The Impact of Different Basic Trust Types During Critical Situations: The Case of Saudi Arabia and Kuwait
Year 2024,
Volume: 21 Issue: 83, 81 - 96, 27.08.2024
Tamer Kaşıkcı
Mustafa Yetim
The primary objective of this study is to elucidate the impact of ontological security on states’ foreign policy preferences. The study posits that foreign policy preferences are closely related with their basic trust, a product of the intricate interplay between actor’s agentic capacity and its internal and external environment. This theoretical proposition is subsequently subjected to comparative examination within the contexts of Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. The study contends that despite sharing similar concerns regarding physical and ontological security, these two actors have pursued distinct foreign policy trajectories regarding the Arab uprisings and normalization with Israel that owe to differing types of basic trust. In doing so, the study aims to contribute to the ontological security literature from two perspectives: 1) to refine and elucidate the scope of the basic trust concept by reinterpreting it and highlighting its central role in ontological security analysis, and 2) to contribute to the practical applications of the field by applying the concepts developed in the ontological security literature to case studies of Saudi Arabia and Kuwait.
- Abloshi, Hamad H. 2017. Iran and Kuwait. In Security and Bilateral Issues Between Iran and Its Arab
Neighbors, eds. Anoushiravan Ehteshami, Neil Quilliam, and Gawdat Baghat. Cham, Palgrave
Macmillian: 123-148.
- Adisonmez, Umut Can, and Recep Onursal. 2022. ‘Strong, but Anxious State’: The Fantasmatic
Narratives on Ontological Insecurity and Anxiety in Turkey. Uluslararası İlişkiler 19, 73: 61-75.
- Ahrari, Mohammed E. 1993. Rational Foreign Policy Behavior of a Weak State: The Case of Kuwait.
Australian Journal of International Affairs47, 1: 131-148.
- Al-Aloosy, Massaab. 2020. Saudi–Iranian Relations: Between Identity, Ideology, and Interest. In
Routledge Handbook of Persian Gulf Politics, ed. Mehran Kamrava. Oxon, Routledge: 431-442.
- Alboaouh, Kamel, and Jon Mahoney. 2017. Religious and Political Authority in the Kingdom of Saudi
Arabia: Challenges and Prospects. Manas Journal of Social Studies 6, 2: 241-257.
- Almayadeen. 2023. Saudi Arabia Poll Found ‘Declining’ Support for Israeli Normalization. September 27,
israeli-normal#:~:text=A%20public%20opinion%20poll%2C%20conducted,approximately%20almost%2040%25%20people%20supporting(accessed February 11, 2023).
- Al Monitor. 2019. Palestinians Rally in Response to Kuwaiti Support. July 9,
(accessed January 11, 2023).
- Anadolu Agency. 2020a. Kuwaiti NGOs Denounce Israeli-UAE Deal. August 17,
tr/en/middle-east/kuwaiti-ngos-denounce-israeli-uae-deal/1944017 (accessed January 21, 2023).
- Anadolu Agency. 2020b. Iran Says Bahrain-Israel Normalization Deal ‘Shameful’. September 12,
1971246# (accessed March 17, 2024).
- Arab News. 2022. Kuwait Reaffirms Unwavering Support for Palestinian Cause at UN Panel Meeting.
October 18, (accessed January 12, 2023).
- Assiri, Abdul-Reda. 2019. Kuwait’s Foreign Policy: City-state in World Politics. New York, Routledge.
Bakir, Caner. 2015. Bargaining with Multinationals: Why State Capacity Matters. New Political
Economy 20, 1: 63-84.
- Bank, Andre, Thomas Richter and Anna Sunik. 2014. Durable, Yet Different: Monarchies in the Arab
Spring. Journal of Arabian Studies 4, 2: 163–180.
- BBC. 2014. Saudi Arabia Declares Muslim Brotherhood ‘Terrorist Group’. March 7,
com/news/world-middle-east-26487092(accessed January 23, 2023).
- Beblawi, Hazem. 1987. The Rentier State in The Arab World. Arab Studies Quarterly 9, 4: 383-398.
- Benli Altunışık, Meliha. 2014. Rentier State Theory and the Arab Uprisings: An Appraisal. Uluslararası
İlişkiler 11, 42: 75-91.
- Brichs, Ferran I. and Athina Lampridi-Kemou. 2013. Sociology of Power in Today’s Arab World.In
Political Regimes in the Arab World, ed. Ferran I. Brichs. New York, Routledge: 6–35.
- Browning, Christopher S., and Pertti Joenniemi. 2016. Ontological Security, Self-articulation and the
Securitization of Identity. Cooperation and Conflict 52, 1: 31-47.
- Darwich, May. 2016. The Ontological (In)Security of Similarity: Wahhabism Versus Islamism in Saudi
Foreign Policy. Foreign Policy Analysis12,3: 469–488.
- Ehteshami, Anoushiravan, and Raymond Hinnebusch. 2013. Foreign Policy in the Middle East:
Complex Realism. In International Relations of the Middle East, ed. Louise Fawcett. Oxford:
Oxford University Press: 225–44.
- Ejdus, Filip. 2017. Not a Heap of Stones’: Material Environments and Ontological Security in
International Relations. Cambridge Review of International Affairs 30, 1: 23-43.
- Ejdus, Filip. 2018. Critical Situations, Fundamental Questions and Ontological Insecurity in World
Politics. Journal of International Relations and Development21, 4: 883-908.
- Ejdus, Filip. 2022. Anxiety, Dissonance and Imperial Amnesia of the European Union. Uluslararası
İlişkiler 19, 73: 45-60.
- Erikson, Erik H. 1987. Childhood and Society. London, Paladin Grafton Books.
- Feierstein Gerald M. and Yoel Guzansky. 2022. Two Years on, What is The State of The Abraham Accords? Middle East Institute, September 14.
abraham-accords#:~:text=After%20two%20years%2C%20the%20participating,resulting%20bilateral%20trade%20and%20commerce(accessed January7, 2023).
- Freer, Courtney. 2015. The Rise of Pragmatic Islamism in Kuwait’s Post-Arab Spring Opposition
Movement. The Brookings Institution.
kuwait_freer-finale.pdf (accessed January 14, 2023).
- Gause III, F. Gregory. 2013. The International Politics of the Gulf. In International Relations of the
Middle East, ed. Louise Fawcett, Oxford: Oxford University Press: 272–289.
- The Impact of Different Basic Trust Types During Critical Situations
Ghabra, Shafeeg N. 1997. Balancing State and Society: Islamist Movement in Kuwait. Middle East
Policy 5, 2: 58-72.
- Giddens, Anthony. 2006. Modernity and Self Identity: Self and Society in the Late Modern Age.
Cambridge, Polity Press.
- Hedges, Matthew, and Giorgio Cafiero. 2017. The GCC and the Muslim Brotherhood: What Does the
Future Hold? Middle East Policy 24, 1: 129-153.
- India Today. 2020. Despite UAE Deal, Kuwait’s Position Towards Israel Unchanged in Support of Palestinian Cause: Report. August 16,
report-1711843-2020-08-16 (accessed January 12, 2023).
- Katzman, Kenneth. 2012. Kuwait: Security, Reform, and US Policy. January 30, Congressional Research
Service. (accessed January 12, 2023).
- KayhanPusane, Ozlemand AslıIlgıt. 2022. Ontological Insecurity, Anxiety, and Hubris: An Affective
Account of Turkey-KRG Relations.Uluslararasıİlişkiler19, 73: 95-111.
- Kinnvall, Catarina. 2007. Globalization and Religious Nationalism in India: The Search for Ontological
Security. London, Routledge.
- Kinnvall, Catarina and Jennifer Mitzen. 2020. Anxiety, Fear, and Ontological Security in World Politics:
Thinking With and Beyond Giddens. International Theory 12, 2: 240-256.
- Kneuer, Marianne, Thomas Demmelhuber, Raphael Peresson and Tobias Zumbragel. 2018. Playing the
Regional Card: Why and How Authoritarian Gravity Centers Exploit Regional Organizations.
Third World Quarterly 40, 3: 451-470.
- Krolikowski, Alanna. 2008. State Personhood in Ontological Security Theories of International Relations
and Chinese Nationalism: A Skeptical View. Chinese Journal of International Politics2, 1: 109-133.
- Mabon, Simon. 2012. Kingdom in Crisis? The Arab Spring and Instability in Saudi Arabia. Contemporary
Security Policy 33, 3: 530-553.
- Middle East Monitor. 2019. Kuwait Reiterates Rejection of Israel Normalisation. February 18, https://
(Accessed January 2, 2023).
- Middle East Monitor. 2020. 37 Kuwait MPs call on government to confirm opposition to ties with Israel. August 19,
government-to-confirm-opposition-to-ties-with-israel/ (accessed January 3, 2023).
- Milton-Edwards, Beverley. 2015. The Muslim Brotherhood: The Arab Spring and Its Future Face.
Oxon, Routledge.
- Mitzen, Jennifer. 2006a. Ontological Security in World Politics: State Identity and The Security
Dilemma. European Journal of International Relations12, 3: 341–370.
- Mitzen, Jennifer. 2006b. Anchoring Europe’s Civilizing Identity: Habits, Capabilities and Ontological
Security. Journal of European Public Policy13, 2: 270-285.
- Mitzen, Jennifer and Kyle Larson. 2017. Ontological Security and Foreign Policy. In Oxford Research
Encyclopedia of Politics, ed. William R. Thompson. Online.
display/10.1093/acrefore/9780190228637.001.0001/ acrefore-9780190228637-e-458 (accessed
January 18, 2023).
- Mohammed, Talal. 2020. Saudi Normalisation with Israel Would Leave Kuwait in a Tricky Spot. Middle
East Eye, December 22.
- Noneman, Gerd. 2005. Determinants and Patterns of Saudi Foreign Policy: ‘Omnibalancing’ and
‘Relative Autonomy’ in Multiple Environments. In Saudi Arabia in The Balance: Political
Economy, Society, Foreign Affairs, ed. Gerd Nonneman and Paul Aarts. London, Hurst & Co.:
- Parker, Tyler B. 2020. Why Kuwait Rejects Normalization with Israel. Fair Observer, August 18.
- Rumelili, Bahar. 2015.Conflict Resolution and Ontological Security. London, Routledge.
- Rumelili, Bahar and, Umut Can Adısönmez. 2020. A New Paradigm on the Identity-Security Nexus in
International Relations: Ontological Security Theory [Uluslararası İlişkilerde Kimlik-Güvenlik
İlişkisine Dair Yeni bir Paradigma: Ontolojik Güvenlik Teorisi]. Uluslararası İlişkiler 17, 66:
- Salloukh, Bassel F. 2013. The Arab Uprisings and the Geopolitics of the Middle East. The International
Spectator 48, 2: 32-46.
- Steele, Brent J. 2008. Ontological Security in International Relations. New York, Routledge.
- The Arab Weekly. 2020. Kuwait in for Hard Fight over Normalization with Israel. November 3, https:// (accessed January 25, 2023).
- Ulrichsen, Kristian Coates. 2014. Politics and Opposition in Kuwait: Continuity and Change. Journal
of Arabian Studies 4, 2: 214-230.
- Yom, Sean. 2020. Roles, Identity, and Security: Foreign Policy Contestation in Monarchical Kuwait.
European Journal of International Relations26,2: 569-593.
- Zarakol, Ayşe. 2010. Ontological (In)Security and State Denial of Historical Crimes: Turkey and Japan.
International Relations24, 1: 3–23.
The Impact of Different Basic Trust Types During Critical Situations: The Case of Saudi Arabia and Kuwait
Year 2024,
Volume: 21 Issue: 83, 81 - 96, 27.08.2024
Tamer Kaşıkcı
Mustafa Yetim
The primary objective of this study is to elucidate the impact of ontological security on states’ foreign policy preferences. The study posits that foreign policy preferences are closely related with their basic trust, a product of the intricate interplay between actor’s agentic capacity and its internal and external environment. This theoretical proposition is subsequently subjected to comparative examination within the contexts of Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. The study contends that despite sharing similar concerns regarding physical and ontological security, these two actors have pursued distinct foreign policy trajectories regarding the Arab uprisings and normalization with Israel that owe to differing types of basic trust. In doing so, the study aims to contribute to the ontological security literature from two perspectives: 1) to refine and elucidate the scope of the basic trust concept by reinterpreting it and highlighting its central role in ontological security analysis, and 2) to contribute to the practical applications of the field by applying the concepts developed in the ontological security literature to case studies of Saudi Arabia and Kuwait.
- Abloshi, Hamad H. 2017. Iran and Kuwait. In Security and Bilateral Issues Between Iran and Its Arab
Neighbors, eds. Anoushiravan Ehteshami, Neil Quilliam, and Gawdat Baghat. Cham, Palgrave
Macmillian: 123-148.
- Adisonmez, Umut Can, and Recep Onursal. 2022. ‘Strong, but Anxious State’: The Fantasmatic
Narratives on Ontological Insecurity and Anxiety in Turkey. Uluslararası İlişkiler 19, 73: 61-75.
- Ahrari, Mohammed E. 1993. Rational Foreign Policy Behavior of a Weak State: The Case of Kuwait.
Australian Journal of International Affairs47, 1: 131-148.
- Al-Aloosy, Massaab. 2020. Saudi–Iranian Relations: Between Identity, Ideology, and Interest. In
Routledge Handbook of Persian Gulf Politics, ed. Mehran Kamrava. Oxon, Routledge: 431-442.
- Alboaouh, Kamel, and Jon Mahoney. 2017. Religious and Political Authority in the Kingdom of Saudi
Arabia: Challenges and Prospects. Manas Journal of Social Studies 6, 2: 241-257.
- Almayadeen. 2023. Saudi Arabia Poll Found ‘Declining’ Support for Israeli Normalization. September 27,
israeli-normal#:~:text=A%20public%20opinion%20poll%2C%20conducted,approximately%20almost%2040%25%20people%20supporting(accessed February 11, 2023).
- Al Monitor. 2019. Palestinians Rally in Response to Kuwaiti Support. July 9,
(accessed January 11, 2023).
- Anadolu Agency. 2020a. Kuwaiti NGOs Denounce Israeli-UAE Deal. August 17,
tr/en/middle-east/kuwaiti-ngos-denounce-israeli-uae-deal/1944017 (accessed January 21, 2023).
- Anadolu Agency. 2020b. Iran Says Bahrain-Israel Normalization Deal ‘Shameful’. September 12,
1971246# (accessed March 17, 2024).
- Arab News. 2022. Kuwait Reaffirms Unwavering Support for Palestinian Cause at UN Panel Meeting.
October 18, (accessed January 12, 2023).
- Assiri, Abdul-Reda. 2019. Kuwait’s Foreign Policy: City-state in World Politics. New York, Routledge.
Bakir, Caner. 2015. Bargaining with Multinationals: Why State Capacity Matters. New Political
Economy 20, 1: 63-84.
- Bank, Andre, Thomas Richter and Anna Sunik. 2014. Durable, Yet Different: Monarchies in the Arab
Spring. Journal of Arabian Studies 4, 2: 163–180.
- BBC. 2014. Saudi Arabia Declares Muslim Brotherhood ‘Terrorist Group’. March 7,
com/news/world-middle-east-26487092(accessed January 23, 2023).
- Beblawi, Hazem. 1987. The Rentier State in The Arab World. Arab Studies Quarterly 9, 4: 383-398.
- Benli Altunışık, Meliha. 2014. Rentier State Theory and the Arab Uprisings: An Appraisal. Uluslararası
İlişkiler 11, 42: 75-91.
- Brichs, Ferran I. and Athina Lampridi-Kemou. 2013. Sociology of Power in Today’s Arab World.In
Political Regimes in the Arab World, ed. Ferran I. Brichs. New York, Routledge: 6–35.
- Browning, Christopher S., and Pertti Joenniemi. 2016. Ontological Security, Self-articulation and the
Securitization of Identity. Cooperation and Conflict 52, 1: 31-47.
- Darwich, May. 2016. The Ontological (In)Security of Similarity: Wahhabism Versus Islamism in Saudi
Foreign Policy. Foreign Policy Analysis12,3: 469–488.
- Ehteshami, Anoushiravan, and Raymond Hinnebusch. 2013. Foreign Policy in the Middle East:
Complex Realism. In International Relations of the Middle East, ed. Louise Fawcett. Oxford:
Oxford University Press: 225–44.
- Ejdus, Filip. 2017. Not a Heap of Stones’: Material Environments and Ontological Security in
International Relations. Cambridge Review of International Affairs 30, 1: 23-43.
- Ejdus, Filip. 2018. Critical Situations, Fundamental Questions and Ontological Insecurity in World
Politics. Journal of International Relations and Development21, 4: 883-908.
- Ejdus, Filip. 2022. Anxiety, Dissonance and Imperial Amnesia of the European Union. Uluslararası
İlişkiler 19, 73: 45-60.
- Erikson, Erik H. 1987. Childhood and Society. London, Paladin Grafton Books.
- Feierstein Gerald M. and Yoel Guzansky. 2022. Two Years on, What is The State of The Abraham Accords? Middle East Institute, September 14.
abraham-accords#:~:text=After%20two%20years%2C%20the%20participating,resulting%20bilateral%20trade%20and%20commerce(accessed January7, 2023).
- Freer, Courtney. 2015. The Rise of Pragmatic Islamism in Kuwait’s Post-Arab Spring Opposition
Movement. The Brookings Institution.
kuwait_freer-finale.pdf (accessed January 14, 2023).
- Gause III, F. Gregory. 2013. The International Politics of the Gulf. In International Relations of the
Middle East, ed. Louise Fawcett, Oxford: Oxford University Press: 272–289.
- The Impact of Different Basic Trust Types During Critical Situations
Ghabra, Shafeeg N. 1997. Balancing State and Society: Islamist Movement in Kuwait. Middle East
Policy 5, 2: 58-72.
- Giddens, Anthony. 2006. Modernity and Self Identity: Self and Society in the Late Modern Age.
Cambridge, Polity Press.
- Hedges, Matthew, and Giorgio Cafiero. 2017. The GCC and the Muslim Brotherhood: What Does the
Future Hold? Middle East Policy 24, 1: 129-153.
- India Today. 2020. Despite UAE Deal, Kuwait’s Position Towards Israel Unchanged in Support of Palestinian Cause: Report. August 16,
report-1711843-2020-08-16 (accessed January 12, 2023).
- Katzman, Kenneth. 2012. Kuwait: Security, Reform, and US Policy. January 30, Congressional Research
Service. (accessed January 12, 2023).
- KayhanPusane, Ozlemand AslıIlgıt. 2022. Ontological Insecurity, Anxiety, and Hubris: An Affective
Account of Turkey-KRG Relations.Uluslararasıİlişkiler19, 73: 95-111.
- Kinnvall, Catarina. 2007. Globalization and Religious Nationalism in India: The Search for Ontological
Security. London, Routledge.
- Kinnvall, Catarina and Jennifer Mitzen. 2020. Anxiety, Fear, and Ontological Security in World Politics:
Thinking With and Beyond Giddens. International Theory 12, 2: 240-256.
- Kneuer, Marianne, Thomas Demmelhuber, Raphael Peresson and Tobias Zumbragel. 2018. Playing the
Regional Card: Why and How Authoritarian Gravity Centers Exploit Regional Organizations.
Third World Quarterly 40, 3: 451-470.
- Krolikowski, Alanna. 2008. State Personhood in Ontological Security Theories of International Relations
and Chinese Nationalism: A Skeptical View. Chinese Journal of International Politics2, 1: 109-133.
- Mabon, Simon. 2012. Kingdom in Crisis? The Arab Spring and Instability in Saudi Arabia. Contemporary
Security Policy 33, 3: 530-553.
- Middle East Monitor. 2019. Kuwait Reiterates Rejection of Israel Normalisation. February 18, https://
(Accessed January 2, 2023).
- Middle East Monitor. 2020. 37 Kuwait MPs call on government to confirm opposition to ties with Israel. August 19,
government-to-confirm-opposition-to-ties-with-israel/ (accessed January 3, 2023).
- Milton-Edwards, Beverley. 2015. The Muslim Brotherhood: The Arab Spring and Its Future Face.
Oxon, Routledge.
- Mitzen, Jennifer. 2006a. Ontological Security in World Politics: State Identity and The Security
Dilemma. European Journal of International Relations12, 3: 341–370.
- Mitzen, Jennifer. 2006b. Anchoring Europe’s Civilizing Identity: Habits, Capabilities and Ontological
Security. Journal of European Public Policy13, 2: 270-285.
- Mitzen, Jennifer and Kyle Larson. 2017. Ontological Security and Foreign Policy. In Oxford Research
Encyclopedia of Politics, ed. William R. Thompson. Online.
display/10.1093/acrefore/9780190228637.001.0001/ acrefore-9780190228637-e-458 (accessed
January 18, 2023).
- Mohammed, Talal. 2020. Saudi Normalisation with Israel Would Leave Kuwait in a Tricky Spot. Middle
East Eye, December 22.
- Noneman, Gerd. 2005. Determinants and Patterns of Saudi Foreign Policy: ‘Omnibalancing’ and
‘Relative Autonomy’ in Multiple Environments. In Saudi Arabia in The Balance: Political
Economy, Society, Foreign Affairs, ed. Gerd Nonneman and Paul Aarts. London, Hurst & Co.:
- Parker, Tyler B. 2020. Why Kuwait Rejects Normalization with Israel. Fair Observer, August 18.
- Rumelili, Bahar. 2015.Conflict Resolution and Ontological Security. London, Routledge.
- Rumelili, Bahar and, Umut Can Adısönmez. 2020. A New Paradigm on the Identity-Security Nexus in
International Relations: Ontological Security Theory [Uluslararası İlişkilerde Kimlik-Güvenlik
İlişkisine Dair Yeni bir Paradigma: Ontolojik Güvenlik Teorisi]. Uluslararası İlişkiler 17, 66:
- Salloukh, Bassel F. 2013. The Arab Uprisings and the Geopolitics of the Middle East. The International
Spectator 48, 2: 32-46.
- Steele, Brent J. 2008. Ontological Security in International Relations. New York, Routledge.
- The Arab Weekly. 2020. Kuwait in for Hard Fight over Normalization with Israel. November 3, https:// (accessed January 25, 2023).
- Ulrichsen, Kristian Coates. 2014. Politics and Opposition in Kuwait: Continuity and Change. Journal
of Arabian Studies 4, 2: 214-230.
- Yom, Sean. 2020. Roles, Identity, and Security: Foreign Policy Contestation in Monarchical Kuwait.
European Journal of International Relations26,2: 569-593.
- Zarakol, Ayşe. 2010. Ontological (In)Security and State Denial of Historical Crimes: Turkey and Japan.
International Relations24, 1: 3–23.