Research Article
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The Role of Ideas and Identities in Shaping Economic Decisions: The Eastern Mediterranean Crisis and Turkey-Greece-Cyprus Triangle

Year 2024, Volume: 21 Issue: 83, 25 - 40, 27.08.2024


The discovery of new natural gas resources in the Eastern Mediterranean fueled the tension in the region and led to a highly complicated crisis involving multiple actors. This study adopts a constructivist approach in analyzing the political economy of the Eastern Mediterranean energy crisis by relying on the role of identities and ideas in shaping economic decisions. The historical enmity between Turkey and Greece over Cyprus is at the heart of the crisis. Thus, the study focuses on the Turkey, Greece, and Cyprus triangle to reveal the impact of Turkey’s image constructed by Greece and the Republic of Cyprus, on the political-economic aspect of the decisions of Greece and Greek Cypriots. To accomplish this objective, a two-stage content analysis was conducted by filtering the official statements of Greece and the RoC from their respective foreign ministries, utilizing the keyword “Eastern Mediterranean.” By scrutinizing the official discourses and documents, the analysis aims to delve into the image of Turkey held by these actors.


  • Abdelal, Rawi (2009). “Constructivism as an Approach to International Political Economy”, Mark Blyth (ed.), Handbook of International Political Economy. London, Routledge, p. 57-71.
  • Alioğlu Çakmak, Gizem, and Melih Güner (2021). ‘‘Energy as a Complicating Factor, Conflict in the Eastern Mediterranean and the New Challenges in Cyprus Question’’, Natalya Ketenci, Ayşe Sevencan (eds.), Economics and Politics of Energy in the Middle East and Eastern Europe. Lanham, Lexington Books, p. 47-82.
  • Alioğlu Çakmak, Gizem (2019). ‘‘Turkish-Greek Relations: From Conflict to Cooperation’’, Gizem Alioğlu Çakmak and Alexis Heraclides (eds.), Greece and Turkey in Conflict and Cooperation: From Europeanization to De-Europeanization. London, Routledge, p. 13-22.
  • Bryza, Matthew (2013). ‘‘Eastern Mediterranean Natural Gas: Potential for Historic Breakthroughs Among Israel, Turkey, and Cyprus’’, Turkish Policy Quarterly, Vol. 12, No 3, p. 35-44.
  • Fearon, James and Alexander Wendt (2002). ‘‘Rationalism v. Constructivism: A Skeptical View’’, Walter Carlsnaes, Thomas Risse and Beth Simmons (eds.), Handbook of International Relations. London, Sage Publication, p. 52-72.
  • Grigoriadis, Ioannis (2014). ‘‘Energy Discoveries in the Eastern Mediterranean: Conflict or Cooperation’’, Middle East Policy, Vol. 21, No 3, p. 124-133.
  • Gurel, Ayla, Fiona Mullen and Harry Tzimitras (2013). The Cyprus Hydrocarbons Issue: Context, Positions and Future Scenarios. Oslo, PRIO.
  • Guzzini, Stefano (2000). ‘‘A Reconstruction of Constructivism in International Relations’’, European Journal of International Relations, Vol. 6, No 2, p. 147-182.
  • Hellenic Republic Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2019). ‘‘Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Konstantinos Fragogiannis Attends Rome Med Dialogues’’, Hellenic Republic Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 8 December, html (Accessed July 2022).
  • Hellenic Republic Ministry of Foreign Affarirs (2019). ‘‘Joint Statement Following the Trilateral Meeting of the Ministers for Foreign Affaris of the Republic of Cyprus, the Arab Republic of Egypt and the Hellenic Republic’’, Hellenic Republic Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 27 September, https://www. (Accessed 12 December 2022).
  • Hellenic Republic Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2019). ‘‘Minister of Foreign Affairs, G. Katrougalos’ Interview with the Newspaper ‘‘Le Figaro’’ and Journalist A. Kefals’’, Hellenic Republic Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 25 April, minister-for-foreign-affairs-katrougalos-interview-with-the-newspaper-le-figaro-and-journalistkefalas-25-april-2019.html (Accessed 12 December 2022)
  • Hellenic Republic Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2022). ‘‘Minister of Foreign Affairs N. Dendias’ Online Address at the Conference The Future of Europe Themed Europe in the World: Foreign, Security and Defence Policy–Energy–Enlargement–EU and the Southeastern Mediterranean Neighbourhood’’, Hellenic Republic Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 19 February, https://www. policyenergyenlargementeu-and-the-southeastern-mediterranean- (Accessed July 2022).
  • Hellenic Republic Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2022). ‘‘Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikos Dendias’ Interview with ‘Real News’ Newspaper and Journalist Giorgos Siadimas’’, Hellenic Republic of Foreign Affairs, 22 May, (Accessed July 2022).
  • Hellenic Republic Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2022). ‘‘Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikos Dendias’ Speech in the Hellenic Parliament, during the Debate on the Censure Motion’’, Hellenic Republic of Foreign Affairs, 30 January, (Accessed July 2022).
  • Hellenic Republic Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2021). ‘‘Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikos Dendias’ Statement Following His Meeting with His Counterparts from Cyprus, Egypt and France’’, Hellenic Republic Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 19 November, (Accessed July 2022).
  • Hellenic Republic Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2019). ‘‘Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nikos Dendias, Speaks on ERT1 TV’s Politiki Epikairotita with Reporters N. Meletis and F. Papathanasiou’’, Hellenic Republic Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 10 October, top-story/minister-of-foreign-affairs-nikos-dendias-speaks-on-ert1-tvs-politiki-epikairotitawith-reporters-meletis-and-papathanasiou-october-2019.html (Accessed July 2022).
  • Hellenic Republic Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2022). ‘‘Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nikos Dendias’ Statements to Greek Journalists Following His Meetings in the USA’’, Hellenic Republic Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 17 May, (Accessed July 2022).
  • Hellenic Republic Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2021). ‘‘Statement by Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikos Dendias Following His Meeting with Cypriot Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nikos Christodoulides’’, Hellenic Republic Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 21 July, en/current-affairs/top-story/statement-by-minister-of-foreign-affairs-nikos-dendias-followinghis-meeting-with-cypriot-minister-of-foreign-affairs-nikos-christodoulides-nicosia-2107-2021. html (Accessed July 2022).
  • Hellenic Republic Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2020). ‘‘Statement by Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nikos Dendias, Following His Meeting with His Slovak Counterpart, Ivan Korčok’’, Hellenic Republic Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 8 October, news/statement-by-minister-of-foreign-affairs-nikos-dendias-following-his-meeting-with-hisslovak-counterpart-ivan-korcok-bratislava-08102020.html (Accessed July 2022).
  • Hellenic Republic Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2020). ‘‘Statements by Minister of Foreign Affairs N. Dendias Following His Meeting with Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs Arancha González Laya’’, Hellenic Republic Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 28 July, (Accessed July 2022)
  • Hellenic Republic Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2020). ‘‘Statements of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nikos Dendias, Following His Meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Malta, Evarist Bartolo’’, Hellenic Republic Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 7 September, https://www.mfa. gr/en/current-affairs/top-story/statements-of-the-minister-of-foreign-affairs-nikos-dendiasfollowing-his-meeting-with-the-minister-of-foreign-affairs-of-malta-evarist-bartolo-athensseptember-2020.html (Accessed July 2022).
  • Heraclides Alexis (2001), I Ellada kai o ‘ex anatolon kindinos’ [Greece and the ‘danger from the East’] Athens: Polis, 2001). Turkish edition: Yunanistan ve Doğu’dan Gelen Tehlike. Türkiye, İstanbul, İletişim Yayınları
  • Heraclides, Alexis (2019). ‘‘Greek-Turkish Relations and Conflict: A Bird’s Eye-View’’, Gizem Alioğlu Çakmak and Alexis Heraclides (eds.), Greece and Turkey in Conflict and Cooperation: From Europeanization to De-Europeanization. London, Routledge, 2019, p. 3-12.
  • Heraclides, Alexis (2011). ‘‘The Cyprus Gordian Knot: An Intractable Ethnic Conflict’’, Nationalism and Ethnic Politics, Vol. 17, No 2, 2011, p. 117-139.
  • Heraclides, Alexis (2019). ‘‘The Greek-Turkish Antagonism: The Social Construction of Self and Other’’, Gizem Alioğlu Çakmak and Alexis Heraclides (eds.), Greece and Turkey in Conflict and Cooperation: From Europeanization to De-Europeanization. London, Routledge, p. 41-65.
  • İpek, Pınar and Tibet Gür (2022). ‘‘Turkey’s Isolation from the Eastern Mediterranean Gas Forum: Ideational Mechanisms and Material Interests in Energy Politics’’, Turkish Studies, Vol. 23, No 1, p. 1-30.
  • Ünlühisarcıklı, Özgür (2020). ‘‘Eastern Mediterranean Brinkmanship Is a Clear and Present Danger’’, German Marshall Found, 28 August, Mediterranean%20Brinkmanship%20Is%20a%20Clear%20and%20Present%20Danger.pdf (Accessed July 2022).
  • Klotz, Audie and Cecelia Lynch (2007). Strategies for Research in Constructivist International Relations. London, M.E. Sharpe.
  • Kowert, Paul (1998). ‘‘Agent versus Structure in the Construction of National Identity’’ Vendulka Kubalkova, Nicholas Onuf and Paul Kowert (eds.), International Relations in a Constructed World. New York and London, M.E Sharpe, p. 101-122.
  • Kowert, Paul (2001). ‘‘Towards a Constructivist Theory of Foreign Policy” , Vendulka Kubalkova (ed.), Foreign Policy in a Constructed World. London, M.E. Sharpe, p. 266–287.
  • Mielniczuk, Fabiano (2013). ‘‘Brics in the Contemporary World: Changing Identities, Converging Interests’’, Third World Quarterly, Vol. 34, No 6, p. 1075-1090.
  • Millas, Hercules (2019). ‘‘Greek-Turkish Differences and Similarities: National Stereotypes and Their Implications’’, Gizem Alioğlu Çakmak and Alexis Heraclides (eds.), Greece and Turkey in Conflict and Cooperation: From Europeanization to De-Europeanization. London, Routledge, p. 66-86.
  • O’Byrne, David (2022). ‘‘Could Turkey-Israel Rapprochement Lead to Gas Agreement?’’, Al Monitor, 1 June, (Accessed July 2022). Republic of Cyprus Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2021). ‘‘Countries of Region Re-writing Narrative, FM Christodoulides Tells Al-Ahram’’, Republic of Cyprus Ministry of Foreign Affairs,18 March, (Accessed July 2022).
  • Republic of Cyprus Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2020). ‘‘FM Christodoulides Address at PSEKA VTC on Anniversary of Turkish Invasion’’, Republic of Cyprus Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 20 July, https:// (Accessed July 2022).
  • Republic of Cyprus Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2021). ‘‘FM Christodoulides after Quadrilateral Meeting in Athens: “Today’s Meeting Demonstrates the Strategic Orientation of Our Cooperation’’, Republic of Cyprus Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 19 November, cy/press-releases/2021/11/19/fm-christodoulides-press-statement-quadrilateral-cyp-gre-egy-fra/ (Accessed July 2022).
  • Republic of Cyprus Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2021). ‘‘FM Christodoulides at Med7 Meeting: We Are Convinced that the Eastern Mediterranean Can Become an Area of Stability, Peace and Prosperity’’, Republic of Cyprus Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 11 June, (Accessed July 2022).
  • Robinson , Tim, and Geordie Jeakins (2019). ‘‘Squaring the Triangle: Why Turkey and the Eastmed Project Need Each Other’’, War on the Rocks, 12 April, squaring-the-triangle-why-turkey-and-the-eastmed-project-need-each-other/ (Accessed July 2022).
  • Rumelili, Bahar (2014). ‘‘Kimlik’’, Şaban Kardaş and Ali Balcı (eds.), Uluslararası İlişkilere Giriş Tarih, Teori, Kavram ve Konular. İstanbul, Küre Yayınları, p. 389-398. Shokri, Umud (2022). ‘‘Israel-Turkey Natural Gas Pipeline: Active Energy Diplomacy in favor of Regional Stability and Security’’, Mena Affairs, 13 February, (Accessed July 2022).
  • Stamouli, Nektaria (2022). ‘‘EastMed: A Pipeline Project that Ran Afoul of Geopolitics and Green Policies’’, Politico, 18 January, (Accessed July 2022).
  • Stemler, Steve (2000). ‘‘An Overview of Content Analysis’’, Practical Assessment, Research, and Evaluation, Vol. 7, No 17, p. 1-6.
  • Theys, Sarina (2017). ‘‘Constructivism’’ Stephen Mclinchey, Roise Walters and Christian Scheinpflug (eds.), International Relations Theory. Bristol, E-International Relations Publishing, p. 36-41.
  • Tugwell, Paul (2020). ‘‘Leaders From Israel, Cyprus, Greece Sign EastMed Gas Pipe Deal’’, Bloomberg, 2 January, (Accessed July 2022).
  • Wendt, Alexander (1992). ‘‘Anarchy Is What States Make of It: The Social Construction of Power Politics’’, International Organization, Vol. 46, No 2, p. 391-425.
  • Wendt, Alexander (1995). ‘‘Constructing International Politics’’, International Security, Vol. 20, No 1, p. 71-81.
  • Winrow, Gareth (2016). ‘‘The Anatomy of a Possible Pipeline: The Case of Turkey and Leviathan and Gas Politics in the Eastern Mediterranean’’, Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, Vol. 18, No 5, p. 431-447.
  • Winrow, Gareth M (2018). “Discovery of Energy Reserves in the Levant and Impacts on Regional Security”, Uluslararası İlişkiler, Vol. 15, No 60, 2018, p. 45-57.

The Role of Ideas and Identities in Shaping Economic Decisions: The Eastern Mediterranean Crisis and Turkey-Greece-Cyprus Triangle

Year 2024, Volume: 21 Issue: 83, 25 - 40, 27.08.2024


The discovery of new natural gas resources in the Eastern Mediterranean fueled the tension in the region and led to a highly complicated crisis involving multiple actors. This study adopts a constructivist approach in analyzing the political economy of the Eastern Mediterranean energy crisis by relying on the role of identities and ideas in shaping economic decisions. The historical enmity between Turkey and Greece over Cyprus is at the heart of the crisis. Thus, the study focuses on the Turkey, Greece, and Cyprus triangle to reveal the impact of Turkey’s image constructed by Greece and the Republic of Cyprus, on the political-economic aspect of the decisions of Greece and Greek Cypriots. To accomplish this objective, a two-stage content analysis was conducted by filtering the official statements of Greece and the RoC from their respective foreign ministries, utilizing the keyword “Eastern Mediterranean.” By scrutinizing the official discourses and documents, the analysis aims to delve into the image of Turkey held by these actors.


  • Abdelal, Rawi (2009). “Constructivism as an Approach to International Political Economy”, Mark Blyth (ed.), Handbook of International Political Economy. London, Routledge, p. 57-71.
  • Alioğlu Çakmak, Gizem, and Melih Güner (2021). ‘‘Energy as a Complicating Factor, Conflict in the Eastern Mediterranean and the New Challenges in Cyprus Question’’, Natalya Ketenci, Ayşe Sevencan (eds.), Economics and Politics of Energy in the Middle East and Eastern Europe. Lanham, Lexington Books, p. 47-82.
  • Alioğlu Çakmak, Gizem (2019). ‘‘Turkish-Greek Relations: From Conflict to Cooperation’’, Gizem Alioğlu Çakmak and Alexis Heraclides (eds.), Greece and Turkey in Conflict and Cooperation: From Europeanization to De-Europeanization. London, Routledge, p. 13-22.
  • Bryza, Matthew (2013). ‘‘Eastern Mediterranean Natural Gas: Potential for Historic Breakthroughs Among Israel, Turkey, and Cyprus’’, Turkish Policy Quarterly, Vol. 12, No 3, p. 35-44.
  • Fearon, James and Alexander Wendt (2002). ‘‘Rationalism v. Constructivism: A Skeptical View’’, Walter Carlsnaes, Thomas Risse and Beth Simmons (eds.), Handbook of International Relations. London, Sage Publication, p. 52-72.
  • Grigoriadis, Ioannis (2014). ‘‘Energy Discoveries in the Eastern Mediterranean: Conflict or Cooperation’’, Middle East Policy, Vol. 21, No 3, p. 124-133.
  • Gurel, Ayla, Fiona Mullen and Harry Tzimitras (2013). The Cyprus Hydrocarbons Issue: Context, Positions and Future Scenarios. Oslo, PRIO.
  • Guzzini, Stefano (2000). ‘‘A Reconstruction of Constructivism in International Relations’’, European Journal of International Relations, Vol. 6, No 2, p. 147-182.
  • Hellenic Republic Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2019). ‘‘Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Konstantinos Fragogiannis Attends Rome Med Dialogues’’, Hellenic Republic Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 8 December, html (Accessed July 2022).
  • Hellenic Republic Ministry of Foreign Affarirs (2019). ‘‘Joint Statement Following the Trilateral Meeting of the Ministers for Foreign Affaris of the Republic of Cyprus, the Arab Republic of Egypt and the Hellenic Republic’’, Hellenic Republic Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 27 September, https://www. (Accessed 12 December 2022).
  • Hellenic Republic Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2019). ‘‘Minister of Foreign Affairs, G. Katrougalos’ Interview with the Newspaper ‘‘Le Figaro’’ and Journalist A. Kefals’’, Hellenic Republic Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 25 April, minister-for-foreign-affairs-katrougalos-interview-with-the-newspaper-le-figaro-and-journalistkefalas-25-april-2019.html (Accessed 12 December 2022)
  • Hellenic Republic Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2022). ‘‘Minister of Foreign Affairs N. Dendias’ Online Address at the Conference The Future of Europe Themed Europe in the World: Foreign, Security and Defence Policy–Energy–Enlargement–EU and the Southeastern Mediterranean Neighbourhood’’, Hellenic Republic Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 19 February, https://www. policyenergyenlargementeu-and-the-southeastern-mediterranean- (Accessed July 2022).
  • Hellenic Republic Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2022). ‘‘Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikos Dendias’ Interview with ‘Real News’ Newspaper and Journalist Giorgos Siadimas’’, Hellenic Republic of Foreign Affairs, 22 May, (Accessed July 2022).
  • Hellenic Republic Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2022). ‘‘Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikos Dendias’ Speech in the Hellenic Parliament, during the Debate on the Censure Motion’’, Hellenic Republic of Foreign Affairs, 30 January, (Accessed July 2022).
  • Hellenic Republic Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2021). ‘‘Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikos Dendias’ Statement Following His Meeting with His Counterparts from Cyprus, Egypt and France’’, Hellenic Republic Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 19 November, (Accessed July 2022).
  • Hellenic Republic Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2019). ‘‘Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nikos Dendias, Speaks on ERT1 TV’s Politiki Epikairotita with Reporters N. Meletis and F. Papathanasiou’’, Hellenic Republic Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 10 October, top-story/minister-of-foreign-affairs-nikos-dendias-speaks-on-ert1-tvs-politiki-epikairotitawith-reporters-meletis-and-papathanasiou-october-2019.html (Accessed July 2022).
  • Hellenic Republic Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2022). ‘‘Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nikos Dendias’ Statements to Greek Journalists Following His Meetings in the USA’’, Hellenic Republic Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 17 May, (Accessed July 2022).
  • Hellenic Republic Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2021). ‘‘Statement by Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikos Dendias Following His Meeting with Cypriot Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nikos Christodoulides’’, Hellenic Republic Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 21 July, en/current-affairs/top-story/statement-by-minister-of-foreign-affairs-nikos-dendias-followinghis-meeting-with-cypriot-minister-of-foreign-affairs-nikos-christodoulides-nicosia-2107-2021. html (Accessed July 2022).
  • Hellenic Republic Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2020). ‘‘Statement by Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nikos Dendias, Following His Meeting with His Slovak Counterpart, Ivan Korčok’’, Hellenic Republic Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 8 October, news/statement-by-minister-of-foreign-affairs-nikos-dendias-following-his-meeting-with-hisslovak-counterpart-ivan-korcok-bratislava-08102020.html (Accessed July 2022).
  • Hellenic Republic Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2020). ‘‘Statements by Minister of Foreign Affairs N. Dendias Following His Meeting with Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs Arancha González Laya’’, Hellenic Republic Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 28 July, (Accessed July 2022)
  • Hellenic Republic Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2020). ‘‘Statements of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nikos Dendias, Following His Meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Malta, Evarist Bartolo’’, Hellenic Republic Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 7 September, https://www.mfa. gr/en/current-affairs/top-story/statements-of-the-minister-of-foreign-affairs-nikos-dendiasfollowing-his-meeting-with-the-minister-of-foreign-affairs-of-malta-evarist-bartolo-athensseptember-2020.html (Accessed July 2022).
  • Heraclides Alexis (2001), I Ellada kai o ‘ex anatolon kindinos’ [Greece and the ‘danger from the East’] Athens: Polis, 2001). Turkish edition: Yunanistan ve Doğu’dan Gelen Tehlike. Türkiye, İstanbul, İletişim Yayınları
  • Heraclides, Alexis (2019). ‘‘Greek-Turkish Relations and Conflict: A Bird’s Eye-View’’, Gizem Alioğlu Çakmak and Alexis Heraclides (eds.), Greece and Turkey in Conflict and Cooperation: From Europeanization to De-Europeanization. London, Routledge, 2019, p. 3-12.
  • Heraclides, Alexis (2011). ‘‘The Cyprus Gordian Knot: An Intractable Ethnic Conflict’’, Nationalism and Ethnic Politics, Vol. 17, No 2, 2011, p. 117-139.
  • Heraclides, Alexis (2019). ‘‘The Greek-Turkish Antagonism: The Social Construction of Self and Other’’, Gizem Alioğlu Çakmak and Alexis Heraclides (eds.), Greece and Turkey in Conflict and Cooperation: From Europeanization to De-Europeanization. London, Routledge, p. 41-65.
  • İpek, Pınar and Tibet Gür (2022). ‘‘Turkey’s Isolation from the Eastern Mediterranean Gas Forum: Ideational Mechanisms and Material Interests in Energy Politics’’, Turkish Studies, Vol. 23, No 1, p. 1-30.
  • Ünlühisarcıklı, Özgür (2020). ‘‘Eastern Mediterranean Brinkmanship Is a Clear and Present Danger’’, German Marshall Found, 28 August, Mediterranean%20Brinkmanship%20Is%20a%20Clear%20and%20Present%20Danger.pdf (Accessed July 2022).
  • Klotz, Audie and Cecelia Lynch (2007). Strategies for Research in Constructivist International Relations. London, M.E. Sharpe.
  • Kowert, Paul (1998). ‘‘Agent versus Structure in the Construction of National Identity’’ Vendulka Kubalkova, Nicholas Onuf and Paul Kowert (eds.), International Relations in a Constructed World. New York and London, M.E Sharpe, p. 101-122.
  • Kowert, Paul (2001). ‘‘Towards a Constructivist Theory of Foreign Policy” , Vendulka Kubalkova (ed.), Foreign Policy in a Constructed World. London, M.E. Sharpe, p. 266–287.
  • Mielniczuk, Fabiano (2013). ‘‘Brics in the Contemporary World: Changing Identities, Converging Interests’’, Third World Quarterly, Vol. 34, No 6, p. 1075-1090.
  • Millas, Hercules (2019). ‘‘Greek-Turkish Differences and Similarities: National Stereotypes and Their Implications’’, Gizem Alioğlu Çakmak and Alexis Heraclides (eds.), Greece and Turkey in Conflict and Cooperation: From Europeanization to De-Europeanization. London, Routledge, p. 66-86.
  • O’Byrne, David (2022). ‘‘Could Turkey-Israel Rapprochement Lead to Gas Agreement?’’, Al Monitor, 1 June, (Accessed July 2022). Republic of Cyprus Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2021). ‘‘Countries of Region Re-writing Narrative, FM Christodoulides Tells Al-Ahram’’, Republic of Cyprus Ministry of Foreign Affairs,18 March, (Accessed July 2022).
  • Republic of Cyprus Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2020). ‘‘FM Christodoulides Address at PSEKA VTC on Anniversary of Turkish Invasion’’, Republic of Cyprus Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 20 July, https:// (Accessed July 2022).
  • Republic of Cyprus Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2021). ‘‘FM Christodoulides after Quadrilateral Meeting in Athens: “Today’s Meeting Demonstrates the Strategic Orientation of Our Cooperation’’, Republic of Cyprus Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 19 November, cy/press-releases/2021/11/19/fm-christodoulides-press-statement-quadrilateral-cyp-gre-egy-fra/ (Accessed July 2022).
  • Republic of Cyprus Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2021). ‘‘FM Christodoulides at Med7 Meeting: We Are Convinced that the Eastern Mediterranean Can Become an Area of Stability, Peace and Prosperity’’, Republic of Cyprus Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 11 June, (Accessed July 2022).
  • Robinson , Tim, and Geordie Jeakins (2019). ‘‘Squaring the Triangle: Why Turkey and the Eastmed Project Need Each Other’’, War on the Rocks, 12 April, squaring-the-triangle-why-turkey-and-the-eastmed-project-need-each-other/ (Accessed July 2022).
  • Rumelili, Bahar (2014). ‘‘Kimlik’’, Şaban Kardaş and Ali Balcı (eds.), Uluslararası İlişkilere Giriş Tarih, Teori, Kavram ve Konular. İstanbul, Küre Yayınları, p. 389-398. Shokri, Umud (2022). ‘‘Israel-Turkey Natural Gas Pipeline: Active Energy Diplomacy in favor of Regional Stability and Security’’, Mena Affairs, 13 February, (Accessed July 2022).
  • Stamouli, Nektaria (2022). ‘‘EastMed: A Pipeline Project that Ran Afoul of Geopolitics and Green Policies’’, Politico, 18 January, (Accessed July 2022).
  • Stemler, Steve (2000). ‘‘An Overview of Content Analysis’’, Practical Assessment, Research, and Evaluation, Vol. 7, No 17, p. 1-6.
  • Theys, Sarina (2017). ‘‘Constructivism’’ Stephen Mclinchey, Roise Walters and Christian Scheinpflug (eds.), International Relations Theory. Bristol, E-International Relations Publishing, p. 36-41.
  • Tugwell, Paul (2020). ‘‘Leaders From Israel, Cyprus, Greece Sign EastMed Gas Pipe Deal’’, Bloomberg, 2 January, (Accessed July 2022).
  • Wendt, Alexander (1992). ‘‘Anarchy Is What States Make of It: The Social Construction of Power Politics’’, International Organization, Vol. 46, No 2, p. 391-425.
  • Wendt, Alexander (1995). ‘‘Constructing International Politics’’, International Security, Vol. 20, No 1, p. 71-81.
  • Winrow, Gareth (2016). ‘‘The Anatomy of a Possible Pipeline: The Case of Turkey and Leviathan and Gas Politics in the Eastern Mediterranean’’, Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, Vol. 18, No 5, p. 431-447.
  • Winrow, Gareth M (2018). “Discovery of Energy Reserves in the Levant and Impacts on Regional Security”, Uluslararası İlişkiler, Vol. 15, No 60, 2018, p. 45-57.
There are 46 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects International Security
Journal Section Research Article

Gizem Alioğlu Çakmak This is me 0000-0002-8860-0857

Early Pub Date August 10, 2023
Publication Date August 27, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 21 Issue: 83


APA Alioğlu Çakmak, G. (2024). The Role of Ideas and Identities in Shaping Economic Decisions: The Eastern Mediterranean Crisis and Turkey-Greece-Cyprus Triangle. Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi, 21(83), 25-40.
AMA Alioğlu Çakmak G. The Role of Ideas and Identities in Shaping Economic Decisions: The Eastern Mediterranean Crisis and Turkey-Greece-Cyprus Triangle. uidergisi. August 2024;21(83):25-40. doi:10.33458/uidergisi.1340494
Chicago Alioğlu Çakmak, Gizem. “The Role of Ideas and Identities in Shaping Economic Decisions: The Eastern Mediterranean Crisis and Turkey-Greece-Cyprus Triangle”. Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi 21, no. 83 (August 2024): 25-40.
EndNote Alioğlu Çakmak G (August 1, 2024) The Role of Ideas and Identities in Shaping Economic Decisions: The Eastern Mediterranean Crisis and Turkey-Greece-Cyprus Triangle. Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi 21 83 25–40.
IEEE G. Alioğlu Çakmak, “The Role of Ideas and Identities in Shaping Economic Decisions: The Eastern Mediterranean Crisis and Turkey-Greece-Cyprus Triangle”, uidergisi, vol. 21, no. 83, pp. 25–40, 2024, doi: 10.33458/uidergisi.1340494.
ISNAD Alioğlu Çakmak, Gizem. “The Role of Ideas and Identities in Shaping Economic Decisions: The Eastern Mediterranean Crisis and Turkey-Greece-Cyprus Triangle”. Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi 21/83 (August 2024), 25-40.
JAMA Alioğlu Çakmak G. The Role of Ideas and Identities in Shaping Economic Decisions: The Eastern Mediterranean Crisis and Turkey-Greece-Cyprus Triangle. uidergisi. 2024;21:25–40.
MLA Alioğlu Çakmak, Gizem. “The Role of Ideas and Identities in Shaping Economic Decisions: The Eastern Mediterranean Crisis and Turkey-Greece-Cyprus Triangle”. Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi, vol. 21, no. 83, 2024, pp. 25-40, doi:10.33458/uidergisi.1340494.
Vancouver Alioğlu Çakmak G. The Role of Ideas and Identities in Shaping Economic Decisions: The Eastern Mediterranean Crisis and Turkey-Greece-Cyprus Triangle. uidergisi. 2024;21(83):25-40.