The Paradigm of Creative Class in a Global Milieu
Year 2024,
, 141 - 167, 27.10.2024
Iryna Skavronska
This paper discusses the creative class as a new layer of contemporary society that drives entrepreneurship, innovation and dynamism of economy. Current social and economic transformations are caused by new factors which affect the emergence of creative class. The potential of creative professionals has become one of the major means of the national development as it contributes to maximizing welfare, enriches consumption and improves standards of living. Creative class is a strategic input for companies and government agencies looking for more effective communication and new ways to stand out. The purpose of this study is aimed at the in-depth clarifying and summarizing of the theoretical background about creative class in a global milieu, including its specific lifestyle, and how it relates to other concept such as creative employment. The underlying argument is that creativity is one of the constructs of those skills, knowledge and abilities required by the modern labor market in the face of globalization challenges. The presented findings of the paper include a more holistic approach to identifying a range of determinants and metrics important for the successful promotion of creative employment. In light of these findings, the article concludes with discussing the rise of creative class in a global scale.
- Abramo, L. (2022). Policies to address the challenges of existing and new forms of informality in Latin America. Social Policy series, No. 240 (LC/TS.2021/137). Santiago, Chile: Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC).
- Ager, P. & Brückner, M. (2013). Cultural diversity and economic growth: Evidence from the US during the age of mass migration. European Economic Review, 64, 76-97.
- Boschma, R. A., & Fritsch, M. (2009). Creative class and regional growth: Empirical evidence from seven European countries. Economic Geography, 85(4), 391-423.
- Clifton, N. (2008). The creative class in the UK: An initial analysis. Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography, 90(1), 63-82.
- Coldibeli, L. (2013, February 7). Conheca a economia criativa e veja 5 dicas para empreender na area. UOL Economia.
- Creative Industries Federation. (2020). COVID-19 – Impact, restart and recovery. UK Parliament.
- Datareportal. (2023). Digital around the world.
- Department for Culture, Media & Sport. (2015, January 13). Creative industries economic estimates:
Statistical release. UK DCMS. Retrieved from:
5a75c589e5274a545822e183/Creative Industries Economic Estimates - January 2015.pdf
- Department for Culture, Media & Sport. (2016, July 6). Creative industries: Focus on employment.
Retrieved from:
on Employment revised 040716.pdf
- Department for Culture, Media & Sport. (2001, April 9). Creative industries mapping document. UK DCMS. Retrieved from:
- Diez, E. P., & Garcia, F. (2013). El desarrollo del mercado audiovisual en Argentina: Una industria de exportacion. Palabra Clave, 16(2), 131-150.
- Dodgson, M., & Gann, D. (2010). Joseph Schumpeter’s gales of creative destruction. In Innovation: A very short introduction (1st ed., pp. 21-40). Oxford University Press.
- European Commission. (2021). Culture and Creativity. European Commission.
- Fairlie, Z. (2012). Economic development strategy: The creative capital theory. Major Themes in Economics,
14, 1-12.
- Faludi, J. (2019). The paradigm of the creative class in regional and urban development revisited: An overview. Canadian Journal of Social Science and Philosophy, 2(2), 9-20.
- Fibre2Fashion. (2016). Thailand’s booming textile and apparel industry. Fibre2Fashion. https://www.
- Florida, R., & Pedigo, S. (2016). The consumer redefined: The creative class. Creative Class Group.
- Florida, R. (2002). The rise of the creative class and how it’s transforming work, leisure, community, and everyday life. HarperBusiness.
- Florida, R. (2012). The rise of the creative class (2nd ed.). Basic Books.
- Florida, R. (2014). The creative class and economic development. Economic Development Quarterly,
28(3), 196-205.
- Florida, R., Mellander, C. & King, K. (2015). The global creativity index 2015. Martin Prosperity Institute.
- German Network Promoting Creative Industries & The National Association Creatives Germany. (2020).
PCI: Promoting creative industries - Corona pandemic: It affects the cultural and creative industries in three waves. German Network Promoting Creative Industries.
- Grant, R. (1996). Toward a knowledge-based theory of the firm. Strategic Management Journal, 17, 109-122.
- Guilford, J. P. (1967). The nature of human intelligence. McGraw-Hill.
- Hall, S. B. (2020, May 15). How COVID-19 is taking gaming and esports to the next level. World Economic Forum.
- Hansen, H.K. & Niedomysl, T. (2009). Migration of the creative class: evidence from Sweden. Journal of
Economic Geography, 9(2), 191–206.
- Martin-Brelot, H., Grossetti, M., Eckert, D., Gritsai, O., & Kovacs, Z. (2010). The spatial mobility of the ‘creative class’: A European perspective. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 34(4), 854-870.
- Howkins, J. (2001). The creative economy. London: Penguin.
- Ibert, O. (2019). Creative class. In A. M. Orum (Ed.), The Wiley Blackwell encyclopedia of urban and regional studies (Vol. 1, pp. 394–397). Wiley Blackwell.
- International Labour Organization. (2022). World employment and social outlook: Trends 2022 (Report No.
124). International Labour Organization.
- Kogut, B. & Zander, U. (1992). Knowledge of the firm, combinative capabilities, and the replication of technology. Organization Science, 3 (3), 383-397.
- Landry, C. (2000). The creative city: A toolkit for urban innovators (7th ed.). Comedia.
- Loretta, L., Slater, T. & Wyly, E. K. (2008). Gentrification. Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
- Markusen, A. (2006). Urban development and the politics of a creative class: evidence from a study of
artists. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 38(10), 1921-1940.
- Markusen, A., Wassall, G., DeNatale, D. & Cohen, R. (2008). Defining the creative economy: Industry and occupational approaches. Economic Development Quarterly, 22(1), 24-45.
- Marlet, G. & von Woerkens, C. (2007). The Dutch creative class and how it fosters urban employment
growth. Urban Studies, 44(13), 2605–2626.
- McGranahan, D. & Wojan, T. (2007). Recasting the creative class to examine growth processes in rural
and urban counties. Regional Studies, (41) 2, 197-216.
- Möller, J. & Tubadjı, A. (2008). The creative class, bohemians and local labor market performance
– A micro-data panel study for Germany 1975-2004 (ZEW Discussion Paper No. 08-
135). Zentrum f¨ur Europ¨aische Wirtschaftsforschung (ZEW).
- Neumark, D., & Reed, D. (2002). Employment relationships in the new economy (NBER Working Paper
No. 8910). National Bureau of Economic Research.
- Nonaka, I. (1994). A dynamic theory of organizational knowledge creation. Organization Science, 5(1),
- Nurse, K. (2018). The digital creative economy and trade: Strategic options for developing countries. In
WTO,World trade report 2018: The future of world trade: How digital technologies are transforming
global commerce (pp. 254–276). World Trade Organization.
- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. (2019). The future of work: OECD employment
outlook 2019: Highlights. OECD Publishing.
- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. (2020). Culture shock: COVID-19 and the cultural and creative sectors. In Tackling coronavirus (COVID-19): Contributing to a global effort.
OECD Publishing.
- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. (2020a). Supporting livelihoods during the
COVID-19 crisis: Closing the gaps in safety nets. OECD Publishing.
- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. (2021). The territorial impact of COVID-19: Managing the crisis across levels of government. OECD Publishing. 128287-5agkkojaaa&title=
- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. (2022). Cultural and creative jobs and skills:
Who, what, where, and why it matters. In The culture fix: Creative people, places and industries. OECD Publishing.
- Peck, J. (2012). Recreative City: Amsterdam, Vehicular Ideas and the Adaptive Spaces of Creativity
Policy. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 36(3), 462-485.
- Renner, K. (1953). Wandlungen der modernen Gesellschaft. Verlag der Wiener Volksbuchhandlung.
- Rodrigo, G. C. (2011). Micro and macro: The economic divide. Finance & Development. International
Monetary Fund.
- Romer, P. M. (1990). Endogenous Technological Change. Journal of Political Economy 98(5), 71-102.
- Schumpeter, J. A. (1912). Theory of economic development. Routledge.
- Schumpeter, J. A. (1942). Capitalism, socialism and democracy (Vol. 36). Harper & Row.
- Skavronska I. (2023). Creative class in T¨urkiye: New job prospects. Technicum Social Sciences Journal.
52, 164-182.
- Skavronska, I. (2024). Enhancing the competitiveness of enterprises through creativity in a global economy.
Turkish Research Journal of Academic Social Sciences, 6 (2), 129-138.
- Skavronska, I.V. (2017). Creative industries in Ukraine: Analysis and prospects of the development. Economics & Sociology, 10 (2), 87-106.
- Statista. (2023). The most spoken languages worldwide in 2023. Statista.
- Tencer, D. (2017, April 26). 85% of jobs that will exist in 2030 haven’t been invented yet: Dell. HuffPost. ca 5cd4e7dae4b07bc72973112c
- The State Council Information Office, The People’s Republic of China. (2023, March 29). China files
record number of European patent applications in 2022.
2023-03/29/content 85198424.htm
- UNCTAD. (2022). Creative economy outlook 2022: Overview. The ınternational year of creative economy
for sustainable development: Pathway to resilient creative industries. Geneva: United Nations
Conference on Trade and Development.
- UNESCO. (2017). Reshaping cultural policies: Advancing creativity for development. Paris: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.
- UNESCO. (2021). The Tracker: Culture & public policy (Issue 5, pp. 1-30).
- UNESCO. (2022). Assessment of the impact of COVID-19 on cultural and creative industries. Paris: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.
- Wojan, T. (2014). Creative class (Richard Florida). In: A.C. Michalos (eds), Encyclopedia of quality of
life and well-being research. 3332.
- Wong, C. (2005). The growth of the creative industries and implications on the business environment and
business. Refereed paper presented at the ANZAM Conference.
uploads/pdf-manager/2554 WONG CAROLINE IM-09.PDF
- Zhao, K., Zhang, Y., Zhao, J., & Li, X. (2020). Understanding contributions of the creative class to sustainable economic growth in China. Sustainability, 12(4), 1304.
- Zuo, M. (2022, March 24). China’s wealthy still value Western education, but most feel their children’s
future lies in China, survey reveals. South China Morning Post.
The Paradigm of Creative Class in a Global Milieu
Year 2024,
, 141 - 167, 27.10.2024
Iryna Skavronska
This paper discusses the creative class as a new layer of contemporary society that drives entrepreneurship, innovation and dynamism of economy. Current social and economic transformations are caused by new factors which affect the emergence of creative class. The potential of creative professionals has become one of the major means of the national development as it contributes to maximizing welfare, enriches consumption and improves standards of living. Creative class is a strategic input for companies and government agencies looking for more effective communication and new ways to stand out. The purpose of this study is aimed at the in-depth clarifying and summarizing of the theoretical background about creative class in a global milieu, including its specific lifestyle, and how it relates to other concept such as creative employment. The underlying argument is that creativity is one of the constructs of those skills, knowledge and abilities required by the modern labor market in the face of globalization challenges. The presented findings of the paper include a more holistic approach to identifying a range of determinants and metrics important for the successful promotion of creative employment. In light of these findings, the article concludes with discussing the rise of creative class in a global scale.
Ethical Statement
Ethics committee approval is not required for this article.
I would like to thank to publishers and editorial board for providing the most essential and important comments and publishing my article.
- Abramo, L. (2022). Policies to address the challenges of existing and new forms of informality in Latin America. Social Policy series, No. 240 (LC/TS.2021/137). Santiago, Chile: Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC).
- Ager, P. & Brückner, M. (2013). Cultural diversity and economic growth: Evidence from the US during the age of mass migration. European Economic Review, 64, 76-97.
- Boschma, R. A., & Fritsch, M. (2009). Creative class and regional growth: Empirical evidence from seven European countries. Economic Geography, 85(4), 391-423.
- Clifton, N. (2008). The creative class in the UK: An initial analysis. Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography, 90(1), 63-82.
- Coldibeli, L. (2013, February 7). Conheca a economia criativa e veja 5 dicas para empreender na area. UOL Economia.
- Creative Industries Federation. (2020). COVID-19 – Impact, restart and recovery. UK Parliament.
- Datareportal. (2023). Digital around the world.
- Department for Culture, Media & Sport. (2015, January 13). Creative industries economic estimates:
Statistical release. UK DCMS. Retrieved from:
5a75c589e5274a545822e183/Creative Industries Economic Estimates - January 2015.pdf
- Department for Culture, Media & Sport. (2016, July 6). Creative industries: Focus on employment.
Retrieved from:
on Employment revised 040716.pdf
- Department for Culture, Media & Sport. (2001, April 9). Creative industries mapping document. UK DCMS. Retrieved from:
- Diez, E. P., & Garcia, F. (2013). El desarrollo del mercado audiovisual en Argentina: Una industria de exportacion. Palabra Clave, 16(2), 131-150.
- Dodgson, M., & Gann, D. (2010). Joseph Schumpeter’s gales of creative destruction. In Innovation: A very short introduction (1st ed., pp. 21-40). Oxford University Press.
- European Commission. (2021). Culture and Creativity. European Commission.
- Fairlie, Z. (2012). Economic development strategy: The creative capital theory. Major Themes in Economics,
14, 1-12.
- Faludi, J. (2019). The paradigm of the creative class in regional and urban development revisited: An overview. Canadian Journal of Social Science and Philosophy, 2(2), 9-20.
- Fibre2Fashion. (2016). Thailand’s booming textile and apparel industry. Fibre2Fashion. https://www.
- Florida, R., & Pedigo, S. (2016). The consumer redefined: The creative class. Creative Class Group.
- Florida, R. (2002). The rise of the creative class and how it’s transforming work, leisure, community, and everyday life. HarperBusiness.
- Florida, R. (2012). The rise of the creative class (2nd ed.). Basic Books.
- Florida, R. (2014). The creative class and economic development. Economic Development Quarterly,
28(3), 196-205.
- Florida, R., Mellander, C. & King, K. (2015). The global creativity index 2015. Martin Prosperity Institute.
- German Network Promoting Creative Industries & The National Association Creatives Germany. (2020).
PCI: Promoting creative industries - Corona pandemic: It affects the cultural and creative industries in three waves. German Network Promoting Creative Industries.
- Grant, R. (1996). Toward a knowledge-based theory of the firm. Strategic Management Journal, 17, 109-122.
- Guilford, J. P. (1967). The nature of human intelligence. McGraw-Hill.
- Hall, S. B. (2020, May 15). How COVID-19 is taking gaming and esports to the next level. World Economic Forum.
- Hansen, H.K. & Niedomysl, T. (2009). Migration of the creative class: evidence from Sweden. Journal of
Economic Geography, 9(2), 191–206.
- Martin-Brelot, H., Grossetti, M., Eckert, D., Gritsai, O., & Kovacs, Z. (2010). The spatial mobility of the ‘creative class’: A European perspective. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 34(4), 854-870.
- Howkins, J. (2001). The creative economy. London: Penguin.
- Ibert, O. (2019). Creative class. In A. M. Orum (Ed.), The Wiley Blackwell encyclopedia of urban and regional studies (Vol. 1, pp. 394–397). Wiley Blackwell.
- International Labour Organization. (2022). World employment and social outlook: Trends 2022 (Report No.
124). International Labour Organization.
- Kogut, B. & Zander, U. (1992). Knowledge of the firm, combinative capabilities, and the replication of technology. Organization Science, 3 (3), 383-397.
- Landry, C. (2000). The creative city: A toolkit for urban innovators (7th ed.). Comedia.
- Loretta, L., Slater, T. & Wyly, E. K. (2008). Gentrification. Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
- Markusen, A. (2006). Urban development and the politics of a creative class: evidence from a study of
artists. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 38(10), 1921-1940.
- Markusen, A., Wassall, G., DeNatale, D. & Cohen, R. (2008). Defining the creative economy: Industry and occupational approaches. Economic Development Quarterly, 22(1), 24-45.
- Marlet, G. & von Woerkens, C. (2007). The Dutch creative class and how it fosters urban employment
growth. Urban Studies, 44(13), 2605–2626.
- McGranahan, D. & Wojan, T. (2007). Recasting the creative class to examine growth processes in rural
and urban counties. Regional Studies, (41) 2, 197-216.
- Möller, J. & Tubadjı, A. (2008). The creative class, bohemians and local labor market performance
– A micro-data panel study for Germany 1975-2004 (ZEW Discussion Paper No. 08-
135). Zentrum f¨ur Europ¨aische Wirtschaftsforschung (ZEW).
- Neumark, D., & Reed, D. (2002). Employment relationships in the new economy (NBER Working Paper
No. 8910). National Bureau of Economic Research.
- Nonaka, I. (1994). A dynamic theory of organizational knowledge creation. Organization Science, 5(1),
- Nurse, K. (2018). The digital creative economy and trade: Strategic options for developing countries. In
WTO,World trade report 2018: The future of world trade: How digital technologies are transforming
global commerce (pp. 254–276). World Trade Organization.
- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. (2019). The future of work: OECD employment
outlook 2019: Highlights. OECD Publishing.
- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. (2020). Culture shock: COVID-19 and the cultural and creative sectors. In Tackling coronavirus (COVID-19): Contributing to a global effort.
OECD Publishing.
- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. (2020a). Supporting livelihoods during the
COVID-19 crisis: Closing the gaps in safety nets. OECD Publishing.
- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. (2021). The territorial impact of COVID-19: Managing the crisis across levels of government. OECD Publishing. 128287-5agkkojaaa&title=
- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. (2022). Cultural and creative jobs and skills:
Who, what, where, and why it matters. In The culture fix: Creative people, places and industries. OECD Publishing.
- Peck, J. (2012). Recreative City: Amsterdam, Vehicular Ideas and the Adaptive Spaces of Creativity
Policy. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 36(3), 462-485.
- Renner, K. (1953). Wandlungen der modernen Gesellschaft. Verlag der Wiener Volksbuchhandlung.
- Rodrigo, G. C. (2011). Micro and macro: The economic divide. Finance & Development. International
Monetary Fund.
- Romer, P. M. (1990). Endogenous Technological Change. Journal of Political Economy 98(5), 71-102.
- Schumpeter, J. A. (1912). Theory of economic development. Routledge.
- Schumpeter, J. A. (1942). Capitalism, socialism and democracy (Vol. 36). Harper & Row.
- Skavronska I. (2023). Creative class in T¨urkiye: New job prospects. Technicum Social Sciences Journal.
52, 164-182.
- Skavronska, I. (2024). Enhancing the competitiveness of enterprises through creativity in a global economy.
Turkish Research Journal of Academic Social Sciences, 6 (2), 129-138.
- Skavronska, I.V. (2017). Creative industries in Ukraine: Analysis and prospects of the development. Economics & Sociology, 10 (2), 87-106.
- Statista. (2023). The most spoken languages worldwide in 2023. Statista.
- Tencer, D. (2017, April 26). 85% of jobs that will exist in 2030 haven’t been invented yet: Dell. HuffPost. ca 5cd4e7dae4b07bc72973112c
- The State Council Information Office, The People’s Republic of China. (2023, March 29). China files
record number of European patent applications in 2022.
2023-03/29/content 85198424.htm
- UNCTAD. (2022). Creative economy outlook 2022: Overview. The ınternational year of creative economy
for sustainable development: Pathway to resilient creative industries. Geneva: United Nations
Conference on Trade and Development.
- UNESCO. (2017). Reshaping cultural policies: Advancing creativity for development. Paris: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.
- UNESCO. (2021). The Tracker: Culture & public policy (Issue 5, pp. 1-30).
- UNESCO. (2022). Assessment of the impact of COVID-19 on cultural and creative industries. Paris: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.
- Wojan, T. (2014). Creative class (Richard Florida). In: A.C. Michalos (eds), Encyclopedia of quality of
life and well-being research. 3332.
- Wong, C. (2005). The growth of the creative industries and implications on the business environment and
business. Refereed paper presented at the ANZAM Conference.
uploads/pdf-manager/2554 WONG CAROLINE IM-09.PDF
- Zhao, K., Zhang, Y., Zhao, J., & Li, X. (2020). Understanding contributions of the creative class to sustainable economic growth in China. Sustainability, 12(4), 1304.
- Zuo, M. (2022, March 24). China’s wealthy still value Western education, but most feel their children’s
future lies in China, survey reveals. South China Morning Post.