • Bicchi, Federica and Mary Martin. “Talking Tough or Talking Together? European Security Discourses towards the Mediterranean”, Mediterranean Politics, Vol.11, No.2, 2006, p.189-207.
  • Bilgin, Pınar. “A Return to ‘Civilisational Geopolitics in the Mediterranean? Changing Geopolitical Images of the European Union and Turkey in the Post-Cold War Era”, Geopolitics, Vol.9, No.2, 2004, p.269-291.
  • Billig, Michael. “The Language of Critical Discourse Analysis: The Case of Nominalization”, Discourse & Society, Vol.19, No.6, 2008, p.783-800.
  • Buzan, Barry, Ole Wæver and Jaap de Wilde. Security: A New Framework of Analysis, Boulder, Lynne Rienner, 2008.
  • Chandler, David. “The EU and Southeastern Europe: the rise of post-liberal governance”, Third World Quarterly, Vol.31, No.1, 2010, p.69-85.
  • Council of the European Union. “Riga Joint Statement”, ANNEX, 2 February 2015, 5855/15.
  • Council of the European Union, “Revised EU Strategy for Combating Radicalisation and Recruitment to Terrorism”.19 May 2014, 9956/14.
  • Council of the European Union, the EU Counter-Terrorism Coordinator. “Annual report on the implementation of the EU Counter-Terrorism Strategy”, 7 December 2012, 16471/12.
  • Council of the European Union. “EU Action Plan on Combatting Terrorism”, 25 November 2011, 17594/11.
  • Council of the European Union. “Council Conclusions on Counter-Terrorism”, 3109th GENERAL AFFAIRS Council meeting, 12 September 2011, Brussels.
  • Council of the European Union. “EU Counter-Terrorism Strategy – Discussion Paper”, 26 November 2009, 15359/1/09.
  • Council of the European Union. “The European Union Counter-Terrorism Strategy”, 30 November 2005, 14469/4/05.
  • Council of the European Union. “EU Plan of Action on Combatting Terrorism – Update”, 14 December 2004, 16090/04.
  • de Goede, Marieke. “The Politics of Preemption and the War on Terror in Europe”, European Journal of International Relations, Vol.14, No.1, 2008, p.161-185.
  • European Commission. “The European Agenda on Security”, 28 April 2015, COM (2015)185 Final.
  • European Commission. “Communication: Preventing Radicalisation to Terrorism and Violent Extremism: Strengthening the EU's Response”, 15 January 2014, COM (2013) 941 Final.
  • European Commission. “Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council”, 25 November 2011, COM (2011) 0790 Final.
  • European Commission. “Addressing the factors contributing to violent radicalisation”, 21 September 2005, COM/2005/0313 Final.
  • European Council. “European Security Strategy: A Secure World in a Better World”, 12 December 2013, Brussels.
  • European Council. “Report on the Implementation of the European Security Strategy: Providing Security in a Changing World”, 11 December 2008, S407/08.
  • European Parliament. “The Prevention of Radicalisation and Recruitment of European Citizens by Terrorist Organisations”, 25 November 2015, Resolution 2015/2063(INI).
  • Fairclough, Norman. “Critical Discourse Analysis in Transdisciplinary Research”, Ruth Wodak and Paul Chilton (eds.), A New Agenda in (Critical) Discourse Analysis, Amsterdam, John Benjamins, 2005, p.53-70.
  • Heath-Kelly, Charlotte. “Counter-Terrorism and the Counterfactual: Producing the ‘Radicalisation’ Discourse and the UK PREVENT Strategy”, The British Journal of Politics & International Relations, Vol.15, No.3, 2013, p.394–415.
  • Hodges, Adam and Chad Nilep. Discourse, War and Terrorism, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2007. İşleyen, Beste. “Protection or Prevention? Different visions of EU international terrorism policy”, Caterina Carta and Jean-Frédéric Morin (eds.), EU foreign policy through the lens of discourse analysis: making sense of diversity, Farnham, Ashgate, p.59-78.
  • İşleyen, Beste. “The European Union and Neoliberal Governmentality: Twinning in Tunisia and Egypt”, European Journal of International Relations, Vol.21, No.3, 2015, p.672-690.
  • Jackson, Richard. “An analysis of EU counterterrorism discourse post-September 11”, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Vol.20, No.2, 2007, p.233-247.
  • Jackson, Richard. “Constructing Enemies: ‘Islamic Terrorism’ in Political and Academic Discourse”, Government and Opposition, Vol.42, No.3, 2007, p.394-426.
  • Joffé, George. “The European Union, Democracy and Counter-Terrorism in the Maghreb”, Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol.46, No.1, 2008, p.147–171.
  • Kaunert, Christian, Sarah Léonard and Alex MacKenzie. “The Social Construction of an EU Interest in Counter-Terrorism: US Influence and Internal Struggles in the Cases of PNR and SWIFT”, European Security, Vol.21, No.4, 2012, p.474-496.
  • Kelsey, Darren. Media, Myth and Terrorism, Basingstoke, Hampshire, Palgrave Macmillan, 2015.
  • Merlingen, Michael. “Everything Is Dangerous: A Critique of `Normative Power Europe'”, Security Dialogue, Vol.38, No.4, p.435-453.
  • Monar, Jörg. “Common Threat and Common 2007,Response? The European Union’s Counter-Terrorism Strategy and its Problems”, Government and Opposition, Vol.42, No.3, 2007, p.292–313.
  • Mullin Corinna and Polly Pallister-Wilkins. “Introduction: The West Asian and North African Uprisings and the Limits of Liberal Governance”, Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding, Vol.9, No.2, 2015, p.151-161.
  • Pace, Michelle. “The EU as a ‘Force for Good in Border Conflict Cases?”, Thomas Diez, Mathias Albert, and Stephan Stetter (eds.), The European Union and Border Conflicts: The Power of Integration and Association, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2008, p.203-219.
  • Pratt, Nicola. Democracy and Authoritarianism in the Arab World, Boulder CO, Lynne Rienner, 2007.
  • Reisigl, Martin and Ruth Wodak. “The Discourse-Historical Approach”, Ruth Wodak, and Michael Meyer (eds.), Methods of Critical Discourse Analysis, London, SAGE, 2009, p.87-121.
  • Reisigl, Martin. “Analyzing Political Rhetoric”, Ruth Wodak and Michał Krzyżanowski (eds.), Qualitative Discourse Analysis in the Social Sciences, 2008, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, p.96-120.
  • Somers, Johann. “EU Anti-Terror Chief Highlights Arab Spring Risks”, 5 September 2011, (Accessed on 16 February 2017).
  • Tsoukula, Anastassia. “Democracy in the Light of Security: British and French Political Discourses on Domestic Counter-Terrorism Policies”, Political Studies, Vol.54, No.3, 2006, p.607-627;
  • Teti, Andrea. “Beyond Lies the Wub: The Challenges of (Post)Democratization”, Middle East Critique, Vol.21, No.1, 2012, p.5-24.
  • Teti, Andrea and Gennaro Gervasio. “The Unbearable Lightness of Authoritarianism: Lessons from the Arab Uprisings, Mediterranean Politics, Vol.16, No.2, 2011. p.321-327.
  • Wittendorp, Stef. “Unpacking ‘International Terrorism’: Discourse, the European Community and Counter-Terrorism, 1975–86”, JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol.54, No.5, 2016, p.1233–1249.
  • Wodak, Ruth and Gilbert Weiss. “Analyzing European Union Discourses: Theories and Applications”, Gilbert Weiss and Ruth Wodak (eds.), Critical Discourse Analysis: Theory and Interdisciplinarity, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2005, p.121-135.
  • Wodak, Ruth and Michael Meyer. “Critical Discourse Analysis: History, Agenda, Theory and Methodology”, Ruth Wodak, and Michael Meyer (eds.), Methods of Critical Discourse Analysis, London, SAGE, 2009, p.1-33.
  • Wolff, Sarah. “The Mediterranean Dimension of EU Counter-Terrorism”, Journal of European Integration, Vol.31, No.1, 2009, p.137-156. Zanotti, Laura. “Governmentalizing the Post–Cold War International Regime: The UN Debate on Democratization and Good Governance”, Alternatives, Vol.30, No.4, 2005, p.461-487.

The External Dimension of European Union Counter-Terrorism Discourse: Good Governance, the Arab “Spring” and the “Foreign Fighters”

Year 2017, , 59 - 74, 01.09.2017


The central objective of this article is to contribute to studies on EU counter-terrorism discourse by bringing the “external dimension” in. To that end, it borrows concepts of the Discourse-Historical Approach and provides an in-depth linguistic examination of the international aspect of the EU’s counter-terrorism discourse. The article identifies good governance and the Arab “Spring” as two central themes of this discourse and illustrates the linguistic means in which the two topics are made “natural” and “normal” by reference to counter-terrorism. The analysis also discusses the political and normative effects of EU discursive construction of counter-terrorism. 


  • Amoore, Louise and Marieke de Goede. Risk and the War on Terror. London, Routledge, 2008.
  • Aydın-Düzgit, Senem. “Critical Discourse Analysis in Analysing European Union Foreign Policy: Prospects and Challenges”, Cooperation and Conflict, Vol.49, No.3, 2014, p.354-367.
  • Aydın-Düzgit, Senem. Constructions of European Identity: Debates and Discourses on Turkey and the EU, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.
  • Aydın-Düzgit, Senem. “Avrupa-Birliği-Türkiye İlişkilerinde Postyapısalcı Yaklaşım: Almanya Örneğinde Dış Politika ve Söylem Analizi”, Uluslararası İlişkiler, Vol.8, No.29, 2011, p.49-70.
  • Baker-Beall, Christopher. “The Evolution of the European Union’s ‘Fight against Terrorism’ Discourse: Constructing the Terrorist ‘Other’”, Cooperation and Conflict, Vol.49, No.2, 2014, p.212-238.
  • Bicchi, Federica and Mary Martin. “Talking Tough or Talking Together? European Security Discourses towards the Mediterranean”, Mediterranean Politics, Vol.11, No.2, 2006, p.189-207.
  • Bilgin, Pınar. “A Return to ‘Civilisational Geopolitics in the Mediterranean? Changing Geopolitical Images of the European Union and Turkey in the Post-Cold War Era”, Geopolitics, Vol.9, No.2, 2004, p.269-291.
  • Billig, Michael. “The Language of Critical Discourse Analysis: The Case of Nominalization”, Discourse & Society, Vol.19, No.6, 2008, p.783-800.
  • Buzan, Barry, Ole Wæver and Jaap de Wilde. Security: A New Framework of Analysis, Boulder, Lynne Rienner, 2008.
  • Chandler, David. “The EU and Southeastern Europe: the rise of post-liberal governance”, Third World Quarterly, Vol.31, No.1, 2010, p.69-85.
  • Council of the European Union. “Riga Joint Statement”, ANNEX, 2 February 2015, 5855/15.
  • Council of the European Union, “Revised EU Strategy for Combating Radicalisation and Recruitment to Terrorism”.19 May 2014, 9956/14.
  • Council of the European Union, the EU Counter-Terrorism Coordinator. “Annual report on the implementation of the EU Counter-Terrorism Strategy”, 7 December 2012, 16471/12.
  • Council of the European Union. “EU Action Plan on Combatting Terrorism”, 25 November 2011, 17594/11.
  • Council of the European Union. “Council Conclusions on Counter-Terrorism”, 3109th GENERAL AFFAIRS Council meeting, 12 September 2011, Brussels.
  • Council of the European Union. “EU Counter-Terrorism Strategy – Discussion Paper”, 26 November 2009, 15359/1/09.
  • Council of the European Union. “The European Union Counter-Terrorism Strategy”, 30 November 2005, 14469/4/05.
  • Council of the European Union. “EU Plan of Action on Combatting Terrorism – Update”, 14 December 2004, 16090/04.
  • de Goede, Marieke. “The Politics of Preemption and the War on Terror in Europe”, European Journal of International Relations, Vol.14, No.1, 2008, p.161-185.
  • European Commission. “The European Agenda on Security”, 28 April 2015, COM (2015)185 Final.
  • European Commission. “Communication: Preventing Radicalisation to Terrorism and Violent Extremism: Strengthening the EU's Response”, 15 January 2014, COM (2013) 941 Final.
  • European Commission. “Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council”, 25 November 2011, COM (2011) 0790 Final.
  • European Commission. “Addressing the factors contributing to violent radicalisation”, 21 September 2005, COM/2005/0313 Final.
  • European Council. “European Security Strategy: A Secure World in a Better World”, 12 December 2013, Brussels.
  • European Council. “Report on the Implementation of the European Security Strategy: Providing Security in a Changing World”, 11 December 2008, S407/08.
  • European Parliament. “The Prevention of Radicalisation and Recruitment of European Citizens by Terrorist Organisations”, 25 November 2015, Resolution 2015/2063(INI).
  • Fairclough, Norman. “Critical Discourse Analysis in Transdisciplinary Research”, Ruth Wodak and Paul Chilton (eds.), A New Agenda in (Critical) Discourse Analysis, Amsterdam, John Benjamins, 2005, p.53-70.
  • Heath-Kelly, Charlotte. “Counter-Terrorism and the Counterfactual: Producing the ‘Radicalisation’ Discourse and the UK PREVENT Strategy”, The British Journal of Politics & International Relations, Vol.15, No.3, 2013, p.394–415.
  • Hodges, Adam and Chad Nilep. Discourse, War and Terrorism, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2007. İşleyen, Beste. “Protection or Prevention? Different visions of EU international terrorism policy”, Caterina Carta and Jean-Frédéric Morin (eds.), EU foreign policy through the lens of discourse analysis: making sense of diversity, Farnham, Ashgate, p.59-78.
  • İşleyen, Beste. “The European Union and Neoliberal Governmentality: Twinning in Tunisia and Egypt”, European Journal of International Relations, Vol.21, No.3, 2015, p.672-690.
  • Jackson, Richard. “An analysis of EU counterterrorism discourse post-September 11”, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Vol.20, No.2, 2007, p.233-247.
  • Jackson, Richard. “Constructing Enemies: ‘Islamic Terrorism’ in Political and Academic Discourse”, Government and Opposition, Vol.42, No.3, 2007, p.394-426.
  • Joffé, George. “The European Union, Democracy and Counter-Terrorism in the Maghreb”, Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol.46, No.1, 2008, p.147–171.
  • Kaunert, Christian, Sarah Léonard and Alex MacKenzie. “The Social Construction of an EU Interest in Counter-Terrorism: US Influence and Internal Struggles in the Cases of PNR and SWIFT”, European Security, Vol.21, No.4, 2012, p.474-496.
  • Kelsey, Darren. Media, Myth and Terrorism, Basingstoke, Hampshire, Palgrave Macmillan, 2015.
  • Merlingen, Michael. “Everything Is Dangerous: A Critique of `Normative Power Europe'”, Security Dialogue, Vol.38, No.4, p.435-453.
  • Monar, Jörg. “Common Threat and Common 2007,Response? The European Union’s Counter-Terrorism Strategy and its Problems”, Government and Opposition, Vol.42, No.3, 2007, p.292–313.
  • Mullin Corinna and Polly Pallister-Wilkins. “Introduction: The West Asian and North African Uprisings and the Limits of Liberal Governance”, Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding, Vol.9, No.2, 2015, p.151-161.
  • Pace, Michelle. “The EU as a ‘Force for Good in Border Conflict Cases?”, Thomas Diez, Mathias Albert, and Stephan Stetter (eds.), The European Union and Border Conflicts: The Power of Integration and Association, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2008, p.203-219.
  • Pratt, Nicola. Democracy and Authoritarianism in the Arab World, Boulder CO, Lynne Rienner, 2007.
  • Reisigl, Martin and Ruth Wodak. “The Discourse-Historical Approach”, Ruth Wodak, and Michael Meyer (eds.), Methods of Critical Discourse Analysis, London, SAGE, 2009, p.87-121.
  • Reisigl, Martin. “Analyzing Political Rhetoric”, Ruth Wodak and Michał Krzyżanowski (eds.), Qualitative Discourse Analysis in the Social Sciences, 2008, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, p.96-120.
  • Somers, Johann. “EU Anti-Terror Chief Highlights Arab Spring Risks”, 5 September 2011, (Accessed on 16 February 2017).
  • Tsoukula, Anastassia. “Democracy in the Light of Security: British and French Political Discourses on Domestic Counter-Terrorism Policies”, Political Studies, Vol.54, No.3, 2006, p.607-627;
  • Teti, Andrea. “Beyond Lies the Wub: The Challenges of (Post)Democratization”, Middle East Critique, Vol.21, No.1, 2012, p.5-24.
  • Teti, Andrea and Gennaro Gervasio. “The Unbearable Lightness of Authoritarianism: Lessons from the Arab Uprisings, Mediterranean Politics, Vol.16, No.2, 2011. p.321-327.
  • Wittendorp, Stef. “Unpacking ‘International Terrorism’: Discourse, the European Community and Counter-Terrorism, 1975–86”, JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol.54, No.5, 2016, p.1233–1249.
  • Wodak, Ruth and Gilbert Weiss. “Analyzing European Union Discourses: Theories and Applications”, Gilbert Weiss and Ruth Wodak (eds.), Critical Discourse Analysis: Theory and Interdisciplinarity, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2005, p.121-135.
  • Wodak, Ruth and Michael Meyer. “Critical Discourse Analysis: History, Agenda, Theory and Methodology”, Ruth Wodak, and Michael Meyer (eds.), Methods of Critical Discourse Analysis, London, SAGE, 2009, p.1-33.
  • Wolff, Sarah. “The Mediterranean Dimension of EU Counter-Terrorism”, Journal of European Integration, Vol.31, No.1, 2009, p.137-156. Zanotti, Laura. “Governmentalizing the Post–Cold War International Regime: The UN Debate on Democratization and Good Governance”, Alternatives, Vol.30, No.4, 2005, p.461-487.
There are 50 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Beste İşleyen This is me

Publication Date September 1, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017


APA İşleyen, B. (2017). The External Dimension of European Union Counter-Terrorism Discourse: Good Governance, the Arab “Spring” and the “Foreign Fighters”. Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi, 14(55), 59-74.
AMA İşleyen B.The External Dimension of European Union Counter-Terrorism Discourse: Good Governance, the Arab “Spring” and the “Foreign Fighters.” uidergisi. September 2017;14(55):59-74. doi:10.33458/uidergisi.513507
Chicago İşleyen, Beste. “The External Dimension of European Union Counter-Terrorism Discourse: Good Governance, the Arab “Spring” and the ‘Foreign Fighters’”. Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi 14, no. 55 (September 2017): 59-74.
EndNote İşleyen B (September 1, 2017) The External Dimension of European Union Counter-Terrorism Discourse: Good Governance, the Arab “Spring” and the “Foreign Fighters”. Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi 14 55 59–74.
IEEE B. İşleyen, “The External Dimension of European Union Counter-Terrorism Discourse: Good Governance, the Arab “Spring” and the ‘Foreign Fighters’”, uidergisi, vol. 14, no. 55, pp. 59–74, 2017, doi: 10.33458/uidergisi.513507.
ISNAD İşleyen, Beste. “The External Dimension of European Union Counter-Terrorism Discourse: Good Governance, the Arab “Spring” and the ‘Foreign Fighters’”. Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi 14/55 (September 2017), 59-74.
JAMA İşleyen B. The External Dimension of European Union Counter-Terrorism Discourse: Good Governance, the Arab “Spring” and the “Foreign Fighters”. uidergisi. 2017;14:59–74.
MLA İşleyen, Beste. “The External Dimension of European Union Counter-Terrorism Discourse: Good Governance, the Arab “Spring” and the ‘Foreign Fighters’”. Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi, vol. 14, no. 55, 2017, pp. 59-74, doi:10.33458/uidergisi.513507.
Vancouver İşleyen B. The External Dimension of European Union Counter-Terrorism Discourse: Good Governance, the Arab “Spring” and the “Foreign Fighters”. uidergisi. 2017;14(55):59-74.